PAGE 'TWELVE Ducks, Pigeons, 'Woody Nittany Dormitory Share Atmosphere By THOM SHIELS Out across the wind-swept fields behind the Nittany dormitory area stands a wooden stockade surrounded by evergreens. - It is sc-en by students every day, yet not too many people know of its existence. This structure houses the Bird Navigation-Propagation Range. Inside these fences are seven tanks containing some 200 ducks of ten major varieties, and a few cross-breed types. This one-acre range is also the home of approximately 80 Need Cited For Study In Religion ncy. I, 11l h,A• II .Ha rsh , University Breeds Birds i University Chaplain, said yester-: All the birds at the navigation; day that he hoped to see religion range excep t - Woody" have been become a regular part of the edu-Hborn and bred" at the -Univer cational system at the University.'sity. They owe their existence to ! The chaplain said that to ac- i Dr. Harry L. Yeagley, associate, comnlkh this he would suggest!professor of physics at the Uni-' an extension of the non-credit vers i ty. courses in religion and a course in; In 1952 he formulated a theory . religion relative to economics.; that birds are sensitive to certain psychology, political science, and, other fields. ,aspects of the earth's magnetic :fields, and to the forces produced Reverend Harshbarger also ex lbY the earth's rotation. Both of pressed his interest in a course in research in religion and ,one these influences involve a set of lines forming a navigational grid stressing religion'scontributions i ,work which, when correlated to the :trades and professions. Speaking before the Faculty- with land speed, enable a bird Luncheon Club. 13 , .v. Harshbar & .,. er to receive an accurate home di rection. said: "Religion at Penn State is with-! Birds Return Yearly in the educational sphere. Not Single birds, or pairs of wild university can really•be a univer-fowl, consistently find their way sity if it leaves out man's fore-back and nest year after year— most concern. If a university does:within a few hundred yards of a lea.vt out man's foremost concerm!given nesting area. Dr. Yeagley is it is not actually doing its job." !attempting to find out what guides Rev. Harshbarger said that reli- Ahem. or by what mechanisms gion has an important place at i they guide themselves in their the University. When it fails in i , , nerring return. . its purpose, he said. it is no longer; In the early stages of his ex of use. He expressed his belief:Periment he was furnished with that "religion is deep - ;y imbedded:a plot on the University farms in the minds of the people of:where they bulldozed a mud Penn State." !pond. . _ --- --- f Use Duck Pond Council to Vote i Th - eir second Thome" was the ~ Duck Pond, on the outskirts of ,State College. The hundreds of On High Court . -. - ild ['ticks that use this pond are the descendants of the original Mallards. Wood Ducks. and Pin- The Engineering and Architec- 4 : ,ii s used in the project. lure Student Council will vote on In 1950. Dr. Yeagley took a bold the new Supreme Court - revision', ; t e p. Working on the roof of Os at 7 tonight in 217 Hetzel Union.'mond Laboratory, his staff built Previously. the Council had' -3n artificial pond to see whether voted to retain the Supreme Court.;Mallardc could be successfully President Donald Patterson will •-ai. - ;ed and trained there. . . prevent to the Council the new; Although they had many warn revision which is before the All- ings that it could not be done, University Cabinet now and th.t:their first try netted 24 ducklings council will vote on the. new rev l-. .yithout a single loss. sign. Roof Saves Ducks The Council will also vote on i A roof freed the experiment 'whether to retain the Engineer-,from possible loss of ducklings ing Newsletter in its present form .by rats, crows, and hawks which or to turn it over to the Penn :Pre potential hazards to the birds State Engineer. "n the 'Duck Pond. Also on the agenda is the nam-1 Hatching the eggs was another inv, of an interviewing committee major problem. It was found by for the engineering scholarships).,4bers who tried that the newly-1 There will be two scholarships at hatched ducklings, without a ino- 5140 each offered to sophomore:ther duck. often starved them students in the College of Archi - 'selves and died. Some behaved lecture and Engineering. like humans who were violently Faculty, BusAd Council ' ' der -, entd. This is what happened ,to Dr.. Yeaglev's initial hatch of To Clash on 'Gridiron' i wood ancks. The Business Administration: • Unorthodox Methods Student Council-Faculty touchi With only six birds left. he de- football game originally scheduled ,'-'idr'd to throw orthodox bird for this afternoon has been tenta- rai , lng '-ules out the window. Im lively rescheduled for 4 p.m.!mediatelv after hatching they Thursday on the ttolf course. , werp dropped into the water. It I The faculty defeated the stu- worked. " dent council in a softball game! Each duck, on striking the wat earlier this semester. er, began to dunk. drind, swim. be 'What's This?' Answer neath the surface, and flap its winglets in typical duck fashion. The photographer snapped the This was the turning-point. Rais tail of the Nittany Lion Shrine. ing the wood ducks then became The tail ends it. routine, and far more pleasant. • FROSH and SOPH ELECTIONS FOR CLASS OFFICERS Wednesday and Thursday - in HUB CARDROOM " ; homing pigeons and a Pileated Woodpecker named "Woody." "Woody" is a very well-known bird, and has appeared in news papers throughout the nation. He is currently being studied by the School of forestry to determine v.-hy woodpeckers do so much damage to telephone poles and sheds. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Inhabitants With Birds Prof Puzzled, Popular Bike Taken Again The case of the mysterious dis appearance of a Raleigh bicycle belonging to Kelly Yeaton, asso ciate professor of theatre arts, was partially solved by the Campus Patrol yesterday. The bicycle, which disappeared from its usual parking place be side Schwab Auditorium, was found in the bushes behind Home Economics. Although the thief can now claim to be the owner of one front wheel and lire, a small generator, several tools, and a green bicycle seat cover, he cannot claim to be the first per son to steal Yeaton's bike. The Campus Patrol are puzzled as to the identification of the thief, but Yeaton is puzzled as to the extreme popularity of his bi cycle. The first time it was stolen he didn't own a car and the bike was his only source of transportation. The second time it was stolen, Yeaton could hardly walk because of an injured ankle. But this time Yeaton was not quite so unlucky since he can both walk and drive. Henry II of France in 1547 was the first to wear silk stockings. New Harmony trio ..:. headliners all! =SE (Registration Open_ ForUN Seminar Students may still register for The University chapter of Alpha the United Nations Student Semi-'Epsilon Delta, national pre-medi- I nar sponsored by the University cal society, has initiated 13 stu- Christian Association at the LlCAldents. office in the Helen Eakin Eisen- ` They are Alexander Kalenak, hover Memorial Chapel. ! William Kirsch, William Weader, The trip is scheduled for Nov.lDavid Benson, Stephan Billstein, 17 to Nov. 21. !Richard Chryn,' Arthur Daven- Activities of the seminar will!port, Victor David, FranciS Foch include a tour of the United Na-ller, George Leopold, Alan Rubens, tions, attending regular meetingslEdward Stoker and William Wil of the General Assembly and a kie. meeting with delegates of the The society will meet at 8 p.m. Quaker church and World Coun-:Nov. 14, in Willard Hall. The cil of Churches.( room will be announced later. CLASSIFIEDS "Ad, must De in by 11:40' the preceding day." RATES 17 words of less: 30.50 One Insertion 60.76 flys insertions Si... Three insertions Additional words 3 for .06 for earl, day of insertion. ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS FOR rent—'=• double and one double at 314 East Beaver Ave. AD 7- 4147. FOR RENT DOUBLE ROOM. twenty feet long. twin beds: private bowie. Four blocks from ennpoq. Mailable now. Call AD 7-4144. DOUBLE ROOM for rent, available im mmlialely two blocks from campus. Call AD 7-2.ii09. BLACK RIMMED Glasses in crag ease marked Cmtarson's, Erie. Reward. Call Lowell Salmon at AD 8-Ea7s. GRAY OVERCOAT . taken from cloak room at Beta Sigma Rho Sat. Nov. 10. Call George Herbert AD 7-4917. MARILYN MONROE calendar and ber of PENN STATE ENGINEER mar HliU dad:. Keep calendar, return ENGINEER. TOPCOAT—Lo.t at Beta Sigma Rho Satur day night. Please contact John Garber. AD 7-41037. PAIR OF blue-rimmed glasses in blue ease. Vicinity 216 Willard on Tuettiay. Finder please phone 240 Atherton: RED WALLET in vicinity of Metzgers Stole. Return to Metzgers or cull ext. 2037. Rena rd. ONE BLACK Onyx. cufflink between Temporary Building and HUB. Reward. Call AD 7-2505. AI?ROW--.- —first in fashion SHIRTS • TIES •.SLACKS TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1956 Pre-Med Society Initiates Thirteen 1957 BETHLEHEM High School ring in HUB on Monday of last week. Claim by calling Herb Fehl AD 7-4769. STUDENT FIN POI'S urgently needea. If you can schedule the right two or three evenings lea $1.95 singles or 53.90 doubles for a full two hour tournament. Inquire Dux Club, 128 S. Pugh St. TWO MECHANICAL Engineers for sales application and contract engineering •by one of the Dresser industries. Program will include training period. •An exciting opportunity in a large industry with defi nite promotional possibilities. Liberal bene fits. Write: Thom Williams, Personnel Manager. Hot airil and Seyfang Mfg. Co. Brailfoi d. Pa. TYPING WANTED EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires tVru. int: of theses reports etc. Fast. retisonsble service. Phone AD 1i4;943. PERSON WHO offered ride to Chicago—. Thantoothing: change of plans, eau Leave uith you Tue...t.ty .; p.m. Coll Barb. 252 Atherton. MISCELLANEOUS NEWLY PATENTED Loretta Kaufman Creme. Clears the skin of acne pintples, acid rash. eviema and other skin irritations. You need only a few applications. Satis faction guaranteed. Try it and be atnazed at the results. Distributed by Sara IL Kaufman. Euy it at 410 E. College A•e., State College. C•OR PROMPT and expert radio and phono graph service stop at State College T.V, 232 South Allen Street IS YOUR typewriter giving you trouble? If eo. call AD 7-2452 or bring machino to 633 W College Ave. - FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS «-•? Style-wise collegians everywhere are applauding Arrow this year. For close harmony in color, its smart button-down Glen can't be matched. And, the Squire sport model has style to spare, with its trim, short-point collar and imported cotton flannel. Appearing with eternal campus favorite, the University crew neck sweater. Glen, $3.95 and $5.00; Squire, $5.95; University sweater, $11.95; woven twill ties, $1.50." FOUND HELP WANTED RIDE WANTED =EMU
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