PAGE TWO Encampment StudieslYvek°rne Campus Elections A permanent plan for alternating elected class and All- University officers by fraternity and independent affiliation was recommended by the workshop on political parties at Student Encampment Sept. 5 to 3 at the Mont Alto Forest School. Encampments were originated by President Milton S Eisenhower when he came to the i University five years ago as an t lst Froth issue . aid to ironing out student prob.. ; 'ems. All recommendations made Out Tomorrow at the gathering will he presented to All-University Cabinet for Ms.; Froth, campus humor magazine, cu.ssion this year. Iwill go on sale tomorrow at the Encampment Suggestions Corner Room, the Mall, the ilg, Het- Controversial opinions at En- IDorms for zel Union 9 5 cents. and West campment resulted from the Froth, so its spokesmen say, problem 'of jurisdiction of t i he; will literally be packed with fea- Elections Committee over plAri.y• i tures on Elvis Presley, a Fresh platforms. They are: ;man File on characters around 1. Retain the provision for the:campus.• and "run of the Mall" review of party platforms by the'parcxly articles and cartoons. Elections Committee. 1 Oh, yes, there's the Froth Girl 2. The faculty advisor to the, of the Month . Ruth Strafford, sen political party should tie the ap- i ior in psychology from Wavnes proving agency for party pl a t.!burg wilt be featured in this issue. forms. 3. The political parties should president. fraternity. and vice stand or fall on the basis of the,president. independent. platforms they adopt without any' All-University officers will al pre-election review or approvaliternate—fraternity and indepen other than consultation with their dent—from year to year with the faculty adviser. president and secretary-treasurer 4. Eliminate platforms and run being of the same affiliation and candidates on their background./the vice president of opposite af- Alternating Plan 1 filiation. The long range plan for alter- The plan was created to mini nating the affiliation of class of-mite the potential friction be f triers allows freshman officers toltween the affiliation. The alter be all independents: sophomorenating system as it now stands. —president. fraternity and vice l that of flipping a coin to decide president. independent: junior—;the affiliation if the clique chair president, independent and yice!inen disagree. causes uncertain president. fraternity: senio r—l ties and is left largely to chance. * LOOK * WIN A MEAL TICKET CHRISTY'S GREAT CONTEST Here's All You Do Fill in your name and address on Abe meal ticket below. and take it to Christy's. corner of Pugh and College Avenue- Then Saturday at 1:00 return to Christy's to see if your name has been drawn to be the winner of a meal, ticket at Christy's. 555555555 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CHRISTY'S * * Issued to Not Transferab'e No. $5.50 for $5.00 70 70 10 10 10 10 10 70 70 10 70 10 70 10 10 (F!rst of a series) THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA PRESIDENT MILTON S. EI SENHOWER offers a welcoming hand to the 140 guests who attended the dedication services Sunday afternoon of the Helen Eakin Eisenhower Memorial Chapel. After the services, a guided tour was conducted through the building. Penn State College was the second largest college in the world. ORIN'S PHARM 200 single sheets 100 envelopes printed with your 1 A beautiful• foil covered refillable Secretaire with memorandum paper. Or . .. 100 double sheets and 100 envelopes, or 100 large flat sheets and 100 envelopes . . . PLUS the RY.TEX See retaire. This is the regular fine qual ity RYTEX Hand-Craft Vel lum that is so popular all year round. Choice of white, blue, or grey paper with your name and address in script or block lettering. Choice of blue or mulberry ink. GRIGGS PHARMACY 120 E. College Ave. Opposite Old Main State College. Penna. September double quantity phis sale Rytex Printed Stationery All this name and address" Plus 2.85 a 4.90 value Appointments Are Announced 1 1 By Bahrenburg 1 Thirty appointments to the All- University Cabinet committees have been announced by All-Uni versity President, Robert Bahren burg. Appointed to the elections com mittee were Peter Fishburn, Sam uel Wolcott, Robert Nurock, Su san Conklin, Patricia Evan s, Robert Bishop, Rebecca Zahm, Mary Lynn Ward, and Glenn Fisher. Traffic committee appointments include Richard Pharo, Thomas Cross. Owen Procter, Robert Bookman, and John Jaconski. Campus Chest appointments are as follows: tabulations, Ed Long; solicitations. Lawrence McCabe; special events. Denny McArver, and Dorothy DeMay; advertising, Paul Kaufman, secretary, Merle Brooks: men's dormitories, David Allison; women's dormitories, Barbara Bendel and Beau Barnes; fraternity chairmen, Thomas Hol lander; sorority chairmen, Kath erine Dickson and Anne Nitrauer; town women, Janet Reid; Alpha Phi Omega, Glenn Elder; and booklet, Judith Harkison and Lawrence Jacobson. Phi Seta Kappa was founded in 1776 at William and Mary College. Its Greek letters are taken from a Greek phrase meaning "philoso phy the guide of life." They're smart on campus They score in sports ..., They rate on a date They're ... they're great !. • u . s . 'United States Rubber Itockefelter Center, Nowyprk 24 tkYsi TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1956 00000000000 TAIRc No "Raw Edge" Plus "Edge of Hell" Wed. & Thurs. Tyrone Power in "Crash Dive" iul NOW: 2:35, 4:59, 7:23, 9:17 Tab Hunte- Natalie Wood "The Burning Hills" Wednes. and Thurs "Thunderstorm" with Linda Christian *NITTANY Alec Guinness Week Tonight at 6:15, 7:51, 9:42 "The Man in the White Suit" Thurs. and Fri. "The Promoter" KEDS'
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