SATURDAY; .JANUARY Ft06.1‘.gia.,....:' . .:-fl.gn6.ed 8y......Ch.6*..h]...:Pr0u,its , .. r ... Evening worship progains will be held:by eight of the student church groups tomorrow. , Wesley Foundation _of the Methodist . ' Church will see- a film, "Choosing Your Marriage Partner," at 645 p.m. tomorrow followed 'by a panel discussion and a coffee hour. , _ • Richard Weaver, ,seventh semester agricultUral education major, will speak to the Lutheran - Stu- I ~ . dent Association at 6:30 :pm..' 3 o- I r" ------ morrow. • The Youni• Friends will 'meet at the Statef-College Friends - wet:, ing House at - 6 p.m': tomorrow fgr, a supper party.. The United Student Fellowship of the Faith' Evangelical and .Re formed Char c.h will conduct church services at the Bellefonte County Home' for the, Aged,*ancl at the CoUnty Jail tomorroW. The group will meet at the church at 1:15 p.m: At. 6:30 p.m. 'tomor row the Rev. ' , Albert S. Asendorf, pastor of'. Faith Evangelical and Reformed Church, will speak to the Fellowship on "The Church Year." Stanley Davis, seventh seines -ter civil engineering major, will lead . , the worship service of the Student .Fellowship of St.. John's Evangelical United Er ethr en Church at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. The film. "Rumor. Clinic" will be shown. - Westminster Foundation of the Presbyterian Church will hear a discussion of "The Meaning of Holy Communion" by Donald Mc ilvride, program director of the foundation; Hal Leiper, program associate of the University Chris - tian Association; and the Rev. John S. Duley, student pastor of the foundation at 6:20 p.m. to morrow. Canterbury Club of , An dreW'S Episcopal Church will hold a supper at 5:30 p.m.. tomorrow, followed .by a student discussion on "Your Aim In. Life." Hillel Foundation will hold a Io.N and bagel brunch at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow. An open meeting of 'the' inter-faith committee' will be held at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Foundation. The •Hillel choir will meet at 4:30 p.m. Charity Dance Is Tonight in TUB The • annual Charity Drive sqUare dance, sponsored by Phi Sigma Sigma, will be held from 9 to 12 tonight in .the Temporary Union ; Building. Ticket's. may- still be purchased at.the.Student Union desk in Old Main; from any member. of Phi Sigma Sigma, or at admission time at the TUB. . Proceeds from the dance will be contributed to the national Heart Fund. drive to be used. for. Ire search on rheumatic fever. Ross Lytle, seventh semester recreation major, will be caller for the, square dance. Slide Showing Slated - By Graduate'Fireside . Slides from foreign - countrws will be. shown at the graduates International Fireside at17:30 Monday in 304 Old Main., .. • The group will also discuss fu ture programs, possibly, including a study and analysis of -CoMmun ism from a Christian. viewpoint, and cabin parties. • • The .meeting -is open to Amer ican and foreign gradlitae stu dents. . 180 Guests Are Inviteil To Joint Open HouSe,. . Gamma Phi Beta and Sigma Pi will hold an open riouse from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow•at - che Siena Pi chapter house. Approximately 180 guests, including instructors, State College business men, and townspeople, have been invited. The purpose of the open house is to foster good will '.Miorig::tlie University, townspeople and fret:- ernities.. • .. • • • • Social gala& Basketball, 'Penn - State -. vs. Syracuse, 8 tonight, Recreation• Hall. Chapel, The Rev. William - E: Kroll, speaker, 10:55 a.m., to morrow, Schwab Auditorium. University Symphony Or, , chestra, Winter Concert, 3 p.m.. tomorrow, Schwab Auditorium: 8-Week Students Asked To' Draw for Rooms Eight-week women students • without, definite room assign •ments_ for the spring semester ha4 . 6,,been asked to report to the , dean of women's office Monday• to draw for room se lection, according to Mrs. Cor delis H. Hibbs, assistant to the dean of women in charge of • housing. ' The office will be open for drawing froth 8 a.m.,,t0 noon and 'from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. co_edit3 • - Newly elected officers of • Sig ma Chi are Robert Homan, pres ident; Kenneth Blair, vice presi dent- George Dougherty, assistant pledge trainer; Andrew Smith, as sistant •treasurer; Michael Evan cho, Interfraternity Council rep resentative; Louis Richnak, cor responding secretary; Richard I._ohler, associate editor; Bernard Baymiller, historian; Edward Ly na caterer; and Dwight Spen cer, chorister. Kappa Sigma recently elected Jerry Donovan. president; Ra y Crahen; vice president; Bruce Smith, master of-- ceremonies; George Luce, secretary; Winfred Doederlein, treasurer: and Thom as Wilson and Robert Tisot, guards. Randall Owen was initiated in to the group. Engagements Cornog-Roberts Mr. and Mrs. George B. Rob erts of Washington and Pitts burgh annou 2e the engagement of their daughter June to Douglas Cornog, son of Dr. and Mrs. I. Clyde Cornog of Media. 'Miss Roberts attended the Uni versity of Pittsburgh and George Washington Unviersity and is now a candidate for her doctorate" at the University. Mr. Cornog received his bache :'s and master's degrees from the University. Meckley-Nesbit Mr. and Mrs. Quay. Nesbit of York announce the engagement of their daughter Patricia to Mi chael Meckley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meckley Jr. of York. Miss Nesbit is a fifth semester arts and letters major and a mem ber •of Kappa Kappa Gamma. • Mr. Meckley is a seventh semes ter industrial engineering major and a member of Theta Xi. Spatz-Beckley .Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beckley of Npw . Cumberland announce the engagement of their daughter Beverly to Neal Spatz, son of Mr. slid Mrs. Harold R. Spatz of Read ing. .Miss Beckley is a first semester bnsiness education majo r. Mr. Spatz is a fifth semester art edu cation major and a member of Acacia. Store Acquires New Addition Danks and Co. will expand its fldor space and provide additional services starting Feb. 1 when the firm takes - over the Allencrest Tea Room location at S. Allen st. and Beaver ave. . The restaurant was closed per manently Jan. 1. H. A. Robinson, presid.ent of Danks, said the move would" Mean immediate expansion of •the store's facilities. In addition to the merchandise now handled . in the three Allen St.-rooms, the store will have a greatly expanded yard goods and domestic department, a new household furnishing department, a large infant and children's de partment. and a new men's fur nishing- department.. (HE DAILY COLLEGIAN .:STATE COLLEGE. -PENNSYLVANIA Kroll - Slated To . Speak.- At. Chaet.. The Rev. William E. Kroll, minister of the Arlington .avenue Ptesbyterian Church in East Orange,N.J. ' will speak on the subject, "What Are You Making of Life?" at Chapel services at 10:55 a.m. tomorrow in Schwab Auditorium. The Rev. Kroll, graduated from the University in 1917 and com pleted his graduate work at Union Theological Seminary and Colum bia University. As an undergraduate at the University he served as class his torian •and was a member of Forensic Council and LaVie and Collegian staffs. He' was also a member of Phi Delta Theta and Alpha. Zeta, Skull and Bones, and Lion's Paw. The Rev. Kroll served as a first lieutenant during World War I. After the war he engaged 'in teaching and business, and was YMCA secretary at Wesleyan - College and with the National Council of YMCA. He was assistant , minister of the Second Congregational Church in Holyoke, Mass., and has been with the 'East Orange pastorate for 25 years. The Chapel Choir will sing the anthem, "0 Magnum Mysterium" (Victoria). • George -E. Ceiga, chapel organ ist, will play "Von Himmel kam der Engel Schar (From Heaven Came the Angel Star)" (Butt stedt) as the prelude, and "Der Tag der ist so Freudenreich (The Day Is So Full of Joy)" (Bach) as the postlude. Mille! to Show Film "The Affair Blum," a German picture with English subtitles, will be shown by the upperclass independents' group of Hillel Foundation at 2 p.m. tomorrow. Plans for next semester will -be made at .a meeting of the group following the showing of the film. • Breakfast ; SLr? Thirty-three white rats were sent to Waynesboro yesterday by the University to be used in an experiment being conducted by two University professors. The experiment is entitled the "Better Break fast Plan." The, experiment is under the direction of Dr. H. Bruce Bylund, assistant professor of rural sociol ogy at the University. Dr. Bylund is ,I,:ieing assisted by Dr. Katherine H. Fisher, assistant professor of food and nutrition, and the Frank lin County Extension Service. According to Dr. Fisher, a num ber of white rats were distributed to various classrooms throughout the Waynesboro Area School Sys tern and different types of break fasts—the inadequate, the aver age, and the better breakfast— will be fed to the animals to illus trate health conditions which are reflected by the three diets. If the rats follow form, they will be small, medium-sized, and big, depending on their breakfast menus, by the time the experi ment is completed at the • end of the month. It is hoped that the experiment will show the youngsters the need for a good . breakfast, Dr. Bylund said. The biggest problem, according to Dr. Bylund, is to keep the sym pathetic children from slipping Welcome '55 and welcome back all students. We hope you had an enjoyable holiday. Continue to enjoy yourself by coming to Barnard Tea Room for one of their delicious home-cooked meals. Barnard Tea Room 110 S. Barnard (1 block west of Atherton) Ferguson-Crav,en Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Craven of Aichboro announce the engage niri of their daughter Lois to Raymond Ferguson, son of Mr. an Mrs. Raymond Y. Ferguson of Downingtown. Miss Craven is a graduate of George School and the University. lir. Ferguson is also a graduate of the University. Birkin_ShaW-HeiSirig Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Hel sing of Wilkinsburg announce the engagement of their daughter. Margaret to Edward 'Birkinshaw Jr., son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Edward E. Birkinshaw of Wilkinsburg. Miss Helsing is a third semes terte- home economics major. Mr. Birkinshaw is a seventh semester in lustrial engineering major and a member of Phi Gamma Delta. Moliken-Boob Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Boob of Millheim announce the engage ment of their daughter Barbara to William Moliken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Moliken of Eddy stone. Miss Boob is a sophomore at Susquehanna University, major ing, in music education. Mr. Moliken is a seventh se mester fuel technology major. Durboraw-Myers Mr. and Mrs. Luther Myers. of New Oxford announce the en- gagement of their daughter Joyce to William Durboraw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Durboraw of Gettysburg. Miss Myers is attending York Beauty School. Mr. Durboraw is a fifth semes ter dairy science major and a member of Delta Theta Sigma. Wylie-Remus The engagement of her daugh ter Betty Lou to Robert Wylie, son of Mr. Henry J. Wylie of Philadelphia has been announced by Mrs. William Bemus of Bermzs Point, N.Y. Miss Bemus is a fifth semester physical education major and a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Mr. Wylie is a graduate of the University and a member of Pi Kappa Phi. "extras" to the undernourished animals and upsetting the test. Waynesboro was chosen, Dr. Bylund said, because it is typical of many Pennsylvania towns of its size. Lessons learned by using Waynesboro as a pilot community will be applied to similar educa tional programs to be conducted throughout th e Commonwealth, he said. 182 Students Apply For Contract Releases • One hundred and eighty-two men from the Nitta:ny and Pol lock area have applied. to be re leased from their dormitory con tracts for the coming semester, according to Otto E. Mueller, di rector of housing. Reasons are fraternity, 64; fi nancial, 33; noise; 21; . food, 18; to work, 13; downtown, 13; 'better housing, 8; graduate, 3; leaving school, 2; changing school, 2; mili tary service, 2; commute, 1; stu dent teach, 1; married, 1. Ph. AD 8-8311 Engag ments Pyle-Strom Mrs. F. B. Strom of Wilming ton, Delaware, announces the en gagement of her daughter Suz anne 'zo Ensign Louis Pyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Pyle of Swissvale. • ",amiss Strom is a seventh semes ter home economics major and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. Ensign Pyle, who is now in naval flight training at Pensacola, Fla, was graduated from the Uni versity in petroleum and natural gas engineering and is a member o' Phi Gamma Delta. • Roh/and-DeMartino Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMartino of Easton announce 'the engage ment of their daughter Grace to Robert Rohland, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Ray Rohland of Bethle hem. Miss DeMartino is a third se me.ster education major and is pledging Alpha Omicron Pi. Mr. Rohland is a seventh se mester recreation major and a member of the varsity basketball team. He is also a member of Phi Kappa Psi. Richards-Ciottd Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ciotto of New. Castle announce the •en gageinerit, of their' daughter "Pa tricia to Anthony Richards, •son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Rich ards of New Castle: • Miss Ciotto is employed as a secretary by the Liberty. Mutnal Insurance Company ih Ne w Castle. Mr. Richards is a seventh•:se mester industrial - engineering ma jor and a member of Theta Chi. Miller-Bonfanti Announcement of the engage ment of their daughter JoAnn, to Allison Miller Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Allison H. Miller of Kingston has been made by Mr. and • Mrs. Joseph G. Bonf anti of Forty- Fort. Miss Bonfanti is a lifth •se mester student and a member of Chi Omega. Mr. Miller is a third -semester student. , _ Saturday is a day of rest, enjoyment, and classes. However, this ' latter fate occurs only in the wee morn ing minutes, all afternoon is free. (We now hear loud cymbal clashes and drum rolls with scattered cheer ing). Why not take advan tage of your free time and get ' down to Simon's. The Semi-Annual Clearance Sale is still in progress and going strong. (Again more cheer ing). Been wanting a nice pair of blue or black suede shoes? Or how about a tan, black, or blown school handbag? Get a runner in that last pair of stockings? Let's go keeds Simon's offers as much as 50% off. This is what you've been waiting for with eager palpitating anticipation. So get out your money belt and make the move to Simon's. PAGE FIVE SWEET SATURDAY ! 109 S. Allen St.
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