PAGE EIGHT Coeds to Participate In 'Hemlock Chain' Thirty-three senior women will participate in the tra ditional Hemlock Chain in the May Day ceremonies to be held May 12 in front of Old Main. The women will separate down the steps of Old Main HEc College 'Weekend' Ends Today Th - Anel di. , cw,.-iuns, exhibits, and a fa;non sho•, v. ill close the seventh annual Home Economics Spring Weekend this afternoon. Registration v.lll continue all day in Home Economics. The events center around the theme amilie s—A Key to Mental Programs listing all exhibits, shows, movies, and tours and where they will be held are avail able at the registration desk. The program is open to the public. To Begin at 9 a.m. Talks and panel discussions on family relationships will open to day's events at 9 a.m. Exhibits and talks will continue through out the afternoon until 3 p.m. At that time home economics stu dents will model clothing made in clothing classes. University nur sery school children will model children's garments, also made by students. Some of the speakers are Dr. Preston W. Thomas, Deputy commissioner of Mental Health, Department of Welfare, Harris burg, who will speak on "What to Do If Trouble Comes." The Uni versity Chaplain, Dr. Luther H. Harshbarger, will talk about "Spiritual Resources for the Fam ily." University Professors Also speaking will be profes sors from the University of Penn sylvania and Cornell University, as well as many from the Uni versity. Each session will be illustrated with movies such as "Yarn About a Kitchen," "Choosing a Marriage Partner," "The Toymaker," and "Fears of Childhood." 22 Women Initiated Into Omicron Nu Omicron Nu, national home economics honorary, has initiated 22 women. They are, undergraduates: Eli zabeth Beveridge, Miriam Bush koff, Cassandra Cobb, Lorinda Causbrook, Martha Fleming, Ann Forster, Barbara Gilmore, Mar garet Hall, Barbara Kulp, San dra Mayes, Audrey Neff, Janet Reid, Magdalene Russell, Donna Smith, and Emily Watson. Graduates working on their masters: Margaret Houston, Alice Lansing, Frances Mentch, Ruth Peel, Louise Richards, and Maude Saby. Doctoral candidate: Ann Har desty. Newly elected officers are Miss Kulp, president; Miss Reid, vice president; Miss Watson, secretary; Miss Beveridge, treasurer; an d Miss Hall, editor. Ed Specialist to Address Faculty Luncheon Club Speaking on "Educational Phil osophy of the Highest Branches of the Armed Services," Dr. Cy ril F. Hager, educational special ist of the Air War College, Mont gomery, Alabama, will address the Faculty Luncheon Club meet ing at noon Monday in the Hetzel Union building. Glee Club— (Continued from page five) Christiansen: "Do Lord." Herbert Tovey; and "Along the Navajo Trail," Roy Ringwald_ One of the college songs, "Hail, to Pennsylvania State," was writ ten nine years ago by Ray T. For tunato of State College. He wrote the song as a student member of the Glee Club. The Glee Club will continue its itinerary Monday, singing in Pittsburgh, Johnstown, and York. nto two lines to carry the chain o the lawn in the ceremonies. The chain will then form an aisle for the May Queen and her at ' tcndants. Marilyn Fischer, senior in home economics from Media will be crowned 1956 May Queen by Daisy Zimmerman, Women's Stu de n t Government Association president. Miss Fischer was elect ed to reign as May Queen in last month's May Day elections. Participants Named Those who will take part in the Hemlock Chain are Elizabeth Tip ton, Nancy Rees, Jane Curran, Helen Spagnolo, Shirley Gills, Miriam Bowman, Bonnie Brush, Sally Rhodes, Lois Eichenlaub, Joan Wilson, Cecelia Yarnell, Emily Dutrow and Joyce Gardner. Also Ellen Van der Voort, Jean ne Capozzi, Carol Knight, June Boldt, Shirley Fry, Judith Hart man., Zelda McMurray, - Judith Corfield, Carole Bauer, Vanessa Edelen, Joan Flebotte, Ann Green, Sally Oberle, Alyce Mercer, Mar got Gysling, Shirley Martin, Alexa Rimensnyder, Martha McDonald, Elaine Cappelli and Joan Mc- Donald. Maypoles will be Wound The women in the Hemlock Chain will wear full length for mals for the May Day pageant, according to Ann For.ster, cos tume chairman. The Interlandia Folf Dancers will present several dancers for the event. Invitations to sing will be extended to members of Tau Kappa Epsilon and Kappa Alpha Theta, winners of the Interfra ternity Council-Panhellenic Coun cil Sing. Two maypoles will be wound by freshman and sophomore women. May Day is sponsored annually by WSGA.. Margaret Forster is general chairman of the program. CLASSIFIEDS RATES 17 words or less: 311.50 One Insertion 31.75 Two Insertions $l.OO Three Insertions Additional words 3 for .05 for each day ot insertion. FOR SALE 1961 DODGE bard-top convertibk. Excel lent condition. New tires. $6OO. Call AD 8-9643 after 6 p.m. SENIORS! ITS KEELERS of course for your graduation name cards. engraved or process printed. Prices from $2.40 a hundred and up. Keeler. . . . the Uni versity Book Store. Cathautp Theatre building. HUGE SELECTION of portable radios and batteries. Expert radio, photos service. State College TV, 232 S. Allen. FOR RENT VACANT FROM June'l to Sept- 1 ; tyro room furnished apartment in Bellefonte. Call EL 5-4615. FURNISHED APARTMENT wanted to sub-let for married couple during sum mer months only. Contact AD 7-7852. ATTRACTIVE MODERN apartment. Two rooms. bath. Two miles from campus. Available June 1. Call George Jackson AD 7-7792. PAIR OF glasses without ease: neutral frames. Probably lost on Tuesday. Call 66 Atherton. KEY CASE with keys; blue. Near Nittany baseball diamonds. Call Ted Lerch at ext. 787. WANTED APARTMENT FOR five or six men. Cook ing pritileges. September occupancy. Call Roger ext 295. HELP WANTED WAITER WANTED at fraternity. Call • Ler Al) 8-9062. COUNSELORS WANTED-Camp Bariee Girl Scout Camp near State College. Nurse $150; Waterfront $225: Nature $125: Unit Leader". $150: Asst Unit Leaders 5125 ; Counselors $lOO. July Ist to August 12th. Call AD 7-4047. MISCELLANEOUS WHEN YOUR typewriter needs service lust dial AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 633 W College Are. DO YOU long for that feeling? Try the Student Service Station for that Faso , Zlll TRADE early ivory grip sickle Plated. Colt Peacemaker for another antique American band gun. Phone AD 8-2,188. ITS HASSINCER for racket stringing the no-awl way. Guaranteed satisfaction. prompt servier. University Tennis Service, White Hall Storage Room. After 5 p.m. 514 E. Beaver A•e. Phone AD '7-2316. WOULD THE person who lookitur for excitement and fan on May 4. Senior call McElwain 411 isamediately. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Campus Coed Could Be 1957 Miss America Will the next Miss America be a Penn State coed? It's possible, according to the Bellefonte Area Junior Chamber of Commerce. According to new information from the Miss Amer ica eliminations committee, any female University student be tween the ages of 18 and 28 is eligible to compete in the Miss Centre County contest, first sung on the ladder to national fame and fortune. Campus organizations will dis tribute the entry blanks next week for the Centre County con test, to be staged at 8 p.m. May 22 in the Bellefonte High School. Fraternities, which so recently concluded activities to produce the ugliest of uglies, are also eli gible to sponsor entries to be named the fairest of the fair, it was announced. Tht Centre County winner will compete for the Miss Central Pennsylvania title in Altoona on May 25. The winner of the state contest will travel to Atlantic City for the national competition. He Men— (Continued from page one) bert Jacks, Beta Theta Pi; John Mattern, College Co-op; Joseph Duraney. Delta, Chi; John Tullar, Delta Sigma Phi; Richard H. King, Lambda Chi Alpha; Ho ward Felt, Phi Epsilon Pi; Wil liam Kirsch, Phi Kappa; and Ro bert Metzgar, Phi Kappa Psi. Elmer Strauss, Phi Kappa Sig- pha Mu; Wilson Reitz, Sigma Chi ma; John Yaag. Phi Kappa Tau; Dion Weissend, Sigma Nu; Fran Louis Klein, Phi Sigma Delta; cis Palone, Theta Chi; Willia Allen Davies, Phi Sigma Kappa: Straub, Theta Xi; Joseph Sabol Frank Locotos, Pi Kappa Alpha: Theta Delta Chi; Ronald Fari James Lysek, Sigma Alpha Epsi- Theta Kappa Phi; and John Dien Ion; Bernard Robbins, Sigma Al- er, Triangle. ru~~ LINCOLN LABORATORY SAGE (semi-automatic pound environment) AEW (air-borne early warning) SOLID STATE HEAVY RADARS SCATTER COMMUNICATIONS TRANSISTORIZED DIGITAL COMPUTERS . . _ If you are interested in participating in any of these programs: See our representative on your campus on Monday, April 23, or write Dr. M. G. Holloway, Director M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory . Lexington 73, Mass. • Electrical Engineers • Physicists • Mathematicians WHIRLWIND COMPUTER MEMORY DEVICES SATURDAY. APRIL 21, 195
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