-WEDNESDAY. FEBRU. Board H * **•*•*»» ■r V _ —Daily Collegian Photo by Dave Bavar IFC BOARD OF COt TROL member Harry McKee (righi) consults with board chairman Richard Shillinger on the case of two fresh man found drinking at a fraternity parly sponsored by Sigma Alpha Mu and Kappa Sigma. The fraternities received a total of eight weeks of probation each. • Story on page one New initiates of Alpha Epsilon phi are Thelma Baker. Leslie Bloom, Judith Bochman, Marcia Greifer, Sandra Gusky, Sheila Ib sen, Barbara Jones, Marjorie Krutter, Florence Kushner, Susan Mamolen, Joan Miller, Elaine Morgan,. Ruth Schugar, Janet Sloves, Sheila Stahl and Hannah Yashan. . , ■ Carole Babis was elected social chairman and Bette Gichner, rushing chairmen. Their names were omitted on a previous list of officers. New officers of Phi Sigma Kap pa are Joseph Fox, president; George Shambaugh, vice presi dent; Clifton Merchant, secretary; Robert Koehler, treasurer; Harry Jones, inductor; Richard Doherty, sentinel; Terry Rebe, house man ager; Roy Tryson, caterer; and Joseph Weader, chaplain. Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity has elected Steven Jordon, presi dent; George Bush, vice , presi dent; Christopher Kuebler, secre tary; Richard Cooper, treasurer; Richard Barette, correspondent; Thomas Goas, chronicler; Dennis McArver, warden; Richard An gell, herald. The newly-elected officers of Beaver House fraternity are Rich ard Powers, president; William Spring Week Posts OK'd All-University Cabinet has ap-; Connie Cole, Herbert Hanson, Alvin Clem nvnvpH the fnllnwinff cnrinff wppWi John Hott, Alan Lipner, Merrill Roth* piovea me lOllOwing spring weeK stem, Joan Schmidt and Jon Campbell. appointments: Coronation: Hannah Yashan, Mary Moore, Robert Krakoff. general chairman; Don- £ in ? er Rif ?; Fishburn, Anthony alii Reidenbaugh, business manager; John Natalie Mwkowitz, Elinor Wessel, Valentine, 'carnival chairman: Susanne Nancy Wisely am! Lois Colteryahn. Lou*, coronation chairman: John Hcime. , Hp - Ma " : Loreon Zavoa. Leslie Philla- He-Man Contest chairman: Glen Eider. V*!!™- Thomas Schneider. Ronald Ross. Mad. Hatters chairman: Daniel Keiner, William Shannon and Doreen Hayward, muiic festival chairman; Stephen Higgins, Mad-Hatters: Grace Weiss. Barbara Cox,, publicity chairman. Sal| V C , ol ‘ rm - Rover Antrim, Harvey Eck - . ert and Rosemary Keating. Sally Stansbnry wi serve as secretary Mlulc estival : M imi Mater. Samuel to Krakoff. Harold W. Perkins, assistant Moyer, Marlene Bishoff. Maureen Funk, dean of men will serve as faculty advisor. Richard LieJy „ nd El ai„ e Alexander. Business Staff: Susan Whittington and Publicity: Joan Wallace. Marilyn Elias. Ruth Grossman as secretaries. Marjorie Hoffman, Janet Sloves. Sandrs; Carnival: Judith Goodrich, David Trea- Guaky. David Morrow, Jean Hartley, Jame< COLLEGI • ADVERTISING • PROMOTION • CIRCULATION • BUSINESS < •RESEARCH Those Interested Meet in Room 316 Sparks at 8 p.m. on February 19th ,RY 13. 1957 ars Drinking Case CoS-dits .Shannon, vice president; Robert Miller, secretary; Kenneth Shick,i treasurer; Robert Prunella, cater-; er; and Harold Wood, house man ager. New pledges of Beaver House, fraternity are John Kilroy, Law rence Lillicotch. Eugene Strable, Christopher Strate, and Robert Echols. New pledges at Kappa Sigma are Wilbur Lewellen and Charles Gettell. Phi Gamma Delia has initiated Richard Shutt. Earle Henderson and Thomas West. New officers of Phi Sigma Della are Jack Solomon, master frater; Michael Walker, vice master fra ter; Stephan Billstein, treasurer; Winton Sandler, recording sec retary; Morris Movsovich, corres ponding secretary; Robert Serody, historian. New officers of Zeia Tau Alpha are Marie Thierwechter, presi dent; Eleanor Barnes, vice presi-j dent; Marlene Marks, recording secretary; Gail Harner, corres ponding secretary; Janet Remaly, historian-reporter; June Ament.l ritual chairman. ! New initiates of Zela Tau Al-i pha are Doris Beane, Julie Hoar, Sylvia Guyer, Irma Patterson. Bonnie Walters, Ann Craig and Evelyn Nikitscher. JDI DATES FOR BUSINESS STAFF THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Employment Interviews j The following firms will con duct interviews for June and Aug ust graduates in the Placement Service Office in 112 Old Main: Feb. 27: Consumers Power Co: BS: EE. ME. CE: a]so Jra.. Soph, for summer employment. Jack «& Heintz: BS: ME, EE, lE, Bu<Adm, Acct£. Me*>ta Machine: BS: ME, CE. I Met. EE. lE. j Ohio Oil Co: BS: ChE. EE. ME. | Sohio Petroleum Co: BS, MS: PXGE. Weatinffhou-ie Electric: BS, MS: LA, : BusAtlm, EE. ME. lE. ChE. Met. Chem. . I’h>3. KngSci. Sororities To Continue 'Chat Dates' Second “chatter dates,” the final] rushing event this week, will be-i gin this afternoon and continue; until tomorrow night. The procedure for these “chat-] ter dates” will be the same as fori the last round, Barbara Nieholls,! Panhellenic Council president, has announced. Sororities should re turn invitations to the Panhel lenic post office in Women’s! Building by 8 a.m. today. j Post Office Opens Early Rushees may receive invitations from 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. The post office will open 30 min utes earlier today than it did Mon day to accommodate the large numbers of women waiting to re ceive invitations. This extension was made necessary by the con-i gested conditions which occurred Mondaj'. j Rushees may accept five invi-j tations. The hours will correspond to those of Mondaj’ and yesterday. The first “chatter date” today will be held at 2 p.m.. and the last at 7:15 p.m. Tomorrow’s will last from 1 p.m. until 7:15 p.m. School clothes should be worn. Invitations must be answered promptly. Miss Nieholls empha-l sized. Mrs. R. Mae Shultz, assist-1 ant dean of women, will be avail-j able to answer questions. j The next rushing function will be parties on Monday night.j Rushees may accept two in vita-; j tions. • I Leisner to Speak At Graduate Club The English Graduate Club will present a program of poetry by Dorothy Roberts Leisner, State College, at 8 p.m. tomorrow in 214-215 Hetzel Union. Mrs. Leisner' will read and [comment on'her selections. Some of her published poems have ap peared in two collections, “Best ' Poems of 1955“ and “Best Poems of 1954,” annual volumes issued by Stanford University. The program is open to the pub lic. Hours Announced Free Lecture Entitled "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE WAY OF DOMINATION" by Elizabeth Carroll Scott, C.S.B. of Memphis, Tennessee Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts TUESDAY, FEB. 19 7:30 P.M. EXTENSION CONFERENCE CENTER (TUB) New Units to Offer Coeds More Comfort Coeds moving into the netv residence hall units will find the latest in comfortable and convenient campus living. The four buildings, composed of two units joined by a glass-enclosed stairwell, will each contain two sorority, lounges, a large recreation room, a common lounge, four studj’.lounges, in addition to the' well-e quip p e d, well-appointed member of the Health Service, living rooms. Also honored are Rebecca Ewing 1 , From the recreation room on and Ellen Cross, first two women the ground floor, stairs lead int 0...... c ,„. . . ___ „ „„„„„„ . , ..v. students at Penn State: Anna M. a common lounge directly above , lit on the first floor. ' Cooper, first lady principal, serv- From this lounge, doorwaj's lead ln “ from 1878 to 1883; and Jane onto the hall which separates the, Hoyt, preceptress who was the two sorority lounges, both lounges * lrS j P erson ln charge of women being located in onlv one unit of students. each building. Lounges Partitioned The sorority lounges are par-. 1064 women residents, were sched titioned from" the living quarters uled to open next fall. But inter so that,the sororities may enter-;ruptions by the weather and a tain men students: Each lounge'month-long strike have altered is to be equipped with a kitchen-: these plans. ette - Two of the buildings will prob-' The residence rooms are located ably open in the fall, but dining on four floors of the units. facilities and the other two halls The walls of the rooms are of ;w ,n not open at least until the painted concrete block. The beds following spring semester. are studio-style, located on ad- jacent walls under combination ■ > • •.■>£ side-boards and bookshelves. OKianOma Lit rTOI Rooms Have 2 Closets _ _ , . On the wall to the left of the To Sneak Ofl Pa NS door are two wardrobe closets. _ ; . Further along the wall is one of Ernest Erich Noth, editor and the desks and the built-in chests- manager of Books Abroad and of drawers. professor of comparative litera- The other desk is on the op- ure a * University of Okla posite wall at the foot of the bed. homa, will speak Tuesday at the The fourth wall contains a large university, four by six foot window, and His lecture, which is scheduled mounted on the wall so that they for 3 p.m. in 121 Sparks, will be are situated over the desks are “Paris: A Writers’ Workshop.” two built-in overhanging desk The lecture is sponsored by the lamps. A wall telephone is also-Department of Romance Lang mounted there. ;uages at the University and will 4 Lounges in Units be open to the public There are four study lounges in the buildings, one of them on the third floor of the units which contain sorority lounges, and one on each of the upper three floors of the other units, The one central dining hall is located in the middle of the four buildings. Access to it is gained through covered walks from each of the four residence halls. There are four rooms in it, each serving one of the residence build ings. The eight living units are named after the following per sons: Unit Honors Haller Barbara S. Haller, mother of a former dean of the College of Chemistry and Physics, who was adviser and honorary member of, Mortar Board and Chi Omega; sorority: and Dr. Hannah McK.i Lyons, from 1931 to 1939 a mem ber of the Board of Trustees. Others are Cordelia L. Hibbs, from 1947 until tar death in 1955, assistant to the Dean of Women in charge of housing, and also' ad-' viser to Mortar Board and Kappa Phi and Dr. Anna O. Stephen, from 1941 to 1945 and from 1947 until her death in 1953. a staff PAGE FIVE Will House 1064 Coeds The buildings, which will house
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