THURSDAY, APRIL 19. 1 36 On A. Thirty-five women the all-round title in t ships and Olympic tr day afternoon and eve Miss Russell will b been named to the Ca She dominated LT Mary Heuring, Rochester Turners, is also ex pected to give the standouts a run for the blue chips. Calisthenics is her strongest event. Sandra Ruddik, Jackie Klein, Judy Hult, Joyce Racek, and Virginia Rodenbeck are more of last 17-YEAR-OLD Mar y Heuring, Rochester year's front-runners back for another title fling. Turners, will be one of 36 women entries vie- Phyllis Dusch, Muriel Davis, Myra Perkins, and tug for the all-round title in the AAU chain- Barbara Muendel are also expected to be among pionships and Olympic tryouts. the top entries. Camp Chosen Manager Louis A. Camp, Beaver Falls, is the newly-elected Penn State wrestling manager, succeeding Samuel A. Camel!, of Lloydell. Chosen as assistants to Camp were Philip A. Petter, Williams port; John R. Whittle, Strouds burg; and Jack E. Frey, Lake City. The last three aspire to the managerial role in 1958. Leisher to Lead Cagers An ex-serviceman, Bob Leisher, of Chambersburg, has been chos en captain of the 1957 Penn State basketball team. Leisher, who's married, served with a Navy transport squadron in the Pacific and attended the University of Hawaii for a year before return ing to the States. He'll be 25 years old April 21. New York and W omen Set Sights Is-Round Crown will attempt to dethrone defending champion Ernestine Russell for , e men and women's National Amateur Athletic _Union champion outs, April 27-28 at Recreation Hall. Preliminaries will be held Fri ing, while finals will be run Saturday afternoon and evening. seeking only the AAU championship, however, since she has already ) radian Olympic team. She is a native of Windsor, Ontario. - ^mnetitir inning individual titles in calisthenics, the balance beam, the side horse, and the uneven parallel bars en route to the all-round crown. Arendine Ostendorp, New York Turners, and. Mrs. Marie Hoesley are expected to give the champion her stiffest opposition. Miss Ostendrop, making her second consecutive appearance in the AAU's, will be out to avenge) her defeat last year when she was runner-up to Miss Russell in the final point tabulation. Mrs. Hoesly, besides seeking the AAU honors. l will also be vieing for her second consecutive berth on the United States Olympic team. At 39, she is the oldest woman entry in the competition. Sandra Parkin, a State College High School sophomore, will be making her debut in champion 'Ship competition. Lion Coach Gene Wettstone has been aiding the girl in preparation for the championships, training her in calisthenics, horse vaulting, uneven parallel bars, and the balance beam—the women's Olympic all-round events. Three sisters acts—Arendine and Gloria Osten dorp, Doris and Ingeborg Fuchs, Marilyn and. Avelyn Statonwill also be attempting to gain the all-round title. Doris was the 1955 AAU flying rings title holder while Ingeborg was a top calis thenics entry. If you're ugly... then presumably you're in the Ugly Man contest and as such, we took a picture of you last week. So, if you have some friends you'd like to scare or parents you might be tired of, we'd be glad to sell you hundreds of extra copies, or even one. However, to keep the price low, we'd like to make them up at one time. SO, orders for additional copies of this cannot be accepted after tomorrow. • Frankly ... we just didn't have an "OK Joe" girl from this past week, and that's that But seeing the beautiful Sally Williams at the X 0 formal this past Saturday night, and making mention of it publicly, may assuage things Bonus... but applicable only to those who've ever had a picture made here, in a frame clearance of fantastic proportions. Positively not one of those 10% discount sales. Reductions start at 30% And in the same breath, and the same honesty, many are reduced 50 to 60%. Looks like there's going to be a fabulous party at Auto port this Saturday night. Ask a XO to serenade you sometime. They have the best mixed chorus you've ever heard- bill coleman's lion studio Int= THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA 136 E College Ave. IBC Plans Series of Test Bouts for Crown NEW YORK, April 18 Rl—Promoter Jim Norris today revealed plans for a series of heavyweight elimination bouts to provide a Sep temper challenger for champion Rocky Marciano—or a new champ if Marciano retires. Norris, president of the International Boxing Club, patched up his differences with Al Weill, Nlarciano's manager, at a "peace din ner" last night. He—is awaiting a meeting between Weill and Mar ciano scheduled for Friday at Ma con, Ga., before taking any posi tive steps. ' By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS American League Wednesday's Results Boston 8, Baltimore 4. Kansas City at Detroit, ppd., cold New York at Washington, night. Thursday's Games New York at Wash in gton--McDer mott (10-10) vs. Stobbs (4-14). Baltimore at Boston—Palica (5- 11) vs. Brewer (10-11). Cleveland at Chicago—Score (16- 10) vs. Harshman (11-7). Kansas City at Detroit—Ditmar (12-12) vs. Gromek (13-10). THURSDAY'S GAMES Philadelphia vs. Brooklyn at Jer sey City Dickson (12-11) vs. Erskine (11-8). Pittsburgh at New York—Kline (6-13) vs. Worthington (0-0). St. Louis at Cincinnati—Haddix (12-16) vs. Scantlebury (0-0). Chicago at Milwaukee Hacker (11-15) vs. Buhl (13-11). bill coleman Baseball National League New York 5, Pittsburgh 4 lIiITS 'lei.'Y; I;1t I PRODUCTS, Inc. 1523 North Fourth Street Harrisburg, Pefinsylvania OFFERS COLLEGE GRADUATES IN Liberal Arts Business Administration Industrial Psychology Engineers an opportunity for professional growth. We encourage your individual initiative by utilizing your professional skills in a posi tion which" requires you to have a well rounded Outlook. We offer men and women an excellent starting salary and a compre hensive benefit program. After an informal training period in a pleasant working environment, your ad vcmcement and development will indicate that you have made a wise investment for a secure future. Our Employment Manager will be at the University Placement Bureau Friday, April 20. If you are interested in discussing your opportunity with him, please contact the placement office for an interviewing time. PAGE ELEVEN Feeling Prevails "There is a feeling around that Rocky may retire," said Norris. "I don't share that feeling. Our position is this. If we can show Rocky where he can draw a $.500.- 000 gate in September, we think he will fight. It is up to us to come up with a good challenger. We expect a definite word from Rocky within 10 days." Norris mentioned a May 9 match at Miami between Johnny Holman and Bob Baker as one in a series of eliminations. Moore Mentioned He said he would try to make a Floyd Patterson-Hurrican Jack son fight as soon as he knows definitely what Marciano will do. He also said Archie Moore, the light-heavy champ, also was very much in the picture as soon as he had completed his defense against Yolande Pompey in Lon don in June.
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