PAGE TEN Vega, Upset By LES POWELL Olympic gymnast Armando up the evening's fastest pin, top-, bout. Vega, Beta Theta Pi, and Jim o P f lin a g liro Brilwster c in 59 seconds: Fred Tener pinned Jacks o n McLaughlin, Sigma Nu, regis-1 13 a uz b rat h ,iThndlemas match. .2:16 of a 155-pound alpha's Chuck tered upset wins in the talent-i Zendt downed Frank Gansa, Phi ! Neil Gearhart, Phi Kappa Psi, laden 145-pound class in last, Kappa Tau, in an even five min- 'came up with a fall against Phi night's intramural wrestling. utes. The Lambda Chi 121- !Gamma Delta's Earle Henderson pounder led. 5-0. on a pair of at the 3:15 mark. Gearhart trailed, in Recreation Hall.; takedowns and an escape, when 'two reverses to one, when he Vega, national all-round gym ; he racked up the fall. chalked up the pin. champ. pinned the 1955 128-pound, Indie 145-pounder Glen Klip-i Pi Kappa Alpha's Doug Chid ataion Tom Webb, Chi Phi,' In die oen.stem notched an impressive; low posted a 5-2 decision over 5:59 of a free-wheeling match. - • '6-0 decision over Bill Murray. l ßob McMath, Phi Kappa Sigma. Vega led, 6-4, when he applied a body press to floor Webb just, Another independent encounter:dropping the first game, 20-21. before the third-period whistle saw Jim Birdsall stretch Pat Grip-i Hal Lynch, Sigma Phi Epsi sounded. po at 3:30 of a 155-pound scrap-{ /on, scored an escape. pzedica- McLaughli n streamed Phi Si g - !Birdsall held a 5-0 lead on twol meat and time advantage to ma Kappa's Al Davies, rated 'takedowns and an escape. i decision Sigma Pi's Don Gor -0 among the top four grapplers j Delta Theta Sigma's Dave Ja-j don, 3- . in the class, at the 3:40 mark. ,quish pinned Lou Tronzo, Phi: In the forfeit column, George Chi Phi's Phil Seig, last year's i Garruna Delta, at the 3:42 mark.f Campbell, Delta Tau Delta, de -175-pound king, lessened the blow , Gene Woy, Beta Theta Pi, rolled • feated Theta Chi's Tom Eynon; suffered by teammate Webb by up a 7-2 triumph over Phi Gam's 'Rich Boggs. Sigma Chi, topped pinning Don Tinsman, Acacia, atlTom West. Woy held West to a Fred Condon, Theta Delta Chi; 3.47 of a heavyweight bout. ilone takedown, while scoring two:Jim Cline, Phi Kappa Sigma, got. Theta Chi's Dave Jones, last' reverses, a predicament and rid-;the nod over Phi Epsilon Pi's season's 135-pound runner-up, de-' i ' ing time. Stan Kaufman; and Sam Grif cisioned Don Moyer of Sigma Nu,l Jack Lange. another Phi Gam fiths, Sigma Nu, automatically ad 7-3. in a fast-moving match.. znaz h aja, pinned Pi Kappa Phi's vanced to the semifinals when Bill Simon, Pi Kappa Phi," pin-I John Schroucker in 1:27 • :Delta Upsilon's John Rusnak for ned 155-pound boxing champ Footballer Bob Rice scored an feited because of a rib injury. Mike Vignola, Phi Mu Delta. escape to edge Bob Phillips, I-0,! Indie forfeit winners were Bob Kausbick over George Vozy, and' Al Gordon over Tom Thompson. 12 Duos Win H-Ball Matches Six fraternity and six indepen-; Dave Hamrick and Ray Alber dent duos scored victories in In-,igi, Kappa Delta Rho, whipped tramural handball doubles compe-'Don Kauffman and Carroll Mc tition Wednesday night. Donnell, Alpha Chi Sigma, 21-4, Pi Kappa Phi's Frank Gleirn .21-0. and Dave Lynch defeated Lai In independent action, Frank Verne Myers and Sam Kurtz, Aca-;Poerio and Raleigh Carmen de cia. 21-12. 21-10, Ed Zimmerrnan;feated Mechley and Christafalo, and Dick Barth, Theta Xi, downedl2l-9, 21-14. Don Schmidt and An- Bill Hastings and Jim Hepler,:dy Bacik scored a pair of 21-0 Delta Chi, 21-14, 21-4. !shutouts over John Behler and Bob Fish and George Leopold,iWelch. Theta Delta Chi. beat Angelo ; Mark Held and Bob Thomas Capuano and Jed Klingensmith,tdowned Sam Wineman and Joe Sigma Phi Epsilon. 21-12, 21-10. 'Kling, 21-17 and 21-5: Snyder and Will Thompson and Tom Mul-,Turner edged Dave Anderson and kern, Phi Sigma Upsilon, downed Gerry Hernley, 21-18, 21-17: while Gerry Moyer and George Hugeler:Jerry Nichols and Don Vinkovich sigma Alpha Epsilon 21-7, 21-B : J3eat Harold Dunlap and Dick Jim Clark and Ron Blasius, Pi;Jenkins, 21-12, 21-20. Kappa Alpha. defeated Phi Garn- , In the only contest requiring ma Delta's Tom West and Earle three games, Charles Heinley and Henderson, by a pair of 21-8 Chuck Rogers beat Bob Rice and scores. :Doug Mechling, 21-15, 21-17. after A new idea in smoking...all-new -Salem • menthol fresh • rich tobacco taste • most modern filter =MUM McLaughlin Score Wrestling Wins Independent Don Tuttle chalked, in an independent heavyweight You smoke refreshed THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA . _..Sallern„refreshes your taste Think of how a Spring - day refreshes you and you'll have a good idea how refreshing all-new SALEM cigarettes taste. The freshest taste in cigarettes flows through SALEM'S pure white filter. Rich tobacco taste with surprise softness... menthol-fresh comfort. &umyou'll love 'em. Burke's 71 Tops Masters AUGUSTA, Ga., April 4(W)— Perennially boyish Jackie Burke. 34, who won his first big golf title on another windy day here last year, shot through Georgia's tricky gusts into the first day lead it defense of his Masters cham pionship. On a day when the rising and falling breeze made a lot of golf's great players miserable, the Tex an tamed the weather and par with an opening round of 71 that gave him a one-stroke lead over, five tough pursuers. Par for the handsome 6.380 yard Augusta National course is 36-36-72. And Burke was the only player to beat it today. It was the highest score the first-round leader has made in 21 years of playing the Masters. I € p :::i. - i , , .- and Jackie made it with a 35- 36-71 that included an eagle. Breathing down the defending champion's neck after the first round were two men who have won the Masters three times eac'h, Jimmy Demaret and Sam Snead; Doug Ford, the 1955 PGA cham pion, and two distinguished Aus tralian players. Peter Thomson, winner of the British Open cham pionship for the past three years, and Bruce Crampton, 21, cham pion of his native country. One of the principal victims was two-time Masters champion Ben Hogan. who posfed a 76 and said he "couldn't hit the ball very close to the hole." Open champion Cary Middle coff was even won* off with a 79. HASPEL CORDS This is the Suit that has' become a summer tra dition with well-dressed me n everywhere. It is styled in Haspel's Famous Fleet Model (naturally) to give you a slimmer, more flattering .appear ance. There are six shades to chodse from. Sizes 36 to 46. Shorts, regulars, longs and extra-longs. Priced from 31.73 to 39.75 le 9 i MEN'S STORE STATE COLLEGE Creatid I R. J. Reguldb Toikiecip Comptviv. FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1957 MESE
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