TUESDAY. 'RIL 16. 1957 Role of Educated Woman Explained for WSGA Dr. Cl ir~ of Armstror who is co l around he:, questions. She spoke at the installation ceremonies of the Women’s Student Government Association j ~ Senate. The topic of the speechjsystem. We have finally succeed was “You Should Know Better—m making it possible for alii _ . „ , , children to attend high school, i Concerned Women Needea „ . ‘‘Die world you are going sadly Jacking in into needs concerned women,” I sent * our y° un S said Dr. Cockerille. “Colleges are I to , ep no longer training women to do “Pennsylvania is in an especial pretty little tricks such as read- ty had position. We are twenty-] mg poems and singing songs. fifth in the nation as to sending 1 • "They' are now training women!?™ high school graduates to col-! to live with large numbers of j^ ege * Dr -_ Cockenlle said, people, and j'ou must learn to! *Big Push' Coining j accept eveiy one of these people! "Whether it will be possible as individuals,” she said. jin the future for all young people] Dr. CockerMe advised, “Look|to obtain a college education or! at things well, because you get not, depends on you. You will be! out of them what you see. If you out in the world working and vot see it big, it becomes big. ing when we have the ‘big push,’ ” Wrong View of College she added. “Too many women see college In conclusion. Dr. Cockerille as big as tjieir roommate, or as reminded the newly-installed big as their sorority or as big as women of the Senate, "You can their diploma. These women are doubt yourself and your ability missing a very important part of as a leader, but you never dare college. doubt the women you lead. No "Women will play a large part person who doubts humanity can in the future of our educational lead the people.” :& Cockerille, assistant superintendent of schools >ng County, said that an educated -woman is one icemed with and feels deeply about the people •, not one who knows all the answers to all the CAMP MENATOMA FOR BOYS KENTS HILL, MAINE Siaff openings for faculty, graduate and undergraduate students Specially openings in: Archery, athletics, campcraf t, drama tics, golf, nature, nurse, photography, riding, secretarial, tennis, trips, swimming, waterfront, groundsman, general. OUTSTANDING FACILITIES, COUPLES CONSIDERED Interviews April 26 and 27. Inquire at Student Employment Office, Room 1 12 Old Main, for appointment Sign up in advance for interview. Be Sure You THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANI/ Free X-Rays Will Be Given A mobile X-ray unit will be on campus from April 24 to 27 to al-j low students to have chest X-rays | (taken without charge. j The unit will be located south! jof the University Hospital on Pol-i dock Rd. It will be in operation jfrom 2 p.m. April 24 to noon April 27. Hours of operation will be from 9 aan. to 1 pun. and 2 pun. to Spun, to make the facilities available to employes of the Uni versity as well as students. The Bureau of Tuberculosis: Control, Pennsylvania Depart ment of Health. Harrisburg, spon sors the free X-rays, which are available to anyone. Since many employers require tin X-ray report from job appli cants, the mobile unit will make jX-rays available for seniors. Ed Council Group to Meet The executive committee of the Education Student Council will meet at 7. tonight in 204 Burrowes. interview Date A-pril 16, 1957 Opportunities available in sev en plants: New Martinsville, W. Va.. Barberton. 0., Lake Charles, La., Corpus Christi. Tex., Jersey City. N.J.. Bart lett,' Calif., and Beauharnois. Quebec, Canada. Producers of heavy industrial chemicals: Soda ash. chlorine, caustic soda, anhydrous am monia. titanium tetrachloride, and other chlorinated products. Research, development, produc tion, design, and maintenance opportunities open for men in these categories: BS. MS- Ph_D. Chemists- BS & MS Chem. Engxs.. BSCE's, BS ME's, BS Indus. Engrs, BS In strument EngrSn and Ph-D. Physicists- 00000 I would Senior Ball! with... Tommy Tucker ORCHESTRA The when ? ? Friday, The perfect finish to Spring Week where ? ? how much?? Are At The Last Dance Of The Year!! Columbia-Southern Chemical Corporation love to go to the May 3 9to Rec Hall $5.00 Men May Apply for WH Male students may apply for The applicant’s All-University rooms in the West Halls for the averse at the end of the fall se next school year beginning May 1. ■„ , „ . I Applicants may apply between mcster ’ 1956-57 will be used. |8 a.m. and noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Assignments will be determined : from May 1 to 10 at 102 Waring by the drawing of numbers con j Hall. ducted by representatives of the i One-hundred assignments areiAssociation of independent Men. ■reserved for next year’s seniors,) Students assigned will be re £? ve a m^n ™ um 2.0 iq u ired to pay a $lO room deposit. E‘£h^^p^J'a e re a ?eserved for‘ The is due within 10 juniors. They must have a 2.5 av-.days after the notice of assign erage. • mtnt is sent to the student. Sophomores may apply for the! Upperclass assignments may not 70 spaces reserved for them. They be made until July, because of must have a 3.0 average. the late application date. PAGE THREE
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