PAGE TWELVE Flight Stratton States Jobs To in New . . and Today Facing DOC Couna lAt Moshannon Allegheny Airlines' Washing- To establish a constitution and officers, to obtain a satis-• , ton. D.C., air flight service will at the, factory relationship with the administration and to move into , la n d f o r t he f i r st tit . " ewly-enlarged Black N., loshannon a relationship of the group with the student body: Airport at 9:28 a.m. today. ; e Cge. Blefonte, These are are the main jobs facing the newly establishedffieldStat and olle Philipsbu el rg Tepresenta- Division of Counseling Student Council, according to Jamestives will take part in ceremonies Stratton, Mine r a I Industries. : planned for the landing of the 40- passenger Martin Executive air- Council president. 1 a meeting with DOC students cra ft i and set up the council. Stratton, president of the Inter- ' : I The Washington to Erie io a_ciit3 The 21 member council repre- Cleveland flight has flown over, , ti College Council Board. conducted; sents the students who were for - theMoshannon airport "th tl Pledges of Kappa Sigma axel the council's first organizational'merly under the Division of Inter last night. ;mediate Registration and also stcippinsinceOct.2B because .i the Thomas Thompson, Larry Work meetingpla.nes had not been able to landiheiser, Roy Shiels, Kenneth Walk Stratton and Carroll McDon- freshmen who enter directly — hi tt/ion the strip which was only 30001er and Lynn Weimer. well, Chern-Phys Council press- the Division of Counseling. ifeet in length. j Recent initiate of Sigma Sigma tient, told council members how : Stratton said the council will The strip has been lengthened Sigma is Nancy Jendricks. their respective counicls are or- not be represented on All-llni-Ito 5000 feet. Work on the runwaysli Initiates of Beta Sigma Omicron Vinited and explained some o f ,versity Cabinet, but probably will i was completed yesterday when have a seat on ICCB as soon as: the final paving was finished. Thetm ary I are Gail Yeomans, Patricia Smith, the activities and programs held Famish, Gail Glenn, Mary by their councils. ,the council becomes an official; work was done by the State ypartment of Highways in cooperai De - Ipendleton, Barbara Jewell, Pa- Stratton recommended the court- group. ition with the Pennsylvania Aero-, tricia Gavan, Virginia Mottorn l I c a establish the offices of presi-' and Gloria Jones. ' I nautics Commission. dent, vice president and secretary- Lowenberg to Give Talk i Tokens from area industries will! 1 treasurer. Accountin g Club to Hear rec ., , Before Foods Group :be taken on the flight to Erie and. Dr. Robert G. Bernreuter, di ;Cleveland mayors. i ton of the Division of Counseling,: "The School Lunch—A Squarel.. .. . Two Graduates Speak recommended a DOC council at Meal" will be the subject of a' Unif ormed Storks Mrs. Doris Wolfe and Margaret, Student Encampment this year. talk to be presented by Dr. Mir-I DETROIT tict Fou r D e t ro it pat-'Erb, graduates of the University,' Ile said the council would aid iam E. Lowenberg, professor otrohnen have been honored withiwill speak to the Accounting Club him in an evaluation of the a d- 'f oo d s an d nu t r i t i on , today in St:special department citations as ex-ion their experiences in industrial, vantages and disadvantages of Louis, Missouri. DOC.lpert midwives. The quartet has accounting with DuPont. She will speak before the an-delivered 23 babies in scout cars The meeting will be held at 7 Stratton then took the recom- nual meeting of the American and patrol wagons on the way to, tonight at Phi Sigma Kappa. It is meadation to ICCB which held School Food Service Association. , hospitals. I open to the public. ESSO RESEARCH works wonders with oil Triggering the starts that save lives On what happens in the next second or so, hinges the fate of someone's property—perhaps even someone's life! A switch is turned, a starter is pressed •-•an engine takes hold Instantly! Fast starting, anti-stalling and many other qualities of gasoline which today add to your safety and driving pleasure were pioneered by Esso Research. In this and hundreds of ways, ESSO RESEARCH works wonders uith — oill ESSO • THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Ed Conference— (Continued from page seven) sistant dean of the College of Home Economics: Dorothy A. Schultz. assistant professor of home economics education: and Dr. Abram W. Vandermeer, as sociate dean of the College of Education. Ralph D. Widdowson, associate professor of industrial education; J. David Lockhard, instructor in science education; and Dr. Donald G. Vic Carey, professor •of educa tion. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 11 1957 2 Eng Profs to Attend New York Convention Christian K. Arnold and H. H. Kelly, associate professors of en gineering research, attended the national convention of the Society of Technical Writers and Editors this week in New York City. Arnold, who is also staff assis tant to President Eric A. Walker, presided at a workshop session. English Prof Publishes Folklore Study Article Samuel P. Bayard, associate professor of English compositiolt, is the author of an article printed in a book, "Studies in Folklore," lust published by the Indiana Uni versity Press. The title of his article is, "A Miscellany of Tune Notes." USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR GOOD RESULTS CLASSIFIEDS ADS MUST BR IN DC II:00 4.10 Tug PURCESMNO DAT RATES—/7 word, as leasa $0.31 Oat Insertion 30.73 Two insertions 11.03 Three Insertion* ' Additional words 3 for .05 fey eaeb day et 'alert/on. FOR SALE E.LECTRO-VOICE T-ns Super-Tweete • 848.11 F "Midrange. X 338 AT-37 level control—Uß comp/rte. Presto T•l5 turntable-435. Auduk arm and cartridge with diamond LP stylus—s/5. Holly 'Thomas AD 84952. HOUSE TRAILER 28 ft., one bedroom. Ideal, economical, comfortable liking- Reaaonably JD Heed. Call AD 8-a0:14 ask for John Tailor. 1854 MERCURY convertible. Must silt. Good condition. Phone AD S-GThl5 stale for Dick Geesey. DESPERATE-- MUST 601 1955 Jaguar MC-140 roadster; 1931 Cadillac V-12 opera coupe; 1928 Mo3el A Ford sedan. Call Marty Alperstein ext. 2228 University. PLAID FINGERTIP length isekt-t, medium size, wool outside with quilted lining', only worn a few times. AD 8-1014. 53 FORD Mainline 8. Cowl condition, good tires and snow tires-8550. Call AD 7- 320 s after 6 p.m. 1955 PONTIAC Mobile Home. excel lent condition; good rocation. Completel9 winterized:Can be financed. Call AD 5.0403 after 6:30. -- - FRESH PRESSED CIDER. Truck will be at Wernera Freezer Fresh Saturday eve ning, Sunday afternoon, Sunday evening. Please bring jugs. WANTED WANTED—GARAGE to store classic car. Call Marty Alperstein ext. 2228. X lACOON coats 22nd. Call ext. 594 FOR RENT TWO ROOMS furnimhed, two blocks from campus. Married couple only. No children or pets. Phone AD 7-2600. STUDENTS. NICE large rooms available now. T.4ree blocks from campus. New beds and furnishings $7 per week double. Call AD 7-2669 FOR RENT- '—completely furnished 3 room apartment; private bath, entrance and garage. Call FL 9-2473. MALE CHEM GRAD student desires roommate. Double room, twin beds, hot and cold running. water. Central location. Quiet for study. Call AD 7-4E50 or AD 7-7792, ask for C.a. ATTRACTIVE FIRST floor room for two male students. Watt College Ave. near campus. Twin beds. $6 each. Call AD 7-7212, SOMEONE TRADED A Iletra tor raincoats Saturday night at Theta Xi. Please call Bill Service eat. 2i3. I have yours. - IF YOU traded a Plymouth raincoat with me at HUti dining room Monday noon, tall Erny at Al) 74138. I have yours_ -- - GREEN SCHAEFFER Snorkel Pen, silver eap. Call Jackie Leavitt. ext 894. BLACK PARKER Locust Lane. Friday between I.! a.m. and 2 p.m. Call AD 7-2593 anytime. A DIETZGEN Slide Rule with the name Bill Jones Irritten au case. Call AD 8-6351 ask for Bill. PERSON WHO took khaki raincoat from Phi Sigma Delta fraternity Saturday night please call Jerry Neil at AD 7-4409. I have yours. WILL PERSON who mistakenly took khaki colored raincoat at the Phi Psi house 'Saturday night. Please return- to Joan Rebol. 418 Lyons ext. 124931. ra OF terse brown mittens- at Hub desk on Tuesday. if found please return to Hub desk. Thank you. E1101221121=1 MISCELLANEOUS TURKEY SHOOT—turkeys or cash prizes even , Friday nite 8:00 pan. Ferguson Lions Club, Lions Park. Pine Grove 'Mills, WINNERS OF the Tri-belt Quarter at Mardi Gran. Bring in shirts Thuraday and Friday, APPLES TO take borne over The weekend from our refrigerator cold-atorage. Tope in flavor. Harner's Fenn, 3 mile* out west College Avenue. AN APPLE a day keeps the doctor away. B the peck or by the bushel. Nantes Faro. three miles out West College Avenue. LOCAL REPAIR Parries an on makes at typewriters. We sin con for and deliver Mir typewriter. 241tpony Mee Equips:ma% or weekend of Nor.
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