PAGE EIGHT Varie word Outing Club Projects Members With 'Spice By DENNY MALICK If variety is the spice of life, certainly one of the "spi ciest" organizations at Penn State is the Outing Club. Diversification is the byword of this club which plans events for :Anything from a wild game ban quet, to a thrilling winter trip in the wilds of Canada, to a spear fishing expedition in Florida. Rugged Canadian Trip For the rugged outdoorsmen one of the key events is the annual trip to Canada. This year the trip was to the Brule Lake near Ker ney. Ontario. The spot was so se cluded that an old logging train was the only means of transpor tation. A log cabin, walls of which were, packed with mud, provided ideal backwoods atmosphere for the .campers. Average winter tempera ture for the region is 40 degrees below zero and snow drifts often completely cover the cabins. The hardy enthusiasts partici pated in tobogganing, ice skating, skiing, snowshoe hikes and fish ing through ice. Wolves and moose were among common sights in the region. On the return 'trip. one of the members of the party was "drafted" for fireman duty on the logging train. Sponsors Ski Trips Another of the popular activi ties is the numerous ski trips spon sored by the winter division of the club. Among these is the an nual Redhouse Trip, usually taken :LaVie Photo Deadline Senior engineering students must return their LaVie photos to the Penn State Photo Shop by Monday. CLASSIFIEDS 'ld• mum of au In 11:1111 Lim Ik. preeriliss •ay." KA YES words ea :eta; H. 5111 On. Itaert•ot 114.75 ['we Insertions BLIPS Mr*. inaertioes• Additayaiti wordy, for .11111 for ea.+ day of •tsertiot. FOR SALE HALL tidrt s4.tni. Cs.ll A learn A 1) :-.24;1, I. HI-F/ SI'EA EK E-V TR X 128 ru.l 0-11- cloeure- 11..1.21 IV. AD 1.-1441.5. SURCOAT — gourchs...l 0•11., mottel. ago. Got ta:kg another for Chriotniao. Coot $4O, will *AI for 23 1 3. Sire 42. !'hone AD 7.306. TRAPS,DRUM complete art. Excellent condition. Win. Eat. I lin. aok for Oren WINCH ESTI.:II 76 = eel. target. rifle. Action. 5 lbw. I 4 man 77 aperture cruet. Redfield IL rear eight. In trteod 4c0,n41 Cont $72.1.0 1n.50r. gill nell few ILO. Call Mtke Mel.nuithlin AD E-1,01 2HI. coop PAIR Hockey Skates. sire S, for SA. Contact Fred H.. 1. Nittany 5043. *la. VA), 11.'61141. - :WS FIGURE 6ize rune buff priae,Cll4ll AD 1.3-6387. film cowrie. Y 6 mm and .2!,:32 1 4. Cool operating, like new, Larrhin. Phone AD 7• :13b7 atm. G. LOST filkE SLIDE, RULE in brown caw. Pia nn•. 14 an Tiyoniann .n flay.. Cali ../y-rry Dan. lap raL 11 EVERSHARP PEN anti Schaeffer pencil in calkk. Labt in 19 Snarko InEt Friday . . If found call Al) 7-71(06. FOri RENT SINGLE ROOM. V:. bloekx from CWITIPUe clean. good heat. rest...enable. 56. 0 01 11.19 W. eull•Te. :411:4;11ALF DOUBLE 100111 with bowl .1 220 E. Nittimy A.e. Chow!). Phone AD 74217. WANTED _ STUDF:NTS TO come to DrILK jets Knit and lts4e Bass.... Fri.'s). D.,. 7 s.t the Calmer Rootn. FOUR-MAN COMBO to play for Wet.t HMI 'llan ota. Any intero-tod reollerE con tact Wise Robtry WANTED TO BUY DEER HIDES $1 .toch, unless dorongod. Phone AD 7-7159 for pickup or brills, to 314 S. Horror,. St. WORK WANTED EXPERIENCE!) SECRETARY &tires typ ing of the,s, reverts. etc. F..t. res.sen nhie sets ire. Thad Al) f.-4.lt4Et. s s PERSONAL FERSONAL: EL NACEI.O--Tsnir 744,rehvs On awl I %%111 Triumph—The Biol. MISCELLANEOUS .FOR PROM P 1 and expert radio and phono graph service stop .r State Cotiree r V =32 South 4 ILen Street IS YOUR typevrraer Iva tron a / 1 4 If so call AD 7-2492 or bring mstbilse is 16118 w College Ars. during the mid-semester vacation. In addition to skiing, cabin par- Ities, folk dancing. woodland tobogganing, and fireside gather ings are held. The outing is co ediicational as are all the club's activities. Just before the Christmas holi days, the club get together for the annual Wild Game Banquet. Wild game bagged during recent hunting trips is served. The meal is usually topped by pumpkin pie. The banquet is held at the Fores try Cabin. Spring Brings Canoeing With the start of the spring thaws, Outing Club interests turn to canoe trips. The trips are of numerous duration. A recent trip was made down the Juniata' and Susquehanna Rivers to Harris burg. The group averages approx imately seven miles a day. camp ing each night on the river bank. While on the Juniata-Susque hanna trip, club members had a chance at shooting the rapids. Special expeditions to the Little Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania are made for those only inter ested in "shooting the rapids." The University supplies sleep ing bags and cooking utensils for all the club excursions. New Ideas Initiated With the recent rise in mern bership. newer ideas have been HERE ARE THE LAST IN THE SERIES OF 24 OLD GOLD PUZZLE NO. 22 CLUE: Opened in IE7G, western uni versity is named for a great Mormon leader. ANSWER Noxw Address City Slate College DLAYERS may now mail their completed sets of 24 Tangle I Schools solutions in accordance with rule 3of the Official Tangle Schools Rules. CM=M Before mailing your puzzles, keep an accurate record of your answers. All players should be familiar with the Official Rules which appeared at the beginning of the contest. Players are urged to reread the rules carefully and follow them closely. Rule No. 3 reads: 3. NOTE (a) When entrants have completed solutions to the complete set of 24 puzzles ... the solutions are to be printed or typewritten by the entrant in the answer space provided on the puzzle (or a reasonable facsimile). The complete set of 24 puzzles must be answered, neatly trimmed, and enclosed in an envelope, flat and not rolled, and addressed to:—Tangle Schools, P. 0. Box 26A, Mount Vernon 10, N. Y., and mailed, bearing a postmark not later than December 19, 1956. Decorated, pasted or embel lished are not permitted. Each set of 24 puzzles must be accompanied by a wrapper from any type Old Cold Cigarette package (Regular, King Size or Filter Kings) or a reasonable facsimile thereof. (c) After the deadline for mailing solutions, answers to all 24 puzzles will be published in a of this paper. Each contestant must keep an accurate record of all solutions and check his answers with the published correct answers. REMEMBER-ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, _ - DECEMBER 19, 1956. BE SURE TO INCLUDE A WRAPPER FROM ANY OLD GOLD CIGARETTE PACKAGE WITH EACH SET OF 24 COMPLETED PUZZLES. Come hil4 1546. 11600 !i. Hu7l6 - THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA initiated. An experienced moun tain climber has been taking groups out for instruction in use of climbing implements. These beginning mountain climbers are currently climbing 200-foot high cliffs between Huntingdon and Mount Union. In the planning stage is a spear fishing trip to Florida to be taken next spring. Other new activities are hunting fishing, bow and ar row hunting, chicken bar-b-ques. clam bakes, socials and turkey shoots. Outing Club Movie Set for Jan. 18 The Outing Club will sponsor a 105-minute technicolor film, "Have Skis, Will Travel," per sonally narrated by Warren Mil ler. at. 8:30 p.m. Jan. 18 in Schwab Auditorium. . Warren Miller is an inter nationally famous skiing photog rapher who has produced a new two hour film each year for the past six years. His movie this year will include pictures taken at Ligonier last winter. Tickets will be available only from Outing Club members for 90 cents. A pair of ski trousers will be given as a door prize.. Provide of Life' PUZZLE NO. 23 - EjW ti) E 3 F/1171 CLUE: This university derives its name froma portion of the Northwest Territory. It includes coordinate colleges for men and women. ANSWER 2Votne Add's,* Cif, Sfafs College Simes Report--' (Continued from pane one) . ily require far more lounge space than do the men's whereas the men's dormitories have been de signed with extensive outside rec reational areas. Simes told the board. Thalirner Report Thalimer, who is chairman of the committee, told the group that it would be cheaper to convert present men's dormitories into facilities suitable for women than to build either new men's or wo men's dormitories. Simes told the board that plans are being drawn up for the con struction of -men's dormitories as soon as the women's dormitories are completed and these, too, could not easily be converted to accommodate women. When asked if there was any possibility of women remaining in Thompson permanently and continue, housing men in the Pol lock area, Simes said: 'Pollock Doomed to Go' "I think Pollock's doomed to go, thank goodness. Present plans in dicated that Pollock will be torn down as soon as the women's dormitories are completed which should be sometime in June, 1958." Simes said that final decision on the issue of community living must come from the University Board of Trtistees. The main problem in the plan. said Simes, is the difference in dining halls facilities for men and 1 women. If the community living plan Dr V A FOLIO THESE MAILI DOE. JOHN LAKE DRIVE L SOUTH SEND. IND. Use business-size envelope 4" x 9;‘" ... sometimes referred to as a No. 10 envelope. Each of the puzzles must be neatly trimmed, separately, and placed in numerical order. No decorations please! Address envelope as shown. Your name and address MUST be on the BACK of the envelope ACROSS THE END and in the position shown in the illustration. Please print or type in CAPITAL LETTERS—LAST NAME FIRST. If mailed according to instructions, 6 f postage should be enough. Be sure to include a wrapper from any type OLD GOLD CIGARETTE PACKAGE (REGULAR. KING SIZE OR FILTER KING) with each set of 24 puzzles. If you are sending more than one set of puzzles, place each set in a SEPARATE envelope under your own name. In the event of ties, the Tie-Breaking puzzles referred to in rule 2(b) will be published in this paper with instructions as to who is eligible to play. Publication of these Tie-Breaking puzzles, if needed, will be announced soon after the-correct answers to the 24 puzzles have appeared. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1956 ( were put into operation, women would probably demand waiter service at the evening meal. This would involve an increase in ex penses. for which the students would have to pay. BizAd Staff to Meet A meeting of new candidates and staff members of the BizAd Bulletin editorial staff will be 'held at 6:30 tonight in 11 Sparks. smictmeetcteictcto4ctctcwlcicte.kctmeer sr ht Or : If .•2>>., . °• . . %I r 1.1:5•,.... : sr If . or V' Don't Wait Until . Or W g You Get Home w w w w To FISH For I* .%, Christmas Gifts o v Buy NOW State College EM!!!!!M!!!!!!!!ffi '‘ W PUZZLE NO. 24 w n . EZ E 2 .• . • CLUE: Located on the shore of one of the Great Lakee, this university was opened in 1855. Frances Willard was once dean of women here. ANSWER Nome Address City State_ College 'IC lONS CA • I . Print or type your naps* and return oddness on bock of envelope, • lost nome first, like thist To help checkers, we business size envelope. approximately 4" a S> i ii". Type or prim the address os shown. Use bi postage. 11` I TANGLE SCHOOLS P.O. BOX 26A. MOUNT VERNON - 10, N.Y. PUZZLES Ivics9 l
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