PAGE TWO Bernard Will Set 'Scene' At Marriage Conference Dr. Jessie R. Bernard, professor of sociology, will set the' “scene" for marriage at 7:30 tonight in the lounge of the Helen Eakin Eisenhower Memorial Chapel. | Dr. Bernard will speak at the first event of the three-day Marriage Conference. Her speech will be on the changing social scene and how it affects marriage today. The theme of the fourth annual marriage conference is “Marriage: The Scene, the Dream and the Scheme.” It is being sponsored by the Women’s Student Govern ment Association, the Interfrat emity Council and the University Christian Association. Before coming to the Univer sity in 1947. Dr. Bernard was professor of sociology al Lin denwood College for Women at St. Charles, Minn. She has also been an analyst for the Bureau of Labor Standards. Dr. Bernard has conducted ex tensive research, primarily in the fields of family and community organization, and has published many papers in professional jour nals. A native of Minneapolis, Minn., Dr. Bernard received her B.A. and M.A. degree from the University of Minnesota and her Ph.D. de gree from Washington University. Dr. Bernard is author of "American Family Behavior," "Origins of American Sociology" with L. L. Bernard, and "Re marriage.” Dr. William M. Smith, Jr., pro- ADVANCE SHOWING PREVIEW ALL DAY TUNNY FACE' STARRING AUDREY FRED HEPBURN ASTAIRE Be Sure You Are At The Last Dance Of THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA fessor of family relationships, will speak tomorrow on finding the “right one.” On Thursday a symposium com posed of Mr. and Mrs. Ross B. Lehman, Dr. and Mrs. Rustum Roy and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mountan will discuss building a marriage. The marriage conference is open to the public. Psych Club to See Film The Psychology Club will spon sor a technicolor movie, “A Case Study of Multiple Personality,” at 7 tonight in 105 White Hall. I would Senior Ball! with... when ? ? Friday, where ? ? how much?? Leetch to Speak !To LA Students George. N. P. Leetch, director ’of the University placement ser vice, will outline the opportuni ties open to liberal arts graduates Sin a speech at 7 tonight in 110 Electrical Engineering. The speech is open to all stu ! dents in the College of the Lib eral Arts. Leetch said he will attempt to show liberal arts students that they are not faced with a limited field of opportunities after grad uation. The speech was arranged by the Liberal Arts Student Coun cil because of the feeling that many students in liberal arts are dubious about their employment chances. Novelist James Joyce To Be Topic on WDFM Richard P. Blackmur, professor of English at Princeton, will dis cuss novelist James Joyce and his works at 7 tonight on WDFM.- The lecture is one of the Sim mons Lecture Series presented on tape every Tuesday evening. The series is sponsored by the Depart ment of German. 0000 love to go to the Tommy ORCHESTRA The May 3 The perfect finish to Spring Week Rec Hall Tucker 9 to 1 $5.00 Levin Named Party Head Herbert Levin, sophomore in pre-veterinary from Jarrettown, Sunday night was elected All- University Clique Chairman of Campus Party. Levin defeated Earl Brosius, junior in arts and letters from Northumberland, 39 to 28. Other officers of the party’s All- University clique elected were Gary Young, sophomore in psy chology from Clarion, vice chair man; Valentina Kopach, sopho more in education from Ramsey, N.J., executive secretary, and Ri chard Bullock, freshman in cera mics from Philadelphia, treas urer. Young and Miss Kopach were unopposed. Bullock defeated Alan Lipner, sophomore in business ad- •vCATHAUM NOW SHOWING Paramount Presents FEAR STRIKES OUT starring ANTHONY PERKINS KARL MAIDEN *NITTANY ENCORE FILM FESTIVAL NOW - DOORS OPEN 6 P.M. The Supreme Adventure Of Our Time! “Conquest of Everest” in Technicolor WATCH FOR: “HOBSON'S CHOICE" "FOREVER AMBER" "THE MOON IS BLUE" TUESDAY. APRIL 9. 1957 ministration from Bellefonte, 43 to 24. , No one was nominated for,re cording secretary. The nomina tions will be held open until the next, clique meeting. Merle Rothstein, Campus Party parliamentarian, proposed a con stitutional amendment which would require that the party’s next clique chairman be a mem ber of the present executive com mittee, composed of the party’s officers. The amendment will be voted on at the next clique: meeting. WMAJ On Vo?r Dial Tuesday 6:20 Sign On 6:?2 --- - ■ Morning Show 8:30 -- ... Morning Devotion* B:4S Morning Show 9:00 - r^ — Robert Hurleigh 10:00 ■ - Cecil Brown 10:15 -- - Classical Interlude 11:00 New* 11:05 ■■ Music for Listening 11:15 - A Woman** Decision 11:30 Queen for a Day 12:00 Musio At Moon 12:15 - Centre County Mews 12:30 - What** Going On 12:35 Music 12:45 Are* Sport* 12:50 -- -■ - Centre County A g. Ext 1:00 World New* 1:15 Swap Shop 1:30 - Afternoon of Uuste 6:00 Bob A Rays New* 5:45 Musio for Listening 6:00 World News; market summary 6:15 Music for Listening Sports Special 6:45 - _ Muiic 6:55 - Local Newt 7:00 Pulton Lewis Jr. 7:15 - - --- World News Tuesday Night 7:20 - Music for Listening 7:45 Hillel Hoot 8:00 Treasury Ajsent 8 :25 - - Milestones 8:30 Scarlet Pimpernel 0:00 News—WDFM 10:00 .. . Groovology 1:00 Sign Off The Year!!
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