PAGE EIGHT Competitions Open For Study Abroad Competitions are now open to select almost 1000 citizens for Fulbright and Buenos Aires Convention scholarships for graduate study abroad for 1958-59. Fuibright awards for pre-doctoral study and research in Europe, Latin America and Asia cover tuition, books and maintenance for one academic year. The Buenos Aires Con- Freshman Wins Tractor Contest Joseph Hurlburt. freshman in agricultural education from Ash ley Falls, Mass., took top honors in the men's division of the an nual tractor driving contest on Saturday at the parking lot next to the Forestry Building. Coeds proved too timorous to defend their driving ability. Last year four coeds participated in the contest, but this year there were no entries in the women's division. Hurlburt was judged on safe driving and his ability to maneu ver the tractor through obstacles in a serpentine course and to back it into a narrow stall at the finish. He will receive a trophy from the Ag r i cultural Engineering Club, sponsor of the contest. Grad Student Receives $4OOO 'Glass' Fellowship Robert Ryder, graduate student in ceramic technology, has been awarded the newly-established $4OOO Pittsburgh Plate Glass Fel lowship. The purpose of the fellowship is to train graduate students and to promote research in glass tech nology. Jazz Club Meeting Tonight This is your last chance to get your records of the Brubeck and Kenton Concerts Last meeting of the , year 8 P. M. 105 WHITE HALL Most studies of students at college disclose That boys and girls aim at quite different things. The boys learn new angles—add strings to their bows; The co-eds would rather add beaus to their strings! MORAL: Why be high-strung? Relax pleasure of Chesterfield King! More Savored satisfaction from the world's best tobaccos. PLUS King-size filter action ... a better tobacco filter because it's packed more smoothly by ACCU•FtAY! Mester,!ski King has everything! •S5O gm to Bob Armknola, Dartmouth College, for his Chesser Field poem. $5O for every philosophical verse accepted for publi. moth*. Cheeeerfield. P.O. Box 21. New York 46, N.Y. °Limit II *hers Tobacco Co. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA vention scholarships pro vide transportation and maintenance. To be eligible for these awards a person must be a United States citizen, have a college degree or its equivalent by the time the award will be used, knowledge of the language of the country of application and good health. Should Be Under 35 Preference is given to appli cants who are under 35 years of age. Countries where students may study under the Fuibright Act are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Burma, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece. India, Israel, Italy. Japan, the Nether lands, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines and the United King dom. For study in the Asian coun-' tries—Burma, Indian, Japan and the Philippines—and Greece, on-' ly a limited number of grants is available, and mature graduate candidates are preferred. 16 Countries Participate Countries participating in the Buenos Aires Convention pro-. gram are Bolivia. Brazil, Chile,' Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the l Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicara-! gua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru: and Venezuela. Further information and appli cation blanks are available in the offices of Fulbright advisers on campus. Walker Views-- (Continued from page one) most as many new buildings in the mext 15 years as were erected in the entire previous 100-year history of the University. In line with this expansion, Walker said eight new buildings are -in the final planning stage. The new buildings planned are: an engineering building that, will extend along College Ave. across the street from the theatres; a petroleum laboratory between Buckhout Laboratory and the Forestry Building; an extension to the Home Ecnomics Building; a meats laboratory; a swine re search center; new turkey breed er houses; and a military air and naval sciences building. Seniors to Ballot— (Continued from page one) burg, Joseph Eberly, Joseph Hartnett, Lash Howes, William Johnson, William Kane, Robert iKrakoff, Edmond Kramer, Daniel 'Land, Lawrence McCabe, Mike Moyle, John Pepe, Leonard Rich ards, Curtin Schafer, Norman ISchue, Richard Schillinger, Jack Valentine. Samuel Valentine and Samuel Walcott. Come to: -COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE GRADS: Brand new briefcases for sale. Also mews two-piece set of men's lug gage. Call AD 5-1053 or AD 74033 after 5:16. TIRE SALE—tires for sale. cheap. 54.00 a piece in lots of sixteen. Will shin to you. Write to Ambridge Auto Wree.kdog Co.. 2805 Dues Ave.. Ambridge. Ps. USED REFRIGERATOR, good condition. Call Don AD 8-8838 atter 5:30 p.m. HOUSE TRAILER, 1952 model, 28 feet: most economical, very convenient living. Will bargain. See Mike Sikorski, Moover's Trailer Park. A SET OF four matched woods. Wilson Sam Snead Championship. In original wrappers, never used. Will sell at sacri fice. Dial AD 8-61•74 before 5. Also used set of Burke Imperial woods and irons. This is a complete matched and registered set of 4 woods and 9 irons. May be seen at Pro Shop.' $25 SPALDING baseball glove—used one year. Will sell for $12.50. Contact Larry Beighey, A• 24 Hamilton HalL GOLF CLUBS: 1954 Spalding Top Flite. registered Synchro-Dyned Irons. set of eight plus sand wedge and pitching wedge. Used very little. Price $65. Call AD 8-6130. 1948 FORD-TUDOR sedan, R&1, V-8. Good tires and clean upholstery. Call Frank Miller AD 8-8151. MAN'S KHAKI summer jacket, dacron and cotton. size 28. Cost $24 at Jacob Reed's. Worn twice. $l2. Tel. AD 8-1055. SUITABLE TRAILER Locations—Sunrise Trailer Court, six miles from State College on Benner Pike. Water, sewage. laundry. garbage facilities. Call ELgin 6-4446 after 6 p.m. FOR RENT THREE-ROOM furnished apartment avail able June 6th. 605 E. Fairmount Ave. Phone AD 8-1152. ROOMS FOR men all summer sessions at Marilyn Hall. 917 E. Beaver Ave. Con venient to town and campus. Special low rates. Reservations now being taken. Ask for Mrs. Elleard. JUNIORS AND Seniors make reservations now for school year 1957-58. Board and room at Marilyn Hall. 317 E. Beaver Ave. Ask for Mrs. Elleard. ROOMS FOR men, all summer sessions Rooms for double or single occupancy at 222 S. Allen. Reservations also being taken for fall semester, double occupancy only. Upper clasamen in engineering and grad uate students preferred. Call AD S-6774 before 5 p.m. to see rooms and make reservations. FURNISHED APARTMENT 3 rooms and bath. Available June 1 to Sept. 1. Metz ger Bldg. Call AD 8-6323. FURNISHED APARTMENT for summer. Metzger Building. Cheap and convenient. Call Torn AD 7-7247. THREE AND 4-room apartments-445 and 160. Bellefonte. Available June 14). Call EL 64482 after IL Political Science-- (Continued prom page two) laid schemes of mice an men gang aft agley, an' lea's us nought but grief an' pain for promied joy!" Maturity will demand "sober second thoughts" abotit quick and easy solutions for terminating the inevitable conflicts of interests , 'of modern nations. Such solutions are advanced, for example, by well-meaning, if reckless, advocates of "preventive war" and by logical, if unrealistic, proponents of World Government Now. The mature mind will also insist upon critically examining the consequences of alternative courses of action. Should we, for exam ple, support Britain and France, our allies in Western Europe, in their efforts to protect their vital interests in, the Near East and North Africa? Or should we take a strong anti-colonial position all over the world, regardless of the effect ''nf this stand upon the Western Alliance? And what are the consequences of yet other alternatives? Above all, the mature mind will be prudent, that is to say, possessed of that sound judgment which can wisely "relate appro priate means to well-articulated ends. Such sound judgment will support a patient, firm diplomacy of accommodation, even though we may be strongly tempted by a less modest, more dramatic, policy which some urge as necessary to relax or destroy the ten sions that threaten to make the whole world a garrison state or a common atomic incinerator. This may not be a cheerful picture; but it does seem to me that we must face up to this more sobering view of the world in which we live. •U.S. National Guard units took •The piccolo is the - highest part in eleven campaigns and 34 pitched of all musical instru assault landings in World War 11. ments. Graduating Seniors ... Commencement Is the Beginning Not the End of Your Ties Join Your Alumni Association Before You Leave Campus Special Seniors Fee . . $2.00 If You Join On or Before June 8 THE ALUMNI OFFICE 104 Old Main FOR RENT APARTMENT: Furnished, 3 rooms, private bath, near campus. Available June 9th for summer and following achool year if wanted. Contact Bill Grove, 225 S. Atherton St. after 8 p.m. APARTMENT TO Rent for summer -8 rooms, bath. first - floor. automatic crasher. furnished completely: baby furni ture. Call AD 7-3941. FURNISHED APARTMENT. TWO room, kitchenette and batli. Available June 6 until Sept. 15. Metzger Building. Call AD 7-4004. Stan Wielobob. VERY NICE Apartment. 2 bedrooms, living room, bath. kiteben—s9o. Available July I. 1967. Unfurnished but we're selling our furniture at bargain prices. Call AD 8-9626 after 8 pan. FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT for summer for 3 males. All facilities, two blocks from campus. Call AI) 7-2226. Parking available. ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM completely fur nished apartment with private bath, available for summer. In Quiet residential area one block from campus. Call AD 7-7967. ROOMS AT Simi Alpha Mu. 912 Locust Lane. for all summer sessions. 94.00 per week. Contact Gary Zinman AD 7. T 732. APARTMENT FOR summer. Two rooms and-bath. No kitchen facilities. Furnished. $35 monthly. Parking extra. 141 South Allen. Call Al) 7-2904. DOUBLE ROOM for rent. male students. $6 per week. 401 Keller Street. Call AD 13-8676. NEAT, TWO-ROOM and private bath fur. niched apartment, one block from cam pus. Available for one or two persons from June to _Sept. Call AD S-13541„ ask for Ron. TRIPLE ROOM for summer. Parking Call AD 7-4451. COMFORTABLE ROOMS for summer and fall, all with hot and cold running water or private bath. Central, quiet, low student rates. The Colonial, 123 W. Nittany. Tel. AD 7-4850. ROOMERS FOR summer school. If plan ning ' to stay 6-9-12 weeks. $4.05 per week. Phone AD 134165, ask for Dace. TAN RAINCOAT, plaid lining—taken by mistake Thursday between 10-11 outside 203 Buckhout. Name In collar. Please call Dan, AD 7-3476. GREEN LEATHER Wallet in HUB Sun day between 12 and 2. Important cards. Call Sally Reukauft 327 Simmons. PERSON WHO found Burke No. 9 iron near 9th green last Fri. Please call Dish AD 74861. Reward. RAINMAKER RAINCOAT—Iost outside of 318 Willard. Return to Tom Green. AD7-7638. Sentimental value. MEN'S SILVER zircon ring. Of senti mental vallie only.. CO Dan Leaman ut 1195. With Penn State'. ONE COMMERCE 39 real estate book la front of Willard Hall last Monday morn. ing. Call Jack Whittle at AD 7-4928. Important for finals. MULTI-COLORED srbusses between Kappa Stigma and Simmons. Call Pat. 360 Sim• mons. GIRL'S GOLD Omega watch with miraea loue medal attached. Thursday morning (16th) between McElwain and Willard. Reward. Call 265 McElwain. ANYONE WISHING to sell some extra graduation invitations or announcements call Bob Wenner at AD 7-4937. MEN OVER is interested in sales train; ing program. Car furnished for trained men. Must be neat, friendly, Interested in work. Call Williamsport 5069 any day between 11 and 2. Ask for Mr. Wyre. PASSENGERS WANTED PASSENGERS WANTED to Alberqueratte. New lidexieo or intermediate points after Jane 8. Call AD 7-2136, Ed Kornowelti. PASSENGERS WANTED to Idaho. Leay. int June 10. Call Joe Butterwick ext. 963. PASSENGERS WANTED to Los Angeles via Indianapolis, St. Louis, Albuquerque, June 1. Call Jim Lambert, Tavern after 9 p.m. . GRADUATING SENIORS before you leave campus remember to join the Penn State Alumni Assn. Special Senior Membership Fee only $2.00. Come to the Alumni Office, 104 Old Main. IR YOUR typewriter giving you trouble? 11 so. call AD 7.2492 or bring machine io 638 54! College Ara IT'S HASSINGER for racket stringing the No• Awl Way. Latest factory equipment. Prompt service; guaranteed work; longer life to string and racket University Ten. nil Service. 514 E. Beaver Menne. FOR PROMPI and expert radio and phono. graph service stop at State College T.V. tB2 South Allen Street RIDE WANTED to Houston, Texan front Philadelphia area—leaving June 8-10. Call AD 7-4151, ask for Dave. RIDE WANTED to Oregon or neighboring states, June 2, 3. or t. Phil 'Johnson, ext. 1184. • FOR , GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS TUESDAY. MAY 21. 1957 LA= 11. A HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS RIDE WANTED
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