RAGE EIGHT Procedures of DIR Outlined by Wilson Students having difficulty with required or elected courses they are enrolled in this semester may still drop them by going into the Division of Intermediate Registration. Harold K. Wilson, director of DIR, said a student may drop a course for reasons of curriculum misplacement, but may not transfer to any other college from DIR where that Flight Program To Be Offered By University The University has been select ed to participate in an Army flight training program for 400 senior cadets. The new flight training pro-! gram, which will be added to the regular Reserve Officers Training! Corps course, will consist of 35[ hours of ground instruction and 35 hours of light plane training. No Expense to Student The urogram will be conducted on an extra-curricular basis at no expense to the student by the Civil Aeronautics Administration. Successful completion of the flight course will qualify the ROTC member for a private! pilot’s license. I Volunteers for the flight train ing program must be enrolled in the fourth year of ROTC. be eli gible for graduation during the senior academic year, pass a phys ical examination and flight apti tude test and agree to serve three years of active duty and to volun teer for Army Aviation flight training and assignment. Surveys Select Schools The schools selected for start ing the flight training program have been determined by surveys which ascertained the closeness of tile school to civilian light air craft training facilities, sufficient student cutput, and the interest and capability of the school to' include the training in its cur rent curriculum. In the early 90's one of the stu dents at the University paid a good part of his expenses by act ing as a barber for the boys. His shop was on the fourth floor of Old Main. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA course is required for graduation. j When a student transfers "out of a college into DIR he can not transfer immediately into another college regardless of his All-Uni versity average, but must remain in DIR for at least one semester. Parents' Signature Required Any student under 21 who wants to transfer to DIR volun tarily and thereby change his ma ijor, must have his parents’ signa ture, Wilson said. I Once the student transfers to [DIR he will receive 'specialized icounciling sendee from one of the staff members, all of whom are especially trained in couneil ing and guidance work. If the student does not know what course he would like to en ter when he leaves- DIR, he is given the opportunity to talk with deans in the various colleges of the University. He may also be advised to sample courses in lib ral arts or in several colleges for his semester in DIR to find out where his abilities lie. Wilson Makes Suggestions Wilson suggested that students having difficulty finding out what they should choose for a major, start their investigation by considering what they like to do most, rather than by considering ;what salary- or prestige .value they would receive. He explained that they had a better chance of achieving the most benefits pos sible by following the dictates of their talents. Although most of the students taken into DIR in the fall se mester have been referred there !by the dean of admissions, the committee on academic standards, •or- the dean of their college be cause of low academic standards, (Wilson said that past surveys .have shown by the end of the |semester about 50 per cent of the [students in the division will be 'enrolled on a voluntary basis. Senior Men fo Hear Navy Procurement Tojk An information team from the local office of Naval Officer Pro curement will visit the campus on Nov. 13, 14, and 15 to talk with senior men who may be interested in serving as commis sioned officers in the Navy fol lowing graduation. The Navy personnel will be COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS "A it »Mt k. In Wj II :M ».m. Hi. pr««4iac *ij.“ KATES 17 words « lim: M4t Om Insertion H.7S Two Insertion* II.M Three iiurtiMU Additional verii t for for each dn of insertion. FOR SALE LATE 1955 Imperial 34 foot Mohilt'Honir! This trailer is in perfect condition. $2795 include* financing. AD 8-9414. EVENING GOWN, blue net ©\er taffeta. Size IS. perfect condition, returnable. Phone AD 7-4860. ’62 STUDEBAKEK. One of the most eco- nomical ears on the road. RAH. new w/w tires. 5330 or best offer. Jiro AD £-8673. SHOTGUN FOR Sale: Double-hm<l, 12- Guaice. Call Gabe De Pietro at AD £-6013 after 6:00. LOST GRAY SCHAEFFER mechanic*! .pencil, vicinity of Mechanical Eng. Building. Return to Ralph Clin&rd. CO7 W. Collect. GREEN AND Silver Parker “61** liquid lead pencil, Monday night between HUB and Chapel. Contact Bernard Mut-ial AD 7-2161. ONE BRACELET of tiny scarabs; senti mental value. If found cal) Barbara Hill, 312 Atherton. meanwhile, count on E-AfTXDJNrS erasable CORRASABLE Yes—Eaton’s Cor-ra-sable Bond— the amazing typewriter paper that erases without a trace. Just a flick of your pencil eraser and typing errors vanish. No smudges, no scuffs. Your work has that finished, professional look; and the steps (or missteps) leading up to it are a secret between you and erasable Corrasable. Knowing this, you approach assignments more calmly, do a better job, make fewer errors. Remember the name— Eaton's Corrasable Bond. Only Eaton makes it; your stationery store sells it. Try Eaton’s Corrasable Bond in this bandy 100-ebeei packet. ’When you're ready for more, you'll want to buy the economical 500-tbeet ream box. Available in four weights—from onionskin to 20 lb. bond— providing a perfect typing paper for every kind of work. TON’S CORRASABLE BOND EATON PAPER CORPORATION PITTEFIBLD, MASSACHUSETTS situated from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m on the ground floor of the Hetzel Union Building. ! In addition to the Officer Can didate (OCS) program which has been available since 1950, a new flight training program, the Avia tion Officer Candidate (AOC) program, is available for quali fied graduates. | To allow men to report for ac tive duty as soon as possible after LOST BLACK CHARCOAL Jacket diirinp Th«- pian show Thurs. night. I have yours. C*l! AD 7-7732 ask for Shelly. CHARCOAL GRAY skirt left in Schwab Auditorium. Plea*e call 23 Simmon*. DIETZGEN SLIDE-RULE between South Allen St. and Mechanical Engineering laboratory. Call Campbell AD £-8324. 1957 RUBY Class Ring initialed T.E.K., believed lost on Fairmount Ate. Finder call-Paul Kauffman at AD 7-7683., PHI DELT fraternity pin Sat. niirht, vicin ity of Cathaum Theater. Reward. Call Milt Plum AD 7-4957. SPORT COAT, charcoal brown and black striped; College Diner. Substantial re ward. Please call back, AD 7-4928. Bruce Huff. ROOMS FOR RENT CONTRACT EXCHANGE Male—room ar.<l board—one block from campus, 317 E. Beaver Ave. Roommate supplied. Phone AD £-9135. DOUBLE Room with board at 220 E. Nittany. Phone AD 7-7247.. HALF OF desirable double room for rent immediately. Student must mgke .change for unavoidable reasons. Inquire 409 South Atheilon Street. Phone AD £-9609. FOR RENT GOOD PARKING space East Nittany por tion. Phone AD 7-4022. ractice akes perfect— A Berkshire Typewriter Paper THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1956 Young Demos to Meet The Young Democratic Club will meet at 7 tonight in 105. Wil lard. Reports will be given concern ing the “Dollars for Democrats” drive held on Tuesday and yester day in State College. graduation, seniors may apply for these two programs before their expected graduation dates. FOR RENT QUIET, PLEASANT large wn*le room near campus for woman fetudent or teacher. Cooking privileges if desired. AD 7-2629. MEALS HOME COOKED meals available, reaeon ahle prices—7 days per week. Call AD S-9&90 and aak for Chester. WANTED MALE ROOMMATE desired to share living facilities and expenses in apartment. If interested call AD 8-6076 after 6:30. . WANTED TO Rent: 35 mm Camera. Call Walter Vail AP 7-3819 between 5-7 p.m. EXPERIENCED PIANIST, drummer, and saxophonist to work with combo. Con* tact 312 Thompson ext. 1097 immediately.' ONE MALE student to share apartment for three. 107 S. Allen. Call AD £*9015 after 7 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS FOR PROMPT and expert radio and phono* graph service stop at State College T.V., 232 South Allen Street CHIROPRACTORS—Dr. James W. Maurey, Dr. Joseph Kryemicnaki—new office ad dress. 138 E. Beaver Ave. (above Weis Store). Phone AD 7-3900. IS YOUR typewriter giving you troublet If so, call AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 839 W College Ave.
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