PAC,F TWO Lion, Campus Parties To Hold Nominations The political scene will come to life again tomorrow night when both parties hold the sf.confi round of clique meetings to nominate candidates for the All-University elections. In addition to the clique meetings, the steering committees of both parties will meet at 2 p.m. tomorrow as they have done for the past two weeks to plan party policy and or- giinizatton Last week no nominations Rushing Begins Monday; Coke Dates Planned Inforntr►l rushing will begin Monday with coke dates in the sorot ity z,iiite:s from 1 to sp.m. and 630 to 8 pm. Eighteen women including six fre->tirneti have reii,ktereti for in forn►al rushing which will last all cemi-lter. Women must sign list. , before 5 p m. March 19 in the cfe-in Of women's office in 105 Old Main in order to be eligible to ru„ti, according to Mrs. ft. Mae Shutt', aclvvicr to Panhellenic Couni if Upper' women, to be to rush, are required to have a 2.0 Ali-University average and second semester women ace re quited to have a 2.3 Pcll-Univer \ity avecage to qualify for rush ing, Flist semester women are melutible to rush Women will he invited by writ ten invitations from the sorori ties. They will reply in writing doe( HY to the sorority. Rushee:, may receive a bid any time after the first week of in formal slshing. They are given one wkek to reply and must send their replies to the sorority thi‘itieh the clean of women's of fice. FMA Nomination Blanks Available in Old Main Nomination blanks tor mem berqhip on the Fraternity Mar keting Association board of trus tees are available in the clean of men's office. )09 Old Main. Forms must be tilled out by Ntzu eh 10, To be eligible for board of trustee membership, a student must be a junior or senior and a member of a fraternity belong mg to FMA. 186 Ed Students Named to Dean's List One hundred and sixty-eight of the College of Education have been nain e d to the Dean's List for the Fall Se mester. Eighteen of , these com pleted the semester with 4.0 averages. An average of 3 5 or better is required for the Dean's List. Seniors graduated in January: Loretta Hunter, 4.0; Naomi Pat tei-Non, 4.0; Suzanne Shaffer, 4.0; Nancy Sprague, 4.0; Britt' Thom as 4.0. Kathleen Watt. 4.0; Mary Lois Teyssier, 3.94; Francis Cath erine, 3.88; Ann Hutchison, 3.88: Janet Ramandancs, 333; J o a n Smith, 3 88; Jane Cameron, 3.34; Janet Hither, 3.84; Salty Sykes, 3.84; Barbara Ann Bransdort 3.83; Carol Durbin,. 3.83; Etta Ehrerikranz, 3.83: Denton Emery, 3 82; John Reppert, 3.81; Wham' Powers, 3 8; Elaine Myers. 3 77;, Jeanette Williams ' 3,77; Vanessa Johnson, 3.76 ; Eileen Mareolina, 3:72; Thomas Scott. 3.7; Edward Parkes, 3.66; Betty Lee Herr. 3.58; Stewart Wright, 3.5. Seniors: Margaret Gysling, 4.0; Virginia LatAlaw, 4.0; Lucinda afanarin. 4 0; Carole Stehnian, 4 0; Jam ,s Valone, 4.0: Joan Land. 3.94; Joanne Caruso, 3.94: Wil liam Woehr, 3.9: Tatiana Arm-, strong. 3.88; Audrey Fulton, 3.88; Mary Elizabeth Lathrop, 3.88;. Ann Moore, 3.83; Joan Perry. 3.83; Joan Reese. 3.88; Beverly Smith, 3 88: David Fineman. 3.86; Elaine Cappelli, 3.83. Patricia Ann Jacobs, 3.83; Janet }loess, 3.83: Sally Meredith. 3.83; Joan Z i e g l e r, 3.83; Christine Kauffman, 3 82: Thomas Malloy, 3.32; Leatrice Miller, 3.10.; Lois , Miller. 3.82; Charles Witmer. 3.3; for any of the All-University William Snyder. Campus party rice-clique chairman, was elected to fill the position of clique chair man John Abele who vacated his post for personal reasorts. He had' replaced Allen Davies earlier this year. David Richards was un opposed in an election for the vice-clique chairmanship. Registration Deadline Tomorrow night is the last op portunity students will have to register with the Elections Com mittee for party membership. Students must register and re ceive clique cards in order to be eligible to vote in the final can didate elections the following Sunday. If students registered last Sunday they are not required to register again. Clique cards distributed by the Elections Committee during last fall's primaries are not valid for this election. Last Sunday, 166 students registered with Campus party and 108 with Lion. Final Nominations The final nominations will be . held next Sunday at the last,. ehque meetings. Campus party will meet in 10 Sparks and Lion party in 121 Sparks. Lion party will hold its steer ing committee meeting in 217 Willard tomorrow afternoon and Campus party will meet in 108 Willard. The party platforms will be presented to the Elections Com mittee at 8 p.m. next Wednesday in 9 Carnegie. The platforms must be presented to the committee and approved before they can be used by the parties. "Alchemist" to Appear "The Alchemist," a Players' production, will appear at 8 to night at Center Stage. Tickets may be obtained at the door. This is the second of the five weeks the show will run. Bus Ad Council to Meet The Business Administration Student Council will meet 6:45 p,rn Monday in in 3 Willard to elect officers. Judith Cooper, 3.77; Edith Jahss, 3.77; Beverly Burkhardt, 3.76; Gerald Reading, 3.76; Lois Cow den, 3.75; William Tucker, 3.75; Mary Pera, 3.72; Joan Schingeck, 3.72: Ruth Kaplan, 3.71; Au drey Brown, 3.7; Susan Dunmire, 3.7. Shirley Gills, 3.7: Bessie Za zanis, 3.7; ohn Loss, 3.68; Nan cy Graumann, 3.66; Nancie Wentz, 3.66; Stanley Kolodjeski, 3.64; Robert Jenkins, 3.62; Michael Nagurny, 3.61; Lester Alston, 3.6; Robert Ott, 3.6; Frank Reich, 3.6; Fay Wagner, 3.6; Lillian Wilson, 3.6; Russell Wood, 3.6; Helen, Bloom, 3.58; Raymond Winslow, 3.56; Geraldine Aquist, 3.53; Paul Aucker, 3.52; Margaret Fisher, 3.52; Patricia Hamill, 3.52; Char lotte Parsky, 3.52; Ethel Bauer, 3.5; Murray Levine, 3.5; Martha Patton, 3.5; lola Ragins, 3.5; Jo anne Salem, 3.5. Juniors: Virginia Gurney, 4.0; Kathryn Metz, 4.0; Peggy Morris, 4.0; Natalie Moskowitz, 4.0; Ken neth Renner, 4.0; Ruth Stafford, 4.0; Barbara VanMatre, 4.0; Daisy Zimmerman. 4.0; Sarajane Free hater. 4.0; Barbara Easter, 3.88; Ronald Hescox, 3.88; Nancy King, 3.88; Shirley Martin. 3.88; Ruth Gram, 3.88: Marion Polyzou, 3.88; Estelle Sklaf, 3.88; Mary Susan Walker, 3.88; Mary Louise Wal ker, 3.85; Jane Greenwood. 3.83; Donna Karch, 3.83; Ann Noakes, 3.83; Julianne Roess, 3.83; Sally Rosser. 3.83. James Foyle: 3.8; Leah Cohen, 3.77 Joseph Krufka, 3.75; Fried erike Witte, 3.75; Barbara Cy ganowski, 3.72; Carole Denniston, 3.66; Barbara Dietrich, 3.66; Jane Heath, 3.66; Katherine Reid, 3.66; Harryette Gerhart, 3,65; Boyd Freedman, 3.64; Harry Nelson, 3.64: Barbara Butler, 3.63; Roger Miller, 3.6; Sarah Murdoch, 3.6; THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA or class offices were made Nominations For WSGA Close Monday Monday is the last day for fil ing self-nomination applications for positions in Women's Student Government Associations. Primary and final elections will be conducted in woman's dormitories on March 13 and 15. Applications are available in the dean of women's office. WSGA positions to be filled are president, vice president, treas urer, senior senator, a junior sen ator, and a town senator. Re quirements for candidates include an All-University average of 2.5 and no major judicial record. Nominees for WSGA president must be sixth semester students with at least one year's exper ience on the WSGA Senate. Other individual requirements are vice president, fourth semes ter; treasurer, second or third se mester; senior senator, sixth se mester; junior senator, third or fourth semester; sophomore sena tor, second or third semester; and town senator, any semester, but first. Runner-up for the presidency becomes secretary, and runner-up for the vice presidency becomes a junior senator. Nominees will be screened Tuesday night in the WSGA of fice by members of the execu tive committee and Roseanne Fortunato, elections committee chairman. Nominees will meet from 8 to 9 p.m. Monday in 215 Hetzel Un ion. Town Women to Meet Freshman town women will meet at 2 p.m. today in the com muters' room of Woman's Build ing to nominate a representative for May Day queen. Eleanor Keesey, 3.55; Marion Johnson, 3.52; Mary Moore, 3.52; Norma Gloor, 3.5; Shirley Ansel mo, 3.5; Barbara Cohen, 3.5; An na Johnson, 3.5; Linda McCain, 3.5; Doris Paschall, 3.5; Judith Weaymans, 3.5. Sophomores: Annette Hol t z, 4.0; David Faust, 3.85; Anne Ni trauer, 3.84; Barbara Fluck,-3.83; Geraldine Dietz, 3.77; Virginia Menseh, 3.76; James Schwarz, 3.76; Lawrence Curry, 3.75; Jac queline Bloom, 3.66; Robert Pru nella, 3.67; Helen Breon, 3.66; Till Peters, 3.66; Diane Wanner, 3.64; Shirley Stayer, 3.62; Sarah Davis, 3.58; William Gaddes, 156; Lynn Glassburn, 3.55; Sylvia Breneman, 3.5; Mary Fullmer, 3.5; John Mark, 3.5. Freshmen: Dorothy Becker, 4.0; Heather Lohrentz, 4.0; Helen Baldwin, 3.94; Constance Jones, 3.94; Miriam Latshaw, 3.94; Jos eph Beres, 3.81; Sandra Grotsky, 3.78; Rudolph Spik, 3.7; Donald Kellander, 3.68; Linda Walrath, 3.68; Ruth Johnson, 3.58; Lois Virtue, 3.58; Nancy Greninger, 3.56; Valentina Kopach, 3.56; Joan Miller, 3.56; Florance Moran, 3.56; Mary Gemmill, 3.52. } , 0„01W:4;,,i4.4 - 44,4N25.41 , 1 VPl234.4VilliAinifaitlitiMsS, xi .: Alpha Phi Alpha ....., ?:?. g- ' . VI 4. % ' Pledge Dance ~, y„. (Informal) Saturday, Will GOP VP Of The big battle in the Republican national convention this year will be choosing a vice presidential candidate according o Dr. R. Wallace Brewster, professor of political science. Dr. Brewster spoke to the Young Democratic Club on "Why the Republicans and Democrats?" Thursday night. "It's not a matter of principle; it's political expediency," Dr.' Brewster said in explaining the Republican block against Vice President Richard M. Nix o n. When a member of the audience', asked Dr. Brewster whom Presi dent Dwight D. Eisenhower will want as Republican vice presi dential candidate, Dr. Brewster replied "Ike can steam-roller any man through." Minor Party Differences Dr. Brewster confined most of his talk to explaining the dif ferences between Republicans and Democrats. The extremely com plex situation in representing all parts of the country causes "float ing blocks" to develop, he said. After an election Congressmen from the same sections band to-1 , gether regardless of party lines int, I order to push legislation, he said. Dr. Brewster also said that "we; tend to overemphasize the differ ences among the population. Men ' as different as Hoover and Roose velt agreed in most instances- 1 even economy." "The basic dif ference between Ike and Steven-' son is not so great as many peo-: ple would like to assume as far as basic American institutions." "What can a representative gov-' ernment do more than represent?, Cleavage would only come from extreme problems not present I now," Dr. Brewster said. Differences Intangible Dr. Brewster explained that, there are minor differences be tween the two parties in regard to foreign policy and tariffs that, date from the formation of the Republican party in the 1850's. He stressed the fact that there is still enough difference between Re ' publican and Democrat policies to be able to pick a party but that the difference is intangible. Dr. Brewster explained that Eisenhower and Stevenson vary in their "centers of gravity." Ste venson represents labor, civil rights, and small farmer as com pared to Eisenhower and the busi ness man, he said. Both men will try to bring out these differences and use a variety of skills and approaches in the coming cam paign, he said. Dr. Brewster called our party system "an old shoe, comfortable political system—full of para doxes but successful in yielding to imperative demands." Hillel to Hold Foreign Panel The State College American Association of University Wom en will sponsor a panel discussion for foreigners at 8:15 p.m. Thurs day at the Hißel Foundation. The panel will be made up of foreign students. Students who will participate in the discussion are Eduardo Bello, of Uruguay; Henri Basse, of France; Joanna Appish, of the 'Gold Coast; Ruth Peel, of Aus tralia; Riad Yammine, of Leb anon; and Surrendra Mathur, of India. Moderator of the panel will he Dr. Ruth Ayre s, professor of clothing and textiles. A dessert hour will precede the discussion at 7:30 p.m. WDFM Positions Open Students interested in applying for the office staff of campus ra dio station WDFM will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 307 Sparks. March 3 SATURDAY. MARCH 3. 1956 Be Concern Convention By LIANNE CORDER() 18 Register With Dean To Tutor Eighteen students have regis tered to tutor under the service being offered by the Dean of Men's Office, William B. Crafts. assistant to the Dean of Men has announced. Crafts termed the group "fairly representative," and said he was satisfied with the turnout thus far. However, he said, he defi nitely needs more tutors, espe cially in the fields of the liberal arts, engineering, and agriculture. Tutors have been requested to register at the (Alice by Friday, March 10, so that a tentative list of available tutors can be sent to residence hall counselors by Monday, March 13. Students who wish to be tu• toted will be referred to eligible tutors as soon as these lists are distributed, Crafts said. Students have registered to tutor in courses in mathematics, mechanics, physics, zoo log y, chemistry, geo-physics, geology, political science, journalism, typ ing, English composition, psy chology, and accounting. To be eligible to tutor a stu dent must have received a grade of B or better in a course in his major field in which he wishes to tutor. BELLEFONTE Adults 65e ... Child. 2Se PLAZATODAY A MONDAY !I 1 TOUR Ewelt - Sheree North Lieutenant Wore Skirts I 11111 is cukelessmeel Toes.. "'There's Always Tomorrow" Last Timm TODAY STAT "Fury at Gunsight Pass" Maw ML'SICLAND in Color! STARTS MONDAY "Moe Of laisinde - in Cofer! 110000041411109411104, TATUM" I "Paris Follies of 1956" Starts Sunday "Three Bad Sisters" *CATILIIIIM LAST TIMES TODAY "The Rose Tattoo" BEGINS SUNDAY Feature: 2:15, 4:08, 5:52. 1:45, s:is A Dramatic Bombshell Bottom of the Bottle Van Johnson Ruth Roman Jos. Cotton - Jack Carson Cinema Scope - Color COMING WEDNES. 6 Academy Award Nominations! "PICNIC" William Holden Kim Novak *NITTANY Today - "Yellowneck" BEGINS SUNDAY ORSON WELLES in Shakespeare's "OTHELLO" 9- 12 Register by Friday Tutors Registered BELLEFONT
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