THURSDAY. APRIL 19, 1956 York! New York!' to Be Club Aquacade Theme `New WRA F "New York! ew York!" will be the theme of the Women's Recreation Association Swimming Club's 1 th annual aquacade. The show wil beTresented at 8 p.m. tomorrow and Saturday in the White Hall pool. A limited number of free tickets for both performances can be obtained from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow in the main office at White Hall Ten __city themes, 'depict preted by music and move Mei "Autumn," was written and will be directed by Beverly Carpen ter and features Grace Briggs, Myla Johnson, Mariania Moldo van, Rachel Neff, Shirley Pitt man,. and Catherine Vought, who will swim to "Autumn in New York." "Chinatown Fantasy," written and, directed by Blanche Kurtz and Barbara Rilling, features Jb Fulton; Mary Griesemer; Anne McMullan, and Judith Tame. This quartet will swim to "Music in a Chinese Garden." Lisbon Antigua Selected The third number will be "Tea Dance at the Savoy," with "Lis bon Antigua" being the music with swimming by Beverly Car penter, Nancy Johnston, Susan nah Newlin, Stepheny Nichols, Barbara Rilling, and Janet Town send. The act was written and will be directed by Barbara Met ford and Judith Tame. Shirley Pittman is the origina tor of and will direct "F.A.O. Schwartz's Toy Window," which will be set to the song "Toy Ti gers." Swimming in this number' will be Deborah Dane, Judith Harkinson, Mary Hurley, Joanna Mason, Carol Palmer, Mary Lockwood, Mary Phillips, and Mary Sterbutzel. '"Central Park," the fifth act of the show, was written by Jean McMahon, and the song by the same name will be used. Helen Baldwin. Carole Breedlove, Ro berta Brown, Helen Dalrymple, Barbara Duff, Eleanor Judy, Nancy May, Linda Paynter, Jean ette Saxe, Nancy Schane, Edith Shearman, Joan Strohhecker, Mary Lou Thomas, Lucy Wads worth, Jane Wilber, and Glenda Willard will take part. Trio to • Depict Rivers "The Rivers," written and di rected by Deborah Dane and Jo anna_ Mason, will feature Mary Hurley. Daisy Zimmerman, and Deborah Dane. ' The trio will swim to The River. "Nightclub" will feature Meta Baily, Myla Johnson, Barbara Metford, Karen Peterson. Lynn Stollmeyer, and Rae Waters. Dorothy Dramble and Mary Tho mas originated the act. Their Music will be "Manhattan Mam bo." The March of the Siamese Chil dren will be the music for "Im pressions at the Museum," writ ten and directed by Mary Hurley and Mary Lockwood. Swimming in the number will be Marilyn D o a n, Dorothy Dramble, Ann Lutz. and Joanna Mason. 2 Swim to Serenade in Blue Marilyn Doan and Jean McMa hon will be featured in their own written and directed theme, "Streets at Night." Serenade in Blue will be the music for the duet. The show will end with "Uni ted Nations." featuring Meta Baily, Beverly Carpenter. Patri cia Hile, Mary Kreider, Blanche Kurtz, Mary Lockwood, Ann Lutz, Dorothy Mawson, Barbara Metford,. Susannah Newlin, Ste phney Nichols, Joan Platt, Au drey Sassano, Gloria Schwartz, and Judith Tame. Music will be Penn Stale Jazz Club Presents CHRIS CONNOR and CHARLIE MINGUS' JAZZ WORKSHOP QUINTET Saturday, April 21 Schwab Auditorium 2 Concerts-7 and 9:30 (On Sale at HUB) $1.50 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ng scenes and entertainment in New York, will be inter- —George Harrison p FLOATING stunts, formations, and varied stroking, all part of the annual spring aquacade "New York! New York!." are rehearsed by six members of the WRA Swim Club. In the top picture, the swimmers form a snowflake pattern and below demonstrate a cross-pool crawl stroke. Employment Interviews Representatives from the following corn- Pa nies will inter% iew June and August graduates and undergraduates for summer work. Applicants for interviews may sign up in 11.1 .01r1 Main within the nest two weeks. This list will be carried only once by The Daily Collegian. interviews will be held on dates mentioned. . Are. Inc.—May 3—A ERO.F... M.E., E.E., MATH.. PAYS. Avec. (Lycominz Div.)—May 3 ME=EM Dept. of Interior. Bureau of Mines— May 3--CH. EM.. CH.E., PHYS. Engineer Center and Fort Belvoir —May M.E.. C.E.. CH.E.. PHYS.. S.E.. PNG. M.S. and Ph.D. candidates in same fields. Also Jrs. in same fields for summer. Frankfort! Arsenal—May:t— CH.F.. E.E., M.F... -1. E.. MET.. PHYS.. CHEM. _ ci. 'Rommel Co.—May 3—CERAMICS CHEM.. CH.E. Republic Aviation May 3 PHYS., MATH.. AERO., C.E.. E.E., M.E. Criffiss Air Force Base and Rome Air Force Race—May 3—E.F. C.E.. M.E., PHYS.. MATIL M.S. and Pb.D. candidates in same fields. Also summer employment in same fields. _ _ limiririiri Planets to Be Observed Members of Alpha Nu, astro nomical society, will operate tele scopes and answer questions for any one interested in observing Jupiter and the moon from 8 to 10 p.m. tonight and tomorrow night at the observatories. "United Nations." Mary Phillips is the director. Ad Clinic Set For Saturday Representatives of the adVe-rtis ing media will meet with adver tising students at the Benjamin Franklin Media Clinic at 2 p.m. Saturday in 216 Sparks. The program is sponsored by the department of advertising of the University and the Benjamin Franklin chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma, national professional ad vertising fraternity. Donald W. Davis, head of the advertising de partment, will serve as program moderator. M121M12! Alpha Delta Sigma will be awarded the Almanack Medal of the Poor Richard Club of Phila delphia. a recognition given to selected groups in commemora tion of the 250th birthday of Ben jamin Franklin. Newly elected officers of Alpha Brown, historian. Appointments Chi Rho are C. George Cascio,' are Robert Brant, rushing chair.. president; Albert Howe, vice' man; Norman Wolff, house man president; Lawrence Me tz g e r, ager; John Lohman, pledgemas secretary; Robert Whitaker, trea- I ter; Howard Downing, scholar su-er; George Sotus, ritual offi-!ship chairman; Robert Wilson cer; Harlan Kline, chaplain; andtpublicity chairman; Raymond John Leibig sergeant-at-arms. JCarlin, social chairman; Gordon Newly initiated by Alpha Chi. Brown, song leader; Donald Bey- Rho are John Jafer, William Hil-lerly, Interfraternity Council rep lard. John Leibig, L a w•r en c e , resentative, and Stam,:=lios Flam- Metzger, and Barry Mowrey, poris, athletic chairman. Alpha Xi Delia ha s pledged Sigma Alpha Mu has initiated Nancy Blimline and Bonnie Shomßernard Robbins, David Creskoff, waiter. •Edward Grossman, and Alvin New pledges of Della Delia Schwartz. Delta are Susan Ittel, Myla John-( Newly elected officers of Sig son, and Joan Schmidt. Ima Alpha Mu are Arthur Getis, New ofncers of Delia Delta' prior; Gary Zinman, exchequer; Delta are Alberta Hoffman, pres- Joshua Lederberg, recorder; Con iclerit; Joet,a Laing, vice presi- ,rad Reisman. assistant exche dent; Susan Con way, pledge . quer; David Crescoff, parliamen trainer: Mary Lou Scott, treasur-:tarian: Elvin Rose,.pledgemaster; er: Ann Forster, chaplain, and Maurice YE,ffee, alumni recorder Margaret Forster, recording sec- and Edward Kessel, historian. rotary. New pledge officers of Chi Orne- Sigma Pi has initiated Bruce ga are Sandra Shogren, president; Beattie, F obert Brant, Gordon Lois Bergquist, vice president; Bi own, Walter Krauser. Howard and Nancy liansgen, secretary. Tinsman. Robert Wilson. and' Norman Wolff. , FTA to Elect Officers New pledges of Sigma Pi are ! Today in Willard Bruce Hoffman andßi c h a r d The Future Teachers of Ameri- Weeden. ca will elect six officers at 7 to . . . Newly installed officers of night in .17 Willard. Sigma Pi are Joseph Hartnett,, The offices to be filled are president: Brook Move r, vie^ president, vice president. corres president; Bruce Beattie, record- ponding secretary, recording see ing_ secretary; Edward Redfield, retarv, treasurer, and librarian. treasurer: Richari: Kuneman, al- A film will be shown following umni secretary, and Gordon the elections. Y lII_ 1 11 447, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LABORATORIES Culver City, Los Angeles County, California—Tucson, Arizona =I =rEII2 OPENINGS ARE IN THESE FIELDS: for work ill RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT fin -work in OTHER AREAS Co-edit, for the special attention of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS PHYSICIST'S APRIL 19 1:=173:1=1 C=l 1=1:1=1 CONSULT YOUR SCHOOL P-AC IC M g 147 OFFICE NOW FOR APPOINTMENT. Airborne Rader Systems, Systems Analysis, Guided ASssik Systems. Automatic' Controls, Physical Analysis, MitlOWlVe Pulse Circuitry, fnforpruulast Theory,,Cround Rolm , Systems. Solid-Srate Physics, Transistors, Ten Equipment Design, Miniaturization, Elertromechenkal Design, Gyros, Hydraniks, Subminiaturization, Methanical Design, Instrumento:lac Telnneurrinf, AAkvinat, Wove Guides. Technical Writity, Field Enema Tit% Engineering Administration, Rata & Adissik Fui►wtnN, Radar Field Engineering, Pause& Law. PAGE FIVE
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