from the blaze. The SPE’s also carried the furniture to - their house from the wrecked Delta Sigma Phi house during the blaze Sunday morning. Gifts include a $lOO check from Delta Sigma Lambda fraternity and $5O from Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Kappa Delta sorority has THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA offered to wash clothing. Baifurd Cleaners offered free, one-day cleaning on a suit of clothes to each member, and Nit tany Cleaners, the house’s regular cleaning concern,' has offered to clean ail the clothes free of mem bers who are not covered by their parents* policy. NEWSPAPER WORK AS A CAREER Thm lalt of 3 odvortisement*. A liberal arts education at a college or university of high scholastic standards is an excellent preparation for newspaper work as a career. If you are sent to India or Italy, to Chile or Canada, as a foreign corre spondent, you must be primarily an exceptionally able and down-to earth reporter. Yet your mental equipment should be such that you are at home with the knowledge of our best Foreign Service officers. In addition, you should be able to listen intelligently and talk intelli gently with important foreigners. What holds true for an absolutely A-l foreign correspondent differs little from what holds true for the A-l Washington correspondent. There are differences in kind, but not in degree. And so it goes. A great financial correspondent was a most scholarly man. Maybe the second fact had a lot to do with the first fact. An outstanding sports writer is related to an outstanding editorial writer in that both are great and both have toiled mightily to achieve'greatness. That is true of greatness all up and down the line-editor, music or dramatic critic, television critic or police reporter. And always there are the intangibles. Newspaper work as a career offers a grand view of life as it Is. You will find out you can get by with less, but you can get ahead with more. “We might stink for awhile,” Earl Shumaker, a house member, said, “but we’ll stick together.” The house is now in the process of being Doarded up. One out of every five married women in Britain has a paid job. THE BALTIMORE SUNPAPERS BALTIMORE 3, MARYLAND TUESDAY. Panhml t> Choice of in the sprin will be discui Panhellenic < night in the i ing. The Coun giving aid to
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers