PAGE EIGHT Power Requirements Cited at Symposium The need for science and religion to approach together the problems in the development of power was stressed in the symposium on “The Responsible Uses of Power,” Monday night. “Scientific knowledge is power, but it is power to be used for good or for evil as men choose,” Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, lirector of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, said. Many scientists now realize their noral and spiritual responsibili ies, he added. Dr. Dryden said that the scien ast realizes that outside of the laboratory he is a man with hu nan passions and shortcomings is well as noble aspirations and ligh ideals “Man’s life at its fullest is a trin ity of activity, physical, mental, ind spiritual. Man must cultivate ill three if he is not to be im perfectly developed,” he said. “A icientist’s responsibility for the proper use of scientific knowledge for human welfare is thus the iame as those of other citizens— no more, no less.” Federal Control Science is uneasy about the growing control of the federal government over scientific re search, and “American science has become largely dependent on gov ernment,” he said. He said, how ever, that science and government have greatly profited. “Scientists wish to free the shackles which impede our sci entific progress, especially in its creative and original aspects,” Dryden said. In this task they ask for mutual understanding and assistance of their fellow citizens, he said. Dr. Nels Ferre, professor of philosophical theology at the Van derbilt School of Religion, dis cussed the religious aspects of power. 3 Kinds of Power “Power is of three basic kinds: physical, mental, and spiritual,” he said. “Physical power is mainly the field*of science; mental power, of education as a whole; and spir itual power, of religion.” Dr. Ferre said that mental pow er discriminates the use of physi cal power by understanding or evaluation: “Spiritual power is power for the highest kind of life. The spirit defines life, gives the mind it? true context and prescribes the correct uses of physical power,” he said. According to Dr. Ferre, the Christian interpretation of power is of God, that God is the ultimate power, but that even His ultimate capacity to operate and to control CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 1949 CHRYSLER "SARATOGA"4-door sedan. Fully equipped, excellent condition, low mileage, good tires, must be seen to be appreciated, $5OO. Phone_EL 5-8382. NEW FIRESTONE champion deluxe 6.40x15 tire, Remington Sixty electric razor. Call EL 5-9466 after 6:30 p.m, MAN'S SHOE ice skates, size 9, like new. Call AD 7-3422. FOR RENT ONE-HALF double room; 420 S. Pugh. Dial AD 7-2501. DOUBLE ROOM convenient for waiters in girl’s dorms. See Charles Reeb, 346 E. College Ave. LOST WATCH—Men's Bulova black face. Call Pat AD 8-8812. Reward. GOLD HIGH SCHOOL Class Ring with ruby set. Lost in or around Rec Hall Sat, night. Call Woody at ext. 299. WANTED EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires typ ing and/or shorthand evenings. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Dial_ AD 8-6943. DUE TO booking discrepancy; 4D’s Combo available for booking IFC weekend. Con tact Donald Smaltz AD 8-8305. RIDE WANTED SYRACUSE AND return weekend Call Margie 150 Atherton. PASSENGERS WANTED RIDERS WANTED to Scranton. Leave Corner Room 6 p.m. Feb. 26, return Sunday evening. Cali Huntingdon_B3L_ MISCELLANEOUS SALLY’S DELIVERS the perfect Pizza, The Bis Boy and all oun other delicious products 7 days a week. Dial AD 7-2373, WHEN YOUR typewriter needs repairs just dial AD 7-2492 or brine machine to 633 W. College Ave. WiU pick up and deliver. _ TICKETS NOW Available at Student Union for All-University Talent Show ... only operations are but an expression of His all encompassing love. “Physical power is rightly used when it is intelligently directed to good ends,” he said but, he added, it should be “controlled by the mental power in the service of creative life.” “Mental power must put phy sical power to more creative uses within a new kind and level of spiritual control,” he said. Dr. Ferre said that we cannot have spiritual control, “for in this realm we must be controlled ra ther than control. Spiritual power belongs to God alone,” he added. “We bring together in active symbolism the physical and the spiritual via the mental,” he said. Dr. Ferre said that we should dedicate ourselves to a new re birth of spiritual reality, to an education lifted to larger ends, but all in relation most realisti cally, to the nature and purpose of physical power. T M .Oil’s Got Everything! Janet B!air f Actress: "I have the fullest confi dence in LftM’s Miracle Tip... and L&Ms taste so good, I made them my regular cigarette.” John Robert Powers, Creator of the Powers Girls: ''l think LftM’s filter is far superior to the others. Great smoke...wonderful flavor." Patricia Morison, Musical Comedy Star: "I love LaM Filters. Never dreamed a filter ciga rette could filler so thoroughly, yet taste so good!" America’s THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Educational TV Open to Public Monday Night The first public demonstration of the University’s instructional project in educational television will be held at a meeting of the Penn State chapter of the Amer ican Association of University Professors at 8:30 p.m. Monday in 10. Sparks. The demonstration, which is open to the public, may also be viewed by television in 2,3, or 19 Sparks. Dr. Clarence R. Carpenter, head of the department of psychology and director of the Instructional Film Research Program, will ex plain the project, assisted by mem bers of his staff. Dr. Grant W. Smtih, professor of chemistry, will discuss the tele vising of Chemistry 2 classes. Les lie P. Greenhill, associate director of the film research program, will explain physical problems en countered in setting up the closed circuit television equipment in Sparks and Osmond Laboratory. Brotherhood Banquet Rides to Be Provided Transportation for the Brother hood Banquet to be held at 7. p.m. Monday at the Autoport will be provided. Those desiring rides may phone their reservations for the banquet to extension 2605. Fraternities and sororities should meet at 6:30 at Old Main. kSSSW.S,SW.SS^{.X(J Stands Out from mi the BEST! STANDS OUT FOR FLAVOR. The pure, white Miracle Tip draws easy, lets you enjoy all the taste. STANDS OUT FOR EFFECTIVE FILTRATION. No filter compares with L&M’s Miracle Tip for quality or effectiveness. STANDS OUT FOR HIGHEST QUALITY TOBACCOS, low nicotine tobaccos, L&M tobaccos... Light and Mild. Best Filter Cigarette! Men's Debate Tryouts A preliminary meeting for men interested in the Men’s Debate Team will be held at 7 p.m. Mon day in 316 Sparks. The final tryout, in which each candidate must give a five min ute speech on either side of a topic, will be March 7. Dr. Harold J. O’Brien, team coach, is in charge of the tryouts. Insurance Club to Meet The Insurance Club will meet at 7 tonight at Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Howard Stewart, past president of the Pennsylvania Association for Insurance Agents will be the speaker. EVERYONE STOPS at Barnard Tea Ropm Large Broiled T-Bone Steak... $2.50 Full Course Dinners $1.75 Three Course Dinners....... $1.35 Treat yourself and your date to a real good meal 110 S. BARNARD, 1 block west of Atherton AD 8-8311 FLAVOR MUCH MORE THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1955 Sunny, Turning Cloudy Pradlcted for Today An overcast sky is forecast for this afternoon by the University weather station. This morning is expected to be sunny. Chest Loses on Concert The Max Kaminsky concert, sponsored by the Jdss Club and Campus Chest last Wed nesday. drew about 500 paid admissions. There was a loss of $5 on the concert, the proceeds of which were to go to Cam pus Chest MUCH LESS NICOTINE Dfjoamd MHutnuM
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