PAGE EIGHT Choir, Orchestra To Present Concert The Chapel Choir and Symphony Orchestra will present Mo zart's "Great Mars in C Minor" at 8.15 p.m. tomorrow in Schwab auditorium The concert, honoring the Mozart bicentennial, is the ninth of the yearly concerts sponsored jointly by the University Chapel and the department„of music. Chapel Choir. composed of 102 members directed by \Villa C. Taylor, wi 11 be assisted by 35 members of the Symphony Or chestra directed by Theodore Kar han, associate professor of music and music education. Soloists to Appear Soloists appearing with the University groups are Sylvia Stahlman, soprano; Jean Sanders, mezzo-soprano; Richard Casilly, tenor; and Raymond Brown, bar itone. Brown, assistant professor of music, was the baritone soloist at two previous Spring concerts, and Miss Sanders sung in the 1954 per formance of MendPlssohn's "Eli jah." -Two Make Debut at University Cassilly, a member of the New York City Opera, and Miss Stahl man, have recently returned from operatic engagements in Europe. They will be heard for the first time on the University campus. No admission will be charged for the concert, but an offering to help defray expenses will be taken during the intermission. This voluntary offering is used for concert expenses that are not covered by the University subsidy allotted to the Choir. The production details for the concert were handled by the Choir officers of the current year and the newly elected officers for next year. Grandma-- (Continued from page four) is out of it too ... Drinking hab its of Penn Staters are changing thanks to the long lines in the Lion's Den. We used to drink coffee in the morning and Cokes in the afternoon. But the coffee line is so long in the morning that we drink Cokes then and the Coke line is so long in the afternoon that we drink coffee then. Oh. well Last week a little mixup hap pened with the picture appear ing in this column. Half of the papers had sports editor Fran Fanucci's picture while the other half had the ugly one .. . YOU READ IT HERE FIRST: \VDFM is still broadcasting . . . Schug Elected to Offices Clayton H. Schug. professor of public speaking, has been elected president of the Eastern Forensic Association and re-elected vice president of Delta Sigma Rho, national forensic honorary society. He is also associate editor of "The Gavel," a Delta Sigma Rho pub lication. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Segal Appointed Tribunal Chairman Robert Segal will be appointed next year's Tribunal Chairman, subject to approval by All-Uni versty Cabinet Thursday night. He will succeed Lynn Meyers. Jay Tolson will be appointed Tribunal Secretary. Students who will be named to ,sit on Tribunal as juniors are Warren Carmichael, Jack Hal ; pern, Richard Moon, and George Wills, with Lawrence Jacobson !and Robert Neff serving as alter nates. To be named as senior alter nates for nest year are David Hamrick and Stanton Selbst. PhysEd Senior Banquet Seniors in the College of Physi cal Education and Athletics will be honored at 6 tonight at the senior banquet, sponsored by the Student Major Club. Dr. Ben Euwema, dean of the College of Liberal Arts, will speak .on" The Great Conversation." Alumni Group— (Continued from page one) issued seven times a year; and sponsorship of 65 alumni clubs, including 39 in Pennsylvania and one in Puerto Rico. 'Alumni Association Essential' COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS RATES n words or less: $0.50 One Insertion $0.75 Two Insertions $l.OO Three Insertions Additional words 3 for .05 for each day of insertion. FOR SALE IMMIMM COMPLETE Kodak Flash Supermatie and focal-plane abutters, 101 mm f 4.5 Kodak Ektar lens, Km!art rangefinder. flash. case. Reasonable. Call Da‘e Eber est. 115.3. 1955 TWO-BEDROOM Trailer. cellent condition. Available Sept. 1. Reasonable. little or no down payment required. Call AD 8-SEOI. with 45A Fleslocus Reflector. Perfect for any camera with sync.. Perfect cond. Reasonable. AD 8-5533, Norm. BRONSON ELECTRIC guitar and ampli fier. Practically new. Reasonable. Call ext. 508 or AD 8-9094 after six. TYPEWRITER—Remington-Rand stand ard office, noiseless 15" carriage, almost new. Cost new $260, will sacrifice. Bill Gibson AD 74056. 120 BASS ACCORDION. two shifts. Call AD 7-7647 ask for Stan. PRIVATELY ONVNED MG-TD-52: has new top, curtains, transmission. clutch. fuel pump. tires. Phone Hollidaysburg 59-417 after 5 p.m. tilidE SELECTION of oortable radios and batteries. Expert radio, phonograph service_ State College TV. 232 S. Allen. CHI PHI fraternity pin Sunday. Reward Call Phoebe. Atherton 41. !HORN-RIMMED GLASSES—a icinity of ()mond parking lot or Cierimery. Phone , AD 7-2911 ask for Don. Help! Help! Help! "The Alumni Association is es- E ncampmv ,„,_ sential to the continued welfare of Penn State and the members (Continued from page one)• must maintain this bond," Leh- and the suggestions and recom man added. Imendations are acted upon. En- Seniors may mail their applica- 1 tions to the Alumni Association or take them to the Alumni Office.l APARTMENT FOR sublet. either Inter session or entire summer. Three fur nished rooms—kitchenette, bath: 555. per month. Can AD 7-75.12. STORAGE SPACE for student property for the summer. Sase trouble of taking everything home and back again. Phone AD 7-2534. Mrs. Cronister. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT for summer. Metzger Building 4th floor front. Write Box 689 University Park or call AD 7-7743. THREE-ROOM APARTMENT with bath. Fully furnished. Summer months. Wash ing. drying facilities. Write Lindhome, 12 Locust Lane. [MIMI TWO DOUBLE rooms with bath. Fur fibbed. Residential section. 428 s Waring Ave. Call Al) 8-5206. Synchro-Special SUMMER ROUSING—Room and Board at Theta Chi for any session. Call Cliff AD 7-4702 or AD 8-9115. RENT-HURRY rooms for rent-54.00 per double room. Good location. Call early to insure getting your room. API. 220 E. Foster Ave. Call AD 7-4232. ROOMS, SUMMER sessions. Cool. com fortable. Close to campus. $4.00 and $5.00. See us now. 519 West College. • RIDE TO Florida in June. Will share ex penses. Call AD 7-7447. WILER INCAFLEX watch. Reward. Call Lloyd AD 7-4151. SLIDERULE IN E Ea Lab Tuesday June 9. Person who found it call Don AD 7-9255. PAIR OF horn-rimmed glasses between College Ave. and Fairmount on Pugh St. Saturday night. If found call Torn, ext. 791. FOR RENT chile they last Summer RIDE WANTED LOST WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1956 campment does not act in a legis lative capacity, but as a discus sion and idea group. FOUND FOUND—WRISTWATCH. Ree Hall. Fri day night. Identify. Call Tom Dye, AD 7-2411. WANTED WANTED—SENIORS to join the Alumni Association on or before June 9. Special membership fee, $2.00. Alumni Office, 104 Old Main. TYPING DONE. Accurate, reasonable. Call AD 8-S 95, HELP WANTED STUDENT URGENTLY needed anytime you can spare all this week. House, yard. and garden work. Painting call AD 7-4852. FOUR WAITERS needed to finish out sear rush. Call AD 7-4409 and ask for Pete. DETAIL DRAFTSMAN will prepare de tailed drawings including piping plans for heavy engine equipment Drafting ex perience desirable but will consider candi. date with technical and mechanical draw• ing training. Send letter stating , quali fications to Personnel Office, Bovaird and Sefang Mfg. Cu., Bradford, Penna. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO buy! One copy of LeArie, Phone AD 84'985. MISCELLANEOUS IT'S HASSINGER for racket stringing the no•awl-way. Guaranteed satisfaction. prompt service. University Tennis Service. White Hall Storage Room. After 5 p.m. 514 E. Heaver Ave. Phone AD. 7-2316. WHEN YOUR typewriter needs service lust dial AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 633 W. College Ave. 13,000 Readers See These Ads
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