PAGE EIGHT Sororities- (Continued from page one) Quann, Sally Stansbury, Eleanor Strauss, Joan Wallace, Barbara Wragg. Delia Gamma, bronze, pink and blue: Marian Beatty, Jean Black, Janet Campbell, Janet Davidson, Linda Ely, Gail Gilman, Lynn Glassburn, Judith Harkison. Joan Heilman, Phyllis Hodges, Doreen Hayward, Ann Ludwig, Ellen Mifflin, Nancy Mosher, Gail Smith, Patricia Stocker, Gretchen Vogeler, Jacquelyn Weber. Delia Zela, rose and green. Ruth Edelman, Nancy Snyder, Sally Thomas, Margaret Wimmer. Gamma Phi Beta, brown and mode: Mary Astie, Karen Bixler, Mary Conrad, Nancy Elms, Janet Evans, Elizabeth Hockstra, Sue Locldcy, Bernadine McGovern, Joyce Mack, Marion Olzack, Su sanne Smith, Mary Sterbutzel, Janet Townsend, Carolyn Wet terau, Glenda Willard, Joan Vi taras. Kappa Alpha Theta, black and gold: Joan Auerbach, Sally Bar nes, Joanne Bedenk, Marlene Decker, Katharine Dickson, Mar ilyn Doan, Avis Dunkelberger, Phoebe Erb, Judith Haag, Bar bara Klineburger, Patricia Lehr, Sheila Nearing, Anne Nitrauer, Myrna Paynter, Barbara Rine hart, Mary Shower, Sally Stauf fer. Kappa Delia, green and white: Rosemary Bass, Elinor Claire, Carolyn Dimmick, Elizabeth Har ned, Elaine Hoffman, Nancy Leader, Jane Mort, Barbara Peck, Marcia Ripper, Nancy Seaman, Deanna Soltis, Donna Sykes, Car ol Turner, Katharine Vyse. Kappa Kappa Gamma, dark and light blue: Suzanr.e Aiken, leath er in Arnold, Carole Bauer, Caro lyn Briggs, Barbara Cobb Anne Francis, Dorothy Gardner, Au drey Gilbert. Mary Hurley, Mary Lockwood, Sally Rolstnn, Carole Ruff, Leslie Shultz, Patricia Stu art. Nancy Wisely. Phi Mu, rose and white: Jane Bastow, Nancy Bortz. Raydelle Brown, Sally Coltrin, Joyce Gou ger, Ann Hadesty, Elizabeth Savidge, Sally Sloan, Mary Web er. Phi Sigma Sigma, blue and gold: Lenora Mann, Joan Reu ben, Charlene Rubin, Nancy Weinstock. Pi Beta Phi, wine and silver blue: Grace Antes. Barbara Boggs, Joan Chase, Marilyn Grant, Jean Hartley, Anne Heiser, Patricia Herbster. Nancy Hibbs, Josephine Hough, Nancy Lambert, Marianne Maier, Wendy Mayer, Sue Mort erison, Geraldine Ritter,' Barbara Rossi, Susanne Stamm. Sigma Delia Tau. cafe-au-lait and blue: Peggy Bowers, Doris Citrin, Carol Ciaster, Anne Fried berg, Cynthia Geber, Susan Grop per, Janet Klinghoffer, Esta Laz arus, Janet Schneider, Sandra Scribner, Shirley Stern, Nan Zim merman. Sigma Sigma Sigma, purple and blue: Barbara Albeck, Sylvia Breneman, Patricia Early, Diane Fagan, Mary Feldmiller, Patricia Graham, Susan Ventre, Joyce Wagner. Theta Phi Alpha, silver and blue: Lillian Labuskes, Virginia Miller, Gretel Soltys, Constance Yeschlca. Zela Tau Alpha, turquoise blue and steel gray: June Ament, Ro berta Armstrong, Eleanor Eliza beth Barnes, Diane Davis, Pa tience Griffin, Gail Harner, Eroa Hicks, Sara Hiles. Marianna Jack son, Gertrude Kill, Nancy Landis, Marlene Marks, Elizabeth Mar vin, Eleanor Melvin, Patricia Mowrey. Patsy Paxton, Janet Seiler, Charlotte Staroscik, Marie Remaly, Nancy Ritter, Marie Thierwechter, Carolyn White. Unique Language— (Continued from page five) of the state prevalent in Pennsyl vania German folk. German Broadcast Widely known as Der Nixnutz, Dr. Buffington, presents a Penn sylvania German broadcast at 1:15 p.m. Sundays over Station WK OK, Sunbury. He recently gave his 460th consecutive broadcast. In his talks he relates the Eur opean origins of the Pennnsyl vania Germans and their history in this country, and introduces the people of the area to the poetry and prose writings of the Penn sylvania German dialect writers as well as to their folk songs and other aspects of their culture. Froth Staffs to Meet The Froth art and advertising staffs will meet at 7 tonight in the Froth Office in the Hetzel Union Building. Staff members and candidates may attend. Ike's Illness (Continued from page two) dential candidate. Coming from the second most populus state, and since it is normally Republi can, he could probably propel Pennsylvania into the Democrat ic column.” Stevenson-Leader Ticket ‘‘An Adlai E. Stevenson-Leader ticket would have a great deal of attraction,” he said. The problem of a president be ing unable to perform his duties has occurred only twice in the history of the United States. President James A. Garfield was on his deathbed for over three months after being wounded, and President Woodrow Wilson after being stricken by paralysis. Vice President Chester A. Ar thur refused to assume the post of president while President Gar field was still living, and Mrs. Wilson performed some of Wil son’s duties. Ag Seniors to Report For LaVie Portraits Seniors in the college of Agri culture are asked to report to the Penn State Photo Shop for LaVie pictures on or before Tues day. The Photo Shop will be open from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. every day except Sunday. No appointments are needed. Men are asked to' wear dark jackets and ties, and women are asked to wear dark sweaters. The deadline will be final. LETS GOUTS LUCKY DROODLE TIME! ' 1111 'll B <"■' ■ X-RAY OF ADAM (AFTIR IVI) Judith Hey Boston U. OCTOPUS AT ATTINTION Jerry Romotsky North Texas State SPRING HAT Dale Sponaugle LUCKIES TASTE BETTER - Cleaner, Fresher, Smoother! ©a.t. Co. product o*t/fo America’s leading manufacturer or cioarsttu THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Elections-' (Continued from page five) Edith Gross, Sally Coltrin, Mar jorie Sponsler, Beverly Dunbar, Rosemary Bass, president; Col- Daniels, Sera Mortensen, Anne Francis, Priscilla Kepner, Joyce Mack, vice president; and Jacqueline Weber, Suzanne Stamm, Arlene Zimmerman, sec retary-treasurer. Southwest Unit Named The Southwest unit has named Roseanna Fortunato; Marilyn Grant, Marian Beatty, Elaine Koncsol, president; Joyce Herbst, Phoebe Phelps, Marilyn Elias, Audrey Sassano, vice president; Janet Campbell, Mary Young, Betsy Lou Edelson, Judith Arm strong, secretary, and Winifred Herrmann, Mary Sterbutzel, Ma ria Turg, Betsy Waite, treasurer. Atherton’s northeast unit has' nominated Glenda Millard, Syl via Dori, Mary Ann Wagner, Mary Shower, president; Mary Lock wood, Joan Heilman, Beau Barnes, Phoebe Erb, Rita Copley, Arabel Wagner, Mirianne Maier, Carol Jones, secretary; and Doro thy Gardner, Elizabeth Savidge, Jean Levesky, Linda Ely, treas urer. Grange has nominated Mary Moore, Jane Buren, Elisazeth Bev eridge, president; Dianne Lee, Sandy Scribner, Margaret Pearce, Barbara Shipman, vice president; and Diedree Bray, Roberta Lerch, Vera Dipre, secretary-treasurer. WHAT’S THIS? For solution see paragraph at righfc 13,000 Readart Sm That* CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE AMPRO TAPE Recorder with Web-Cor Mic. One year old* excellent condition. $6O. Call after 8 p.m. AD 7*7626. Bruce Millick. STEVENS double-barreled 12-guage shot gun.. Phone AD 7-7689. Used one season. In good condition. _____ 1946 CHEVVIE Coupe* 2-tone green, R&H, good tires. $l9O. Call Dunbar at AD 8-8161. MONROE CALCULATOR. Eight place electric. $7O. Phone Slaughter ext. 2647 or AD 8-6623. FOR RENT SINGLE OR Double room on first floor, close to bath. Nicely furnished. Lovely location. Free parking. Four miles from State College. Call HO 6-6935. ONE LARGE Room for three students, first floor. 114 East Beaver Ave. AD 7-4147. WANTED WANTED TRUMPET, Trombone' and drum players for Penn State Thespian Homecoming Weekend musical pit orches tra. Please contact Mike Rosenfeld at AD 8-6771. FRATERNITY WAITERS for weekends. No experience necessary. Good food and surroundings. Contact Rich* Byron* or Dick. AD 7-2882. STUDENTS WANTED for meal jobs on and off campus. Apply Student Employ ment Service. PLAYERS FOR Blue Grass Band—mando lin* 6-string banjo, fiddle, guitar. If interested contact Dick Trump, Rm. 6, 251 S. Allen Street or call AD 7-4122 from 6:30 to 9:00 Monday through Thursday. MALE STUDENT to share • double room near campus* 136 Atherton St. Call AD 7-7167. EXPERIENCED SAX players. Tenor or Alto. Call AD 8-6674. IF YOU’RE UP A TREE about what cig arette to smoke, there’s a pleasant point of view in the Droodle at left. It's titled: Davy Crockett enjoying better-tasting Lucky as seen by b’ar in iree. Luckies taste better for a hatful of reasons. First of all, Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. Then, that thar tobacco is toasted. ‘4lt's Toasted” —the famous Lucky Strike process— tones up Luckies’ light, mild, good tasting tobacco to make it taste even better... cleaner, fresher, smoother. So set your sights on better taste light up a Lucky yourself! r— —-”' I Studentsl j EARN i *2s?*! I Gut yourself in on the | Lucky Droodle sold ■ mine. We pay $25 for ! all we use—and for a I whole raft we don’t | usel Send your | Droodles with descrip* ■ tive titles, include j your name, address, I college and class and | the name and address I of the dealer in your { college town from I whom you buy ciga | rettes most often. Ad | dress Lucky Droodle, a Box 67A, Mount I Vernon, N. V. I—____ wraNßo&.itmM STUDENTS WITH a couple of spare eve* nings that suit you. Earn up to $1.50 per hour. See “Perry’* Dux Club, 128 S. Pugh. SLIDE-RULE on parkins lot 70. Call EL 5-3411 and ask for Bob between 6-7 p.m. LOST: A MAROON Shaeffer Pen at HUB. If found contact Bill Mullin ext. 270. ONE PARKER 51 Pen, sold cap. Identify by broken shaft wrapped with scotch tape. Reward, retail value of pen. Sent!* mental value. Write Bob Griffin, Mill Hall RD 1. FRATERNITY MUG taken from Pi Kappa Phi last Sat. night by mistake. Person please call Don AD 7-4937. LOST: SILVER Watch witji silver ex* pension band in men*s room in HUB. Contact Milt Linial AD 7-4409. Reward. AIR FORCE blue raincoat from hall out* side 237 Sparks Sat. 24. Please return to Sam Wolcott AD 8-9138. MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIENCED 4-PIECE combo available for booking. Call Marty AD 7-7732. PHOTO COPY Service. We copy every thing but money. Everything for the artist. Open evenings. Call AD 7-2804. IT’S HASSINGER for racket stringing the No-Awl way. Latest factory equip* ment, prompt service, guaranteed work. Longer life to string and racket. R. T. Hassliiger, White Hall or 614 Beaver Ave. after 6 p.m. PROMPT, PROFESSIONAL radio and . television service. Batteries for all port ables. State College TV, 122 N. Atherton St. ___ WHEN YOUR typewriter needs service just dial AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 633 W. College Ave. DROODLES, Copyright 1953 by Roger Price | CIGARETTES HELP WANTED FOUND LOST Upp* 1 ttfss, i'"'* ■-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers