FRIDAY, MARCH 7. T< MATT-er-a-FACT Just who will be in Pena State's to work hard for there’s a lot of who could also move up to Id?, i starting kneup when the Lion.competition.” ' There’s still a week left before :SfSSr^^t?Wr^^; th S i^ l ? e al g ddle,rci2ht S^itW Wlli »“ v * to ■sodation title next weekend " ' fmai choices. The EIWA toumey the big question around the u pp e r . long regarded as second only to The- truly great athlete is the versatile one the rnm r 6^ 11 ail these I'weights. As otjgN&BBL the NCAA event m championship me truly great atmete IS me \e.same one, the com- Only two positions are defi-, now, it looks likejK . IB calibre—ooens next Friday after. |mtdy seh Two-time EIWA 130-George JR *ttFfeWiW pound, champ and last years will get the nodVßk T . „ w ■NCAA winner Johnny Johnston at 167 and ** Jr * Cornell nave oeen is set to go at 130 and Roy Pot-;Barone the nicirWl.. 85> M lh f e3r « 5 ’ Sl?^ les tiosy the hero of the Pitt upset at 177. But things M University of Pittsburgh s last Saturday, will be in the:could chanseß M agent Car heavyweight slot. .George’s broth- ■&, P !^ wo?Tin o^v d Shi Penn fc?ye adfSicSt competition. being displayed in where trcmr 147- ncy^tnumohr^h^h I "anrifcorneii the middleweight rants—l 37. 177 (although he’s a long shot the besets H 7, and 157. Either Gordon .choice). And then there’s Minor “ e bCSt tS at tblS - Danks. or Jack Maher will get —- the nod at 123 but after that, not even Coach Charlie Spei del knows what elimination bat tles. will take place. “There will be a lot of battles ; for position,” Speidel said. “T don’t, know what will happen. I have! yp|l| Dan Johnston, Gay (Guccione). •*» (Poust) and Sam (Minor) all . | fighting in the middleweight^., ! Guy and Dan will probably meet at 13T and the loser will then ,probably challenge Ear) (for the 147-pound berth). And then the loser there will probably chal lenge Sam. | “Like I said, everyone will have' petitor who can. do nearly everything and do it well. This is particularly true of the world s oldest surviving, sport, gym-: nasties. The event which shows the greatest versatility of j the gymnast is the rugged, tiring all-around competition As the Lion’s great Olympian. Armando Vega said, last year af-[coursev we have never seen. Maa-i ter he won- the Eastern all-around saehusett’s Heins — ’ with the highest total in the a^ ion -" , ° rßut Coach Gene 4 league record books, “An. all- we 11 stone isn’t around man doesn’t strive for| one g^ ve . 'jUL .‘.jn perfection, he just wants to finish a bia a er -™”- Jtißg a routine ” A. good finished rou- buildup thin ' lEf tine is of more value to the all- deserves-partic- J£l around man than one or two ex- „i ar ;,. h :, _,,, n : WgL ; ■ tw cellent exercises and a break on men y ggp ’ another. The break will lose more] pi';., _= n _ ’•?'ttsaS for the competitor than he will ch a pi o n Tom k WBB I gam wth the above—par perform- Darling is a sure ] ance on another. bet to 6 repeat> al . * m. Wl We are telling- you this, ha- though we hesi- si«i« cause tonight you will have an tate to predict the outcome of thej srssts^^ Cim horse, high bar, parand Ka-» nmgham had bad form last week. long horse vault and still rings, but the kid can beat Cadet Gar Most of the 11 all-around com- (Continued on page eight) petitors will have trouble scoring ‘ : in the high figures on some of the events; There are many rea sons. One, they are not used to the apparatus (such as the “beast ly” side horse or still rings be cause they are limited to three events in regular meets and do not. work these pie ces regularly). Two,, they are dog-tired fr em competing in ell six events plus their specialty (like Jay Wer ner Who also Dszßsc competes on the flying rings, etc:). Three, they are under terrific pressure in a star-studded field as opposed to- the Usual dual- meet competition. There is another hitch to the all-around this Tear —in that the specialist gets a distinct break in fha now combined scoring system. Scores of both. Friday's preliminaries, and. Sat urday's finals both as* tabulat ed in. the athlete's final scorn. When the all-around man competes on ah sir pieces end then, also-. fm- an indi vidual title, he- is usually phy sically "heal" before he mnimtr the piece; The specialist, who only competes on one appara tus. has' b new handicap. But the new rule may be foe the bettpe. Anyway we ax* glad to see the Eastern coaches at least give the new changes a tryout in their circuit. Well form a definite opinion after file meet So win the coaches. This writer goes along with the Eastern coaches in picking sopho mores Jay Warner mid Lee Cun ningham 1-2 in the all-around. Of Frosh Lacrosse Freshmen interested in playing lacrosse should report between 9 a.m. and 3 pan. thik week to 211 Bee. Hall or to the Nittany -Tenm Room across from the Ice Skating rink anytime after 4 pjn. THE House or HIGH FIDELITY Custom Hi-Fi Expert repair radio, phono, laps recorder SHADLE ASSOCIATES Corner Bearer Sc £& Alien (Under Whelan Drags] THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA By MATT MATHEWS Assistant Sports Editor LIBERAL EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PROGRAM AT DU PONT INCLUDES INSURANCE, SAVINGS AND STOCK PUNS WHAT'S YOUR LINE? DU PONT NEEDS ALL KINDS OF ENGINEERS DuPont baa always needed chem ist* and chemical engineer*, and •till does. But today, there’s critical need for engineers in almost every other field—civil, mechanical, elec trical, instrumental and industrial engineering, to name a few. Expansion Is the major reason. In 1957. for example, sale* at DuPont were nearly two billion dollars. Four new plants were being built. 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Name the subject that interests, yon in a letter In Du Font, 2494-F Nbaaonrc BnthHitr, WHsdngtoa 9\ Bet, Matraen Prep for EIWA Title Defense But Starting Lineup Still Unknown PERSONALIZED * H.J.Hollberg (JHL DuPont Representative yPMF What you. join- Du Pont a a a scientist or engineer, you're given, an actual project assign ment almost at once and begin to team yoar job by doing, it. That's the essence, of oar train ing philosophy at DuPont. Our objective is to give you responsibility at the outset and qualify you- quickly far more, because the more uie grow, the more we need trained tenders. Although there is no one training program at DuPont (each of our many depart ments runs its own), all have several basic features m com mon. AS are personalized— tailored to the note man’s back ground and interests. All in valve dose supervision on an informal,'day-to-day basis. And all permit periodic evalu ation, of the new man. This flexible system, helps the new - man to move-ahead according to his abilities. He gpts to mote Du Pool and his job quickly. Be gets, a head start on future responsibility. Tens probably have questions about this program and hour you’d fit into it. I’U be glad to try to answer them when l visit jour campus. Why-not sign up for a Du Pant interview at your placement office now? RADIO .SwrwY* anJ Supplies •Car Radios •Portable Radios •Phonographs • Batteries fj State College TV 232 3. Allan 31 TRAINING fa (mUonia\ 233 E. Beaver Ave.l State College 1 for 1 FINE FOODS/ Means More Security, Greater Real Income To Young Graduates DuPont believes that the employe* builds his own job security by th* way be does his. work, by his contri butions to the progress of the Com pany and by his readiness to accept responsibility. But Du Pont meets the employes more than halfway with a program of benefits designed to help him as be advances. Your employee beweots go to work the day yen join the Company. They grow and baiTd equity for you as the years go by. Vacations, life insurance, group hospital and surgical coverage, accident and health insurance, pen sion and bonus plans are all part of the program^ Let's look at a special example, tbs Thrift Plan. You become eCgUjfe for it after aim year with the Company. For each dollar you invest in IT. S. Savings Bonds, the Company contrib ntes twenty-five cents toward the pur chase of Du Pont common stock in your name. Roughly 65 per cent of the Company’s 90,000 employees are bow participating fn the plan. When you're deciding’ an s career, security is only one consideration. Bat it’s an important one to you and yoar fsm3y. At Du- Pont, security is a bright part of the future awaiting the college graduate. * * * Mors than 706 of the soaae 1106 degree- granting colleges and universi ties in the U. 5. are represented at Du Pont. Of these 700, more than half are tbs smaller liberal arts colleges. PAGE SEVEN
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