TUESDAY. NOVEM BE $2O Million Alba Water A model of the w est submarine, the core, is being test Garfield Thomas ner Dr. George F. 7:rislic l for of the Tunnel, ex 1 . results of the tests to provide informatio conduct tests in the other large models. T a testing facility for th Research Laboratory versity. The $20,000,000 Al designed for speed u whereas earlier subm., built with more emph face speed; She has a body and a blimp-likd driven by a single tH Forester. To Mark 50th Ye• . The 50th anniversar sional forestry instruc University will be ob spring. The program, sch duled for May 27 and 28, is sponsored by the Mont Alto Forestry Alumni Association, which represents 1900 living forestry graduates of the University and the old State Forestry School at Mont Alto, which was merged with the Uni versity in 1929. _ Leader May Attend • Among those expected to par ticipate in the program are Gov ernor George M. Leader, Presi dent Eric. A. Walker, Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower, former president of the University and now presi dent of Johns Hopkins University, and representatives of education and the forestry profession. E. 0. Ehrhart, president of Armstrong Forest Co., Johnion burg, is, general chairman for the golden anniversary meeting. • Book to Be Published One of the features of the cele bration will be the publication of a book'; ""Forestry Education in Pennsylvania." which is being compiled by Henry Clepper, exec utive secretary of the Society of American Foresters, Washington, D.C. • The School of Forestry will be represented in the:celebration by Maurice•K..Goddard, director of the school, who is on leave serv ing as Secretary of Forests and Waters in Pennsylvania, and by Dr. William C. Bramble, acting director of the school. Magazine Accepts Series by Hicks Scholastic Editor, a national magazine for student publications, is publishing a series of four ar ticles on newspaper advertising by Dr. Roland R. Hicks, assistant professor of journalism. The fifth article, an introduc tion to newspaper advertising work, appeared in the Octoberis sne. The other articles entitled "How to Write an Ad," "How to Draw an Ad," and "HoW to Sell an Ad," will appear in subsequent issues of the magazine. Minerals Staff Officer To Address Engineers Lewis E. Hoffman, minerals staff officer with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, will ad dress the University chapter of the American-Institute of Mining Engineers at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, in the 'Mineral Scienc- Auditor ium. His subject will .; Mineral Lands and Q Minerals Program." Graduate Wins In National Corn Glenn Bush, gradu. in metallurgy from Be been awarded a $420 fellowship by the A ciety for Metals on t a national competition . He is no* working f , l ter of science degree supervision of Dr. R. say, ,professor of met -1 13, 1956 ore Studied Tunnel Tests Submarine Model /, rld's fast- SS Alba •d in the jater Tun- propeller rather than the con ventional twin screws. Coning Tower Changed Even the bulky coning tower, common to the submarine, is greatly changed on the Albacore. The Albacore's tower resembles the fin of a fish. • nus, direc •lained the e expected After a submarine of this type was suggested in 1948. nearly 25 models were built and extensive tests were conducted in air tun nels, in tanks at the David Taylor Model Basin, and in open water before the final design was se lected. needed to Tunnel on • Tunnel is I- Ordnance t. the Uni- It is the results of these tests, as well as tests on the submarine itself, that make the studies now underway at the University valu able. Results of these tests can be compared with the detailed in formation available from the oth- acore was der water, rives were sis on sur , ish-shaped ; tail and is I ve-bladded Rath doing...atPratt&Mitney Aircraft of profes ion• at the s erved next "Federal r Present • ward . etition !te student Iwood, has graduate erican So e basis of 0 l(SEI•I'N-N -f;• , c.iiiggp.4 2 . , - , t e !..; N .,... 1 1109 '-7i" -. ") & WHITNEY \I-. : >„_.,...-: , -7... PRATT' ..... _ - -.4,-ka.,..,____ 1 ._..5...- Ng. I , r his mas- I under the bert Lind- Ilurgy. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Working engineers . . . continue study to earn Master's degree may Anibitious young _engineering graduates today want to be in two places at the same time. They want to be emplc4ed as quickly as possible, work ing - daily at a job that offers promise of a reward ing career. They also want to be in the classroom, pursuing advanced studies they know to be so essential to real professional achievement. Recognizing the many significant benefits to be gained by that two-fold ambition benefits that accrue both to the individuals, personally, and to the company employing them Pratt & Whit ney Aircraft has developed an extensive graduate fellowship program. Within easy commuting dis tance of P & W A facilities, working arrangements have been established with graduate schools at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of •-• dAr ! tou _,„: 011/1510N OF UNITED AIRCRAFT curement Team will be on cain er tests on the Albacore to evalu- 1 , the appearance of the interior of Pus Thursday and Friday to in ate testing in studies of other; wooden barrel. terview students interested in be large models. I Built to Test coming office's after graduation. Flow Corrected The University water tunnel, Five basic officer training pro was built to make possible the' grams are offered, four for male Because the cross section of the, testing of marine propellers, body' applicants and one for women. Albacore model is much bodies vices and other underwater de-1 Under this program freshmen. than the cross section of bodies! , vices through the use of powered: sophomores and juniors enrolled previously tested in the tunneLlmodels. Engineers were especially; in the Platoon Leaders Class will special attention had to be givent ' concerned with the study of the, attend six weeks of training dun. to correcting the tunnel flow to, design of propellers on torpedoes!ing two summer vacations at duplicate the flow about the same: as. related to the design of the Quantico. Va. Seniors and grad body when moving . within the b o d y of the torpedo. luates will attend a ten-week Offi open sea. - ' I While size of the tunnel limits; cer Candidate Course after grad- For this purpose, the shape of objects that can be tested, the cation. the water tunnel's test section.! tunnel offers certain advantages) Under this program no drills, which is 14 feet In length and 48 ; over testing in open water or in meetings. or other military ac feet in diameter, was changed ,a towing basin. In the tunnel.' tivity will be held during the by installing a wooden liner that:complete observation, both visual school year. simulates a free-stream surface . tand acoustic, is possible, watert v ; Women in Dramatics Twenty-four staves of wood, care-; pressure and speed can be care fully fitted, were installed, then fully controlled, and the power! Fifty years ago University men sanded to a smooth finish, so that' output from the model :under test;still frowned on feminine partici the interior of the section gives' can be regulated. !nation in dramatic productions. I ,Worltts foremost designer and builder of aircraft engines, Connecticut, Trinity College, Yale University, Northeastern University and New York Univer sity. Similar arrangements with several other uni versities are pending final approval. At each school, the qualified Pratt & Whitney Aircraft employee is able to take courses within specified areas leading to a Master's degree. A tuition-refund plan makes it possible for success ful degree candidates to obtain this advanced ed ucation tuition-free. In this era of advancing technology, the world's foremost designer and builder of aircraft engines has taken a far-reaching step to assure its engi neers and scientists of the opportunity for per sonal growth . . . growth that is so beneficial to employee and company alike. ill' EAST HARTFORD 8, CONNECTICUT ORPORATION Marines to Screen Officer Candidates A Marine Corps Officer Pro- AIRCRAFT PAGE SEVEN ; 4 1 4
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