PAGE TWO AZ Wins Outstanding Award Followed by Teke's, Beta's By ANNE FRIEDBERG Alpha Zeta was presente• the Outstanding F r a t ernity Award last night at the Inter fraternity-Panhellenic Coun cils banquet in the Nittany Lion Inn. Alpha Zeta also received the scholarship trophy in the social professional fraternities division for the second consecutive time. This award is presented to the social-professional fraternity that had the highest average for the fall semester. Last year, Alpha Zeta placed third among the outstanding frat ernities behind Beta Sigma Rho and Phi Gamma Delta, who was first. Other fraternities after Alpha Zeta were Tau Kappa Epsilon, Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Triangle, Alpha Gamma Rho, Phi Delta Theta, Beta Sigma Rho, Phi Gamma Delta and Alpha Epsilon Pi, in that order. The Outstanding Fraternity Award is based on fraternity ac tivities throughout the year eval uated on a point basis. Beta Theta Pi moved into third place among fraternities this year from their fifth-place position last year. Tau Kappa Epsilon, who ISTATE Feat: 1:15, 3:19, 5:30, 7:41, 9:46 Tickets are now available at the HUB Desk placed second this year, were fourth-place winners last year. For coming from 47th to third place in the fraternity scholastic standings, Theta Delta Chi was awarded the Sigma Chi trophy for academic improvement. Theta Delta Chi was also; awarded the scholarship cup for; having the highest average among social fraternities for the fall se-i mester. Their average was 2.62_ Fraternity winner of the Greek' Week poster contest was phi Ep silon PL Honorable mention was given to Beta Theta Pi and Phi , Kappa Psi. Tau Kappa Epsilon, seven-time' winner in the fraternity division; lof the IFC-Panhel sing, was pre-' sented with a 26%-inch trophy. Second-place winner Delta Upsi lon received a bronze plaque. , Fraternity award presentations, were made by Daniel Land, re-' tiring IFC president. A new award this year, the Sig ma Sigma Sigma trophy, was pre-, LlCti: ;I Jul Now - 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:33 ....immomilim The ROBERT Pci . d ag e lil ram " dans RA y that bLeeds I • NNW I . le alerti 1.... _ ta . , ..11 swim lirasid Obey Uaftel Mltto ........1 sNITTANY COMING SUNDAY 'ENCORE FILM FESTIVAL ' a series of great movie successes returning for your enjoyment! v3Ol, • • • voo colopleie .orC VsfeekeoCk vilib • • ._ and the Music Room THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA sented to Sigma Delta Tau for showing the most improvement in sorority scholastic standings. Sigma Delta Tau 'came from 21st place for the spring semester of 1956 into first place with an av erage of 3.16 for the fall semester. They also reecived the scholar ship cup for having the highest average among sororities. Trion colony received the tro phy for sororities in the Greek Week poster contest. Honorable mention was given to Delta Delta 'Delta and Delta Gamma. Kappa Delta, a first-time win ner in the sorority division of the EFC-Panhel sing, received a 2614- .inch trophy for their win. Kappa Alpha Theta, the second-place (Continued on page eleven) THE FABULOUS Traditional 'Weekend' Snows Will Accompany IFC Ball The traditional big weekend snows will accompany coeds and their dates to Recreation Hall to night for the annual IFC-Panhel Ball. Sammy Kaye. "The King of Swing and Sway," and his orches tra will play from 9 to 1 tonight for the semi-formal dance. Big, weekend snows are re nowned at the University and they can be counted on to come "just in the nick of time." This year. although it is already April, is no exception. The snow that started late Wednesday night, however, will not hinder the gay atmosphere prevailing around the campus. according - to the weather . B The ball is the final event of this year's Greek Week. Fresh man women will receive 12 and 1 o'clock permissions which may FOUR --- ...-'4. - -,:_;::',"l::::i.,:.:::iSH'''''' - '7l: '.i.:-'-',';'.:;:,.":.c.::',,:.•i:--TH..i.:.1,-::-.:1::...:..-::•.4----..,,,:•..iz'-i-,',-, Stars of Capitol Records Buddy Morrow and Coming fo Rec Hall April 1 Sunday Afternoon at BO Admission: $1.50 Sponsored by . . . The Jazz Club FRIDAY. APRIL 5, 1957 be taken either tonight or tomor row night. Upperclass women have a 2 o'. I clock tonight and a 1 o'clock per mission tomorrow night._ _ Tickets are still available at the Hetzel Union desk or may be pur chased at the door tonight. The price is $5 per couple. The ticket sale was lagging con siderably for the dance, according to Howard F. Thompson, retiring IFC vice president. Up until Wed nesday, only .11 fraternities had - (Continued on page twelve) wm A I . 1450 On Your Dial garnint Elmo Morning Devotions Robert Eerieiitb Classical interlude Mug° 6r Listerdnit A Woman's Decision Queen for a Dor Mush; At Novo Centre County News . whaea coins on Strike Up .the Bend Afternoon of finale Bob & Bali NMI Music for Listening 5:4 5 - 6:00 _ World News: market summer, 6:16 Sparta_ Special _ Musk Load News Fulton Lewis Jr: World News Friday Night 7:20 7:40 7:45 _ Stars for Defense 8:00 As Yon Believe—WDFsl 8:15 8:30 9:00 Campus News—WDFM :18 10:00 1:00 ' Sign Ott Sign On Morning Shoe Cecil Brows T _ Marie Area Sporty World News Swap Shop
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