PAGE SIX Lion Cagers * * * —Daily ( ollrgian photo Uy "[Vitt Ilatrimm UP THE CENTER FOR TWO ... g()! Lon co-aptain Run Ratney during the fl::1 u: ti,e I,:on-Penn game last night at Rev Hall. Skeller Rats Win PENN PENN STATE The Skeller Rat:, won tht'ir, co F TP IG F Tr tifth game of the season, beatmg ftwAnsan4 1- 3 11 iianeork 6- 1 ti the All-Stars 34-22 to spark intra- sam,i,it 5 3- 4 135en4.1 6 5- 615 9oentrits 4 3- 4 Ssavernd 0 4- 5 4 mural basketball at Recreation Sokintry'r 32 4- 9 2k. Ilaitir I 4- 5 6 Hall. 0 0.. c, Ilaint, /3 2- 4 19 Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Mu Del- 7 1 1 ,7'.. la, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Kappa Della Rho won their Creek SCh*llli. I *.t. 2 4 contests. Zarb , 27 15-20 S t Toads 24 22-30 Halftime: Penn St•te t , CAFE Dancing Friday night to the music of the Debonaises. ' TEXT BOOKS KEELER r s Cathaum Theatre Building woit Cortege Avenue The Boxscore . . . 0 1- 1 E.-1.41,rd., 0 0- 1 0 liuhihtA 1 0- 0 2 BELLEFONTE, Pa. FREE FOR T FREE BLOTTERS THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA * * A swishing jump shot by should take the last shot. Colen- Wally Colender with 10 sec-'der was, he shot, and that was onds left to play gave P enn the ball game. State a thrilling 71-70 victory But Penn had nothing to be over Penn last night at Rec _ashamed of in losing. The spirited reation Hall. Quaker five came back from a -10-point deficit with 11 minutes That shot climaxed a brilliant to , 63- team effort by the Lions to pullileft at the e f a one-point lead ive-minute mark on the bacon from the fire just be ;a Saxenmeyer jump. From then fore the dznrttr bell sounded. Tt: was one of the wildest—and hap-ion the action was as hectic as pest donnybrook finishes seetve"ki be. on the Rec Hall court in many Colender made two fouls 20 a year. i seconds later to give the Lions Penn held a 70-69 lead with another one point lead. But a IS seconds left to go an d it s • three-point play on a drive by Jack Saxenmeyer at the foul i Joe Bowman put the Quakers line. Saxenmeyer, who ironi- ; out once again, 66-64, with 3:40 tally enough topped the game's ; left. scorers with 29 polars. missed ; Then Lion sophomore, Paul the foul. Lion co-captain Ron ,Sweetland, a defensive stalwart Rainey grabbed the loose ball night, stepped into the picture and immediately called time and, with the pressure ever so out. great, made three consecutive In the Lion huddle, it was de-,fouls for another Nittany lead 4 6- 7 ]4 2 2-2 6 Nip By VINCE CAROCCI Sports Editor SLIDE RULES ALL MODELS ALL PRICES DRAWING SIPPLIE Penn, cided that eit4.r Rainey or Col 'ender—whoever was open— WEST PENN POWER COMPANY CABIN NUL ettfENSOUNG, ►A All Courses All Correct Editions Keuffel & Esser Eugene Dietzgen Pickett & Eckel Frederick Post THURSDAY: FEBRUARY 6. 1958 71-70 Alex DeLucia, a late-game Penn substitute, and Rainey trad ed baskets before Penn's Al Schwait set the stage for the thrilling finish with a lay-up with one minute left. The game opened as if it w2re going to be one of those pressure filled contests as both clubs trad ed leads before the Lions finally settled for a 38-30 halftime ad vantage. With the Lions leading, Penn's George Schmidt person ally took command of the Quaker offensive and scored seven straight points for a 15-1° lead. A twisting jump by Bow man made it 17-12. However, two jumps by Torn Hancock and another by Colen der, sandwiched between a foul by Bowman, tied the score, 18-18. From there both teams traded al most point-for-point until Rain ey's foul gave the Lions a 28-26 advantage. Five Lion baskets compared to two for Penn saw the half come to an end. - NEW & USED -- Agents for Approved Sets Drawing Boards T-Squares Since 1926
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