PAGE TWO 5 Finalists Named in Junior Prom Queen Contest Heather Lohrentt Judges Make Choicelaique Heads From 27 Contestants Five coeds have been chosen from a field of 27 to contend Present for the title of Junior Prom Queen. The five finalists and their sponsors are Barbara Ray, Platforms Kappa Delta; Virginia Ottinger, Alpha Omicron - Pi; Sybil: T he political merry-go-round; Kersh, Tau Kappa Epsilon; Heather Lohrentz, Kappa Alpha:will speed up tonight when clique Ichairmen William O'Neill of Lion Theta; and Sylvia Guyer, Zeta Tau Alpha. !party and Gary Young of Campus Miss Ray, home economics ma- arty present the party platforms .. jor from Huntingdon Valley, hast° th---- All-University Elections appeared on floats in the B a y i Committee. Parade in Ocean City, N.J. for the! The committee will meet with last three years. the clique chairmen at 7 p.m. in t= Hetzel Union. Miss Ottinger. liberal arts ma ijor from Glennolden, has been one, i The planks of the platforms will ;of five high school seniors chosen( be discussed by the Elections Ito crown the May Queen at the;Committee with O'Neill and IlGlennolden High School. ;Young present, according to Miss Kersh. an elementary ;Chairman Peter Fishburn. education major from Short 1 If the committee decides by a Panhellenic Council last night' Hills, NJ two-thirds vote that .. was a finalist in a a plank is unanimously voted against eaten- campus campus cover girl contest when outside the scope of political par tion of the present independent-1 she was a s t u d en t at W estern ties, the clique chairman may fraternity rotation system. I College. Oxford. Ohio. 'change it. However. if he stands Mary Neel, senior in physical; Miss Lohresaz is a liberal arts by the original wording, the dis education from Irwin, presentedi major from Mt. Lebanon. iputed plank will be taken before a motion favoring retention. It M iss Guyer is music i . iAll-University Cabinet tomorrow ,night for a vote. was defeated. Ilion major from Altoona. amended version of any Phyllis Hodges. senior in bac-, The Junior Prom Queen c on- iolanks not approved by Elections teriology from Meadville, was ari-! i test is sponsored each year by t he,Committee tonight and not taken pointed chairman of a committee +junior class. to revise the constitution. Mem-, be by the committee at 6:30 p.m. Lyon senior in education f from, '. . This year's queen will before ; Cabinet will be reviewed hers of the committee are Mum - t crowned at intermission at the }Sunday in 218 HUB. . Junior Prom which will be held The Elections Committee to- Pittsburgh, and Patricia Pillet. l Fr i day „ - g in Recre ation • night also will check the trans senior Zr. home economics from; Hs u . Johnstown. 4 ;scr i pts of the parties 'nominees, In a discussion of informal rush, At the crowning, the queen will;for sophomore class 'offices. A 2.41 1 receive a gold trophy and gifts!All-University average is required suggestions were made that av- idonated by several State - Colle ,,, e'bv the Elections Code. erages be put on . the master lists _ of rushees and that a more rapid t-merchants' ' The names of 'judges for the • system of sending bids and re-i memberskriU Analysis-- Icontest, several faculty eeiving replies be used. .1 Members were asked to g i ve ,and downtown merchants, were. not disclosed. , (Continued from page one) suggestions to the Panhel rushi hundreds of thousands of chairman for improvement of the, The prom will feature the or- s ~ ,,a - h ave su f fered ~ vi mans nave Penn handbookflu- used for formal rush. ,chestra of Woody Herman and will - .• • ;b e . held from 9 p.m. to I a.m, I type illnesses. They were also asked to subm it !be he state in de- pictures to be used in the hand-! Tickets are $5 a couple andi c te earing The laboratory house for ' is the official hook and the names of membersfwill go on sale the day of the• rimming if flu cases are the to model for a page picturing clance at the Hetzel Union desk. , , clothes suitable for the rush par-. Asian variety or not. ' ties. . . :, A laboratory spokesman was The president of each sorority ' Foreign Scientists unable to give a county-by-county will attend cffee hours which! 'breakdown of the 136 confirmed I are held each ' week by the dean :Assist in Research , CaSIEtS. of men's office. ' He said laboratory tests, be , -- ? Two scientists from other coon- gun during the summer. have Banner Contest Planned tries are serving for short periods. uncovered no death directly caused by flu of any type. • with the ,taff of the lonosphere; For W.Va. Pep Rally ! Research Laboratory. , All reported deaths have been from after-effects-complications for banner contest with an award" Dr. tip. Becker, of the Institute; Lin-.of the disease. To date a total of for the best fraternity or sorority'for lonospheric Research in Lin banner and another for the best!, .oau, uermany, will spend a m on th ; 89 persons in the Keystone State independent banner will -be fea- here, and Dr. A. P. M have died from complications itra, execu - tured at the West Virginia game tive secretary of the Radio Re- !which which set in after flu struck. pep rally Friday. !search Committee of the National Groups entering a banner will Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, meet at Recreation Hall at 6:45 4- India. will be here for three p.m. Friday.— -- 'months. ----- - -- Collegian Candidates ; Dr. Mitre who had previously No-Rotation 1 Vote Cost By Panhel Candidates for the ed:torialstaffserved on the faculty, is also ex - - of The Daily Collegian staff will'ecutive secretary of the Indian meet at 6:45 tonight mil Carnegie.' Geophysical Year Committee. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA —Lion lataillo Sylvia Guyer TATS; NOW -. -.~4~. Sybil Kersh EALTHIER ; 74 - , 1 , ...:.. f'- - - - '•' OLIER , t lo i; v ii P r APPIER - ~...-,-. i CATHOLIC VOT-TVIS NNT3EG.E3EC October 27 • flosember 3 +11,00,• ISOM 0 , OUPNIC MOO SoriseVON & • • Special 6:30 a.m. mass daily at Our Lady of Victory Church Meet behind Old Main at 6:15 for transportation to the church —Lion Static Barbara Flay Constitution Stormy Session LA In By a 17-4 vote—and after lengthy debate—the Liberal Arts Student Council last night adopted a revised constitu tion. . . Probably the most controversial issue of the stormy ses sion was a revised section restricting voting along fraternity- sorority lines in the election o officers. The proposal finally adopted by the council a section from the old council constitution—reads: "No two consecutive (council) presidents shall be from the same fraternity or sorority." This was substituted for a sec tion in the revised constitution which reads: ". . . members of any social fraternity, social professional frat ernity or sorority shall split one vote equally among those mem bers present." At least three main points of view were fervently expressed and hotly debated during the one hour forty-five minute hassle: - Some members said they be lieved the section in the revised constitution should be kept. Oth ers felt the section in the old constitution should be substituted. Still others felt neither section should be included. Proponents of the revised sec tion said it would guard against fraternity or sorority control and domination of the council. Opponents of this section felt it was unfair and undemocratic. I They believed every member should be entitled to one full vote in the election of officers. They said such a voting plan also should apply to other campus or ganizations. James Jimmiro, senior in arts and letters from Abington, who favored Greek restriction, moved tthat the section from the old con stitution be substituted for the new section. Jimmiro, himself a member of a fraternity, said: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1957 Virginia Oftinger By RALPH MANNA "Even though there is only one chance in 1000 that two consecu tive council presidents will be from the same fraternity or sor ority, there is still more ethno centricity among these groups than in other campus organiza tions." Opponents of the, section from the old constitution believed a capable person should not be held back from the presidential post merely because the previous pres ident was from the same frater nity or sorority. i . Now - 1:46, 3:43, 5:40, 7:37, 9:34 JIM ALMON • DAVID IMIN 131416413.14' 1%.• . • * NITTANY NOW . DOORS OPEN 6 P.M. INGRID BERGMAN MEL FERRER in Jean Renoir's "PARIS DOES STRANGE THINGS" •••••••••••••••••••••••• WMAJ Programs WEDNESDAY 6:50 6 :32 8:50 6:15 10 :00 10:05 11:05 11:20 11:..0 11 :35 12 :DO 12:I5 12:30 I :15 5:05 y Bob and Ftay 5:30 5:35 6:00 - News and Market Report 6:30 6:45 6:55 Load News 7:20 7:2s 7:15 St :00 9:00 •••••••••••••••••••••••• OK'd --- Sign Ott _Morning Skew Morning Devotions Morning Show News Classical Interlude ' News Swap Shop Music for Listening -News - Queen for a Day Music at Neon Centre County Hews _ What's Going On Muaie Ares Sports Strike Up the Band -- World News ii!a __ Music for Listening - High School Programs _. Music for Listening Jass Panorama (WDFM ) Campus News (WDFM ) 3losic for Listening Dr. Shelley (WDFM) New. Groovoke7 5l News-and Sports Sirs Oft
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