PAGE TWELVE 'Post' Editor Will Speak At Matrix Table Monday Marione Nickles, associate editor of the Saturday Eve ning Post, will speak at the Matrix Table at 6 p.m. Monday in the Hetzel Union ballroom. The Table is sponsored by Theta Sigma Phi, women's professional honorary fraternity, to honor outstanding AAUP Will Demonstrate TV Methods The American Association of University Professors will spon sor a demonstration on television instruction at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Sparks. The program, which will in dude a demonstration of methods and a panel discussion, will origi nate in Room 20, and will be seen on television screens in Rooms 1, 11. 12 and 19. TV Teaches 4200 With 4200 students in 19 courses learning through the medium of television, the demonstration is expected to be of interest to many members of the faculty. The advance of television as a' medium of learning is shown by the addition of credit courses on open broadcast television by the University of Houston. Also, 22 noncommercial educational tele vision' stations have invested $4O million in this medium and their programs reach an area with a population of 48 million people. Panel Named Francis A. Babione, associate professor of marketing, will serve, as moderator for the program. Demonstrators will include C. R. Carpenter, professor and head of the Department of Psychology and director of the Instructional Research Pr ogr a m; Leslie P. Greenhill, associate director of the Instructional Research Program; William G. Mather, professor and head of the Department of soci ology; G. Kenneth Nelson, associ ate professor of accounting; Hans Neuberger, professor and head of the Meteorology Department; and Arthur H. Reede, professor of eco nomics. The panel discussion will be conducted by Dr. Mather, Nelson, Neuberger. Reede and Charles G. Hass, Jr., assistant professor of chemistry. Review (Continued from page five) buffalo" Nicely-Nicely Johnson who, when he managed to stop munching on sandwiches and celery. sang "Sit Down You're Rockin' the Boat" and "Fugue for Tinhorns" with a vibrance that matched his bright red plaid coat and tie. In the role of Benny South street, Alfred Klimcke tried "too hard" to be the simpleton of the mob, often to the loss of the rest of the scene. However, his duet "Guys and Dolls" with Nicely- Nicely was one of the show-stop pers. Anthony Rotell as the froggy voiced midget. Harry the Horse, caused the audience to laugh every time he opened his mouth. His short lines had a spark and style all their own but he often got lost in his longer speeches. An "off-key" note was added to the entire performance by the orchestra -which sounded out of tune and out of practice. The singers, whose voices were on the whole weak, were hindered, not helped by the musicians. Choreography by Phoebe English. is the best ever seen in a Thespian show. Special credit goes to John Wenner and Rena Gem for the "profession al touch" they added to the dances. From the audience's laughter and the general sense of enjoy ment which prevailed throughout the auditorium, an empty seat at any of the performances would indeed be a crime. •In the year 1800 the average work week consisted of 84 hours in contrast to the 40-hour-week THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA women on campus A Quill Girl, Cap Girl and Mat rix Girl will be named at the banquet. Junior and senior women voted for the Quill Girl during the Women's Student Government As sociation elections in March. Both .the Cap Girl and Matrix Girl will ,be chosen by the members of :Theta Sigma Phi. 300 Invited A total of 300 invitations have been sent to outstanding women students, the dean of women's of fice, Theta Sigma Phi alumnae in State College and wives of jour 'nalism professors. The banquet is formal. Admis sion of $2.75 must be paid by noon tomorrow at the Hetzel Union desk. Invitation cards must be presented with the admission pay ment. Miss Nickles is in charge of the humor section of the Saturday Evening Post. She has been with the magazine for 25 years. First Job With Post Her work with the Post began immediately after she was grad uated from Linden Hall Seminary and Junior College of Lititz, Pa. She started as a clerk, became a secretary, a reader and then as sociate editor. Miss Nickles has compiled sev eral humor books. The subject of her speech will be "The Saturday Evening Post." IFC-Panhel Bali— (Continued from page two) purchased tickets in the advance ticket sale. Thompson said there was no way of estimating the sales at the HUB desk. Thompson and Grace Antes, i new Panhellenic Council presi dent, are in charge of arrange ments for the ball. The IFC several weeks ago voted that no corsages or flowers should be worn at the dance. A Greek theme was chosen for the decorations this year. The 'theme will be carried out with a motif of "Greek statues" and a "Greek temple." The programs for the dance are designed with a gold statue silhouetted against a black background on the cover. oircr_ . ftice • to get a boner shovel PRE-ELECTRIC SHAVE LOTION Approved Fraternities The following fraternities have been approved for the entertain ment of women guests tonight and tortiorrow night: Amami. Alpha Chi Rho. Alpha Chi Sig. ma, Alpha Epsilon Pl, Alpha Gamma Rho. Alpha Phi Delta. Alpha Rho Chi. Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega. Alpha Zeta, Beaver Douse. Beta Slams Rho, Beta Theta Pi. Chi Phi, Delta Chi. Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Sigma, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Alpha Psi, Kappa Delta Rho. Kappa Sigma. Lamb da Chi •Alpha. Omega Psi Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon PC Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa. Phi Kappa Psi. Phi Kappa Sigma. Phi Kappa Tau. Phi Mu Delta. Phi Sigma Delta. Phi Sigma Kappa. Pi Kappa Alpha , Pi Kappa Phi. Pi Lambda .Phi. Pi Sigma Upsilon. Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu. Sigma Phi Sigma Phi Ey/titian, SiantyPi, Sigma Tau Gamma, Tau Kappa Callon, Tau Phi Delta, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Kappa Phi, Theta Xi, Triangle and Zeta Beta Tau. Kappa Alpha Psi is approved for Saturday night only. The following fraternities are approved for import housing-for tonight and tomorrow night: Alpha Chi Rho, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Zeta. Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Delta Tau Delta. Kappa Delta Rho. Phi Gamma Delta. Phi Kappa Sigma. Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Pi, 'Tau Kappa Epsilon. Theta Chi, Theta Kappa Phi, Theta Xi and Triangle. Senate Unit— (Continued from page one) from a final examination except by approval of the head of the department and the dean of the college in which the course is of fered." ' The proposed reading of the rule as amended follows: "Any student with a "B" aver age or better in a course may be exempt from the final examina tion in that course upon recom mendation of the instructor." WSGA Names Two To Edit Handbook Sandra Gusky, sophomore in journalism from Pittsburgh, and Lillian Cordero, sophomore in journalism from Wayne, have been approved by the Women's Student Government Association Senate as co-editors of a new_handbook for wo- men students. The purpose of the handbook is to present WSGA .as a united working unit to the wo; men students. Miss Cordero said the committee feels that more co- 1 eds would participate in WSGA activities if they had' a concen trated source of information on student government. The idea for the handbook orig inated in the Senate Student Im plementations Committee, which' is also working on the proposed, honor code. The.staff has named the handbook 'Cicerone," which means guide or leader. The book let will be designed after the Ohio State ABC handbook for coeds The 30-page booklet will include several sections each one per taining to a phase of women's life on 'campus. The book will give a description of the activities and will explain how a woman may join them._ The sections and their editors are WSGA, Helen Skade, fresh man in home economics from Ma plewood, N.J.; Leonides, Linda 'Segar, sophomore in education from Sayre; Panhellenic Council, Elizabeth Savidge, junior in home economics from Falls Church, Va.; and Women's Recreation Associa tion, Judith McFarland, sopho more in home economics from Wayne. Counseling, Mary Paxton, fresh- Quicker .. . closer . . . smoother . . . no matter what machine you use. 1.00 - plus tax SH U LTO N Now York • Toronto FRIDAY. APRIL '5. 1957 man in home economics from Meyersdale; Hat Societies and Honorary Societies, Hannah Yash an, sophomore in education from Shamokin; and Social Life, Jean Kissiek, sophomore in education from Chevy Chase, Md. The handbook will include photographs and drawings. The art editor is Myra Radel, fresh man in applied arts from Chester, and the photographer is Martin Scherr, freshman in chemical en gineering from Yardley. Hubzapoppin' to Present Leonides 'Film Awards' Leonides will repeat its take off on the Academy Award pre sentations on WDFM's "Hubza poppin" at 8 tonight in the Het zel Union assembly room. The Randy Wilson quartet, with Wilson, drums; Earle Dhus, tenor sax; Jeri Friday, mellophone; and Dave McGreedy, bass; will also appear. Admission to the program is free. CLASSIFIEDS ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:00 cis. THE PRECEDING DAY RATES-17 words or loss: *0.50 Ono insertion 10.75 Two Insertions 11.00 Three Insertions Additional words 1 for .05 for each day of Insertion.. FOR SALE $l6OO CAN BRING you privacy and com fort, satisfaction of owning, investment returns on rept you now pay with this 1962 Elcar Housetrailer. Excellent condition, newly furnished.• See John Hibler, Hilltop Trailer Court after 5 p.m. or weekends. 1951 OLDS 88. 2-dr. sedan: needs new parts and new owner--$2OO. AD 7-2969 after 5 p.m. . SUITABLE TRAILER locations. Sunrise Trailer Court, six miles from State Col. lege on Benner Pike. Water, sewage, laun. dry, .garbage facilities. Call ELgin 5-446 after 5 p.m. • 1955 VOLKSWAGON sedan, 20,000 miles—. $lO7O. Call AD 8-5051 ext. 289 Thursday or Saturday after 12. Friday after six. 31' HOUSE TRAILER. excellent condition. Why pay rent when you can own? Ralph Bartholomew, Box 34, Hilltop Trailer Park. Call AD 8-8088 after 5 p.m. or weekends. FOR RENT BOOTH FOR gala group April 30. Contact Robin Hood or one of - the gay fellows on golf course: 1 LARGE comfortable double room: half large double with half•bath on first floor; half doubles on second; third floors—with cooking, privilegel. Reasonable rates. 236 S. Frazier. Call AD 7-3372 after 6. FRATERNITY PIN, Delta Sigma Phi— between Willard and tow'. Reward. Call Wayne AD- 7-4151. LUCKY PIECE: Danish - coin mistakenly given out -as 50c piece In HUB. Please call Dave, AD 7-3246. GREEN SCARF with pink elephants. If found call 130 Simmons, ask• for Marsh. STERLING SILVER. rhinestone bracelet— between Atherton mill East Beaver Ave. Reward. Call Joan. 170 .Atherton. GLASSES T.N . a •brown ease, probably near Willard Hall. Findei,please call ext. 966. Ask for John. Urgent. •- WILL PERSON who took raincoat from Phi -Delta - Theta on Sat. please return. Need keys. Call Bart AD 7-4957. " WANTED ONE WAITER and one man, to work in kitchen of ZBT Friday and „Saturday for dinner. Call AD 8-6718, ask ..for cook or caterer. • - MALE CAMP Counselors: General 'and specialty—Camp Susquehanna,- New Mil. ford, Penna. for Information. Contact Ralph Rehr% 1117 NV:College Ave., State College. 2 WAITERS. 1 Diahwasber--Alpha Chi Rho. Position* indefinitely, all meals. Phone AD 8-6416 6:30 to 7 Pan. MALE CAMP Counselors, $3OO season and up. Clear Pool Camp. See Placement Service for additional information or write William L. Pettr. Clear Pool Camp. Carmel, N.Y. _ MISCELLANEOUS FOR FRUMP/ and men radio and phony graph service stop at State College rm. en South Allen Street. IS YOUR typewriter giving you troublat If eo. call AD 7-2498 or bring machine to. 633,W College Ave. IT'S BASSINGER for racket stringing thi No-Awl Way :Lateat factory equipment. prompt. service, sruaranteed work.: Longer life to string and racket It. T. Hassingeri Widte!LialborAleriteavae Aver after 4 qr.aa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers