THURSDAY. DECEMBER 5 Facul To Sho The art work of and art education wil Painters at Penn Stta' Union Building. The display, feat Guest Prof - To Address Soc . Grou ffer, pro i director ocial Re niversity ker at a ocial Sci ) Dec. 14. k on "So- Rapidly time ofi in Dining he Hetzel mbers of le ter - Dr. Samuel A. Sto fessor of sociology an of the Laboratory of ; lations at Harvard will be the guest spec dinner meeting of the ence Research Center o Dr. Stouffer will spel cial Science Research i, Changing Times." ThE the dinner is 6:15 p.m. Rooms A, B, and C of Union Building. All rno the faculty are welcom BIT!!3MMEEE Tickets for the dinm., may be obtained from Dr. Lawrence E. Fouraker, 202 Moffat' Cottage. Tickets will sell for $2.60 each. Dr. Stouffer is among the fore most American scholars in the use of statistics and the applica tion of quantitative methods in sociology, and is perhaps best known for his work as co-author of the five-volume, "The Ameri can Soldier: Measurement and Prediction." Degrees Earned Dr. Stouffer received his bache lor's degree from Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa; his master's from, Harvard. 'and the doctor of philosophy degree from the University of Chicago. He served on the faculties of the Uversities of Wisconsin and Chicago before going to Harvard in 1946. He also served for a time 'in Washington on the staff of the Central Statistics Board. Traffic Warning Issued by Court Traffic Court has issued a warn ing to students that parking in certain areas on campus at night is illegal. Students are and will be held responsible for parking. behind Old Main, on Pollock Road, in re served spaces, and other places designated. as "off limits.' The 15-minute parking. zone on Shortlidge Road is still applicable - at night, the court said. The court has also announced that registratiori stickers an d _parking permits are legal on windshields. The Pennsylvania State Police will allow these stick ers to remain on student vehicles. Students should inform their local vehicle inspectors that these stickers are legal, when they go to hive their cars inspected, the court Said. RESERVATIONS For Commencement, June lth, will be accepted at 8 a.m. on Friday December 7th. Limited to ONE ROOM per graduate WRITTEN REQUESTS ONLY The 6. 1956 y Members Art Work ! ew members of the departments of art 1 be on view in the exhibition, "New -" which will open Dec. 8 in the Hetzel Iring oils water color, and other media, will continue until Dec. 22. Paintings %vitt be exhibited by Dr. Albert Christ-Janer, profes sor of art and director of the School of Arts; Edwin W. Zoller, associate professor of art; Stuart H. Frost. instructor in art, and George Pappas, instructor in art education. Mrs. Mary Rubinstein, part-time instructor in art, will display sculpture. Museum. Library Director A graduate of St. Olaf College, with a master's degree from Yale University, Dr.• Christ-Janer has a doctor of fine arts degree from Lake Erie College. He was head of the art department at Stephens College and at Michigan State University and also taught at Northwestern University. He served as director of the museum and Library at Cran brook Academy of Art and as director, of humanities at the Uni versity of Chicago. Before coming to the University in 1955, Dr. Christ-Janer was director of the arts centerdevelop ment at New York University. He was a Guggenheim fellow in 1951 and received a Rockefeller award in 1955. Dr. Christ-Janer has exhibited paintings in leading museums in the United States. He is the author of several books, including "Boardman Robinson," "E liel Saarinen," "Art in Childlife," "George Caleb Bingham of Mis souri" and "American Hymn book." With University Since 1927 Zoller, a graduate of the Uni versity, has been associated with the University since 1927, as a teacher and administrator at the centers. He has been represented in many leading art exhibitions and has exhibited at well-known gal-: leries. Frost, while a University stu dent, worked with Henry Varnum Poor on his' famous Land-Grant frescos in Old Main. He also has worked with other artists on fres cos in Washington and Alexan dria, Va. At present he is engaged in a study of the fresco technique with a grant from the University's Council on Research. Frost's main art studies were done at the Brooklyn Museum Art School. He also holds a mas ter's degree from New York Uni versity. , Did Grad Work Here A native of Boston, Pappas has his bachelor's degree from the Massachusetts School of Art, his master's from Harvard University, and has done graduate work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Penn State. He served as an art teacher in Massa chusetts public schools and at. lowa State Teachers College be fore coming to Penn State. Mrs. Rubenstein, wife of S. L. Rubenstein, assistant professor of English composition, has her bachelor of fine arts degree from the University of Texas and her ittany Lion Inn THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Fashions of Many Lands LISA ANTONAKI of Greece. left, and Saroj Khanna. India. right. model fashions of their countries in an international fashion show last night in the Conference Extension Center. The show was sponsored by the international friends committee of the College of Home Economics. Marriages Spencer-Causbrook Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Causbrook• of Plainfield, N.J., announce the marriage of their daughter, Lor inda Ann, to Dwight Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs; Edgar J. Spen cer of Bristol on August 18. Mr. Spencer is a senior in busi-, ness administration at the Uni versity. He is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. Mrs. Spencer is a senior in home economics at the University. She is a member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority. Reitz-Sees - Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. Sees of I Northumberland announce the marriage of their daughter, Kath-' leen, to Wilson Reitz, Jr., son of Mr.. and Mrs. Wilson Reitz, Sr., of Sunbury, on June 16. Mr. Reitz is a junior in physical education at the University_ He is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. master of fine arts degree from lowa State University. She has been awarded several scholar ships and prizes and has exhibited her work in many American uni versities, museums and galleries. Children's Christmas Party Foi Children of Married Students Register NOW at HUB Desk c._edib Alpha Omicron Pi has initiated Jean Holcombe and pledged Flor ence Moran, Venice Ceccacci, Vir ginia Ottinger, Carol Ha uc k, Elaine Walters and Louise Mani fold. New pledges of Kappa Delta are Sally Barr, Rita Cofsky, Joan Hartnett, Linda Howell. Phyllis Prood. Judith O'Donnell, Bar bara Ray, Marlyn Smith, and Rachel Waters. And Faculty Members Dec. 15 3to 5 P.M. HUB BaNoom Santa Claus Refreshments Age Limit 8 Years i Ad Fraternity !Will Initiate 8 Alpha Delta Sigma, national professional advertising fratern ity, will initiate two professional members and six undergraduate men at 6:15 p.m. Sunday at the State College Hotel. The professional initiates are George A. Koehler. manager of WFIL and WFIL-TV in Philadel phia and George S. Fitzroy, man ager of the Philadelphia office of the Julius Mathews Special Agency.. Undergraduate initiates ar e John Lytle, George Shambaugh, James Capone, Edward Frear, Stephen Higgins, and Thomas Fos ter. Donald Ratchford, account ex ecutive with Ketchum MacLeod and Grove Advertising Agency in Pittsburgh. will speak. xwvetcwx.c.c•c•c•vfx , c•c•clurAcieivocalt *2s° \ value— )r,) Now S 100 l' _ plata tat i . ' 'l' - ) \ x . "ti 2!. 7 : —. 's ( - ..1 i /,.._ • \\ N • N k -? :_ -- ---A.4 --- -- 7 . - -:. a Ili HARRIET RUB - BARD AYER HAND CREAM big beauty bargain at your fingertips. Griggs Pharmacy 120 E. College Ave. I hmetexhimwarAtvlo<Noctotwivicattoom RN YOUR MASTER'S DEGREE AND PREPARE FOR EXECUTIVE CAREER IN RETAILING reheneive nine-month program for A.B. and ELS. Mee; emphasis on executive direction in major dovetailed with clatwroorn work. Tetal pay for work $l5O. Co-ed. Sehotarvhips. Selective lob place•- be(ore graduation. G.I. approved. Nest.elaas. mber 2. 1957. Apply now. Write for Bulletin C. SCHOOL OF RETAILING NIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Plosbarsii 13, ni. Sponsored by The Junior Class PAGE FIVE ii.....c,..., iietu Limited time only Gifts Games
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