FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1956 Colga Boote When Penn State land Col gate clash on Beaver Field to morrow afternoon in the 15th game of their soccer series, Colgate will still be looking for its first victory over the Lions. The Red Raiders have come close on several occasions, losing eight of the encounters by only one cr two points, but they have never been able to register even a tie with the Nittany soccer men. Win Six Shutouts Six of the Lion wins have been shutouts, including the opening game of the series which ended in a 1-0 decision. The highest point-total recorded by the Nit tany soccermen was in the 19501 Alpha Sig K Triangle’s 2-2 tie with Phi Epsi lon Pi highlighted action Wednes day night in the fraternity "B” bowling league. Delta Theta Sigma defeated Alpha Epsilon Pi, 3-1, while the defending cham pion, Alpha Sigma Phi, was vic torious, 4-0, over Phi Kappa. In the remaining three matches, identical scores of 4-0 were post ed by Delta Chi over Kappa Sig ma; Sigma Chi over Phi Mu Del ta; and Theta Chi over Alpha Chi Sigma. Winning the third match, 828- 698, and scoring the highest in total score, provided Triangle with the tie after Phi Ep had swept the first two rounds. Dick Lippe, Phi Ep, was single and Streak Finally Stopped Penn State’s national champion ship soccer team won 19 games in a row before it was held to a 0-0 draw in overtime by West Chester Teachers. tiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH ( Tanglewood Acres ( E (Shangri-La of Centre County) § | 4 1 /i Miles from Bellefonle on Rd. to Jacksonville | I Dinners Served Nightly I 1 STEAKS SPAGHETTI LOBSTER SHRIMP I I ALSO I j PIZZA SANDWICHES SALADS | | Private Parties May Be Arranged by Reservations § | Call Bellefonte 5-9924 = ss Dancing Permitted No Minors Allowed " 1 Selected Beverages § aiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiimiiitiiuHiiuiiiiiiiiuiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii? e Seeks to End Winning Streak and 1954 seasons when they whitewashed the Raiders, 6-0. j Last year Colgate almost pulled! the upset of the year, losing a respectable 2-1 decision to the co national champions. Stu Lewis, who scored the only Colgate goal in that 1955 game,, heads the 1956 list of Raider re turnees. Lewis, a junior, is slated to start at one of the wing posi tions for Coach Mark Randall’s eleven. Five Vets Return Five other veterans and a host of promising sophomores make up the nucleus of the Colgate lineup. Captain Lou Ehrard, who scored four goals in the 1955 campaign —tops among returning lettermen —will be at an inside post. Ehrard and Lewis were the on ly starters against the Nittanies eg Winner match play winner with 192 and 495 points respectively. Triangle won the individual team scoring with 828 points. Eugene Griffin, Theta Chi, was the night’s top scorer with 214 points and three game champion w.ith 545 markers while leading Theta Chi to a 4-0 victory over Alpha Chi Sig. Delta Chi rolled the top team score, 881 points, in dropping Kappa Sigma, 4-0. Next week will have Alpha Chi Sigma meeting Phi Epsilon Pi; Theta Chi opposing Kappa Sigma; Triangle rolling against Phi Kap pa; Delta Chi meeting Alpha Ep silon Pi; Alpha Sigma Phi bat tling Sigma Chi; and Delta Theta opposing Phi Mu Delta. Good Wrestler Too Bruce Gilmore, of Reading, Pa., who aspires to Lenny Moore’s heights m Penn State football, is a former schoolboy wrestling champion. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA -its last year, although juniors Don Bezuyen and Bill Caprio saw re serve action. Bezuyen is ticketed for a halfback position and Cap rio will be seen in a fullback slot. Jack Nordeman and Haskel Schiff, junior lettermen who failed to play in the Penn State game last year, are also listed as probable starters. Nordeman will start at the other wing post while Schiff will be at the goal. Schiff Top Goalie Schiff had three shutouts last year after taking over the goalie position from regular goal-tend er, Tom Glenn, who was injured in midseason. Glenn did not grad uate last year but his injury is keeping him out of action this season. Sophomores will probably man the remaining positions m the Colgate starting lineup. Included among leading contenders are Dag Nordahl-Olsen, Ed Bischoff, Jerry Gapp, John Gregg, Lee Harvery, Paul Jaffe, Norm Pan coast, Russ Staurovsky. Phil Wil kinson, and Dave Bannister. Last year, the Colgate hooters compiled a 8-2 record, winning more games than any other Red Raider soccer team in the history of the school. if' 5 : \ L C<D Four Women Hockey Contests Slated to Be Played Tomorrow The football team, will battle on the Ohio State gridiron to morrow. but on Holmes Field ✓four college coed field hockey teams will provide plenty of hockey action. The Penn State Hockey Club plays host to Grier School, Dick ] enson College, and Lock Haven ’ State Teachers College in the an nual fall field hockey sports day. Games start at 1 p.m. Dickenson will meet Grier in | the opener. At 1:40 p.m. Lock- Haven will play Penn State. The; Nittany Lion coeds will then play Dickenson at 2:20 p.m. and Grier will meet Lock Haven in the final tilt at 3 p.m. Leading the Penn State team will be Carolyn' Briggs. Joan Brown, and Pat Ulrich, members of the Central Pennsylvania team last year. The White Hall swimming pool and bowling alleys will be open after the game for all partici-' pants. Supper will be served in' the playroom. . j In case of rain games will be permanently cancelled, and facili-' Giambra 3-1 Pick 1 NEW YORK, Oct. 18 (VP)—Mid dleweight contender Joey Giam bra, aiming for his fifth straight victory today, today was a 3-1 favorite to beat skidding Gil Tur ner at Madison Square Garden' tomorrow night. I “Hell pay the tax on my ticket" If the stranger in front of you at the theater ticket - window told the cashier you’d pay his tax, you'd think he Was crazy. Yet that’s exactly what you’re doing every time you pay your income tax or buy anything that’s federally taxed—you’re paying part of other people’s taxes. These people are the customers of federal government power plants. Your taxeb helped build the plants that serve these people. Then because customers of government power plants don’t pay a full share of taxes in their electric bills, yopr taxes have to be higher to make up the difference. We don’t think that’s fair to you or us or any other taxpayer. That's why we bring you this message. fWEST PENN POWER PAGE SEVEN tie* in White Hall will be avail able for volleyball, table tennis, and bowling. Mary Conrad is sporjs day chairman. Assisting her are Meta Baily, registration: Debby Dane, refreshments; Betsy Hoekstra. bulletin boards; Sally Jervis and Audrey Sassano, programs; Betsy McKenzie, nametags; Barbara Drum, officials and scorers; Caro lyn Briggs, uniforms and teams; Rae Waters, equipment; Pat Bar nitz. bowling; and Jo Mason, swimming. For Your Weekend Parties i^C CHIPPED ■ ■■ Coneniently Bagged STARK'S AUTO SERVICE Across the Railroad on West College Avenue
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