TUESDAY. OCTOBER 8 Levin Of Ca Herbert Levin S' chairman because of Gary Young, viee clique chairman pro Levin disclosed 1 3-Memb APhiA I inactivat Alpha Phi Alpha frat been placed on inactiv; the Senate committee affairs. The action was take fraternity, with only tl' bers, is below the mini I The fraternity was b. mum membership last was not inactivated ' by the committee. The committee usua an organization a co grace period. The ruling will not p fraternity from. rushing has a chance to bring it, ship up to 12. The fraternity is, ho ever, not' permitted to hold ant's cial func tions with women studgnts nor is Borough Council it permitted to enter intramural. • I athletics. . Last year, while having only 10'Wlii Not Install members, the fraternity was able to win an intramural track trophy,W lk W " with -victories in • the 100-yard! a - aittight dash, the broad jump and the. Borough Council, following rec-' high jump. The high jump win ommendations of the State Col set a new intramural record of. s'lole. l iege Traffic Commission; last night decided no t to install Despite the lack of a fraternity , walk-wait light at College Ay-, house, the members were able to; maintain a unified organization. enue and Allen Street. They were active in Interfrat ern- icongested conditions at the cor- The commission report said, ity Council, one of the members holding the chairmanship of IFC's trier are not of sufficient duration cultural committee. Ito warrant a special light. The national fraternity was' The council also accepted rec inymimendations of the State Col 1907founded at Cornell University and it has 196 chapters. liege Airport Authority without 'reading because of the report's length. An informal meeting to discuss the authority's proposals will be held after council members have had time to study the report. Accepted for negotiation was a report concerning an exchange of lands between the borough and the University. Burgess Claude H. Decker -praised members of the police de partment for their work in hand ling weekend traffic. Concert Group Joined by 900 Nearly 900 memberships for the 1957-58 State College Concert As sociation were reported - sold as this year's campaign came to a close at noon Saturday. Sale of the memberships to non students exceeded the figures of recent years; in addition, sales were down. Directors of the association attributed the drop to the newly organized Artists'"Ser les. At a meeting Saturday with musical consultant Harold Welch of New York City the directors of the association discusSed pos sible programs to round out this year's series. ,It is expected that final -bookings will be completed this week. The Pittsburgh Symphony Or chestra has been contracted for Nov. 19 and the Roger Wagner Chorale for April. 8. War Film to Be Shown "The Nazis Strike," a film on World War 11, will be shown at a meeting of the history round table at 7:30 tonight in 217 Willard. the RES Made to order e • 1 est ingredients. We invite you to for that late eve, uits as Head pus Clique !ated Story on Page One) Two Republicans and two Democrats will take part in unday resigned as Campus party clique an informal panel discussion on "Current Affairs" at 7:30 "personal" reasons. I tonight in 111 Bourke. clique chairman, automatically becamei The Republican members of the panel, sponsored by the tempore. ~ • 1 Intercollegiate Conference on Government, are Dr. Ruth C. - 1 is resignation at a Campus party steer-i Silva. associate professor of politi-1 - ing committee meeting Sundayi cal science and adviser to the; - afternoon and at a party organil M Young Republicans Club, and Dr. zational meeting Sunday night. ; M. Nels M on cGeary, professor of A total of 225 students regis-I political science. tered Sunday to bring the party's: The Democrats are Dr. R. Wal-! present registration figure to 370. lace Brewster, professor of po-1 Lion party has registered 273. in-, litical science, and Dr. Francis J. eluding 173 on Sunday. Both Honored by Trutees Sorauf, assistant professor of po parties will continue registration' litical science and adviser to the next Sunday. No formal • Lion, 'Young DeTocrats Club. ;party meeting was held Sunday. Trustees Honor Dennis Castellis. ICG prasi- ' I Two clique officers were elected i dent, has announced that the ' ,Sunday by the Campus party• organization wi 11 sponsor its ' steering committee to fill execu- 1 1 ice President next panel discussion. -Inter tive committee vacancies. 1 national Affairs and Problems. - Robert . Welch, - sophomore in; c or Service on Oct 15. Panel members will ' arts and letters from Wellsboro,T be Dr. Luke T. Lee, assistant ! was elected vice clique chairmani 1 professor of political science: ' to succeed Young. Jean Wilson,t Samuel K. Hostetter, who re-. Dr. Vernon V. Asparturian. as sophomore in education fromltired Oct. 1 as vice president for sistant professor of political White Plains, N.Y., was elected' finance emeritus, was honored' science, and Dr. Alfred G. clique executiv e ;for secretary. for his nearly 50 years of service: Pundt. professor of European Levin said his "personal" rea-. th e sons for resigning included schol-(by Board of Trustees on Fri-! histor y' astir difficulties and a part-timeidaY night. I ICG has established two pur .s for its informal discussion downtown job. I The board honored him with a; periods. Castellis said. :event the' Campus party at its clique' resolution in the minutes and' •To acquaint the students and ;„-„ sl meeting on Sunday will elect a; with a leather-bound lettez" in, faculty with current problems. ' L . . : . 1 ) ; e :` 1 , 1 ) a ± "1 :,recording secretary. Class clique; which the resolution was in-; •To interest students in open : officers also will be chosen. ,scribed. This was presented to discussion of current and na him by George H. Deike of Pitts burgh, president of the Board. : tional and international politi- i cal problems. The resolution said Hostetter . Durina their meeting last week,' Toseph F. O'Brien, associate pro-, has diligently served the youth . of his nation, through his chosen: college and university, in capaci- fessor of speech. spoke :members on parliamentary law ties from assistant in administra- tion in 1908, through the position and procedure. of vice 'president for finance and, BusAd Gr - ad Club treasurer." "Through his long ten- ure of office." the resolution said,' "Mr. Hostetter has fostered the.To Sponsor Panel 'interests of our nation, our peo- Tie, and our University with an; Five members of the faculty of [intelligent zeal and personal de- the College of Business Adminis- A-otion to duty rarely equalled`tration will present a panel dis-' land never excelled." ,cussion on thesis writing at a 'meeting of the college's Grad Club at 7:30 tonight at Phi Mu Delta fraternity. • rnity has status by n student since the ree mem umof. 12. low mini year bu mediately ly allows Isiderable Scholarship Forms May Be Submitted Applications for scholarships awarded by the Senate Commit tee on Scholarships and Awards may be submitted until Oct. 31. Application forms are available at the office of the co-ordinator of scholarships, 203 Old Main, and the Trust Funds Division of the Accounting Office, 6 Willard. Signatures of an applicant's parents are required on the forms. George N. P. Leetch. coordinator of scholarships, said. These forms, properly complet ed, also may be used in applying Ifor other scholarships, provided the candidate meets the eligibility requirements for the other awards. waroctccuroccialenvetcecxxick PIZZA .'KERN A A A URANTI pecially for you out of the fin erved from 8:30 itif 11:30 ... stop in ... enjoy the very best it 1 ing snack. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA McKinley to Talk On BusAd Future David H. McKinley, associate dean of the College of Business Administration, will speak •to Delta Sigma Pi, professional bus iness fraternity, at a rushing smoker at 8:30 tonight at Sigma Nu fraternity. His topic will be "The Future of the College of Business Admin istration." Members .will meet at 7:30 p.m. I , n 7 J 4 I . € .i o t ':. 2. \ z\l4( ) ? V HOUR \ .7/ errheaname AD 7-7661 W. Beaver GOP, Dem Profs Will Discuss Issues Panel members are Dr. Law rence E. Fouracker. professor of economics: Dr. Will E. Mason. associate professor of economics: Dr. G. Kenneth Nelson. professor of accounting; Dr. Jacob J. Kauf man. associate professor of eco nomics; and Dr. R. Hadlv Waters. professor of transportation. Lion Committee to Meet The . Lion party publications committee will meet at 7 tonight in 216 Willard. ONE State College Cabinet to Give Radio Program All-University Cabinet will sponsor the second in a series of informative programs at 9:30 to night over WDFM. and WMAJ. ' The functions of the Interfra •ternity Council and Panhellenic •Council as parts of the University will be discussed tonight. Speaking for Panhel will be ;firs. R. Mae Schultz, assistant to the Dean. of Women, and Grace ;Antes, Panhel president. Speak ing for IFC will be 0. Edward 'Pollock, assistant to the dean of rnen in charge of fraternity af• .fairs, and James Hart, IFC presi dent. The panel will discuss the or igaaization of IFC and Panhel. :rushing regulations. drinking rules under the IFC Board of ;Control, future housing program and sorority suites, including the , possibility of sorority houses. It's More un than a barrel of 'ern! Progressive Jazz The Bob Leßoy Quartet Pizza Sandwiches Steamed Clams by Galleria Tonight 8-11 W. Beaver Ave. PAGE FIVE
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