PAGE EIGHT Air Cadets To Receive 19 Awards Nineteen students in the Air Force Reserve Officers Training! Corps will receive awards at a | magn’avox hi-fi am-fm radio: rca 1 . u . t rj„_ * 45 r.p.m. Phonograph, 12" Hi-Fi speaker; ceremonj. at 3 p.TTh toaay at Bea- )2 original Glenn Miller albums: auto- ver Field These awards are in reeogni-, AUSTIN healey 100. ikb «ports con tion Ol outstanding scholastic j vertible: radio. heater. ciearette lighter. ability, military achievement and; Original o»i«r. Call ad 8-ios4. character. 'SUITABLE TRAILER Locations— Sunrise! The Outstanding Air Force ROTC Medals for each of the fourjuundry. garbage facilities. Call ELgin classes will be awarded to Nor- M<tt *‘ fter 6 man Kahn,' freshman; Jess, Clarke, sophomore; Charles Ny-I i un * or; Thomas Dye,: HOUSE TRAILER— IK6 Richardson. 41- senior. foot, two bedrooms. Set up on nice lot. Convair Award of Merit ipl 2 ,*' Mike sikonlki> Hoover ' B Trailer William Barr will receive the I opportunity- pin. 1952 Elear house* Convair Award 01 Merit. Herbert! trailer. Owner praduatlnjr. Reasonable Black and Arthur Tennvson will ° ffer wil , l accepted. Open for inspection receive the Chicago Tribune Gold.fE, cX,?r!: Medals and Stratton Karahalias' and Allan Gilbert will receive Silver Medals Roy Grube will receive the Air Force Association Medal and Thomas Quinn will receive the ROTO Gold Medal of the. Armed Forces Communications and Elec tronics Association. Charles Adams will be awarded the Sons of the American Revo lution Medal and Ronald Bache will be awarded the National De fense Transportation Association, Award. Reserve Officers' Awards Foster Billheimer and Marlvn Rabenold will be presented the two Reserve Officers' Association Awards. Robert Heverly and Richard Sickeler will receive the National Society of Scabbard and Blade Military Science Honor Medal Award. Ronald Moore will re ceive the Air- Force ROTC Drill Team Medal as the oustanding basic cadet. Robert Kaminski will receive the Republic Aviation Award which is given to the junior cadet making the most effective speech about air power. Teahouse' (Continued from page one) using the Broadway cast. Reifsneider has tried to keep all the properties and costumes as authentic as possible. A live goat, wooden sandals, cricket cages and Army field desks and telephones were obtained. Construction Problem Another problem was construct ing the teahouse, which has to be put together by actors during the final act. The roof has been suspended by wires and metal hooks on the side enabling the cast to hang the silk screens and walls quickly. According to Reifsneider, a “Teahouse of the August Moon” is now doing a profitable business on Okinawa ■ following the suc cessful staging of the play in Japan. Members of the cast include Julie Lee as Lotus Blossom, the wily Geisha Girl who helps "de militarize” Capt. Fisby, played by George Vlachos. Miss Lee was bom in Shankai, China, and helped letter the Oriental em blems on the helmets of the vil lagers. Casi Members Other members of the cast in clude Harry Jones, Sakini; Shel don Odland, Mac Lean; Gilbert Aberg, CoL Purday; Bruce Mack ey. Gregovitch; Charlene Wong, Miss Higa Jiga. Lowell Solmon, Mr. Hokaida; Terrance Quinn, Mr. Omura; Frederick Mayers, Mr. Sumata; Joseph Servello, Mr. Seiko: Den nis Castelli, Mr. Keora; Robert Levitt, Mr. Oshioa. Kathryn Kelleher, the old wom 'an; Veronica Antrim, the old woman's daughter. Two State College children, Stevie Odland, age 8, and Naida Geller, age 7, will play the parts of the children. Rae Stallop, Barbara Ehren kranz, Joseph Visniski, Geraldine Grube, Rosetta' Kearney, Samuel Wyman and Robert Shapiro will portray the villagers. Tickets for the play are on sale at the Hetzel Union desk at 60 cents for tonight’s performance and $1.25 for tomorrow and Satur day nights. • THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA • COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS • ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:06 a.n. THE PRECEDING DAY RATES—I 7 words or less: 10.50 On* isMitios 60.75 Two Insertions SI.OO Three insertions Additional words 3 for .66 for each day of Insertion. FOR SALE 'graphed Benny Goodman albums and | others. Call Schantr ext. 1191. LSS2 HUDSON “fc". RH. bydramatic. new inspection, economical to run—6376. Call \D 7-4979 ask for Lee. BUNKBEDS with mattresses, one | cabinet, one bureau, one chest of drawers, jone desk. Phone AD £-€990 after 5:15 p.m. 1955 30-FOOT Genera! Four-Star Deluxe I Trailer. Call AD 8-9094 after 5 p.m. and 1 ask for Flemings. ONE BEDROOM Trailer <1953 Mercury) 1 j 26 foot, ideal for married eouple. Con | tact Lou Wasser, Woodsdale Park. RCA TABLE model high fidelity phono | graph with diamond needle. Excellent condition. Reasonably priced. Call Dave ;Bavar AD 8-9462. , BLACK TASSELED 620 Florsheim shoes, size 9 ] £. too small for owner. Beat offer. Call Bill Wykoff AD 7-4215. Live get ' - >i's And this summer... get acquainted with the modern L*M Crush-proof box that's "taking over" on campus! Get with it! Now you can get your L&M’s in the newest, - most modem box... the L&M Crush-proof box that closes tight...protects your cigarettes...or, if you prefer, enjoy your L&M’s in famous packs—King or Regular. Yes, get the full, exciting flavor that makes L&M... ... America's fastest-growing cigarette FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT—three rooms and bath, centrally located. Available July 1. Days call AD 8-C727 and evenings AD 85598. APARTMENT—reasonable; private bath* Available June 1 to Sept. 7. Convenient i location. For married couple. 622 W. Col lege Ave. Call AD 7-4073. SINGLE ROOM, first floor, beside bath, near campus. Male only. Available in June. Call AD 7-2665. VERY CLEAN 3 room apartment, private bath from June lto Sept. 1. Couple preferred. AD 7-2043. I SINGLE OR double rooms for summer I sessions, very reasonable. Call AD 7-4050. APARTMENT— FURNISHED, 3 rooms, [ private bath: near campus: available !June Bth. Contact Bill Grove, 225 S. Ath erton St, Apt 8. APARTMENT LEASE for sale for fall semester. Available for summer. Call AD 7-2875 or contact 41 Metzger Bldg. JUNIORS AND Seniors make reservations now for scho<4 year 1957-58. Board and room at Marilyn Hall, 317 E. Beaver Ave. Ask for Mrs. Elleard. ROOMS FOR men—all summer sessions at Marilyn Hall, 317 E. Beaver Ave. Con venient to town and campus. Special low rates. Reservations now being taken. Ask for Mrs. EUeard. ROOMS FOR men. All summer sessions. Rooms for double or single occupancy at 222 S. Allen. Reservations also being taken for Fall semester, double occu ■—• on h\ Upper classmen in engineer ing and graduate students preferred. Call < * before 5 p.m. to see rooms land make reservations. MODERN 3-ROOM apartment Available j June 10. Stove, refrigerator, heat laun dry, parking facilities. Call AD 8-9570. APARTMENT—SUMMER only suitable for four male students. Call after 5:30. Phone AD 7-7976. 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, avail able for summer, 1 block from campus. Call AD 7-7907 after 5 p.m. Modem full exciting FOR RENT ROOMS AT Sigma Alpha Mu, 312 Locust Lane, for all summer sessions. 14.00 per week. Contact Gary Zinman AD 7- 7732. PAIR OF sunglasses at Municipal Tennis Courts Monday evening. Call Chip Strange, AD 8-8394. LADIES GOLD Watch with green stones, left in HUB's ladies room by ballroom at 5:30 on last Monday. Sentimental value. If found call 421 Simmons. Reward. ALLIGATOR RAINCOAT, Phi Kappa Sigma last Saturday eve. Name in neck band. Tim, AD 7-7754. _ ALLIGATOR RAINCOAT lost at DTD Friday night If found call Don Doyle, ext 1189. SINGLE OR Double rooms for summer sessions. Very reasonable. Call AD 7-4050. LADIES SMALL tan Neolite Train Case, April 23 on Nittany Ave near Pugh. Please phone G.R.K. at AD 8-9440. TWO ROLLS,Bmm movie film in yellow Kodak boxes in front of Lion Shrine Friday. Finder please call Paul AD 7-2134. WILL THE PERSON who took an Alli gator raincoat with a Rex label from AXP Saturday night please call Bob Terry, AD 7-2207. KHAKI COAT from Theta Xi Sat nite; green lining. Call’Sue, 401 McElwain. FOUND GIRL'S EYE glasses and Shaeffer dot pen in 110 E.E. Call Oaks at AD 8-9006. WANTED ONE DOUBLE or two single rooms for fall semester. (Female students). Pre ferable close to campus. Call Jan at AD 7-3992. TWO MEN to share advantages and re sponsibilities of five-room apartment for summer. Close to campus. AD 7-2307. ...smoke L & M flavor 0195714< THURSDAY. MAY 9, 1957 WANTED WANTED— Roomers for summer school, tf planning to stay 6-9-12 weeks. Price $4.00 per week. Contact Dave Lenxner, Pi Lamb* da Phi, 326 S. Pugh St. Phone AD 8-91 #6. 1947 4-DOOR black Oldsmobile; radio and beater. Call Stan Cheaney ext. 1198. HELP WANTED DISHWASHERS WANTED at Alpha Ep silon Pi fraternity. Call Martin Freed man at AD 8-1039. PASSENGERS WANTED RIDER TO El Paso, Texas. Leaving May 13, share driving. Contact Joe between 8 and 6 at AD 7-4610. RIDE WANTED RIDE TO California after June 8. Call ext. 1198, Karl Lilje. WANTED TO BUY STEAMER TRUNK or foot locker. Call AD 8-8441 ext. 642 between 8 to 6 or EL 5-8912 after 6. MISCELLANEOUS HAUL IT YOURSELF—two wheel utility trailer, new tires, bumper hitch. Call anytime, 124 Osman Street FOR PROMPI and expert radio and phono graph service stop at Stats College T.V„ 132 South Allen Street (S YOUR typewriter giving you trouble! If so. call AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 633 W College Ave. IT'S HASSINGER for racket stringing the No-Awl Way. Latest factory equipment Prompt service: guaranteed work: longer life to string and racket University Ten nis Service, 514 E. Beaver Avenue. FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS ITATION | COLLEGE S' '.v
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