WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1955 15 AN OF WOMEN Pearl o.lNeston accepts a silver tea set from Panhellenic Council is honor of the Centennial year. The award was made yesterday by Joanne Caruso, Panhel president. in the dean of women's office. The six-piece set consists of a tea pot, toffee pot, sugar container, cream pitcher, and tray. The pattern is Reed and Barton's Ameri cana. The tea set was voted upon and ordered last spring by the• council. Delay in delivery necessitated postponing the pretentatiOn until this fall. Panhel Votes Contribution To •Hibbs Memorial Fund Panhellenic Council last night voted to donate $lO to the Cor delia Hibbs Memorial Fund. The fund will possibly be used to purchase a gift for the Helen Eakin Eisenhower All-Faith Chapel. At last report contributions totaled $75. Individuals and organiza tions planning to donate- to the fund should do so by _Saturday. Contributions will be received by Miss Helen Sittig in the dean of women's office, 105 Old Main. Panhel also voted to eliminate the annual. Freshman Tea, which is held to acquaint the freshmen with •Panhel. Open coke dates will„ be held in its - place. Invita tions for the coke dates will be sent to all freshman women November 14, 15, and 16 were set as the - dates for the chats to be held in Thompson and McAllister Halls. The firesides are held to acquaint freshmen with both informal and formal rushing, the role of the 'sorority in . school and community func 7 tions, the expenses and . scholastic requirements, and the advantages of the sorority after graduation. Sororities wishing .to donate flowers for. Chapel services or to attend Chapel in a group were, asked to contact the Chaplain's ' office before noon' Tuesday of the week they wish to. participate. The Council also decided that sophomore women who are rush ing a sorority Will be required to return their bids immediately following rushing coffee hours in stead of waiting until the follow ing morning, as has been the prac tice in previous years. Each chapter voted to pay $lO toward rushing materials.' • It was also proposed that regi stration for informal rushing will end Nov. 4, and that spring rush ing will end three weeks follow ing ribboning. Both these pro posals will be considered by the chapters and voted on at a later meeting. Thespians to Initiate Pledges Nineteen pledges will be in itiated' into the Thespian society at 7 tonight in 405 Old Main. All Thespian members should be present. Friday and Saturday Tickets at HUB and Door THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA BusAd Frosh Meeting Scheduled for Tonight l'reshmen in the College of Bus , - Mess Administration will meet at 7 tonight in 110 Electrical Engi neering. The freshmen counseling pro gram will be explained and vot ing .for student council represen tatives 'will take place. Ossian R. MacKenzie, dean of the College of Business Adminis tration, requests that all fresh men in the college be present. Let's return to 'Early American times Meet your friends in the congenial atmosphere of the T V E R Their appetizing menus will delight you I Religion Rabbi Talks On Faith in God's Being Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel, as sociate professor of Jewish Mys ticism and Philosophy, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York City, said Monday night that belief in the realness of God is an outcome of "instants .f wonder" and is not based on concepts. We are aware of God, he said, because of our "faithfulness to a moment of insight." Dr. Heschel's talk on "Faith in the Realness of God" was the fifth in the University Series of Centennial 'Lectures on Religion. I The series is sponsored by the Committee of 13, representing the three major religious traditions at , the University. Faith in, God, Dr. Heschel said, is not due to religious experiehce, but comes - from "the urge, to stand above one's own wisdom." The awareness comes first and the reasoning second, he said. According to Dr. Heschel, the root of - religion is not in rever ence, but in concern about our I being and what we are here for. "This," he said, "is the beginning of religion." -Creative thinking is rooted in ' ‘ 'ignorance" and this "r oo t of religious thinking is beyond our conception," he added. No man, he said, is without worship. Everyone believes in an ultimate . object whether it be God, the state, or the ego. Traffic Violators Pay $2O in Fines Fifteen student traffic violators appeared before Traffic Court Monday night and ten of these were fined a total of $2O. Five of the cases were dismiss ed because the court felt the stu dents had legitimate excuses. Eight - students, who received letters informing them to appear before the court if they wanted their cases heard, did not appear. They received automatic fines. The court also fined a student $4 for failing to register his car with the Campus Patrol. One student was ordered to take his car home. This is an automatic practice if a student receives five traffic tickets in one semester. The permission to keep a car on cam pus is suspended for 16 weeks. Homo Ec . Group to Moot The. Creative Foods Interest Group of the Home Economics Club will meet at 7 p.M. Thurs day in The Home Ec Building. The theme is "Trick or Treat." if A 1 1 4 ? .1 v • • . 4 ,: i‘r en ...... . t.: d r...A I 41 14. 04 ;ey' I 4 4 4',. Z. 4, .."-• .1 ! 4 ~.. i i .. 0 \ s / ) ...... Why do more college men and women smoke VICEROYS than any other filter cigarette? Because only Viceroy gives you 20,000 filter traps in every filter tip, made from a pure natural substance cellulose —found in delicious fruits and other edibles! IYes, only Viceroy has this filter composed of 20,000 tiny filter traps. You cannot obtain the same filtering action in any other cigarette. 2 The Viceroy filter wasn't just whipped up and rushed to • market to meet the new and skyrocketing demand for fil• tered cigarettes. Viceroy pioneered. Started research more than 20 years ago to create the pure and perfect filter. 3 Smokers en- masse report that filtered Viceroys have a • finer flavor even than cigarettes without filters. Rich, satisfying, yet pleasantly mild. 4 Viceroy draws so easily that you wouldn't know, without 0 looking, that it even had a filter tip .. . and Viceroys cost only a penny or two more than cigarettes without filters! That's why more college men and women smoke VICEROYS than any other filter cigarette . . . that's why VICEROY is the largest selling filter cigarette in the world! Theta Sigma Phi to Meet Theta Sigma Phi, women's na t. ion a 1 professional journalism honorary fraternity, will meet at i 6:30 tonight in the Grange play 'room. PAGE FIVE
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