PAGE EIGHT WH Council Urges Voting The West Halls Council last presidents to announce in their night initiated a project designed meetings that the mail is not all to encourage freshmen and sopho•;in the boxes by noon because the mores to vote in their class elec- mail truck is not arriving at the lions next Wednesday and Thurs- I West Halls post office until 11:30 day. a.m. this year. Council members said they be-: The council will investigate the 'neve it is the duty of each stu- posting of menus in the West dent to vote for his class officers.. Halls units. The proje.-rt sva.s referred to the.: David F. Wikinson. freshman project committee• .in chemical engincring from Council Precident Carl Smith Sharon Hill, was appointed acting asked the residence halls unit recreation chairman. Collegian Ad Staff Meeting Everyone please be present Announcement . . . Promotions . . . Discussion 6:30 Tonight 9 Carnegie CLASSIFIEDS rOFI SALE BALLERINA Lb.NtiTli forturl, blur net. BLACK-RIMMED Clafthrit in brown case. star IL. worn only onc.. I all HU C-6437., John Barr sit 'ty7. OVER Wit worth of yatardine Air Forewl PERSON who took Penn State note- Officer* Vnifornin. Will awll tohigheat book from 3rd floor Engineering sUdder. For furthrr information call AD I pleaae call John Baer. ext. 293. FRESII PRLSSED CIDER. Truck will baIPLEASE RETURN raincoat lost at Phi at Werner: Erhwzer Frchn Saturday esa-1 Kappa I'hi Sunday—it has my glass.. Ring. Sunday afternoon, Sunday pocket. I can't study. Bill Harris AD Plana. bring jugs. i 7-4‘stie. - - - - - - - 1967 FORD Continental kit complete. good; semdition. Call AD 64t4h6. WANTED electronic and air-conditioning engineers. WANTFII: A WIFE. must be able to took. Interlie•lng ME. EE. lE. Aerol: and Metal li Call Al) -10 I 43 after 7. Ask for Ron. on campus today at Placement Office. ENCIIEERS: Hamilton Standard is „ iewing 14E. IE. Metal on' FLIGHTS to Philadelphia and campus today. See Placement Office. vicinity round-trip by appointment. Foor i passenger plane available also scenic flights TAPfair.COHDER IN road condition. Callon weekends by appointment. Call ELgin ext. 3476 after R. Ask for Mel. 6-9212. The Flying Bricklayer. STUDENTS EARN up to 11.1.0 per houz APPLES—Red and golden Delicious. en wads *trade pan-time basis working 2or I Th an_wi naan . Rene Bpa W. Northern 111 evening!. of your choice . Inquire Dux t S py . i ßaldwin and Winter Banana. Hamer Club, 1211 S. Pugh. ......—...--- - 'Apple Farm. three miles out W. College Ave. , LOCAL REPAIR Eat-ries en all makes et BLUISHAGHEY Chkereoat e:. Delta Tau! typewriters. We will call for and deliver D."- I ha.. , ours plus coward. Eery-irollr typewriter. MU:any °Moo Equipment thins to sato. Call ED att. 2:36. lAD S-6125. Salem • menthol fresh • rich tobacco taste MISCELLANEOUS HAMILTON STANDARD is in ne.d of • most modern filter - OLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA THE DAILY C in BREYERS Flavor Parade! A new idea in smoking.. refreshes your taste A Great New Entry Special introductory price, $ Only_ ® A HALF GAO PKG.* BANANA SPLIT ICE CREAM A luscious new treat combining wonderful Breyers Banana Ice Cream with gently toasted, golden nuts and laced through and through with rivulets of Breyers celebrated, old-fashioned chocolate fudge! Tastes like a banana split ... only better! *All other !foyer flavors remain at the regular price of $1.25 a half gallon package. Refreshing! Yes, the smoke of a Salem is as'refreshing to your taste as a dew sparkled Spring morning is to you! Now get the rich tobacco taste you love, with a new surprise softness and easy comfort. Through Salem's pure-white modern filter flows the freshest taste in cigarettes. You take a puff . . . it's Springtime! Smoke refreshed . . . Smoke Salem TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 195 Mil
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