SENHOWER WINS • slide Vote is ter Than '52 Lan G re GTON, Nov. 7 (!P)—President Dwight D. Eisen -1,1 smashing national victory today by a bigger In in 1952 over Democrat Adlai E. Stevenson. conceded the' election about 1:15 a.m. (EST) ago. WASHI hover won plurality th Stevens• today at Ch. Democratic control of the U.S. Congress Howeve Clark No D Sees vision Dawn Until IPHIA (AP) Demo- I. Clark said today PHILADE crat Joseph no decision until ight to unseat U.S. he expected dawn in his Sen. James The former Philadelphia mayor was alternately elated and con cerned as he watched his lead over Duff drop, then climb, then drop again. With 7,531 of Pennsylvania's 8,808 precincts reported, Clark led Duff by some 41,000 votes -1,884,373 to 1,843,980. • Declines on Opinions He declined to say what factors he believed led to his surprising showing as President Dwight D. Eisenhower swept the state and wide areas of the nation in de feating Adlai Stevenson. "I'm si'k at heart," about the presidential outcome, Clark said. However, he told newsmen: " "This is no time for partisan ship. The country should unite be hind Mr. Eisenhower and hope he can pull us through this grave crisis." He said he thought Eisen hower's personal popularity was greater than that of -the Republi can party. 'Really Cutting' Lead the asked immediately for the latest state count and then commented either: "Gee, he (Duff) is really cutting into my lead" or "I'm doing bet ter than expected in several Re publican areas. Hope it keeps At one point, a newsman told him that Univac, one of the elec tronic machines used as an aid in inter preting trends, predicted that he would win by 76,235. Clark smiled and said: "I'll take it." 15 Seniors Win AROTC Badge Fifteen senior Army Reserve Officers Training Corps cadets will be honored in ceremonies during the Army common hour tomorrow afternoon. The cadets .are to receive the badge, of Distinguished Military Student, the highest award of the Army ROTC program. To merit this award cadets must maintain high academic and mili tary grades through four years of college, must be outstanding in their leadership courses, and ex hibit the most desirable and high est type officer qualities. Cadets receiving the DMS badge are Eugene Banker, William Bark ley, Robert Bishop, John Boya nowski, Robert Grove, Carl Heis ter, George Kupsky, Albert Mann ing, Albert Messel, James Musier, Frederick Stiff, Robert Terry, Frank Ulrich' John Voelker, Jack Yaag. s Meeting Leonid To Ind de Films An open council will in the Het hall. ieeting of Leonides .e held at 7 tonight -1 Union assembly 1 The movi Bounty" an• toon "The be showlir:fo Rosetta-rIC Leonides, sa meeting wil, to get the , underway.._b' Hs, "Mutiny on the a Walt Disney car : ture of Things" will lowing, the.. meeting. - - • eyi - president .of d that the business Fie - short in order owing of the 'films ~.7.;15 p.m. . seemed probable early today, but later returns could change the picture. At 12:20 a.m., Eisenhower' was leading Stevenson in the popular vote as follows: President: Popular vote: Ei senhower 12.908.061: Stevenson. 10.130.694 in 50.746 of 154.787 precincts. Eisenhower led in 41 states with 466 electoral votes: Steven son in 7 with 65. Needed . to win 266. Senate: 35 races Republicans elected 6. Holdovers 30, total 36. Democrats elected 9. Holdovers 31, total 40. Needed to control 49.1 House: 435 races including Maine; Republicans • elected 43; Democrats elected 126. Needed to control 218. Republican gains 2 Democratic gains 2. Governors: 30 races including Maine; Republicans elected 2 in Indiana, Vermont. Democrats elected 5 in Ark., ,Fla., Maine, - N.C., Tex. President Eisenhower. along with Mrs. Eisenhower, Vice Presi dent and Mrs. Richard M. Nixon and the President's brother, Dr., Milton S. Eisenhower, president of Johns Hopkins University, went to the- Washington Republican National Committee headquarters early today. There, President • Eisenhower pledged he "will work for peace for the 168,000,000 Americans." Declaring this to be a "solemn moment," the President said it was a "very heartwarming thing" to know that his Administration and the Republican party was ap proved by the American voters. He offered his "most grateful thanks." "I think," he said, "that modern Republicansim has proved itself and that America has approved modern Republicanism." Stevenson, in his statement, wished the President and his Re publican Administration well in the next four years. He said today "we are not! Democrats and Republicans, but Americans." 11 Students Fined By Traffic Court Eleven students appeared be fore Traffic Court Monday night and were fined a total of $32. Traffic and parking violations. totaling $l7, led the amount of fines assessed by the court. One student was fined $5 for failing to "register his car. • Automatic " fines totaling $lO were levied upon four students who failed to appear before the court. Two students received suspend ed fines, and two cases were dis missed. Ike's State Vote Larger Than 1952 PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 6 011— President Dwight D. Eisenhower tonight carried Pennsylvania with its important 32 _electoral votes, apparently by an ,even larger margin than four years ago. With three quarters of the state vote counted and the remainder mainly from normally Republican quarters, the President rolled up a lead of better than 292,000 over his Democratic opponent, Adlai Stevenson In 1952, Eisenhower wo n Pennsylvania by _ 260,000 votes.- The count in 6361 of the state's 8808 precincts was: Eisenhower 1.780.205 Stevenson 1.457.575 Two_ of the state's biggest news: i.„....,....„, 4 • or r 8ai1. 4 .,&-,4,a-7. - ,;-..:, T a it tg i att - 7 JO6F VOL. 57. No. Al STATE COLLEGE. PA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 7. 1956 FIVE CENTS APhiO Will Sponsor 'Mall of Dimes' Today' Dimes will be collected on the Mall today when contributions for the Campus Chest drive begin with a "Mall of Dimes," sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity. A strip of paper will line the Mall from the bulletin board to the Main Gate on College Ave. For each dime• that is contributed, members of Alpha Phi Omega will mark off a foot of paper along the strip. Contributions will be placed in a pirate-type treasure chest„ Three representatives —Daily Collegian Photo by Chuek Zeallt FOUR STUDENTS associated with The Daily Collegian watch the election returns come over Collegian's Associated Press teletype machine. They are, left to right. Edward Springman. Eleanor Strauss, Lilian Junes. and Donna Springer. Cloudy Skies Threaten . Lion The Nittany Lion will be stroll- State football game, Nov. 17, wall ing around campus in his shirt go on sale at 8 a.m. today at the sleeves today, but he may be lHall. ticket window, 238 Recreation carrying his Al_ Approximatelyl2oo tickets are ligator raincoat still available for the Boston Uni over his arm. versity game Saturday. More warm Tickets cost $3.50 each. weather with Special tickets at 50 cents each, cloudy skies is predicted for to- may be purchased for children,' day by the Uni- but the holders may sit only in versity Weather the temporary bleachers at the station. south end the field. A high of 68 is forecast, with a low tonight in the upper 20's. While no rain is preal,...— .o day, showers are expected tomor row. Yesterday's temperature high was 68, with a low of 28. vapers—the Pittsburgh Post-Ga- the state's congressional bloc to zette and the Philadelphia In-116-14 and in 1954, Pennsylvania ,quirer—claimed victory for Eis-,elected its first Democratic goy lenhower. Both supported the'ernor in 20 years, chicken farmer President. George .M. Leader, who carried Stevenson carried • Philadel; the state by 279,196. phia as expected but the margin Since the founding of the there•appeared below the Dens- Republican party in 1856. Penn °crate prediction of 160-000 or sylvanies electoral votes have more. been captured only five timits Eisenhower won Pennsylvania's 32 electoral votes four years ago by a plurality of 269,520-120,000 more than the edge registered by Thomas E. Dewey over Harry • Truman in 1948.• The Eisenhower sweep carried into office GOP-U.S. Sen. Edward Martin and 19 of the state's 30 U.S. congressmen. A shift in the political winds since then cut the GOP margin in FOR A BETTER PENN STATE N.C. State Tickets I Go on Sale Today Tickets for the North Carolina 'My 3 Angels' Tickets Tickets for the Players' produc tion of "My 3 Angels" are avail able at the Hetzel Union desk. The price is $l. It wilt be presented at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday at Center Stage. by the Democrats—in less. 1872. 1936. 1940 and 1944, the last three times by Franklin D. Roosevelt. The GOP counts heavily on the vote from the rural areas of the state, the middle heartland, with the ...Democrats normally running up .big vote margins in the cities of Pittsburgh on the western bor der and Philadelphia in the ex treme...southeasterncorner. from Alpha Phi Omega ‘v ill be on duty each hour of the day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Solicitors Will Meet A solicitors meeting will be held at 3 tonight in Schwab Auditorium in preparation for the Campus Chest solicitations drive that will begin Monday and end Nov. 16. Robert Gellman, chairman, and Lawrence McCabe, solicitations chairman, will speak tor the group. ' OtherO speakers include represen tatives from the American Heart ' Association, World University Service, and American Cancer Society, three of the five organ ' izations that will receive funds from this year's drive. Gellman asked solicitors to ' bring pencils and paper to to night's meeting. Solicitors to be Grouped Solicitors will be grouped tac cording to divisions in the follow ling categories: men's dormitories, iwomen's dormitories, fraternities, !sororities, Alpha Phi Omea, who will have charge of collections from town men, and Gamma Sig ma, national service sorority who will have charge of collections from town women. Each group's seating will be marked off with political conven tion-type floor signs. Follow-up Drive Mated A follow-up drive will be held sometime after the regular solici tations campaign to reach town men who were not available when members of Alpha Phi Omega contacted them. G_ellman said that student teach ers who will be going out teach ing for the next eight weeks will be contacted *for their contribu tions Friday. Returning student teachers will be asked for contributions before the regular drive gets underway on Monday. Individual committee chairmen will meet with approximately 460 solicitors Thursday night to dis tribute campaign cards and other material. This year, as last, students will be able to designate on the IBM cards to which of the five acencies (Continued on page eight) WSGA to Screen Women Tonight The Women's Student Govern ment Association will screen up perclasswomen for committees to night in the WSGA office in the Hetzel Union Building. Only those women who signed for a screening appointment sev eral weeks ago, but were unable to keep their appointment, will be screened. Appointment times will be post ed on the main bulletin hoards of each dormitory or on the bulletin boards by the post office—boxes, Dr. Eisenhower Visits State College to Vote Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower. for mer University president and president of Johns Hopkins Uni versity, returned to State College yesterday to vote in the national election. Dr. Eisenhower, who is said to have convinced his brother; Pres ident Dwight D. Eisenhower..lo seek a second term, is maintain ing his official residence in State College._ _ _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers