SATURDAY. MARCH Religion Westminster Group to Hold Seminar Discussion Led By Rev. Duley To Be Held The Westminster Foundation will hold a student breakfast seminar at 9 a.m. tomorrow. A discussion on '`The Christian Stu dent and the University," led by the Rev. John Duley will follow. The Rev. McClain will speak to the Westminster Fellowship at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow on "Articles of the Presbyterian Faith—Re pentance and Faith, and the Holy Spirit." Fellowship to Hold Supper The Roger Williams Fellowship will hold a supper at 5:30 p.m. to morrow. Following the supper Glen Elder, juniorin agriculture education from Centerville, will discuss his visit to the Baptist World Alliance in London last summer. The second session in the series of faculty lectures on "Ideas of Good and Evil in Great Litera ture" will be held at 8 p.m. to morrow in the Hillol Foundation. The Emerson Society will meet at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Ter race Room of the Hetzel Union Building. Following the dinner there will be a discussion on "The Essence of Christianity." Discuss Segregation A discussion on segregation and the international and Negro hous ing problem in State College will be held at a meeting of the Luth eran Student Association at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Lutheran Student Center. The University Christian As sociation "International Fireside" will hold an open meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Hugh Beaver Room, 304 Old Main, to consider the Alabama racial situation and to discuss what students might do to suggest improvement, For you . . . SILVOIR SPRAY Newest Sterling by Tozvk MVO MAY ... a modern hi terpretation of the classic cum of beauty... enhanced with a tiny bouquet. Inviting to the hand. elegant on your table. Si*piece Moot Wrings for 3549 teaspoon far 4.50 9614 thig faeces from 430 Employment Interviews Reinfessentatives from the following corn. panies will interview June and August graduates and undergraduates for summer work. Applicants for interviews may sig n up in 112 Old Main within the next two weeks. This list will be carried only once by The Daily Collegian. Interviews will be held on dates mentioned. Curtiss Wright Corp. (Research Div.).— Mar 19 —CH.E. EE, ME. PHYS. MATH. CHEM. METAL. (Nuclear & Physical), GER. Mar M.S. and Ph.D. candidates in Engr. & Phys. Metal. Clark Brothers-- M*r. 19—CH.E. ME P)T.E. Kelly-Springfield Mar. 19 BUS.AD CHEM. lE. ME. General Railway Signal Co.—Mar, 19— Matson Will Discuss Middle East Problems Dr. Margaret B. Matson, assis tant professor of sociology, will speak to members of the Ameri can Childhood Education Inter national and the Future Teachers of America '7 p.m. Wednesday in Atherton lounge. Dr. Matson, who has traveled extensively through the Middle East, will speak on problems and the situation, existing there. LaVie Board to Meet The senior board of the 1957 LaVie will meet at 7:30 tonight in 412 Old Main. THESE ARE FOR YOU! LUCKY DROODLES! WHAT'S THIS? For solution see paragraph below. • r ,Y,A ••Atra...,,,tweer" 4 ‘ SNOWED UNDER? Give yourself a Lucky break. Day time or date time, book time or bull time, a Lucky always tastes better. That's because Lucky Strike means fine tobacco— mild, good-tasting tobacco that's TOASTED to taste even better. See for yourself—light up a Lucky. And check that Droodle above: Squad of camouflaged snow troops taking Lucky break. Get the drift? Get with it! Get Luckies! WCKIES TASTE BETTER M. Cleaner , • Fresher Smoother! M Cu. PRODUCT or 4. l :lo4ciewevagsv o utiticaes mummy, 14AINUFACTUIttlt or CIGARETTUI THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA ME, ER. Alen M.S. candidates in same fields. American Brake Shot Co. Mar. 19— US.AD. ACCTG, CE, IE. ME, CR.E, CER, MET. Men only. Montgomery Ward - Nil ar . 19- BUS.AD, LA. McDonnell Aircraft- Mar. if & 20— AERO. CE. F.E. lE. ME. ENGII.SCI. AP PLIED MATH. Also M.S. and Ph.D. can didates in A ERO-DYNA MICS, SERVO. MECHANICS, STRUCTURI , IS DYNAMICS. APPLIED MECHANICS, APPLIED MATH. St. Joseph Lew!—Mar. 19 - -ME. CH E. MET. Also Jr*. in EE. ME, CH.E. MET for summer. John Wanamaker-- 34• r. 19- LA. BUS AD. N.F.C. Rod and Coccus Club Will Type Blood, RH The Rod and Coccus Club will ope blood and RH factors be tween 7 and 8:30 p.m. Thursday at 205 and 206 Patterson Hall. The charge for having blood typed and the RH factor taken will be 25 cents. Any student, fac ulty member, or University stall member may apply. Grad Student Council The Graduate Student Council will discuss the progress of the graduate school evaluation and the Blue Shield insurance plan at a meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday in 217 Hetzel Union. 5," DROODLES, Copyright 1953 by Roger Priboe Chapel Ebersole to Speak at Chapel; Theme Will Be 'Finding God' The Rev. Dr. Mark B. Ebersole, associate professor of religion and chaplain of Bucknell University, will speak on "Finding God" at the chapel service at 10:55 tomorrow in Schwab Auditorium. For the anthem the Chapel Choir, directed by Willa C. Taylor, will sing "Die mit Traenen saen" by Schein, while George E. Ceiga, organist, will play as the prelude, Chorale Prelude on "0 Traurig keit, 0 Herzeleid" by Brahams. Ebersole Receives Degrees Dr. Ebersole, a native of Her shey, is a graduate of Elizabeth town College. He received his bachelor of divinity degree from Crozet Theological Seminary, his master of arts from the Univer sity of _ Pennsylvania, and com pleted work for his doctor of philosophy degree at Union Theo logical Seminary and Columbia University ACCTC, Ebersole Is Appointed In 1944, Dr. Ebersole was ap pointed interim pastor of the Church of the Brethren, Wilming ton, Del., and from 1945 to 1947. he served as Congregational minister to students of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. He then spent a year in Europe as a relief administrator. After serving as assistant direc tor of field work at Union Theo logical Seminary from 1951 to 1953, he was named assistant professor of religion at Elmira College. He has been at Bucknell University since 1954. 16111111111•11 , Lucky Droodle gold mine. We pay $26 for all we use—and for a whole raft we don't use! Send your Droodlea with deacrip. tive titles, include your name, college and c . = the name and address of the dealer in your college town from whom you buy ciga rettes most often. Ad dress Lucky Droodle._ Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. 4 Men to Enter Debate inW.Va. The men's debate team wilVen tee the West Virginia Nor t h- South tournament this weekend at West Virginia. The affirmative team will bt composed of George Haines, jun ior in eductaion from Notting ham, and David Scott, junior in agricultural economics and rural society from Chatham, N.J. Jonathan Plaut, junior in in dustrial engineering from Rock ville Centre, N.Y., and Edward Klevans, junior in electrical en gineering from Roaring Spring, will take the negative stand in the tournament. Regular tryouts for the men's debate team will be held at 7 p.m. Monday in 316 Sparks. Candidates should prepare it five minute speech on a phase of the guaranteed wage. Notes may be used. lAMGUS LAST WODI Of INIP.SIA ISIVIA flaroid Tarnoff U. of Perinrytuanis I/ M LOOS ftIED ii , atooaam UTIST A. Maori Amherst a ,0 ° 4 i '4 4 0 • .0* or 0092 SOCKS (IS HOLES) Vernon . of itipdonier U Cokrodo °at nztsbrsoff CIGARETTES PAGE FIVE
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