PAGE TWO Banquet Closes Greek Week Phi Gamma Outstanding Beta Sigma Rho Places Second; AZ, IKE Next Pict:me er page ter By MIKE MOYLE Phi Gamma Delta was awarded the Outstanding Fra ternity Award last night at the Interfraternity Council- Panhellenic Council banquet in the Nittany Lion Inn. banquet in the Nittany Lion Inn, :v. Hanson said that this love; The Phi Gams broke a three-Re:is the one thing which is needed, ear st rea k of wins for Seta The , la to make families able to stand u* Pi. who this year fini sh ed ~""--' to modern-day pressures. I Phi Gam finished second to Bet.) Citing a main reason for this, Theta Pi last year. fault, he said that too many peo-' After Phi Gamma Delta camel ;ple today are taking up their Beta Sigma Rho. Alpha Zeta, and time being pessimists and worry- Tau Kappa Fpsilon in that order. • ling - about the advances of Corn- Alpha Zeta and Beta Sigma Rtiolmunisrn instead of trying to get , were in the top six last year. ?along with their neighbors. . This year only the top five, j•Nations no longer have walls," Do houses were announced. The - "' t itre said. "Today they are very totals were not released. The close together, a fact which calls ,i award is based on fraternity ac-, for an adaptability which will be, tivities throughout the Yea'. rated more than just a few years. in on a point basis. The chairman , ,„„ tain ,,.« of the Evaluation Committee was; co ja a as 100 .„eats ag o, toda,,, Richard Shillinger, Tau Kappai has its pass:lasi:lts who say that Epsilon. 1 this is a world of fear and be- Came from 50th to 13th I wilderment in which there is For coming from 50th to 13th no no room for honesty or dreams. place in the fraternity scholastic ~ said. i standings. Sigma Alpha Mu was '''' Another trouble with the world awarded the Sigma Chi trophy‘ •todav is that it is "troubled with for academic improvement. The l ___ rn . a. , 1 ' he said. Explaining this trophy is given annually by the.'"' Sigma Chi foundation. istatement, Rev. Hanson said that I today's world leaders are not able Two other fraternities won, • scholarship awards, also. Alpha to stand up for their ith co thisnvictio. In connection w, ns he Zeta won the title in the social-gadded professional division. in the gen-,: that no one knows where era! fraternity division, Alpha Ep-: silon Pi won the scholarship award. This year the distinction was made among fraternities. A social professional fraternity is one in which 50 per cent of the members are enrolled in one College.. Poster Awards Given The awards for the Poster Con test were presented to Beta Theta Pi and Sigma Sigma Sigma. The trophy for the sorority with (Continued on page seven) BELLEF°NTAIC salt. sic - chat. — 2se PLAZALast Timm TODAY ji"l Ewe Arden - "Oar Miss Ersidis" ri; Starts Fri. - "Backlash" in color! , STARTS TONTTE STATE Ana Slacriolaw Steve Cochran s i;,; "CONE NEXT SPRING" - Calor! Woo— Milers of Rae Canis" Hanson Cites Loss Of Family Unity The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, retired president of Get- tysburg College, said last night that this country's fundamen tal trouble today is that "we have lost love from the Amen - can home." Spelc'ru,zr, to approximately 250 persons at the Interfrater nity Council-Panhellenic Council 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -CrAmay-kmesise NITTANY Tonight - 6:00 - 7:47 - 9:34 `Violently Funny!" —Life M 'le BELLEFONTE ADULTS ONLY! 111111111111111111111111UULWILIIU/UU/11 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA do) and Delta Is Fraternity they will be able to find leaders today. "They are all around—in back alleys as well as in man sions," he said. Rev. Ranson gave what he considered the three main re quirements which young peo ple today need to cope with the world and its many problems. The first is physical mastery. A young person must be able playsfrAlly to take the hard knocks which await him in the future and get up to take more, Rev. Hanson said. The second requisite is intel lectual ability. Rev. Hanson said (Continued on page seven) Theta, winners of IFC-Panhel Sing (George H. Harrison TKE, Theta Repeat Greek Sing Honors Tau Kappa Epsilon and Kappa Alpha Theta repeated as winners in the Interfraternity Council-Panhellenic Council Sing and received permanent possession of , the Sing trophy last night at the IFC-Panhel banquet in the Nittany Lion Inn. The finals of the Sing were held Sunday night in Schwab but the winners were not announced until last night. For Tau Kappa Epsilon, direct ed by Charles Springman, it was the sixth straight title. The rust win in this streak came in 1951. The Tekes sang the "Teke Toast" with which they have won their six straight titles. The Thetas, directed by Dixie Waring, captured their third ti tle in a row. They used "Thetas Everywhere" for all three wins. None of the other groups were finalists last year. Phi Gamma Delta, directed by Charles Henry and Phi Kappa Psi, directed by Phillip Beard, tied for second place behind the Tekes. The other fraternity finalist was Phi Mu I Delta, directed by Gerald Hodge. Second place among the soror ' ities went to Gamma Phi Beta, directed by Jane Patton. Zeta Tau Alpha, directed by Patricia Kelly, and Delta Delta Delta, di rected by Shirley Quann, were the other sorority finalists. Under a rule established two years ago The fraternity or soror- THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1956 ity that wins the Sing trophy three years running gains perma nent possession of the trophy. Second place finishers receive permanent plaques. The fraternities were required to sing "Blue and White" and the sororities were required to sing "Halls of Ivy" in addition to a song of their choice. Last year Chi Phi and Alpha Chi Omega were second place finishers. 001110000000000 STATE Now Rodgers & Harnmersteizes "Carousel il- Feature, 1:55, 4:27. 6:59, 9:18
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