TUESDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1956 Militar Hende Jane Mahone Kinnier have been 9 to 1 Friday in Re The queen w dance. The finalist• Air Force Academy, D The queen will be c ball by Lt. W. C. Ha. Capt." J. J. Littlejohn, Erwin F. Aibrect, Capt. Dick Hickson; Gilbert" Freedman, c the Mil Ball Committd ter of ceremonies v. enach member of the a silver trophy and a roses. From Noire Miss Mahoney is . student at the Notre Dame A .ademy for Girls in Philadelphi• and will enter nurses training t Jefferson Hospital in June. was spon sored by Navy Midsh pman Jesse Brewster. . Miss Finley, sponso •d by Army Cadet William Ligget , is a fresh man in medical tech ology from Pittsburgh. Miss Lentz, spons•red by Air Force Cadet Lee 1 cVey, is a sophomore in eleme tary educa tion from Media. Miss Corman, a freshman in physical education Ifrom State College, was sponsored by Navy Midshipman James Rossi. Miss Kinnier, sponsored by Leonard Rosenbaum, Air Force Cadet, is a junior in elementary education from Dansboro. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega. Trophy for Queen The . finalists and their escorts will pass through a cordon corn posed of members of Pershing Rifles, national r..ilitary honorary society, and an arch of sabers formed by the saber team of Scabbard and Blade, national military honorary group, leading to the bandstand. The queen will be crowned with a coronet of white roses and presented a sil ver trophy. Heads and representatives of the different Reserve Officers Training Corp divisions will form a receiving, to greet guests before - the dance, from 9 to 9:30 p.m. Tickets for the Mil Ball, spon sored by Scabbard and Blade, Pershing Rifles, Arnold Air So ciety, national air force honorary society, and Quarterdeck, national naval honorary group, are avail able at the .Hetzel Union desk. The price is $5. On display in Waring Hall are the trophies, photos of the final ists, and background information on the sponsoring societies. ' Pictures of the Queen Contest entries may be obtained at the Hetzel Union desk. APhiO to Select Outstanding Prof Students have been asked to aid in selecting the member of the faculty or administration who will receive the distinguished ser vice award presented annually by Alpha Phi Omega, national ser vice fraternity. Names of students' candidates for the award may, be submitted before 5 p.m. Friday at the Hetzel Union desk. ... The winner will be chosen on the basis of servic• contributed to the .University co unity. He will 'receive a gold key and an honorary . members ip in Alpha Phi Omega. Foreign Studen Names Region. Rebecca Dperner, the Office of Foreig fairs, has been appo chairman of the Nat tion of Foreign Stu• The ,region vania and aPart of ", Ice Sk • tes 1.5% off , To Students We .. . Lay-a-way WESTERN AUTO '2OO W. Colle.ge Ball Finalists Chosen; son Will Crown Queen !y, Patricia Finley, Dorothy Lentz, Elizabeth Corman, and Barbara !selected as the five finalists for the Military -Ball to be held from reation Hall. 1 be crowned by Skitch Henderson, whose orchestra will play for the were chosen from 20 entrants by the 1959 class of the United States nver, Colo. vosen at the kell, Navy; . rmy; Capt. rmy; and Air Force. .airman of •e and mas-' ill present court with bouquet of Group I Officer secretary for I , Student Af ;nted regional oval Associa ent Advisers. .es Pennsyl ' est Virginia. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Jane Mahoney Dorothy Lentz Elizabeth Carman Patricia Finley Barbara Kinnier iiii:::• : :.::::Kff.X:i:i:Kii:Y . " ''' : : . :iiii:i:i: : : iiii : : iiiilii:iiii;:. .i.:K:K:iii:i:if : ::.*:.,::. •::.::::::::::::::::::::.: , .. , ....... :i::::::;3 . ::::::;E::: : OrY ::.!iiiiii::•'i • :::: 110 115 e ::-.• If you are looking for good food and a friendly atmosphere, look no further . . the-Town House offers •:.: the best in seafood, steak.. ::: .... ',.• spaghetti and sandwiches. :•.:- • .... -:.. Meet your friends at :•:: the Town House for x. - . •:' dinner tonight! :•:. ::-• ' .:. e : *:::•. •:::*i:i:::: : :,i:i: ............. i::.:i?:::i:K:i:::::::: ..i:ti:::::::::::•:::::::. •iiiii:giiiiiiiiiiiiiii :::::::-:::<-:•:•••:•:•:•: .::::Z:::c:::::::::::::::: •••••:-.......--*:::.:•:;•:. :::::•:•:-:•:•:•:•:-. .i.,..:::::':::::::::•. Employment Interviews The following firms will con-i duct interviews for Jan u a r y, i graduates and advanced degree, candidates who expect to receive degrees during the current school year in the Placement Service, office 112 Old Main: Dec. 6: Swift Co: All degrees: A. Hort. all who are interetted in sales. Dec. 13: Griffis,. Mr Force Base: All decree. EE. Ph:p.. Math. Dec. 14 Chemitramt: BS: ME, ChE, Chem, F.E. Chicaao Pneumatic Tool Co: BS: CE.' F.F. lE. ME.. MnszE. Hercule,. Powder Co: BS. MS: ME. EE Chem. Phy.. Math, ChE, PhD: Chen: Phyl, Math. ChE. W. L. Marion Corp: AU dele reel : EE ME. Philmlelph LI Gag Worka : All degrees ChE. CE. EE. lE. 3 , 1 E. Dec. 17: Fairchild Aireritt: BS: Aera.E. F.E. ME. CE. Math. Phya. N.Y. 'State Electric & Cita: BS: EE. ==ttaiMMEM3 Pan American Airways: BS, MS: CE.,, 31E. EE. lE, ChE.Acctir, Fin* Mngt. ; Permutit: BS: CE. ME. SunE. Dec. 18: Wyman-Cordon: MI dec rev-.: ME. I E Met. -,4•t' What Santa Whispered in my ear There I' was worrying about how I was going to get my Christmas shopping done in one easy stop, and then Santa popped out of nowhere and whispered something in my ear. He said. - Listen gal, take a tip from a guy who knows, the best place to get that one-stop Christmas shopping done is at Griggs Pharmacy. Let's go on down and take a look around right now:* I caught the wiff of a mysterious fragrance as I entered the door. "It's Danger." Santa told me. He explained that "Danger' was one of the five popular fragrances by Ciro combined in a very pretty gift box at S 5. I looked inside the box and sure enough there were five kinds of perfume. Each one had its own box too so that they could be used as a separate gift. It wasn't long until I heard someone say "May I help you?" 'Why. hello," Santa said, and introduced me to one of. the friendly clerks at Griggs. "Here's a gal who knows her busi ness inside out." held told me. "She's just the one to help you pick out a gift to please everyone on your list." (She was too.) Nobody could be that good I thought so I put her to the supreme test. "How about a gift for the people on my list who have everything?" "Oh, that's easy." she said. "have you seen our Rytex personalized stationery?" She showed me some paper with tricky envelopes lined in a dotted swiss pat tern in red and blue. It was so different, and so personal too because it is custom made with any name printed on it for that special touch. There were lots of other designs too. One that especially caught my eye was the one illustrated with Betty Betz characters. Perfect for my Peen-age sister. Only S 2. too. - Then she showed me the loveliest and most unusual gift of the year. It was called "Musical Mist" by Lentheric. When a bottle of Tweed Mist is lifted from the gorgeous musical base, Anniversary Waltz. Star Dust, or Let Me Call You Sweetheart softly charms the user. "This." she said. "is a gift that will be close to heart of any girl because it is so completely femi nine:* "Did yoli get your Christmas cards yet?" Santa asked. "My writing is a little tough to read so I bought my cards at Griggs where I could have them personalized." "A good idea." I said. "With a selection like this I can't go wrong. There are so many kinds and price ranges from which io select." "Time to get back to the dorm. Santa." I said. "If I don't get there in time for dinner, I won't get any. and I'm too fond of food to let a thing like that happen." I had time to pick out just one more thing—something for my little sis. I wasn't hard because the first thing the clerk showed me was "Cookies and Milk." This is just one of the many Little Lady Cosmetic sets designed with the pint-size population •in mind. This one caught my eye because it had a cute little plastic milk bottle filled with bubble bath and five little cookies made of soap. After the clerk wrapped it up. Santa told me that I'd bet ter get back to the dorm fast so I could get in on the end of that dinner line. I thanked him for showing me the easy way to do my Christmas shopping in one stop and started up the hill to my — home away from home." I didn't miss dinner either! Do your Christmas shopping at GRIGGS PHARMACY As late as the seventeenth cen tury, Dutch vessels carried brooms on their mastheads to indicate they "swept the seas." PENNA. HIT PARADE THESE RECORDS NOW IN STOCK AT THE MUSIC ROOM Philadelphia 1. Love Me Tender. E. Presley. Vic. Z. Just Walkint in the Rain. .1. Ray, Col. 1. Don't Be Cruel. E. Prs,ley. Vic. t. Blueberry Hill, F. Dorntno. Intl.. True Lave. R. Croohy-C. Kelly. Cap 6. Tonizht You Belong. to Me Patience & Proilance. lAA. 7. Singing the Blues. G. Mitchell. Col. 1. Green Door. J. Lowe. Dot 9. Friendly Permission. P. Ronne. Dot Pittsburgh I. Singing the Blues. G. Mitchell. Col Z. Love Me Tender. E. Pres:re. Vic. 3. Kane and a Baby Ruth G. Hamilton. Putt. I. Blueberry Hill. F. Domino. IMP. 5. True Lave. H. Cro4by-G. Kelly, Cap G. Hanky Tonic. - It. Doimett. 7. Slaw Walk. S. Amain. Mer. ornmisomemommin 111111 V THE AD 7.2311 111/0 1 111.7.ficiN111111 111111M011111:Ziri0:11 ift_mail 203 E. KAMA AVII.- 110' 120 E. College Ave. • PAGE FIVE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers