PAGE -EIGHT Spring Tantern 7 Will Go on Sale The spring issue of the Lantern, literary magazine, will go on sale Wednesday at the Hetzel Union desk, Waring Hall, the Mall bulletin board and in front of the Corner Room. The price will be 25 cents. Seven students will have short stories appearing in the magazine. The poems of nine j students will be published. ] ' One anonymous poet submitted! "Mass to Nothingness" under the name of JD.K. Contributions for the magazines are voluntary and arc not submitted in connection with any course. Writes of Marines Morton Levy wrote the first story, “Jahzal. It deals with two Marines stationed in Japan and their encounter with two Geisha girls. Other students contributing fic tion are Warren McLaughlin, “Prism"; Bonnie Walters, “Sum mer Scene”; Joseph Stemple, “A! Need for Something Cool”; Mat thew Robinson,. “Run the Black and Stony Road”; Bernice Fastow, “Promenade”; and Patricia Pala-i dine, “Pink Elephants Follow Me Everywhere 1 Go.” Everything from a humorous story about an alcoholic to a pathetic tale about a Negro boy’s visit to the South is included in the fiction section. Poets Named The poets are John Febako, poem; Arlene Lit, “Relativity”; Ethelrene Johnson, “Horus” and “The Revellers”; Alan Elms, “Son net to Pam” and “Business as; Usual”; and Ruth Billig “Advice from Saki”, “Impressions” and “Serenity”. Jan Bartow, “Old Bones Are Living”; James Jitnmirro, “Pres-; ence—But Absence”; Ralph Hen-; ninger; Charles Antal o s k v, ‘.‘Mood”. May Day- (Continued from page one) freshman women, followed by a salute to the aueen by the mem bers of Tau Kappa Epsilon frat ernity who will sing “Blue and White.” Gymnasts to Perform A performance of 14 aesthetic women gymnasts under the di rection of Eugene Wettstone, coach of the University gymnastic team and 1956 Olympic gymnastic coach, will be held. Members of Kappa Delta sor ority will salute the queen by singing “Moments to Remember.” TKE and KD will then serenade the queen together by singing “May Day Carol.” The ceremony will close with -the traditional recessional with the queen being carried in a cer emonial seat by six bearers. The music for the program will be supplied by the Prep Band under the direction of James Dunlop, director of the Blue Band. Mrs. Frank W. Montgomery, wife of the pastor of St. Paul’s Methodist Church of State Col lege, is in' charge of the entire program. Members of Cwens, freshman women’s hat society, and Andro cles and Blue Key, junior men’s hat societies, will usher for the ceremonies. All participants in the cere monies have been asked to as semble at 2:45 p.m. today in the lobby of Old Main unless other wise notified. The ushers will assemble at 2:30 prn. in the lobby. Sale of Tickets Begins For Town Men Banquet Tickets are on sale for the Town Independent Men banquet which will be held at 6:30 p.m. next Saturday at the Pleasant Gap Grange Hall. They may be obtained for $1.50 at the TIM office, 203 Hetzel Un ion. or from Bruce Pellnitz, AD 8- 8078. Town independent men and freshmen who will be living in town next year may attend. Alpha Nu Elects Officers John Kelly, junior in geo physics and geochemistry from Philadelphia, has been elected president of Alpha Nu, astro nomical society. Other officers are Robert Chap man, vice president; Sharon Gal lagher, secretary; and Thomas Schroth, treasurer. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Prof Will Head _ I _ _ . Tr«r * Court, eix miles from State A > College t! Benner Pike. Water, sewage, Mavisory cna IxBlll Dr. Charles L: Fergus, associate j ids 2 Hudson S". rh, hydramatic, new professor cf botany, has been!, r co P om > c *' t° run—j37c. call elected president of the Associ- iA ° Tl ‘~ -f. Let ~ ation of Pnnncplnrc i HOUSE Richardson, 4l« UnSel ° rS “ I ,oot * two brooms. Set up on nice lot. Utner Ollicers are: ! 53200. See Mike Sikoreki, Hoover’s Trailer Dr. Martin L. Ziegler, research* p***- _ associate in psychology, vice pres- j opportunity— pin, m 2 Eicar home ident; Dr. John R. Hays, associate! treiler. Owner (traduatine. Seasonable Drofcccnr nf rliemivrv cprret=t-,T- ;oW ' r accepted. Open for inspection pruiessor Ol cnemisuy, secretary-. Sat. and Sunday, weekdays after 5:30. treasurer; and Dr, Pennoyer F.jJohn Hibier, 32 Hilltop, state College, Pa. (English, professor of wildlife two bunkbeds with m»ttrra«*. one management, member-at-large toi cabinet, one bureau, one chest of drawers, the executive, committee. * on ® e#^c * Pbone AD £-6990 after 6:15 p.m. The association is composed of) fraternity faculty advisers, and! serves in an advisory capacity to 1 the University in dealing with' fraternity affairs and with fra- temities directlv ROOMS FOR Men. All summer sessions. Ja ; Special rates. 216 W. College Ave. InntArn CA#.// Am AJmaA FURNISHED APARTMENT—three rooms Lantern Mar t TO Meet 1 and bath, centrally located. Available j Members and candidates of Lan- 'J'i' s ' A r ?? yt “ u AD 8 ' 6 " 27 » nd «venin*a I tern, literary magazine, will meet „ - „ at 7 p.m. tomorrow in 213 Hetzel™ S Union. ‘preferred. AD 7.2043. WHAT'S AH INSCRIPTION IN a CAVE! kathiccn potts Grotto Motto , w /tf IS THE eSBNT AN GIV SMO' CIGARETTES WHAT 15 A WSH NOISE? MARION ttYNN utnct* u HOUSE TRAILER, 1552 Model. 28 feet. Meet economical housing; very con \enient living. Will bargain. See Mike Sikowki, Hoo\er’e Trailer Park. 1848 NEW MOON Housetrailer, 24 foot, patio and aluminum awning—lB7s. Col lege View Trailer Park. Phone AD 7-4452. MAGNA VOX HI-FI AM-FM radio; RCA 45 r.p.m. Phonograph. 12" Hi-Fi speaker: 2 original Glenn Miller albums; auto graphed Be..ny Goodman albums and others. Ca.l Sehantz ext. 1191. TRAILER Locations—Sunrise 5-ROOM Apartment, 3 bedrooms for 3 males. All facilities. Two blocks from , campus. Available June 1. AD 7-2826. WHAT IS SKILLFUL LARCENY I MAVIS eOISTAD. CHICO STATE COLLCCt sec p******' 1 t-rw^JSKTOBivc: STAND THERE .. . STICKLE! MAKE *25 jk Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word vL! 7K rhjming answers. Both words must have V 4 ZmF? the same number of syllables. .(No draw ings, please!) We’ll shell out $25 for all we use—and for hundreds that never see print. So send slacks of ’em with your narrie, address, college and class to Happy- Joe-Lucky, Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. ' . “IT'S TOASTED" TO TASTE BETTER . . . CLEANER, FRESHER, SMOOTHER I WHAT ARE HAY AND OATS? STANLEY PETERS. U. OF SANTA CURA 'rodudcf offi iMruujean i/vt 9AT.Cc. Over 14,000 Readers See These ... COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS F.OR SALE FOR RENT Deft Theft Luckies Taste Better Mult Fuel FOR RENT APARTMENT—reasonable; private bath. Available June 1 to Sept. 7. Convenient location. For married couple. 622 W. Col lege Ave. Call AD 7-4073. SINGLE ROOM, first floor, beside bath. near eampus. Male on!/. Available in June. Call AD 7-2665. FURNISHED TWO-ROOM apartment' for rent two blocks from campus. Free parking. laundry. Available immediately. Call AD 8-1043 between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. except weekends. ROOMS AT STgma Alpha Mu, 812 Locust Lane, for all summer sessions. 84.00 per week. Contact Gary Zinman AD 7- 7732. MAN’S BROWN plastic wallet behind Beaver Field on Thursday. Return to HUB desk. Reward. Need cards. BROWN AND white checked Jacket In 12 Sparks. Name taped inside pocket. If found call Maurer ext. 266. CANNON, type used in yaeht races, at Lambda Cbl Alpha Sat night Call Jarvis ext 288. PAIR OF dark-rimmed prescription sun glasses, near HUB or girls' dorms last Sunday. Reward.’Call Dave Sifter AD 8- 6786. PAIR OF black flannel slacks In front of Simmons, Saturday night Call Tim Helvlg at ext -$6O. ALLIGATOR RAINCOAT lost at DTD Friday night, if found call Don Doyle ext 1189. $5.00 reward. PAIR OF sunglasses at Municipal Tennis Courts Monday evening. ' Call Chip Strange, AD 8-8394. ALLIGATOR RAINCOAT. Phi Kappa Sigma last Saturday eve. Name In neck band. Tim, AD 7-7754. LADIES GOLD Ring with green stones, left in HUB’S ladies room by ballroom at 5:30 on last Monday. Sentimental value. If found call 421 Simmons. Reward. WHAT IS A STURDY BOAT? martha noyes. Staunch Launch WHA rs A WORKER IN A CANDLE FACTORY? Taper Shaper SAUL MILLER. U. OF FLORIDA —c /o&veco- is cur middl SATURDAY. MAY 11. 1957 GIRL'S EYE glasses and Shaeffer dot pea In 110 E.E. Call Oaks at AD 8-9006. COLUMBIA RECORD, SSL-181 “John Brown's Body." Please call Jack Morri son, AD 7-3696. HUNGRY? Visit Parent Teachers tion Food Fair, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Satur day, May 18 at Storch Motor Company (next to Tavern). - TWO MEN to share advantages and re*. sponsibilittes of five-room apartment for summer. Close to campus. AD 7-2307. RIDE WANTED ‘RIDE TO California after June 8. Call ext 1198, Karl Lllje. MISCELLANEOUS PRICES ON Student-Rate Subscriptions to Newsweek and Time magazines will ad vance before Sept 1. Get new and re newal subscription in now if possible. Rates till Sept 1, $3 a year. Other student rate subscriptions mu follows: Life 84.00. yr, 2 yrs. 37.00; Sports Illustrated 84.00 yr.; Harpers 83.00 yr.; Readers Digest 16 mos.' for 82.00; Atlantic Monthly 83.00 yr. Publishers bill you after subscriptions start. Write Frank P. Klein, 608 E. 17 St, Brooklyn 26, N.Y, * . IS YOUR typewriter giving you trouble? If so. call AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 633 *W College Ave. • IT’S HASSINGER for racket stringing the No-Awl Way. Latest factory equipment Prompt service; guaranteed work; longer life to string and racket University Ten nis Service, 614 E. Beaver Avenue. FOB PROMPT and expert radio and phono* graph service stop at State College T.V., iS2 South Allen Street FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS m 9 m idward eooDwiN. Short Sport WEST VIRGINIA U. MILLIONAIRES: do your friends yawn at yachts? Do they think diamonds are dreary? Here’s a pres ent that would make even a banker hanker: introduce him to Luckies! While you’re at it, be a sport: give him a whole Startin’ Carton! A Lucky is all cigarette ~. nothing but fine tobacco—mild, good-tast ing tobacco that’s TOASTED to taste even better. Invest in a, car ton yourself. You’ll say Luckies are the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked! WHAT IS A SMALL PlEftf Charles jones. Dwarf Wharf WILKES COUECt FOUND WANTED
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers