TUESDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1957 Safety Valve 'Future La Need lnsur TO THE EDITOR: move in the student bo , lish a fund to aid La a fine idea. A quest mind is who is respons financial straits in w Sharp now finds hims • Legally the Unwer l at fault. But Dave legally wrong in the Union scandals. There respcinsibility in our s, the merely legal—a m sibility. Morally, the responsible for aidi Sharp. ObviciUsly, between practice, there is a ga verity does not have Larry Sharp. But why have insurance to cases? Such events are' happen again in a co The Dalll Collegian welcomes letters from its readers on topics of public Interest. Letters should be brief and to the point and all are subject to editing for spare requirements and good taste. All letters must be signed by the writers, and the withholding from publication the names of writers, when requested, will be left to the discretion of the editors. this size. Sports accidents, lab oratory explosions, field trip ac cidents—all are possible and do happen. i .I Suggest, then, that the Uni versity undertake a truly' fine present_ for all the futur• **Larry's!' in the form of ade quate insurance coverage as part of the University budget. If the wealthy decided not- to give to charity because they were immune - Jo poverty, they would be dodging social responsibility. Similarly, the fact that the Uni versity is immune to. legal suit does not absolve it of its moral responsibility. —Lawrence Ramspott Graduate Student Walk to Breakfast Protested by Coed TO THE EDITOR: No doubt Food Service has perfectly valid rea sons for not opening Redifer, its brand •new fully-equipped dining hall next semester. They may be even more than justified in asking students to walk three-fourths of a -mile or more for their break fast, who knows! I question the wisdom, how ever, of assigning the girls in the most distant of the new dormitories to eat in Atherton and Mac Allister Halls. while the girls in the dorms closest to the campus are being assigned to Simmons and McElwain. nce' e current t) y to estab y Sharp is on in my ble for the ich Larry -it Surely there could be a more equitable arrangement. It is sad enough that such a distant out post was chosen as the site for the new droms in the first place, without there being more far sighted planning by the Univers ity as to where all these girls would eat. I.ity is not eck is not Teamsters is a higher ociety than ral respon iniversity is 10 Larry No amount of closet space, decorators' colors, or spacious sorority suites can make me happy about getting up at 6 a.m. to make an 8 o'clock class in Sparks. I theory and The Uni lunds to aid i .o they not ' over such 'destined to munity of I suggest that the University remedy the dining hall situation or else at least publicize the rea sons for its preesnt course of ac tion. Barbara Matusow, '6O •Leiter cut Pros and Cons Of Waring Party TO THE EDITOR: Friday you published a letter (by Jeffrey Pol-: tack) which condemned the West' Hall council for the Christmas Party fiasco. We wish to extend our thanks to the writer for saying something which had to be said. Yet we, with what might be termed apathy thought only to mumble to ourselves and forget the miserable matter. It should not be forgotten. For getting disappointments an d failures is what causes this type of apathy. . - It is our belief that bctter plan ning could have been used to in sure a larger turnout of girls. Mix ers and socials are lots of fun, but only when held with girls. --James Schneider, '6l Richard Tessitore, '6l Edwin Smith, '6l TO THE EDITOR: In reference to the letter of Mr. Pollack, pub lished in this column on Decem ber 13, we feel that a few items are in need of clarification. The purpose of the West Halls Council is to provide a place for students, including Mr. Pollack, to present and air their gripes. All council meetings are always; open to the public. Students be-1 fore presenting their case, should: 4t) t i tap4. - vit'S•4:4ltl-Sl4l-seQi-46 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Christmas Calls For A Variety of Gifts Are you looking fora colorful for your - morale? Looking for a brilliantly p_ 0. sparkling I , I to give that certain somebody? ..., • - 7 ? for your sister, or perhaps several pairs of special for your mother? k &ti. L‘ i Y°Al44 GIFTS • teloN/ wi/! :always endeavor to find out ell, Ithe facts. IL —Carl L. Smith, '6O President West Halls Council • 'Fishburn Wrong, :Reader Claims !TO THE EDITOR: Thursday night, I was, for the first time, actually a part of the student body of Penn State. lam ashamed to say it. ' Thursday, at the University Senate special meeting which Was called to discuss proposed calendar revisions, Peter Fish burn, student representative on the Senate calendar committee, was to give a report to the Sen ate regarding the students' viewpoint on revising the pres ent calendar. But Mr s . Fishburn did not do this. Instead he very bluntly an nounced that the students had no viewpoint! Certainly, the distin guished Senators got a chuckle out of this, but just who were they laughing at, Mr. Fishburn or the entire student body? It was implied that the students simply didn't care and actually had no opinion whatsoever. Well, you're wrong. Mr. Fish• I burn; the students do care. You. as our representative, were giv7 en an excellent opportunity to I express our views before the whole University Senate and you failed us. Granted, the necessary informa-, tion needed for a formal view- ! point was not yet available, but G azette I some consensus could have been obtained from us who seem to be TODAY the "forgotten man on campus." ATI 112“tirlit with two films. "Three Let' , Next time, Mr. Fishbuin, think; turea on Valence." 3 :10-3:40 p.m.' twice before you set out to make ..RePrs4 '" "°n... 3'40." p.m.. 110 .011. mond fools of the student body. .Associatron of the United States Army,' —Drue Crebbin. '617:10 p.m.. Pi Kappa Phi Collegian Business Staff. 7:30 p.m.. 202 Willard Fouraker Will Discuss Collegian Local Ad Staff, 6:30 p.m., 9 Carnegie University's 2 Functions ' fkan Promotion Staff, no meeting this wee Dr. Lawrence E. Fouraker, pro- Ecozica D F r. actitty , 4e n ra ce inak... noon. Room A n fessor of economics, will speak on The Dual Function of the University" "The Dual Functions of a Tini-,EnL,'77,ring talk y . t . ic 7 h : a l r 3 d p . m.. 19 Electrical on versity" with Lawrence E. Den -; stru g me ee nt r a ut tfo ' n for Nuclear L ' a n c * tors n " nis, vice president for academic Festival of carols and lessons. 8 p di.. Medi affairs, as discussant at noon to-: Wiwi Chapel Frt i l ion Cirlo u lti o o:LS , taff,, 6:15 p.m., Hetzel day in Dining Room A of the Het zelUnion Building. •10111e1 Intermediate n Hebrew, 7 p.m.. Founds . -. The event is an economics fac- tion Lighting of the Hanukah eandlm. ulty seminar. j 5 p.m., Foundation Hillel Yiddish Class. 7 p.m.. Foundation tNIVERSITY HOSPITAL !History Round Table. 7:30 p.m.. HUB Myron Boles. William Dawson. John El-' Assembly Hall; movie. "The Battle of der, Edward Ericksen, Daniel Davis. Ger. Britain" ald Guydan. Jerry Hamaker, Lawrence Meteorology Seminar. 3 p.m.. 'n2 Willard. Kennedy, Norman Lockman, Carl Hawn,: Wayne Erring on "Stratosperic Circu• Eleanor Melvin. James Nesbitt, Judith: lation" Rubano, Irene Schimmel. Anthony Straka, Panhellenic Council. 6:30 p.m., '2.03 Hetzel Stanley Turel and John Williams. I Union • . r - =- - Schlow's Open 'til 9 p.m. Every Evening 'til Christmas ittle Man on Campus bY Dick ai 'zoom if 5 a special built door—it makes it harder for 40 - 1- 7.; .0 4 . 0,k r Gifts Wrapped .05A477 , 7477 wOnwAvd FKATEsmily II ' l l rtr 1=:!=21 them to raid th' ice box:' ; Jo PAGE SEVEN 1 , 1 .Wl. 111,...1f, Philoenphy Colloquies', 4 . 11) 7141 Suari.s. Dr Fred Will on "The Mottle an.t Rhythm of Namiit" Physics Colfoaming. 4::0 tarn.. 117 Osmond: Dr. ftotrert Perry on "Experimental with• an Ultra-violet Mitroboan." Vesper Service. 4:30 p.m. Chapel Wmley Choir thrlstmas Party, 7 p.m.. Foundation WSGA Judicial Board, b p m. 213 RUES
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