THURSDAY. FfBRUARY 24. 195 S WSGA, UCA to Hold Marriage Conference The annual marriage conference sponsored by Women’s Student Government- Association and University Christian Association will be held March 8,9, and 10, Arlene Borgeson, WSGA Senate secre tary, told the Senate last night. Lectures on the topic “Marriage tor Moderns” will be given at 7:30 p.m. in Simmons lounge dur ing the three-day conference. Speakers for the conference will be Dr. Clifford Adams, profes sor of psychology; Rabbi Benja min M. Kahn, director of Hillel Foundation; the Rev. Luther H. Harshbarger, University chap lain; Dr. Winona L. Morgan, pro fessor of child development and family relationships; and Helen E. Buchanan, instructor of family relations. Matrix Dinner Date Is Set By Theta Sig Theta Sigma Phi, women’s na tional honorary professional journalism fraternity, will hold its annual Matrix Dinner at 6:30 p.m. April 25. Over 150 outstanding women in activities on campus will be honored at the dinner. The committee chairmen are in vitations, Martha Heim and Nancy Fortna; food, Arline Rudeski; flowers and candles, Susan Bros- Seau; speaker, Mary Lee Lauffer and Franklin C. Banner, chairman of the department of journalism: entertainment, Margaret McClain, Nancy Ward, and Patricia Dickin son; programs, Constance Ander son, Patricia Dickinson and .Ann Leh; honors, Mary Bolich; clean up, Louise Glud. Miss Glud, seventh semester journalism major, has been elect ed treasurer to replace Patricia Beahan, who was graduated in January. Robert O. Shipman, instructor of journalism, has been named ad viser to the group. The Theta Sigma Phi .and Sig ma Delta Chi joint dance, sched uled to be held Friday in the Het zel Union Building, has been can celled. GE Will Provide Scholarship Award A General Eleotric Scholarship will be awarded to a junior in the College of Business Administra tion who is majoring in account ing finance or economics. The award is provided by the trustees of the General Electric Educational and Charitable Fund. A grant of $5OO will be paid to the student and an additional grant of $250 will be made to the University. A committee, appoint ed by the dean of the college, will select the student to receive the award. Engage Bragg-Baibieii . Mr. and Mrs Victor Barbeiri of Carlisle announce the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth to Lt. Lawrence Bragg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Bragg of'San Ga briel, Calif. Miss Barbieri is an eighth se mester arts and letters major and a member of Delta Zeta. Lt. Bragg is stationed at Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas, Nev. He formerly attended Santa Mon ica City College, Calif. Miller-Fleisher Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Fleish er of Harrisburg announce the en gagement of their daughter Mar garet to Robert Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of Altoona. Miss Fleisher is an eighth se mester home economics major and a member of Alpha Chi Omega. Complete Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service High Quality 2-Day Service REED'S Laundry and Cleaners Established in 1912 IQ9 S. Pugh St. Phone AD 8-8981 Open to Public Coffee hours will be held after each lecture. The conference is open to the public. Gail Smith, senior senator, re ported that the plans for a cen tennial fashion show have been discorded because the College of Home, Economics is sponsoring the same type of fashion show during its spring weekend. A sug gestion to incorporate the pro posed fashion show into the Tea for Coeds March 20 was held over for fjirther consideration. Town Elections The town unit of freshman women has elected Grace Antes, second semester arts and letters major, as vice president; Susanne Smith. < second semester home economics major, secretary-treas urer; and Leslie Shultz, second semester home economics major, freshman candidate for May Queen attendant. * Senate is considering a pro posed . big sisteJr plan for town women. The suggested system would have sophomore women from the dormitories act as big sisters to freshman women from town.. Upperclass town women would also act as big sisters, since they are closer to the problems of the town studept. Appointments Announced Portia Kingsley, Senate vice president, announced the appoint ment of Mary Heckman, eighth semester medical technology ma jor, and Joyce Gardner, sixth se mester arts and letters major, to the properties committee. Martha Michener, sophomore senator; Carolyn Cunningham, junior senator; and Beau Barnes, Freshman Council member, were named to the constitution revis ions '•omm'ttee. Representatives from WSGA House, Freshman Regulations Board, and Judicial will also be named to the com mittee^^ ments Van Akin-Stufft Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Stufft of Baltimore, Md., announce the en gagement of their daughter Ruth to Gerald Van Akin of Honesdale. Miss Stufft was graduated from the University in June with a de gree in music education. Mr. Van Akin ./as graduated iri January with a degree in agricul tural-biological chemistry. He is a member of Phi Kappa. The wedding will take place in April in Baltimore. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Election Applications Available Self-nomination blanks for Women’s Student Government Association and Women’s Recrea tion Association elections are now available in the Dean of Women’s office, 105 Old Main, Constance Weitknecht, WSGA elections chairman, announced. Nominees must have a 1.5 All- University average and may not have a major judicial record. Nomination blanks must be re turned by March 5, Miss Weit knecht said. A screening board will interview nominees after the blanks have been returned. Can didates selected by the screening board will be introduced at dor mitory house meetings. Primary elections will be held March 22 and final elections, March 24. The two candidates receiving th,. highest number of votes in the primaries will run ir the final elections. Qualifications Announced Qualifications for WSGA posi tions are president, sixth semes ter woman who has served for one year on WSGA; vice presi dent, fourth semester; senior sen ator, sixth semester; junior sena tor, fourth semester; and sopho more senator and treasurer, sec ond or third semester. Candidates for WRA president will become secretary and runner up for vice president will be jun ior senator. Town senator nomi nees may be any semester. Candidates for WRA president must be sixth semester with one year on the WRA Board. Quali fications for other officers are vice president, fourth semester; secretary-treasurer, second semes ter; sophomore representative, seepnn semester; intramural chair man, fourth semester, and assist ant intramural chairman,' second semester. Kepple-Bollinger Mr. and Mrs. Victor Barbieri of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Bollinger of Hanover, and Mr. Richard Kepple were married Jan. 29. Mr. Kepple is the son of Mrs. Elmer Miller of Greensburg. Mrs. Kepple is a January grad uate of the University and is teaching in the Lemont element ary schools. She is a member of Gamma Phi Beta. Mr. Kepple is an eighth semes ter mechanical engineering major and a member of Delta Sigma Phi. MEDE Due March 5 Marriages (^o-£tlitd Kappa Sigma recently pledged Carl Maneely and Roland Wilk enson. New initiates of Alpha Gamma Rho are John Akers, Judd Blinn, William Moore, Jos jph Nudge, Thomas Boyd, Simori Garber, Carl Hiester, Leon Eshelman, David Williams, James Metzler, Martin Sedlack, William Altmeyer and James Hutchinson. Zeta Tau Alpha has initiated Anne Caton, Joan Creitz, Dorothy Hirst, Deltie Hoopes, Patricia Kel ly, Jeannette Kohl, Sally Ostrom, Nancy Seiler and Bfessie Zazanis. Following the initiation a ban quet was held in the State Col lege Hotel. Debate Team to Meet Tonight The Men’s Debate team will meet at 7 tonight in 316 Sparks. THE BULL SESSION I wonder if they still make bull sessions the way they used to. Well do I remember the bull sessions of my own undergrad uate days. How cogent they were! How informative! How the good talk crackled and our young hearts leaped arid the hours sped by as swiftly as minutes! Our discussions were always led by Jack Femur. (Good old Jack! I hear he’s in the extruded aluminum game now.) We would sit cross-legged in a circle around Jack and he would HU his pipe with his own private blend burley, latakia, and shred ded coconut. The rest of us preferred tobacco, so we would light up Philip Morris. This is a procedure I recommend without qual ification to everyone who prefers tobacco because Philip Morris has the tobacco that tobacco-preferers prefer the most mild vintage leaf with a clean, cool flavor that soothes and steadies, that gladdens and enlivens and refreshes. Jack would puff on his pipe and we would puff on our Philip Morris and the bull-session would begin its meandering journey. The talk would touch on every subject known to man, on every conceivable thing beneath the sun, but no matter how far the conversation wandered, it would always return to “Topic A.” I refer, of course, to gardening. But, as I say, the discussion would cover many subjects befov* it came to the inevitable gardening. Jack would open each session with a provocative question of a general nature, like: “What’s the most important thing a man can get out of college?” “Girls,” Harold Clavicle would reply promptly. (Good old Harold! I hear he’s in the frozen lobster tail game now.) “No, I don’t think so,” Ben Fibula would say. "I think edu cation is the most important thing you get out of college. 1 * (Good old Ben! He’s still in school.) “Listen, guys, I’ve got a question,” Clyde Ilium would say. “If you could spend a week either with Ava Gardner or with Albert Einstein, which would you choose?” (Good old Clyde! I hear he’s in the unclaimed freight game now.) "Albert Einstein, of course,” Will Mandible would say. (Good old Will! I hear he’s in the jack handle game now.) “What?” Cleanth Patella would cry, astonished. “You would rather spend a week with Albert Einstein than with Ava Gardner?” (Good old Cleanth! I hear he’s in the unclaimed freight game with Clyde Ilium.) “Natch!” Will Mandible would answer. “But why?” Sol Sacrum would ask. (Good old Sol! I hear he’s a parking meter in Deal, New Jersey.) “Because,” Will Mandible would cry, “if I spent a week with Albert Einstein, maybe I. would get so smart that I would be able to figure out a way to spend more than a week with Ava Gardner!” Well sir, we laughed until our little uvulas were sore and then we went on to a host of other topics. “Do you think it’s im portant to join a fraternity?” Murray Tarsus would ask. (Good old Murray! I hear he’s in the mica game now.) "Only if you are a boy,” Bob Turbinate would answer. (Good old Bob! I hear he’s in the sheared raccoon game now. [The raccoon, incidentally, was invented by Milton Raccoon, whose career should be a source of guidance and inspiration to us‘all. Mr. Raccoon arrived in this country in 1907, penniless and not speaking a word of English. Today he is the Mayor of four of our principal cities.)) But to get back to the bull session -“What’s the best thing to do when the girl you are dancing with insists on leading?” Eric Ulna would ask. (Good old Eric! I hear he’s in the flutter valve game now.) “Hit her with a folded newspaper,” George Vertebra would answer. "Never hit a girl with your.hand. They learn to associ ate the hand with food, and you must not confuse them.” (Good old George! I hear he’s in the folded newspaper game now.) And so it went - the talk ranging the worlds of the arts and the sciences and the social graces, until we would climb, spent but happy, into our little hammocks ... I wonder if they still make bull sessions the way they used to. ©Mm Shulman. IMS Thh column It brought to you by the makert of PHILIP MORRIS, mho have been in the tobacco game for many long yeart and — *rr tell you note proudly that their product it better than ever. Leonides Election Applications Ready Application? for self-nomina tions for Leonides offices are available at the Student Un'.on desk in Old Main, president Joan Packard has announced. Independent women who have served on Leonides council for at least one semester are eligible far the presidency and vice-presi dency. All independent women are eligible for all other offices. Applications must be returned to the SU desk by 5 p.m. Mar. 2, ÜBA Books, Money Money and unsold books han dled by the Pen.. State Used Agency are available from 9 .o 5 p.m. today and tomorrow and from 9 to 12 a.m. Saturday at the Temporary Union Building. On Campus MaxShu]man (Author of "Barefoot Boy With Cheek," etc.) PAGE FIVE
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