FRIDAY. MARCH 7. 1958 N. Korea Frees Plane Captives PANMUNJOM, Korea, March 6 (IP) —Red North Korea freed two American pilots and 24 other persons from a de tained airliner today. Passengers said Communist agents wielding guns, grenades and hammers, seized the plane high' over Korea Feb. 16. i Tie two Americans, both appearing tired, begged off from telling their stories. They aref Willis R Hobbs, Vallejo, "Calif, I the civilian pilot; and Air Force,! lit. Col. Howard McClellan ofi Buchanan, Mich., who acted as! copilot. Hie passengers said file agents threatened them, shot the loch off the control cabin door of the Korean airliner and forced the American pilots to fly io a field near Pyongyang, the North Ko rean capital. North Korea originally claimed the northward flight was made voluntarily. Later the Commun ists scheduled a meeting at Pan- ! munjom truce headquarters to re*' turn all -who wished to go back to South Korea. Of the 34 aboard the plane, 26 passengers and crew members -were released. j The UN Command said the: eight who remained in the North! apparently were seven Commun-I ist agents and a child of one of; them. The passengers said at least five Communist agents seized the plane as it flew from Pusan toward Seoul. n U. 5. to Avoid Summit 'Spectacle' WASHINGTON,- March 6 (JP) — j The _ United States challenged! Russia today to demonstrate it ■wants a decision-making summit! conference instead of a “spec-: tacle.” i It called on the Soviets to do this by agreeing to an adequate! foreign ministers’ meeting to pave the way for the session of top leaders. Sally's Spring Specials + Repeated by Popular Demand + ROOM SERVICE COUNTER PRICES Sally's 77 A Penn State's Own ■* LU\ Finest Medina <8”) .50 Urge <12”) . 1.00 {Peperom, Hamburg, Mushrooms, etc. extra) SALLY’S BEUJXE .1.75 with Pep., Mushroom, Hamburg, Anchovy, and Onion ~ Sally's Own Chili 35 French Fries ........... .15 + SANDWICHES + (Stso9B .29 flasfefirger .25 Egg Salad .20 G?€fed Cheese .... .25 Ham Salad .20 Cheeseburger .38 Stricken Salad ... .25 Chip Steak .30 Turkey Salad .... .25 Giant Got Beg ... .30 Tuna Salad 25 Meat Ball .30 Roast fieef 25 Baked Ham .38 Sally's Super 'Stogies' -50 —Steak on a HOGIE roll— Milk, ke Cream, Coffee, Sundaes, Shakes for KWIK DELIVERY Call AD 7-2373 Reserve Board Eases Credit | WASHINGTON, March 6 The Federal Reserve Board ap proved new. credit-easing, reduc tions in discount rates today,' while moves multiplied in Con-! gress to combat the current busi iness recession. The board gave its approval to !a reduction in the discount rates i f the New York. Philadelphia and' j Chicago Federal Reserve banks from 2 and three fourths to 2 and one fourth per cent The discount rate is the interest ; charge that member banks pay jto borrow from the Federal Re ; serve system. A board spokesman jsaid the reduction was approved j"to make credit conditions still more favorable to recovery.” A cut in the Federal Reserve rate has a tendency to reduce interest rales generally. This was the second cut in the dis count rate this year and the third since November when the recession became apparent. State Construction !^ ,S c e f^ p * lmiimop To Aid Employment As Market Advances ; Philadelphia, March 6 m NEW YORK, March 6 OP) —Re- —Pennsylvania has 200 million newed optimism came to Wall dollars worth of new construc iStreet today and the stock market] tion projects under way to com enjoyed-its biggest advance sinceibat rising unemplovment, Gov. Jan. 2. jLeader said here today. | Today’s rise capped a series of I Some of the construction pro liive straight daily moves to theljects, the governor said, have jupside and did it on the best vol-jbeen moved up six months to a; time since Feb. 5. year ahead of schedule. J That's Sally's THE OAfIY "COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Congress Heads Off Benson Plan WASHINGTON. March 6 (.-P)— 'JA series of bills designed to head .off the Eisenhower administra jtion’s lower price support pro grams emerged today from S<r. ;ate and House farm committees The Senate Agriculture Com mittee approved these three bills- • Preventing Secretary of Agri [Culture Ezra Taft Benson from cutting price supports or acreage Jaliotments below 1957 level? on 'any of the basic crops wheat learn, cotton, rice, tobacco and ..peanuts.. i •Increasing from about 38 miJ ilion to 54 million acres the com |mercial com area eligible f< r iprice supports this year. 'I •Freezing dairy price supports ; at last year’s levels. I A separate House bill bJackins ;|Benson’s announced intention of ! [reducing dairy price supports ef jfective April 1 was approved unanimously by a house Agricul ture subcommittee. Benson anounced several weeks i ago he would cut price supports lon milk and dairy products to the legal minimum of 75 per cent of parity starting next month. The present level is about 83 per cent Parity is a fluctuating figure de fined by law as one which would Igive farmers a fair return in re flation to their costs. Tunis May Break Wiih Cairo : u TS. March 6 (/P) —President, Nasser said “oil money" from .Habib Bourguiba today threaten-j Saudi Arabia had been passed to ed lo break off relations with .'assassinate him and prevent for tgypt because a plot allegedly mation of the U.A.R. The charges ; masterminded in Cairo tojappeared to some observers m the kill him. iMiddle East to be part of a cam ‘ He asserted his independence-P a ‘S n t 0 unseat regimes opposing of eastern Arab leadership. a ndj ex P aj,s>on the U.A.R. [declared his own plan to unites Bourguiba declared that unless [the western Arabs of Tunisia, Al-j Nasser gave a serious explana igena and Morocco was making!Sion of the plot. “We no longer [progress. (have any need of diplomatic rela -1 He said he believed his own!tions with Egypt." :troubles with France over the re-] The Tunisian government an n - h* Algeria would be clari-;nounced Wednesday that it had tied within a week. (caught an agent from Cairo croas i Egyptians - and Syrians also;ing the border from Libya with jaired charges of another assassi- a pistol, grenade and letters urg- I nation plot against President Nas-,mg the assassination of Bourguiba ;Ser of their United Arab an act of holy'war. SALES CAREER HUS MANAGERIAL OPPORTUNITY FOR TWO MEN WE OFFER: 1. Guaranteed Income plus bonuses—Pension Age 60. 2. Intensive Training Program—Full Salary. 3. Managerial Opportunity End of 3 Years rf you show executive ability. 4. Unlimited opportunity for individual achievement QUALIFICATIONS 1. Enough drive and ambition to be dissatisfied if not earn ing $10,000.00 end of 3 years. 3. Resident ol Western Pennsylvania or West Virginia. John E. Brownell. C.L.U.. Branch Manager of The Manufac turers Life Insurance Company (one of the world's largest international life insurance companies) will be on campus for interviews March 12th. Contact D. M. Cook, University Placement Sendee for an appointment, March 12th. The case of the crumpled letter! 1 The desk where Mr. Nelson opened ins bills and wrote a letter to the electric com pany, protesting against their advertising that electricity gives more value for every dollar Ann any other hem in the family budget- * 2 Where Mr. Nelson looked at the electric dock to see H he had time to maH his letter bdote dimer. 3 The hi-fi set he turned off as he left die room. 4 "Where Mr. N. paused to check the fur nace thermostat and turn on the porch light to guide the darner guests. 3 His daughter’s bedroom where he watched her drying her hair with the elec tric hair dryer rad admired the dieas ahe hod joSt ironed for her dale. 6 The TV, with Junior riding herd. 7 The electric cofieemaker and the •_ ready to do dinner duty. 8 The all-electric kitchen, where dinner was cooking and Mrs. Nelson was taking in cube* from the refrigerator—and where ibe electric dishwasher and rklhrnraiWr and dryer were waiting to do the chores ahead. 9 The hade porch, where Mr. il pasted to think—realizing that his family umj putting electricity to work in downs of ways aS over the house... ways he often forgot. So maybe die electric company was right about dm value of his service. 10 The trash can into which he tossed Us crumpled letter. fjllf WEST PENN POWER PAGE THREE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers