SATURDAY. APRIL 28, 1956 Music Honorary To Give Concert Phi Mu Alpha, national music honorary society, will pre sent its annual spring concert at 3 p.m. tomorrow in Schwab Auditorium. • The sinfonia chorus, with Frank Woods conducting, will give "On and Ever Upward," by Peter C. Lutkin and "A Toast," by Francis Ames Thomas Mentzer, clarinetist, will present "Sonata for Clarinet and Piano," by Paul Hindemith, and the alto saxophone trio, com posed of Warren Daugherty, Thomas Mentzer, and Paul Stoer ker will give the "Three Blue jackets," by Ernest Williams. "I heard a Forrest Praying," by Peter Deßose, will be sung by Howard Rowlands, baritone, and the french horn quartet, made up of William Mills, Morris Meyer, Richard Thier, and Charles Har ner, will play "Sylvan Idyl," by William Spencer Johnson. Selections Named The sinfonia chorus will also present "The Long Day Closes," by Sir Arthur S. Sullivan_ and "A Toast to Sinfonia," by G. A. Grant-Schaeffer. Howard Rowlands, soloist, icill sing "Madame Jeanette," by Alan Murray and "Rare Old Wine" by Will C. Reddeck, and the sinfonia quartet composed by Fr ank Woods, Frank Podleiszek, Gerald Hodge, and Donald Fought, will give "The Halls of Ivy," arranged by Claude Williams, and other selections." Gerald Miller at the piano will present three lyric pieces by Ed ward Grieg. Brass Ensemble to Play The brass ensemble will play "Negev" by John Hartmcyer and "Sonati Octavi Toni," by Gio vanni Garbrieli. . The ensemble is composed of: coronets, Roger Staub, Jere Fri dey, Charles Springman, and Francis Taylor; horns. William Mills, Richard Thier, and Carson Breakfast .1 0. MI CP I' - • annuli • Lunch -\;:. Coffee-break .41 , ' O , i t 1 . , 0 • Dessert ANT PARTT —' • ; SIIIOWIT Pleas. ord er i 1 day ahead v MS 111 TOMIII AD 8-6184 DELTA GAMMA and SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Presents FRENCH CAN - CAN Featuring Francois Volpe Singing Gigolo and The Dancing Damsels Straight from the Riviera At Spring Week Carnival NEED A NEW ZIPPER "We repair or replace them" LAUNDERETTE 210 W. College Ave. ONE STOP SERVICE •Dry (leaning •Shirts Finished •laundry THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Rothrock; tympani, Richard Bie ry; trombones, Robert Dornbeck, David Andre, Richard Brown, and William Wilson; tubas, James Baker, and David James; bari tones, John Croft and Warren Miller. Kenneth Lesight con ducts the group. To end the program the entire membership of Phi Mu Alpha will present "Hail Sinfonia," arranged by Louis Victor Saar. Chem Senior Receives lota Sigma Pi Award Joy Fisher, senior in chemistry from Reading, will receive a scholarship award from loto Sig ma Pi, national honorary society for women in chemistry. The award, to be formally pre sented at the Spring Banquet in May, is given each year to a seventh or eighth semester wom en in chemistry with the highest average in chemistry courses. , t re • • I- • 71../ 4 1,1". it • . ;‘4.-.•:`<(:7'" 7-1 '4; f "C, )-1.-Piy."l-4.." ;€.l .Ce ',NA L . ^ 1 Z)1-"': CIGARETTES =KIES TASTE BETTER -Cleaner, Fresher, Smoother! Odds and Ends Auction Set For Tomorrow Anyone in the market for a deep fat fryer, a Fairbanks plat form scale, or a pot bellied stove (large) has an opportunity to bid on these and many additional items of surplus equipment at an auction of used University equip ment at 10 a.m. today at the sal vage warehouse, near the Na tional Guard Armory. The auction will sell for cash— and in present state of condition— various assorted items of furni ture, office equipment, home ap pliances, plumbing and heating fixtures, "general" equipment, farm equipment, and automotive equipment. The sale, a semi-annual event, will last most of the afternoon, and lunch will be available. Some of the more interesting items to go on the block include: one lot of "Congoleum" rugs; one lot of steam radiators; one brake drum lathe; one lot of snare drums; one 1937 Dodge "motor on stand"; one 1937 Ford. pickup truck; and one potato sprayer. Poorbaugh Appointed Harry J. — oorbaugh, Erie Coun ty agent, has been named assist ant director of agricultural and home economics extension. He succeeds Paul L. Edinger, who will retire July 1. Stu • ents I EARN '25! Cut yourself in on the Lucky Droodle gold mine. We pay $25 for all we use—and for a whole raft we don't use! Send your Droodles with descriptive tides. Include your name, address, col lege and class and the wane and address of the dealer in your col lege town from whom you buy cigarettes most often. Address: Lucky Droodle, Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. 4 g rED irk la " " to taste better ! Parade (Continued from page one) to visitors will be held in the af ternoon, according to John Sink, senior in animal husbandry from Homer City, manager of the ex position. The cattle judging will be held from 8 to 10:30 a.m., swine from 10:45 to 11:45 a.m.. sheep from 1 to 1:15 p.m., and horses from 1:30 to 2 p.m. State livestock Atom Reactor Begins leaders have been obtained as judges for the The atom research reactor at fitting-showing contests. For hor-it h e University has been put into ses and cattle the judge will be full power use after completing Walter Bumgarner, of the Old preliminary low power tests. 54, Ci a ,h M o t o , C O . at 120 S. Pugh invites YOU to come in and see the NEW, EASY to DRIVE . 'jamb r e it ai • DEPENDABILITY '. .....--' ---t .4 e: \ ‘0• 1 4e,-.. . .‘.Ji -- --. ;`- \ ',.. __ CONVENIENCE -1 - - . - '=,-':=• -\ 1 . ', ~,,. ECONOMY _ , .. 7 \ ~ 2 -,„;-;-'• - -- . ~: ----•-, -`. , sk . . • ...... ..,.-- , , • - ' ' 1 SAFETY 4 1 N • .• , ~.. :.- ~ FUN - ...- - _ . I , ‘ • - •:. zi / ..‘O-__ -- i - . ..,.....- 4 . . Check these advantages: well over 100 miles per gallon —52.00 registration—no parking problems—skirts con gested traffic-45 mph—no oil, battery or coiling sys tem worries—torsion bar suspension -3 speed clutch. LUCKY DROODLES ANYONE: WHAT'S THIS? q4 l e For solution see paragraph below. IT'S EASY TO SEE why Luckies taste better—especially when you study the Droodle above: Eye chart for enthusiastic Lucky smoker. There's more to Luckies' better taste than meets the eye. Sure, Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco—but then that mild, naturally good-tasting tobacco is TOASTED to taste even better! So light up a Lucky! You can look forward to the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked! DROODLES. Copyright 1453 by Roger Price AllillCA'S LiADIIIIO lIIIAXIVFACTOM OF CIOAMITTIO PAGE THREE Home Manor Farms in Homer City_ Arlie Anderson, swine super intendent of the Masonic Rome Farms in Elizabethtown, will judge swine. Judging the sheep will be Carl Everett, a University graduate. and shepherd for Dakes South downs, Greenfield Center, N.Y. The Little International will be open to the public. xxxx xxxx xxxx END OF A LOVE LITTER Joseph Boulanger U. of New Hampshire RUG, SNUG IN RUG James Keehn U. of Minnesota 0 o 0 0 0 SURYS-11Y1 VIEW OF SALT SHAKER Carl Nqab Purdue joik 4 , • . _... . . . . . . . . . . . IRK AWAITING PATE ON PHONOGRAPH RECORD Richard Spector Harvard APPETIZER FOR FMI EATER Geratel Escott Northeastern U.
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