PAGE EIGHT Campus News Briefs The Senior Advisory Board will meet at 8:45 p.m. tomorrow in 217 HetzeJ Union to discuss plans for ■the Senior Ball, including reports on entertainment during the inter mission at the ball. »*• John V’eiss, of the Fund for the Advancement of Education, will inspect the television facilities of the instructional research pro gram on a visit to the University today. The FAE sponsors the research program and has established .grants for the advancement of the television research. The Blue Band left on an fill-day trip yesterday, present ing concerts at Bellefonle and Lock Haven High Schools. The program was similar to the one given March 24 in Schwab Auditorium. The Women’s Student Govern ment Association will meet at noon today in the Grange Play room to hear May Day committee reports. The Blue Yonder Workshop of, Angel Flight will tour personnel; homes, Air Force facilities and' may see a helicopter demonstra-' lion tomorrow at the Olmsted Air Force Base, Middletown. Persons taking the trip will as-, semble at 7:30 a.m. at the Armory’ and have ben requested to bring! $1 for luncheon at the base. The ; workshop is expected to return by 7 p.m. The Men's Glee Club and the Varsity Quartet will present the first concert of their spring schedule toda> at Philipsburg, under the sponsorship of the Philipsburg Hotary Club. The Rev. Bede F. Hines at St. Francis College, Loretto, will speak to the Newman Club at 7 tonight in 216 Hetzel Union on ■"Chaplain Afloat.” _ Helmut J. Golatz of the Exten- sion staff will speak to the Uni-' fraternity pin, Delta sicma Phi versity student chapter of the' : between Willard and town. Reward. Call American Foundrymen's Society j 1 at 7:3o.tonight in the Foundryj classroom. ■ He will discuss some basic labor: relations problems as they affect; a^. the young engineer on his first Reward. Call Joan, no Atherton. They deserve the difference! j Children lovs to moke “Do-It-Yourself” milk shokes at homo with Breyers Ice Cream .'job. The meeting is open public. . , , _ i The Panhellenic Council will Angel Flight will meet at 7:30 meet at 6:30 tonight in the Grange tonight in Simmons Lounge. playroom to discuss fall rushing. CLASSIFIEDS ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:00 a.m. THE PRECEDING DAY RATES—I 7 words or les*j $0.50 One Insertion $0.75 Two insertions $l.OO Three ineertions Additional words 3 for .05 for each day of insertion. FOB SALE SUITABLE TRAILER locations. Sunrise Trailer Court, six miles from State Col lege on Benner Pike. Water, sewage, laun dry, garbage facilities. Call ELgin 5*446 after 5 p.m. FOB BENT ROOMS FOR RENT: All summer sessions. Special low rates, make reservations now. Apply 317 E. Beaver Ave. Aftk for Mrs. Eileard. Board and room reservations also being taken for fall semester. SUMMER SESSIONS and fall semester. ! Centrally located double rooms. 222 S. Allen St- Junior and senior engineers or graduate students preferred. Make reser vations now. Dial AD £-6774. ONE ROOM to be rented either single or double, 114 E. Beaver Ave. Call AD 7-4147. DOUBLE OR Single Room for rent. 420 ; S. Pugh St. Call AD £-6013. FOUND CASH IN parking lot April 5, 1 p.m. Claim by phoning George Layman ext. 263. CAR KEYS in o brown leather case In j vicinity of Ht'B paiking lot. Owner’s ‘card in case. If found call AD 8-BSS4. WILL PERSON who took a beige Allegra coat Friday night at Sigma Nu by mis take please contact Barb, 409 Simmons. BLUE AIR FORCE raincoat, 3rd floor Willard. Friday: chamois gloves in pocket. A 1 Howe AD 8-1191. NAVY'LEATHER purse, Sparks, Thurs ! day morning. Please return—am blind and broke. Reward. Call Bonnie, 2C6 Slm -1 nions. WALLET: BROWN Leather. Wednesday. between Osmond and Kittany. Valuable cards. Finder keep money. Ext. 278. |LUCKY PIECE: Danish coin mistakenly I given out as 50c piece in HUB. Please icail Dave. AD 7-3246. Purest natural ingredients make Breyers healthful, wholesome... give it a wonderfully different freshness of flavor. Children love it and it’s good for them, tool That’s why those who want the very best ice cream... who want to keep youngsters robust, vigorous and happy insist on Breyers. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Delta Sigma Pi to Meet i Delta Sigma Pi, professional Jbusiness fraternity, will meet at 1 7:30 tonight at Pi Sigma Upsilon to the | fraternity. Panhel Will Meet Tonight WALLET: brown leather. Wednesday be tween O&mond and Nittany. Valuable cards. Finder keep money. Call ext. 275,; ask for George Raucbpuss. j AUTOMATIC NAPKIN stuffers needed on April 29th for Biggest Blast of the Year. Call P-L-E-D-G-E-S! AGENTS WANTED: Slimmer selling cam- paign. You can make $25.00 weekly in your spare time—we supply you with free! material for over 100 different magazine' subscriptions. Bonuses Prizes Commis-! sions. Drop a post card with your name; and address to: Grindle & Co. P.O. Box 633, State College; Pa. \ EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires typ ing of thesis, term papers, reports etc. Fast, reasonable service. Dial AD 8-6943. COUNSELORS NEEDED. Terrific oppor tunity. Private 'Camp on top of Mount Pocono. Girls S to 18. Need General Coun selors. also Athletics. Tennis, Swimming, Archery. Dramatics. Contact Barbara Clark, ext. 3094. - MALE CAMP Counselors: General and specialty—Camp Susquehanna, New Mil ford, Penna. for information. Contact Ralph Kebrli, 1117 W. College Ave.. State College. MALE CAMP Counselors. $3OO season and up. Clear Pool Camp. See Placement Sendee for additional information or write William L. Petty, Clear Pool Camp, Carmel, N.Y. STUDENT PIN BOYS—Steady part-time joo. If you can schedule the right 2 or 3 evenings. It’s $1.95 singles or $3.98 doubles for a full 2 hour tournament. Inquire Dux Club, 12S S. Pugh St. FOB PROM PI and expert radio and phono graph sendee atop at State College T V £32 South Allen Street IS YOUR typewriter giving you trouble! If so cal) AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 623 ff College Ave. rrs HASSINGER for racket stringing the No-Awl Way Latest factory equipment, prompt service, guaranteed work. Longer life to string and racket R. t Hassinger, White Hall or 514 Beaver Ave after 6 p.m PUBLIC ACTlON—University Used Equip- znent will bo sold as is—Terms Cash —on Saturday. April 20, 1957 at Salvage Ware house, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. Sale sarta promptly at 10 a.m. Standard Time. ICE CREAM WANTED HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Beatty Named President Of Horticulture Group Russel] Beatty, junior in horti culture from McKeesport, has been elected president of Pi Alpha Xi, horticulture fraternity. Other newly-elected officers are Edward Schwar, vice president; Fred Sullivan, secretary; Frank Moore, treasurer; and Stephen Raleigh, chaplain. '; > ,v • f • u V 1- - t. -r V Suppose you had servants instead of electrici If you did, it would cost you about $50,000 more each year! That’s because in the average American home electricity does jobs equal to the manual labor of more-than 30 servants working a 40-hour week. Multiply that by 75 cents or $l.OO an hour, and the figures skyrocket. Next time you look at your electric bill, think of it as your payroll for 30 servants. Mighty low' wages—don’t you agree? f Jif WEST PENN PQWER TUESDAY. APRIL 9. 1957 Former Collegian Editor To Have Book Published Vance O. Packard, assistant edi tor of The Daily Collegian in 1935, has written a book, “The Hidden Persuadors,” which will be pub lished April 29 by David McKay, a New York firm. Packard was associate editor of The Daily Collegian in 1934. He is a 1935 graduate of tiie University.
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