PAGE FOUR New Requirements OK'd installation of Seats Begins in Schwab For Top IFC Positions 1 . 1:f!!n•f-:::ate:m . .... jast nivht added to their con stitutf,!, a 42-11 vote a cause requiring candidates for pie:,:ri , nt, administrative vice president, and secretary treasuir.: to cone from a major council position or a house presui 1c.7.•. The new eligibility clause in ch..des both present and past hold- Businessmen ers h of the major , :ouncil positions or oui,e presidencies. Before last night's constitution change, there were no eligibility To Address requirements for candidates lor IFC offices beyond a minimum •cholastic average. The clause V.'35: added to ''avoid a popularity contest" in IFC elections. Ste phen Biggins, secretary-treasurer, , agi last night. Career Day Pe•A, i•la Higgins further said that he men -.- - 111 spi•alo. at the Liberal had never been to an WC Art, Cat • , •r Day at 7 p.m Thurs- meeting before his election to day in the 11 ,, tzei onion Audi- his present office, and that elec- torium lions such as this cut down on Donald J. Conn of the Joseph the efficiency of the council be cause of the time required for a Horne Co., Pittsburgh, J. E. Smith o fthe Armstrong Cork Co. and new officer to become oriented Harold W. Scott of the First to council procedure. Pennsylvbnia Banking and Trust The "major positions" men- Co. will gi,Ve short talks answer- tioned in the clause, which was ing questions about job opportuni- changed from the original "ma ties for liberal arts students. ;or chairmanships" after a con- They will discuss interviews. tmversY at the amendment's ini effmts of military service and tial reading two weeks ago, has marriage on a job and the i m _ been defined as a junior Frater parlance of advanced degrees. nity Affairs Office secretary posi- Donald M. Cook, assistant di tion or a major committee chair rector of the Placement Service. manship. will open the program by explain- The new amendment reads ing the purpose and work of the "To be eligible for the offices Placement service, ofp r e s i d en I, administrative After a question and answer vice president, or secretary period,t the group will move to reasurer, the candidates must the main lounge of the HUB for. have held or be holding a ma a coffee hour and informal dis- jor position in IFC. Those men cussion, who have served cr are ' serving Career Night is sponsored by as president of the local chap the Liberal Arts Student Cowl- eli of their fraternity are also eligible for the offices men ca. Sandra Cusky. junior in jour- finned in this section." nalism from Pittsburgh, is chair-. In other business, the council Man of the career bight commi t. 'voted to take no definite stand tee. on the question of telephone ser- Members of the committee are: vice to residence halls until they James Ferraro. junior in jour- had more information. The coun nalism from Oakmont, Jay Feld- cil had voted two weeks ago to stein, junior in arts and'ietters invez:tigate the possibility of hay from Elizabeth, Lynn Ward, jun- ing direct phone lines from frat ior in journalism from Paoli, and ernities to residence halls. at the Barbara Stone, sophomore in arts expense (4 the fraternities. and letters from Wheeling, W. Va. Panhel Will Meet Tonight A revision of the constitution Deans to Speak will be diseased at the -Panhel lenic Council meeting at 6:30 to- To LA Council night in 203 Hetzel Union. Dean Ben Euiventa and As sociate Dean Richard C. Maloney of the College of the Liberal Arts will speak to members of the Liberal Arts Student Councl at 7 tonight in 214 Hetzel Union. They will discuss the council's CD-ROTC resolution and report which have been presented ro All-University Cabinet. Council members will discuss the fraternity-independent rota tion plan for electing All-11 and class officers. Other business will include the election of a treasurer and a cor responding secretary and the pre sentation of the final report on LA Career Day, which wiil be held on Thursday. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Vacation Soon! You'll need clean clothes for the - Christmas Holidays. Bring your laundry and dry cleaning in today to the Launderette 210 W. College Avenue "ht. wooden seats in Schwab the seating capacity of the aud- , a workroom for research on the ium, Auditorium, which have been itorwhich up to now had : production of quality eggs and 1163 seats. 1 to provide housing for- special iin use for more than 50 years,' The auditorium will be redeco-' instruments used in measuring !are being replaced by uphol- rated later if funds are available, the performance of the solar stered seats. Wiegand said. ; poultry house. - , - 1 Construction of three small! A bull barn, about 100 by 32 Workmen moved most 'of the buildings providing facilities for feet, will be built at the new old seats out of the building yesiseveral departments in the Col-i Dairy Barn Center, northwest of iterday. liege of Agriculture, has been au-}the present administration build- The ; new seats will be arranged,thorized by the executive corn—ing of the center. It will provide ;to afford the best possible view;mittee of the Board of Trustees.; safe housing for herd sires. of the stage, according to Walter; One building, approximately 1 The other structure will be a N. Wiegand, director of Physical i 30 feet square, will be con- j)oll barn, 30 by 104 feet, which Plant. The rows of seats will in -1 strutted adjacent to the present 'will be built at the Farm Service :dude seats of three different solar poultry house to provide Center to house beef cattle. 'widths-19. 20 and 21 inches—to l irvectospossetsectrycloctevvvetvel'orwtttvveve-wrgwv"""t`mc achieve a better arrangement. V A total of 1140 seats will be 1. installed, including 296 in the Y Wondering where i balcony and 844 on the main r, i floor. This will slightly reduce if 1 JAI V. . 1 .11 8 Minneman to Conduct Chapel Vespers Today Charles E. Minneman, assistant University chaplain. will conduct.; 'the Protestant vesper service at .4:30 p.m. today in the Helen Eak in Eisenhower Chapel. V The meditation theme will be V I"That Christ Had Not Been Born." V Institute to Show Film .w The Academic Year Institute for High School Teachers of Science will present the film "Interaction in Living Processes: Reproduc- E lion" at 3:40 p.m. today in 110 g, Osmond. i- ~- --- -'- 4 4 ' ~,•-• ~e,',,,"'' '. • " "f,,a,er, " ' :." ,-. - .7.44=-: P .f - '-' - ''' :,- • , r , :.- ' ' A ' : .---- •- ' , - 1 • -••• .;.• ..... • _ - ".." ' I , ::.4 . St*• '.. . *1 •• ' -..` i . y.r.:r..•;• SAVE )---::•• 1 -.: „...,_-.,,,,,-, .. s s -,... L, ~,„. ~. .„,... 4 .r ... -_, „...,,„:.,,, :r. „ 4- 1 .;, - ,, k, -,, ..:. -AT Wtil EUINtS , „,... - c -1 ; :7 .-!'.;-- ‘^ -V. , : ~1' '-; , ?,`...' :7:"4 2 - - -; • - , -..-.4 : - ':%7« 74' .i. ' : ;'` '1 ':,' 1. , ..'- '-' , .-.A-.. , 9 - L --4_ ........1- _ 71C , - .. , r I.' - . :::. SALES AGENT , $14.95 Value Ladies Gilbert Sunbeam Electric Microscope Shaver Set Last Year's Model en nn 57.95 —while the last QUIVO Give Candy for Christmas Candy Cupboard, Ilb 51.45 21b 52.65 Johnson Swiss Style Assorted Creams 1 lb box 51.00 2 lb box $2.00 Present this Coupon for Free Date Book by American Greeting Card Co. Name Address Shaving Brushes 98c to $lO Eastman Brownie Cawera Hawkeye with Flash 515.25 Gillette Razors Sl. 55. & 510 Paper-mate Piggy-back Pen in gift box $1.95 .p- Monopoly Game $3.98 you can buy Xmas Decorations? See 1,1N3q2n9i11k.22)411 - ,11/1114'232RAMN% - .1 - X1=62iZ.1171Zi21)124 Whitman Sampler 1 lb. box 52 Gift Boxes by Page & Shaw 51.25 to $2.50 Gift Sets for the Penn Stater Shaving Sets by Sportsman $2 to $5 Shaving Sets by Old Spice $1.75 to $4.75 Seaforth Shaving Sets S 2 to $7.50 TUESDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1957 LLEN :7, ast College Avenue College, Penn..ylvania Corner Beaver and Allen Streets State College, Pa. Christmas Cards at Special Price Large Assortment to choose from— • See the Big Value box 50 cards for 98c Lucite Old Spice Lentheric Comb, Tweed Shower Brush, and Soap Cologne Mirror Sets $1.50 and $5.00 $l.OO $2.50 t '.._/ 1 1` 4 ,Ito o / • • -,, Frank Medico Pipes SI to 3.50 . _ ' - - • .- ' Double '': -. `' l " l. ''''''''=- Deck • P'S •-• 11 i ; f 4 -4 :;- 1 L Plastic Coated -...•-: i Playing Cardss - -- zi, . - -; - .... - . .1 , !As,. to Clean , . . 51.45 COMB & BRUSH SETS for ladies or by Lucite $1.25 t° $7.50 Imported Briar Pipes S 5 values ai 51.98 Kaywoodie Pipes 4 to SlO Yello Bole Pipes SI to $2.50 57.50 Value Folding Alarm Clock $4.99 guaranteed Sunbeam Electric Shaver $28.50 Auto- Bridge Sets Sl5O & $3 Argus C-3 Camera Outfit $69.95 Eastman Pony $1,35 Model C Camera $33.75
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