FRtOAY. OCTOBER 19. 1956 Junior Prom Band Has 25-Year History The Glenn Miller-Ray McKinley combination of band and music which will play for the Junior Prom next Friday is not a new one. It began about 25 years ago as a sort of mutual admiration society,„and culminated during World War II in McKinley’s .taking over Miller’s dance when Miller was lost in action. 'Ruddig Announ Seven C Crew members of and Sullivan produci gore,” which will Oct. 25, 26, and 27 Auditorium, ha\ nounced. The play will be | resented by Players in cooperation with the departments of art, music, and theatre arts. Students named to the crews are: Advertizing: Ann Ha<i sty, manager; Sherry Kennel, Priscilla Keimer. Catherine Klepper, James McGrew. Patricia Miller, Demetrius Mozeliak, \yil!a Pownell, Jane Reed. Mary Ann Reid, Margaret Schulte. Construction: Elizabeth Ives, manager; Helen Cummings, Joseph .Godzik, Virginia Lewis, Lee Miller, Franctne Nielsen, Charles Ross. Richard Swire, John Thomas. David Weber. Jon Wilder, Gary Zinman. Costumes: Carol Keplinger, manager; Jane Tremellen, Janet Bean, Elizabeth, Brackbill, Marcia Cassler, Sondra Heck* man. Doris Ann Little, Sue Mickey. - ' Lights: William DeLaney, Manager; Charles Bartholomew. Assistant /Manager : Charlsie Ritter. Richard Grimmer. Paul Wank. Donald Nikita, Richard Hunt. Properties: Janice Clawson. Manager; Deborah Hibbs, Carolynn Quarles. Stage Crew: Derek Swire, Manager; Elizabeth Ives, Assistant Manager; David Levy. Adler, Sheldon Bernbaum, Charles Dickinson, Stewart Ettinger. Wil liam Farrell, Emily * Fein berg, Andrea Katcher. Bruce Mackey, James McCul loch, Margaret Schultz, Robert Shrope. Elizabeth Trend. William Woll. Makeup: Jean Robinson, Manager: Sally Sloan, Assistant Manager; Annette Jacobs, Joyce Wiseman, Priscilla Kepnfcr, Carolyn Arlotto, Alice Sipple, Glenna Gilger, Dou keni Baroutsis. Group Initiates 11 Members Alpha Pi Mu, industrial engi neering society, has initiated li members. They are Sanford Engber, Peter Fishburn, Richard Jacobs, Rich ard Keen, Gertrude Kill, William Livingston, T ames Madenfort, James ossi, Thomas Serafin, Mel vin Weaver, and David Wood. James Babcock was initiated as an honorary member. He is an graduate of the University, class of ’37, in industrial engineering and is now a plant manager for Westinghouse Corporation. The following men were also initiated as alumni members: Raymond Bland, Walter Bow ditch, and Ralph Calderone. Engagements Weber-Reid Mr. and Mrs. James J. Reid of State College have announced the engagement of their daughter Janet T., to 2nd. Lt. E. Allen Weber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo A. Weber _ of Grampia. .Miss Reid is a senior in home economics journalism and record ing secretary of Delta Zeta. She is vice president of Omicron Nu, home economics honorary society, and Theta Sigma Phi, women’s journalism honorary society. Second Lt. Weber, USAF, is a graduate of the University and is stationed at Wright-Pattersoa Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. No date has been set for the wedding. Brode-Shipman Mrs. Elynor Shipman of Shamo kin announces the engagement of her daughter Barbara to Mr. Da vid M. Erode, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brode, American Em bassy, Madrid, Spain. ■ Miss Shipmann is senior in home ecconmics. She is classified advertising manager of The Daily Collegian and president of Gam ma Phi Beta.. Mr. Brode is a senior in aero nautical engineering from Read ing. He is a member of Delta Tau Delta. They first met during the 30’s in Chicago when Miller was an arranger and trombonist for Ben Pollack’s band. When he left Pol lack to organize a band for Smith Ballew, one of the top crooners of the day, he chose McKinley to be his drummer. Worked With Dorsey McKinley stayed with Miller when he helped organize and write arrangements for the Dor sey Brothers’ band. re' es ews the Gilbert ion “Ruddi e presented in Schwab e been an^ They parted company when Miller left the Dorsey band to organize a band in the United States for Ray Noble. Miller began his own orchestra in 1937 and in the spring of 1935; the Miller brand of music really caught on. For three and a half years it was America’s number one band. He entered the Army in 1942 and McKinley was called later. When Miller heard about this, he put in a requisition for his buddy, and the two friends were re united. When Miller lost his life in a flight over the English Channel in 1944, the spirit of the Miller band stayed on. McKinley served as its leader in the days follow ing his tragic disappearance. It was McKinley, a close friend of Miller’s, once a fellow side-man in the Dorsey Brother’s band, and then a rival band leader who, ac cording to the men, took over for Miller and provided the band’s inspiration. He also fronted the band on all concert and dance dates. And what had McKinley been doing from the time he and Mil ler had parted company during the Dorsey Brothers’ days until they were reunited in the service? He had become one of the most sought-after drummers, and one of the most respected band lead ers in the business. Nearly ten years after his death the big Miller revival took shape, sparked by the movie of his life. The Miller estate and a press agent came up with the idea that Miller’s music could be heard again—in person. They gave McKinley Miller’s entire music library and he or ganized a band. That’s the band and music which is now made available to the public . . . “The Glenn Miller Orchestra under the direction, of and featuring Ray McKinley.” AFROTC Initiates Forty-six Pledges Into Drill Team The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Drill Team has initiated 46 pledges. The initiation climaxed three weeks of early morning drilling. Pledges were selected on foot drill, rifle drill, and military bear ing. The pledges are Richard America. Wil liam Angliss, Charles Beck, James Beggs, James Broschart. James Carrier, Clayton Carter, David Cotterill, Gordon Danks, Bruce Dey, John Dunkle, Edward Fasy, James Fritz, John Grosch, Larry Hadley, Louis Haller. Ronald Johnson, David Knight, Henry Lausch, Joseph Late, Glenn Linn, James Miller, Alan Muosell, Conrad Nichols, William Ortlip. James Pifer, William Plas kon, Robert Ritchey, Ira Rosenbaum, Rus sel Rupper, John Russell, Thomas Russell. Gary Schacter, Rae Seely, George Sharp, Raymond Skomra. Walter Smith. John Snyder. John Stephen*. William Telepmk. Karl Tremba, David Watt, Wallace Weigel. John WeKy, John Williams, and Warren Yost. PARADISE CLUB BELLEFONTE DANCING TONITE 11-2D.S.T. Saturday Nite 10-1 DST - Music of Don Smaltz Combo THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Gained Fame Approved Fraternities The following fraternities have been approved for the entertain ment of women guests tonight and tomorrow night: Acada* Alpha Chi Rho. Alpha Chi Sigma. Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Phi Alpha. Alpha Phi Delta, Alpha Sigma Phi. Alpha Tau Omega. Alpha Zeta, Beaver House. Beta Sigm.a Rbo. Beta Theta Pi. Chi Phi. Delta Chi. Delta Sigma Lambda. Delta Sigma Phi. Delta Tau Delta. Delta Theta Sigma. Delta Upsilon, Kappa Delta Rho. Kappa Sigma, Lambda Cbi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi. Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa. Phi Kappa Psi. Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau.! Phi Mu Delta. Phi Sigma Delta. Phi Sigma' Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha Mu. Sigma Chi. Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Alpha. Sigma Phi Epai’on, Sigrtia Pi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Tau Phi Delta, Theta Chi. Theta Delta Chi, 1 Theta Kappa Phi, Theta Xi. Triangle, Zeta Beta Tau. Pi Lambda Phi and Pi Sigma Upsilon have been approved for Saturday night only. WSGA Grants Later Hours For Women The Women’s Student Govern ment Association Senate has ap proved extended hours for wo men students for Junior Prom weekend. Upperclass women will receive a 2 o’clock on Friday night and a 1 o’clock Saturday night. Fresh men may take an interchangeable 12 and 1 o'clock for the weekend. The Senate has also decided that the women who were screened Sunday for WSGA com mittees will be selected to fill most of the positions on these committees. However, Senate members felt that women who were not able to keep their screening appoint ments should be interviewed at a later date. No date has been set within the next few weeks. Office hours for Senate mem bers in the WSGA room on the second floor of the Hetzel Union Building will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. New pledges of Alpha Chi Rho are Jerome Breiter. Louis Camino.l Marlyn Rabenold, Alfred Gilmour,! William Bliss, Richard Garber,! Ronald Kinch, Leo Kaercher, Ed mund Knoll, Ronald King, Don ald Rits, David Patterson, Robert McNeil, David Watkins, and John Janney. New Phi Sigma Delta initiates are Sheldon De Satnick, Theodore Wexler, Alan Karp, Morris Mov sovich, Donald Yoffe, Louis Klein,! Richard Fisher, James Meister.j Martin Meer, Jack Solomon, and' Stanley Epstein. I New pledges of Phi Sigma Delta are Arthur Stein, Leonard Scheck, Henry Gilbert, Harold . Miller, Donald Bernstein, Allan Rosen,! Hillel Sukenik, Edward Rosen blum, Saul Bernstein, and Stuart Klein. New initiates of Alpha Gamma Rho are Robert Neff, Joseph Me-! Cahon, Richard Havens, Lawrence; Ridenour, and Robert Dyas. New pledges of Alpha Gamma! Rho are David Hutchinson,! Charles Carlson, Kenneth Gregg.i Paul Hartley, Paul Beebee, Robert: Shoup, Richard Craig, Edgar Thost, James Hammerle, James' Hickman, Calvin Rhodes, Robert j Stroh, Delano Muse, Richard Dom mel, Charles Rine, Robert Donald son, Donald Gould, Charles Glid den, and Robert Moyer. Alpha Chi Rho has initiated Robert Kennedy, Frederick Ry alls, Donald Abraham, and Evan Maxwell. I New pledges of Theta Xi are Harold Albrecht, Lester Boyer,! James Cook, Edward Dempsey, I Robert Kopf, Robert Fech, Joseph PerKach, Richard Russell, Thomas Ryder, Ralph Sosnoski, William Williams. Little Man on Campus **«*■«• 'lt should be interesting to watch his NEXT move-" 3 More Votes Needed (Continued from page one) iwho are elected by the student or expulsion, go to the Senate, (body automatically drop their “Supreme Court would have no 1 party affiliation when they take more jurisdiction than Tribunal j office, he explained, and Judicial, and probably a lot “Each of us here is his own less,’’ Land said. |boss and lets his conscience be his Howes, comparing the duties of j guide,” Howes declared. “Hero the University Supreme Court we have an ideal group to make | with those of the national body, a non-partisan decision and no political axe to grind. “This group should in the long run make the ultimate decisions,’* 'he concluded. When Howes took his seat. Cab inet members broke into Applause. Roll-Call Vote The roll call for the elimination and retention of the Supreme Court. E signifies elimination and R retention. Representative Orcanisatiee Vote Zimmerman WSGA R Forster WRA R Eberly Chem-Phys E Moyer Freshman Class E Coale Sophomore Ctasa R Martini Junior Class R Clark All-U Vice Pres. E ( Kauffman Mineral Industries El Moyle Publications E- Martx Forensics and Dramatics El Weissend Athletic Assoc. El Land IFC Ej Kearney Leonides E; Kramer Ad E' Schue Agriculture R* Nichols _ Panhel R' ! Farrell ~ Physical Education R| Hartnett Senior Clan R| i Patterson Engineering R; i Hill Home Economics K' I Howes AIM E : Hance Education Rl Schriger Liberal Arts R said that student government j does not need judicial review be cause “there is no partisan politi cal philosophy.” National legisla tive bodies are partisan in their make-up and Supreme Court re view is necessary, he said. The seven members of Cabinet Tonight and Saturday CENTER STA6E 8 p.m. Tickets at the door IVeVe Finally Decided on a PORTABLE TAPE RECORDER We searched and searched and finally found it... a port able tape recorder in your price range that meets our high standards. It’s the new Masco “500" that does every thing a small machine should do. The price? Only $123.50. Come in today and ask about the Masco “500.” SHADLE ASSOCIATES “The House of High Fidelity” —l5l S. Alien- though) of SPUDNUTS 30 DIFFERENT VARIETIES Breakfast • Coffee Break* Dessert • Snack* | Any Party* AD 8-6134 i fh«n* 1 d*r ah«sd PAGE FlVf
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