'AGE EIGHT Costly Slide LION LEFTFIELDER Dave Watkins is tagged out —John Logan photos by Mountie catcher John Baliker trying to stretch WEST VIRGINIA's Ed Lenart lies on first base, a triple into a homer in third inning of second having broken a leg when involved in a run-down between first and second. game yesterday Nittany Nine Mountaineers, By FRAN FANUCCI The Nittan Lion bw,f.ball team, playing in almoq freezing weather, capitalized on the steady pitching of Ed Draio and Stan Latimer to take both ends of a doubleheader from West Virginia 15-3—yesterday afternoon at Beaver Field. The tmo wins brought the Lions' record peared to hamper the Mountaineers, who ar Mountaineer first baseman, Ed Lenhart cap when he broke his leg sliding into first base. Lenhart was caught in a . box between first .and second and tried to get back 10 fi-st but his spikes jammed as he slid. In a' hectic first game, which saw the Mountaineers score six unearned runs, the Lions uti!i• , _ed five Mounts' errors and seven li:ts to rack up their eight runs, The Lions jumped to a 2-0 had in the second inning when two hits, a walk. an error. and two fielder's choices brought Steve Baidy and Jack McMullen in to score They added three more runs in the third inning when Bob McMullen led off with a double and the next batter. Don Stick ler, reached secor•3 on a throw ing error which advanced Mc- Mullen to third. Jim Lockerman flied to centerfield to drive in one run. Baidy then followed with a walk and when West Virginia's shortstop threw Jack MCMullen's grounder over the first baseman's head, another run scored. Gary Miller then rapped a sin gle to left to - drive in Jack Mc- Mullen with the third run. West Virginia came back in the lop of the fourth, scoring four runs. Charley McKown. first man up. walked. Jack Rabbits then hit a smash to third baseman Baidy who threw wild to second sending McKown to third. Lenhart then forced Rabbits ..at second. Ron LaNeve followed with a single sending McKown across the plate. Rod Schafer hacked him up when he slammed the first pitch into left, driving in Lenhart with the second run K walk and a single followed. which - gave West Virginia the final two runs of the inning. The Lions-came back with a run in their bottom half of the fourth but the Mounties tied up in the fifth when they scored two runs. The game remained tied un til the eighth frame, when the Lions scored two runs. Miller. Lou Schneider. and Guy Tira bassi walke d. consequently loading the bases. Bob McMul len then grounded to shortstop. driving in one run, but forcing Tirabassi at second. Stickler then singled to drive Nt Breakfart Brunch Lunch .0. ) 11 4 ..,--. MIMI lIPI Certee-lereak Deolowrt ANT PARTY 1114 II NNW Plias* in,Aor 1 d., Ake./ ♦D 1-4114 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA to 3-1 and useJ to w was carried Lloyd Mengel, Delta Sigma Phi, and Dick Goldbeck. Sigma Nu,l continued a show of power in their fraternity intramural bad- 1 minion brackets last night at Rec-1 reation Ball. Mengel gained the final round, of bracket four when he smashed ' ! Peter Oechslin, Phi Sigma Kappa,l 15-5, 15-0. Mengel's previous wins were by 15-0, 15-3, and 15-1, 15-10. Goldbeck made it to a bracket one final position by topping Jos eph Mark, Alpha Rho Chi, 15-9, 15-6. Gokleck. had previously in the eighth run and sew up the won by 15-3, 15-4, and 15-2, 15-2. game for the Lions. l Goldbeck will face Joel Gouza, In the ninth inning the Moun-'Sigma Chi, who beat John Ging tics threatened when they put. r i cn Lambda Chi Alpha, 6-15. two men on base via walks, butlls4, 15-11. Mengel's opponent Drapcho pitched himself out of twill be Elvin Rose, Sigma Alpha trouble getting Rabbits to P O P u P;Mu, who nipped Joe Myers, Tri for the third out. !angle, 11-15, 15-2, 15-9. The game was marred with 111 Bracket two's finalists are Don walks—seven off Jim Heise and Shaw, DU, and Ed Browning, Tau five off Drapcho. Drapcho fan- i Phi Delta. Shaw got past John ned four while Heise struck out got Metzger, Phi Kappa, 15-6, 1-15. Ia the nightcap, which was .15-13. Browning came from be played in a slight snowstorm. hind to edge Garry Crothers, Larimer held the Mounties !KDR, 10-15, 15-6, 15-10. • six hits while his teammates George Ebert, Beta Theta Pi, backed him with 10 hits, eliminated Ralph Kaufman, Al- West Virginia scored in the•Pha Chi Sigma. 15-10, 15-10, and first but was tied in the same i will fight it out with Per Tor inning when the Lions scored onelgerson, Phi Gamma Delta, for run. - 1n 'the second the Lions bracket three laurels. Torgerson scored four runs on two hits. three , n..idged Ken Sacks, Alpha Zeta, walks, and a hit batsman to grab!B-15, 15-11, 15-10. —John Logan photo I Joe Bedenk Brrr—lt's cold! a lead which the Mounties could Independent winners were never overtake. Terry Leach, Dean Mullin, Wil- They added one more run in iliam Galbreath, and Jack Lazar. the third and exploded for !Leach's win was his third without (Continued on page ten) !a loss. What Week Is ...A • .1. Sweeps 8-6, 15-3 •ginia's to 8-6. The cold weather ap eather,. more than the Lions. West Vii anner W from the field in the third inning of the night- 2 Players Feature 11‘4 Badminton :„ 34 , 1 Coming? ~a ..,_ Trackmen Prep For Ohio Relays The Penn State track team, following an impressive vic tory over Navy and Georgetown, buckled down to serious work in preparation for the Ohio State Relays Saturday at Columbus, Ohio. Although hampered by poor weather and track condi tions, Coach Chick Werner's charges will direct most of their practice efforts to the relay rather than the individual events. Included in the relay program are two-mile relay, 440- yard relay, sprint medley relay, 880-yard,relay, and the one- ZBT Duo Advance in IM Handball Zeta Beta Tau's Erwin Schim mel-Doni Schwartz duo has taken !another step in an attempt to ,retain its Fraternity Intramural Handball-Doubles crown. Schimmel and Schwartz ad vanced to the finals of flight one when they eliminated the Bill Taber-Walt Krauser team of Sig ma Pi, 21-4, 19-21, 21-0. They will meet Ralph Houp and Paul Ni chols. Acacia, for flight honors tonight. Houp and Nichols defeated Bill Gallagher and Don Zugates, Phi Kappa, 19-21, 21-9, 21-7. The John Riggs-Ed Lyman team of Sigma Chi moved into a flight two final berth by beating Phi Kappa Psi's Bill Hutchinson and Richard Lindfors, 21-19, 21-12. The other final berth was filled by the James Garret-Robert Wad dell combo of Phi Delta Theta who trampled Jerry Bruce and Edwin Henrie, Acacia, 21-10, 21-12. Two flight eight teams and one flight seven pair entered semi final rounds in their brackets. Flight seven's Gary Bankes and Toe Capuano. SPE, won by forfeit over Lambda Chi Alpha's entry of Jack Calderone and John Bruno. Walt Fresch and Charles Har ner, Tau Kappa Epsilon, won their second match to enter flight eight semi-finals. The losers were Beatie and Herbert Zakrison, Al pha Chi Rho; by 21-15; 21-13. Fresch-Harner will face James Brown-Donald Himler, Alpha Chi Sigma, who defeated James Hut chinson-Walter Blinn, AGR, 21-3, 21-7. I TIM Tourney Reaches Second Round Action Competition has reached the sec ond flight is the Town Indepen dent Men ping pong tournament, according to Richard M. Norton, TIM recreation chairman. Third flight competition will begin next Friday and fourth flight contests will start May 9. Finals will be held May 17, 18, or 19 in the Hetzel Union ballroom. Norton said. Norton said the tournament, which began several weeks ago, has been marred by open round double forfeits. THURSDAY. APRIL 19. 1956 mile relay, and the shuttle hur dles relay. 9 Individual Events on Card - Individual events such as the 100-yard dash, the mile run, the 120-yard high hurdles, 600-yard run. 300-yard run, the 400-meter hurdles, 880-yard run, the 1000- yard run,and the 1 1 / 2 -mile run are also on tap. • Field events will include the hop-step-jump, the broad jump, the shot put, the pole vault, the high jump, and the discus. The Buckeye relays will draw Big Ten schools such as Indiana, Purdue. Ohio State, Michigan, and Michigan State to its starting lines besides entries from Pitts burgh, Penn State, and Notre Dame. The relay carnival is a circus type of affair, calling for deep thinking by the coaches in an at, tempt to outmaneuver each other. Draws Top Stars The meet will draw many •of , track's outstanding stars—such as Harrison Dillard, Tom Camp, bell, Arnie Sowell, and Dave Owens—as competitors. Lack of seasoned personnel will• probably force Werner. to forget about the distance ,relay events. Doug Moorhead, Dave Nash, and Don Woodrow are ready, but lack a fourth man to complete the relay squad. Don Mowry, an ex perienced distance man, is nurs ing an injured instep which he aggravated last Saturday. , Pollard, Seybert Top Sprinters Art Pollard and Gary Seybert head the list of Lion sprinters although Seybert is hampered somewhat by a sore thigh. Rod Perry and Dick Winston will probably do the Lion hurd ling, although Seybert will be standing by in case of emergency. Charlie Blockson and John Tullar are slated to do most of the Nittany weight work while Ogler Norris remains as the lone pole vaulter on the squad. Bob Findley will again do the high jumping while Winston is slated for the broad jumping assignment. French Club Will Meet The French Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in Simmons recrea tion lounge. Pierre Martin, graduate assist ant in the department of romance languages, will explain different types of French recreation. 'Students for Stevenson' "Students for Stevenson" club will meet at 6:45 tonight in 213 Hetzel Union. , Future Teachers to Meet The Future Teachers of Ameri ca will meet at 7 tonight in 217 Willard.
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