PAC,F IWO Ike Offers NATO Allies Medium Range Missiles PARIS. De•r 16 t•i' Elsonl:uwer t9day offered Atner:ca's European A:hes medal:ll range rruss:es and atomic MONTCOMEP.Y. Ala., Dec. 16 i'ti Negroes, heavily outnum bered at the polls. appealed to white voters throughout Alabama toda to defeat a constitutional I - amendment to abolish Macon County. The abolition measure is one of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer proposed changes in the state's of West Germany was a top ob- , referendum tomorrow. consutution to be voted on in a jet-tor to Eisenhower's weapons , statewide otter, urging that any decision ; It would empower the Alabama on such military problems be Legislature to abolish Macon postponed at least until next County. where Negroes, many of spring. ,them college trained, outnumber Prune Minister Harold Marmil-!w hite residents nearly 7 to I. • ;an of Britain, whose country al-,Netghlonring counties with white 'ready is an independer.t nuclear majorities would absorb Macon's ;lower and has a missile base,population and land area. 'agreement with the United States. The amendment was sponsored rml:s_ 11,- 16 not refer to the Eisenhov. - er by State Sen. Sam Engelhardt, av7o -,, , , et :S : cntwale's, - ;rtg su b ject. executive secretary of the segre frwr 1 1 " Ntl'•Ne. cAr•ov:l 4 li 3 , Instead. Macmillan urged Mat gatomst Alabama Assn_ of Citi - N AI eTror (i:RT:er en- the West take seriously the let- zees Councils, as a means of off rACelnent tonight after a long„ e el letter from Soviet Premier setting threatened Negro control rxtuun.ting day- of Atlantic Al-' Bulganin proposing new East- of the county. Lance ec,nferen..-es - West talks. The United States warheads The long, tense fast closed session of the NATO summit confettnce then quickly split over how to deal with his propo- Ike Cancels NATO Meal Appearance Hut hes doctor said there W . 2.5. had already termed the !Wigan "nothirg hied:rally %%Tong." I • sn notes propaganda. The do tor. Maj. Gen. Howard , The Amer:can phut, presented Ikt. Sn.% der, said further to a tries-oointly hr the President and Sec s-no Tr rayed to newstnen that rrtary of State John Fester Dci } was "`m fine shape lea. a1....0 pledged efforts to obtam rteeptie having been pictured ear- , congressional approval to help the Her as tne'd out. Attiet build ar.d run stoma' sub- And the Pre:tit:tent tinnsell. &aid marines. White House press SeC retort James C. Ha gerty. asked him N.Y. Subway Strike Ends with a chuckle that reporters be NEW Yelrr:. Dee. 16 •.-P.---The told: worst subway strike in New "I am a g 30 or 10 o'clock boy York's history ended torught, aft taught and I am coats to bed at er elght d.i% - s of vast trar.s.: co-- that time." fusion above and below ground Be made two major sperdles it had pers;ste-d tri defianze of today and sat through two ere ea-d- state law and cell:: Orr ;e . 4 rd NATO tot•asMns, one las-tr.: 4 1 / 4 . hours. - State 'Blue Laws' Study But ;',^4 minutes after the leaskg* HARRISBURG. Lam. It; pi" a,ttettalan meet rtc. a h:zt Tan Thr Jan:: :;:ate from 'SAO to 15 - 1,15pn2... parsar C0:077 - .lSal - 0:1 lea.:Lay 0:V1e:eV: a p:V- Tetar,%,` rates C_ Rattily .—c=.7_l- ltstnr.ary s:tady Prr.r.sylT.-ar_nt's rnonrsi x atryks coaLferratcr •Slnr Laws-- Indonesia Warns 'Hands Off' JAKARTA., Indonesia. Dec% .7) 2::e•ntion the 6lntic.r.t.tzt3 warr."i • •v. 11071-' n .".. as k gove: - n_rnent's .11s - putecat' s r for NATt.) with Th e Ne t h er lsr l d s rern:n‘ied cs: , n.ft-renee •th - e ... w id en the nk ara‘..c . e . h etw .NATO Council the wrs , tcrz ,, , ar4 rt.S.t7t:.7". $ S.: .1 4 i" -- •ti" . ;ACS 't • Serret3rl,- Genera! 5..1. , a - :ta w4dapis - .. cs: the Ind-Nns - .an Nitntstery said NATO tit= .k.0ra,13 be careful be Cartied *lrv' by Date.: rttores in 'NNW skrse,.m. - t elti'm I.l.;:tzLit Vest' Nor la ;::':ti 4 1.1 the IX - .lib Wai.l.:Vesi tr. CC: NATk) zo tn*a-rcene o-r rs.-etwez the secr---tary ge-n -eral sa4 Will, haw t'•••=t tivet aeLaNels te? takr kg'szhst the C1111Valla:. At 1"2., 4 ,.. , s s :bre NA TO LA. STUDENTS! Solve Your Career Problems! Career Night 7 p.m Titurviey, Dec. 19 HUB Atpditvx-iunt The Liberal Arts Student Council 'z * - - e Yz ±tie ::e-a - • •• ..••••••%••,,•• ;:•• , t. , •-••••• ce, 1 1 .1 ~.Z7Vg 4e " - 71'7 be we ..:.,,,, ~4rc~ :mot ~t :'zr~ THE DAIIY C TATS NOW Fe&t. ::11, 4:IZ. f:tl. !At SAT "RODAN" IiV=!..:ESZAY "NEAR NE GOOD" blail Oat at 43,000" OLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PE Fate of County To Be Decided By Ala. Voters Christmas Special if......i . , \ I ~.1 1:( -4(). . C_ 40x40 projection screen valued / ..,.<:2 at 516.9.5 is yours free of charge -- 1 ,. -N-( d — ‘• w ith any purchase of S5O or tik \N,..... 1,1, .) more. The screen alone may be pur chased for $12.35. a savings of four dollars to you. Centre Country Film tab i, r,....,, ------- ... Vi Z , --- it -:--- --s• (- l„ _ . . ✓ \.% / ; N!....',.... -- i minute. - V ✓ l Don't YOU ... : bel i • z:" , 1 - y NSYI VAN li. Future U.S. Sea Control Uncertain, Chief Testifies WASHINGTON, Dec. 16 (,) Adm. Arleigh Burke, chief of naval operations, testified today the U.S. Navy now has command of the seas but the future is uncertain. Burke was one of several Navy witnesses who testified today in the Senate's investigation of the U.S. missile and satellite programs. The director of undersea war- I In reply to a series of questions fare. Rear Adm. C. E. Weakley. , from Sen. John C. Stennis (13- told the senators the Navy is 'Miss.), Burke said he knew of no maintaining an around the clock !evidence that Russia now has nu alert in the face of a threat to !cl e ar powered subs, although he sea communications which he ;said the Soviets have been work described as "without parallel ling on them for several years. in the peacetime history of the I world." With Russia possessing the larg-i est submarine fleet in the world, Weakley said, the Navy is tackl-1 ing undersea problems with the! utmost urgency. - "We have aircraft and ships on an alert status ready to in vestigate any submarine when ordered." he said. "This is a 24- hour duty." 122 W. Beaver Ave- Santa isn't telcsvc." A A A rushed at the last TUESDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1957 4 r ,:././ v. 'lf I coqld only ... l a, x ..„,: ; . : ‘,...„.: , ...:?,......, i f-' - ..-ffittairlitis lV - - - . - - .A.,, ,„ „...P%.4. CATHAUM Now - 1:41, 3:88, 5:35, 7:32, 9:30 The Sea Chase That Thrilled the World! "PURSUIT Of The GRAF SPEE" Vista Vision - Technicolor , WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY The Party Girl of B ACHELOR PARTY" CAROLYN JONES with Miss Ethel BalliiLiore "JOHNNY TROUBLE" * NITTANY Now - Doors Open 6:4S A RIOT OF LAUGHS! "RAISING A RIOT" Kenneth More Begins Wednesday His Guns Were White Lightning! "BLACK PATCH" George Montgomery WMAJ Programs TUESDAY Ilarahtt Shan MOritiag 01 , 1566M1 11..x.agr Slow Ness INTers Swap Stop lirmia far L...4.testiair Nees Qmtea far & Das sx Nam C4mt-e Co=sity News. Trhars Gceme Arts &win ra the Ba&I wer.3a News Ate aan ce Kama News Aftermg.).l at limas STevra and ita- -;.kant .11=k Lnl.en.' Spn - t:s .11.7.611 __Lana News ts-.2.tam It. New* limaie far er.itNl News TZIM=73. 'Arrat News Pi . .11C,N1 ., • lam Newt kW , A. As 1 :NI ittraers tip IWIE) Arr-rximnir.:"4. News - - troz , r4+.l2or bi NtWak ====m3
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