PAGE EIGHT I ndie Coeds To Revamp Organization Leonides council members will distribute questionnaires to all independent women in an effort to receive more support of the .organization. The questionnaires will be filled ou t at compulsory dormitory Meetings. Rosetta Kearney, Leonides pres ident, said that the purpose of these questionnaires. is to further evaluate the organization, and to single out all interested 'inde pendent women who wish to be come active Leonides members. 2 Meetings Required Women wishing to become ac tive members will be required to attend two meetings each month. One meeting will be a mass meet ing, and the other will be a dormi tory meeting. Personal contact will be direct ed toward these women in refer ence to scheduled meetings and committees. Confidence Cited Miss Kearney pointed out that the Leonides Council will know it can count on these women to support and work on committees. Council members also voted to hold their annual housemother's Christmas party on Dec. 17. They also voted to plan a fu ture mixer with Panhellenic Council. Reactor Director To Submit Paper Robert G. Cochran. acting direc tor of the Research Reactor Pro ject, has been invited to present a paper at the annual meeting of The American Institute of Chemi cal Engineers Sunday to Wednes day in Boston. Isis paper, which will be pre sented to the symposium on lab oratory facilities for nuclear en gineering education, will be on "Nuclear Science Laboratory Fa cilities at the University." CLASSIFIEDS "Ad. meal be to by II:II a. m. taw prenodiaa day:" RATES woa4 or tea: VIM Oar lasortiode u.7s Tw• liumertione NMI Moe Insertions Additional words 3 for .51 for web day of insertion. FOR SALE FAMOUS HOSIERY replaced free if holes from an, miaow appear within definite "natant«• period* for each htyle Hated. For detail.. ' , hone AD 7-2Ld4s. ONE MIL BALL ticket-14.00. Call Dor, Alcorn AD 7-21;t•L DRUM TRAPS. complete eet. Excellent condition. 5130. Ext. 1170. set for Oren. WINCHESTER 75 22 nal. tam-et rifle. Suit action. 9 Ike. Lyman 77 aperture front. Redfield 15 rear tight. In good .eondition. CArixt $.72.1.0 new. se!! for MM. Call Mike McLaughtiv. AD 5-5051 .at 29P. ^ LOST )4 ATH 43 Notebook. Call EL 5-5304 after 4 p.m. EISMEM recovery of black and white — Bomber S.porta” English Bicycle. Call Eastman Al) MEE SLIDE RULE in brown ear Fame EVERSHARP PEN and Schaeffer inCAM, Lost in 19 Sparks last Friday If found call AD 1-'.DO . FOR RENT PARSING SPACE-2 autnmoblier •t 248 Swath Pugh. SINGLE ROOM. 1 , -1. blocks from campus. clean, rood heat. rea.onable. 16.00 weekly. Inquire LlB W. College. L . ,L a. iatl STUDENTS TO come to Delta Zeta Knit and Bake Bazaar—Friday.. Dec. 7 at the Conner Room. YOUR-MAN CON BO to May for Wept Hall dances,. Any intrrrrted residers eon label Mike Robes ext. 111.5. WANTED TO BUY DEER HIDES 31 4-ack, unit... damaged. Monne AD 7-7139 for pickup or bring to 314 S. Burrolnes St. WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires tsp inp of thesis. reports. etc. Fsast.. reason .l.3e ser%iee. Dial AD *,-64.4 MISCELLANEOUS WANT REALLY good iound and square dancing? The Serrhaders have an• open. ing Dee. IL. Call Dun AD 7-7c21. FOR PROMPI and expert radio and phone orranb series stop at State College T.V. 232 Sootal Allen Street- 13 YOUR typewnter Ewing . you troubfe7 U 40.' all AD 7.2492 sr briar media* le Ni W. College A. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Approved Fraternities The following fraternities are approved for the entertainment of women guests for Military Ball weekend. Acacia, Alpha Chi Rho. Alpha Chi Sig ma, Alpha Ep.alon Pi, Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha, Phi Delta. Alpha Rho Chi, Alpha Siattns, Phi. Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Zeta, Hea•er House, 13. to Sigma Rho, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi. Delta Chi. Delta Sigma Phi. Delta Tau Delta. Delta Theta Surma. Delta Upsilon, Kappa Delta Rho. Kappa Sigma. Lambda Chi Alpha. Phi Delta Theta., Phi Epsilon Pi. Phi Carnma Delta, Phi Kappa, Phi Kappa Pm. Phi Kappa Sigma. Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Mu Delta. Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa. Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha Ernalon. Sigma Alpha Hu. Sigma Chi. Sigma Nu, Sigma Tau Gamma, Sigma Phi Alpha. Sigma Phi Etailon, Sigma Pi. Tau Kappa Emilon, Tau Phi Delta, Theta Chi. Theta Delta Chi, Theta Kappa Phi, Theta Xi, Triangle. Zeta Beta Tau. The following fraternities have been approved for Saturday only: Pi Lambda Phi, Pi Sigma Upsilon. The following fraternities have been approved for import hous ing for the weekend: Alpha Chi Rho. Alpha Chi Sigma. Alpha Sigma Phi. Alpha Zeta. Beta Theta Pi. Chi Phi. Delta Tau Delta. Kappa Delta Rho. Phi Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Phi. Sigma Pi. Tau Kappa Epsilon. Theta Chi. Theta, Kappa Phi, Theta Xi, Triangle. Around the year 1890, the charge for room rent, furniture, and light at the University was $37 for the session. Board ranged from $2 to $3 per week, the usual p-ice being $2.50. .„ tr7:7,77 . I 7 .fne T. t** *. :;:q..:Ke „ f• • GRADUATES in 1,-; 4 %•A •,• , , •. I..,AZICMVstA7 • teogr The technology of guided missiles is literally a new domain. No field . of engineering or science offers greater scope for creative achievement. Research and development at Lockheed Missile Systems Division cover virtually every field of engineering and science and have created new positions for graduates possessing outstanding ability in the following fields: Electronics Research and development as applied to missile systems and associated equipment. Computers - For solution of complex problems and missile guidance. Systems Engineering Research and development in missile systems. •••• • 5.‘ '4l<s 4 t .. 4,7 , 0* _":a.sosarfokalas... Pi; Advanced Study Program Graduates in Physics, Electrical, Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering are invited to contact their Placement Officer regarding the Advanced Study Program which enables students to obtain their M.S. and Ph.D. Degree while employed in their chosen field. M.S. and Ph.D. Graduates The complexity of missile systems research and development has created a number of positions for those completing their M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. The positions carry immediate responsibility commensurate with the advanced academic training and experience required. 1t 1.,..., N.t. .} ~. I Valentine-- (Continued from page one) The only thing Valentine did all year was lose the toss of the coin seven out of nine times. But the witty star has this to say: "I didn't lose it. the other captain won it." Valentine is the third Lion guard to receive All-America hon ors. Steve Suhey. 1947. and Joe Bedenk, 1923. were the other two. Other Lions to make All-Ameri ca were William "Mother" Dunn, 1906; Bob Higgins, 1919; Charley Way, 1920; Glenn Killinger. 1921; Leon Gajecki, 1940; and Sam Tam buro, 1948. Mil Ball— (Continued from page one) in Philadelphia, sponsored by Jesse Brewster, NROTC. 3 Officers to Judge The Queen will be chosen by representatives of the three dif ferent divisions. The judges are Lt. W. C. Haskall, Navy; Capt. Erwin F. Albrect, Army; and Capt. Dick Hickson. Air Force. Air Academy Chooses The finalists were chosen by the 1959 class of the United States Air Force Academy, Denver, Colo. The Mil Ball is sponsored an nually by Scabbard and Blade, Pershing Rifles, Arnold Air So ciety, and Quarterdeck Society.. Antenna Design Related to missile guidance. Communications In the broad area of information transmission. Electromechanical Design As applied to missile systems and related equipment. Instrumentation Associated with aerodynamics, physics and electronics. Physics Theoretical and experimental• • aero-physics, upper atmosphere, research, optics and nuclear physics. Refugees Welcomed CAMP KILMER, -N.J., Dec. 6 (P)—America gave a bright St. Nicholas Day gift today to 131 Hungarian refugees freedom in a new homeland and prepared a historic air-and-sea ' lift for thousands more. The 131 came in on two planes at McGuire Air Force Base near here, after weather-forced delays, and were brought here by Army buses to join others already at this "Camp Mercy." And as they came, tired from the long flight from Europe, Pres ident Eisenhower's headquarters in Augusta, Ga.. announced that the Air Force and Navy will bring 15,000 more by around the first of next year. Skull and Bones Relief $2 per couple Dec. 15,1956 Phi Epsilon Pi Turn in Money to HUB Desk by Dec. 15 0;7177, -, ?:z7s Engineering Physics Mathematics interested in Miisile Systems research and development Representatives of the Research and Engineering staff will be on campus Monday, December 10 Tuesday, December 11 You are invited to consult your Placement Officer for an appointment. game MISSILE SYSTEMS DIVISION research and engineering staff Lockheed Aiicraft Corporation VAN NUYS • PALO ALTO • SUNNYVALE CALIFORNIA. FRIDAY. DECEMBER• 7, 1956 • The announcement was a climax to a happy St. Nicholas Day— Boldog , Mikulas" for the Hun garians, who traditionally observe Dec. 6 as the time when St. Nicho las brings small gifts to their chil dren. Earlier 72 children at this camp had awakened to find their shoes st.;ffed with dolls, games, candy and the small switches symbolic of punishment to the naughty. But the 131 refugees who ar rived during the day were given something far more substantial— food, clothing, shelter, prospects of new jobs and new homes. Camp Kilmer has 994 refugees still billeted of the 1,619 who have arrived since Nov. 21. Structures Structural design and • analysis of missile systems. Thermodynamics Aerodynamic heating and beat-transfer problems. Aerodynamics Concerning performance of missile systems. Dynamics As related to missile body Bight problems. Operations Research Applied, to tactical weapons operations. t,4 ~~ ~~ ~r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers