PAGE- .'IG!4T Discrimination.-- (Continued from page one) decision was left up to the frat ernity. He explained further that the University dc:e.s not allow clisc..rim ination in professional societies, but felt that in the ease of a so cial fraternity where neople must live together, it should he left up to . the group. In. view of . the dissatisfaction expressed over ;the motion by Cabinet members, Nancy Ward; acting chairman of Judicial, pro posed a substitute motion which was also . defeated; none for, 16 against, and eight abstentions. Ward's Proposal Miss Ward's proposal was 's follows: "Resolved: That Cabinet commend those student organiza tions on this campus that have struck out discriminatory clauses in their charters in regard to race or national origin." Diehl McKalip, chairman of the Board of Publications, spoke against the substitute, saying that by lauding some who take an ac tion those who do not are con demned by implication. 'No Cabinet Action' Robert Dennis, president of the Association of Independent Men said he felt Cabinet should not take any action on the issue. "Dis crimination to end discrimination is sometimes worse than discrimi nation itself," he said. Fielding gave two reasons for making his proposal. "We have become a University and are re garded as such," he said. " 'University' implies the stu dents can transcend petty preju dices and choose their friends on the basis of cultural and intel lectual standards and not by an act of God," he said. Fielding's Reasons He also asked why people of all races should pay taxes for the support of a state institution if their kin cannot be admitted to any and all organizations. "I'm not trying to cram the idea down anyone's throat," he said, "I just want Cabinet to show sym pathy for the idea." ' The Palace of Holyrood House, hi Edinburgh, is the official resi dence of the British sovereign in Scotland. CLASSIFIEDS LOST GREEN WALLET between Beaver and Fairmount on Pugh. Reward. Ruth lift, 223 E. Prospect AD 7-2134 after 5 p.m. WHOEVER. TOOK wrong raincoat Thurs day from first floor Willard call Chiz Mathias ext 265. I have yours. SHAKESPEARE BOOK in 228 Sparks on ' Sat. Dec. 18. Please call Jo, 222 Mc- Elwain. Urgently needed- BUS. STAT.' 1 Text name inside cover Please call Theo Balbanis AD 7-4908. RING John Bartram High 1949. Lost December 17 vicinity Atherton Dorm. Please call Bill. Phone AD 7-4232. WATCH LADIES' Bulova Embraceable, white gold, vicinity of Rec Hall and Nittany Lion Inn, Saturday, Dec. 11. Re. ward, call Ernie, AD 8-5051 Ext. 790, .1r... &E SLIDE RULE--Eng. Bldg.. Wed. afternoon. Contact Raymond Carlin. Sig. ma Pi. AD 7-4928. Reward. FOR RENT DESIRABLE CORNER Room with running water, central location, oil beat. Room for one man. Call AD 7-4850 or AD 7-7792 Ask for C.R. ATTENTION: Quiet and studious BOYS THAT GO HOME WEEKENDS are you wishing to change your room and pay board on a five day basis and do not know where to turn? Dial ADams 7-2877 between 6-9 p.m. Mrs. Madore will be glad to help you find a room in College Heights close to the Ag Building and Library. You need not walk to town for your meals. The Ag Hill Dining Room serves well balanced family style meals on a five day basis with a weekly, monthly, or semester rate. RENT A CAR. Have all the conveniences a private car affords. Call Al) 7-4712 for rates. Lemont Motors Inc. GRADUATE STUDENT or upper classman wanted as replacement in double room with running water, central location, oil heat. Call AD 7-4850 or 7-7792. Ask for C.R. WANTED THESES. TERM PAPERS. etc. typed. Call ext. 509 before five. after five AD 7-3372. Ask for Sandra. NEED AN apartment for two or three upper classmen for spring semester. Call Angelo at AD 7-7137 after six. GIRL WANTED to share centrally located apartment. Call AD 7-3908 after 5. PASSENGERS WANTED RIDERS TO Miami, Fla. Leaving anytime after Jan. 22 returning Feb. 3. Call ext. 1190. Frank Black. MISCELLANEOUS PROMENADE YOUR Partner, Bub, and swing her right down to the TUB for Phi Sigma Sigma's square dance, Sat. Jan. 8 9-12 p.m. Tickets available at Student Union desk. GENERAL TYPING thesis, term papers, etc. Phone Al) 7-2904 after 5 p.m. IS YOUR typewriter giving you trouble? I 2 so, just dial AD 7-2492 or bring ma chine to 633 W. College Ave., State College. lAPhiO Will Install Officers Tonight 'Alpha Phi Omega, national ser vice fraternity, will hold initia tions for its pledges s.ncl installa tion for its new officers tonight in the State College liotel. Mem bers may purchase tickets from any of the officers. The officers to be installed are: president, Daniel VanDuyne; vice president. Richard Walchili; sec ond vice president, Samuel Webb; third vice president, Allen Pom eroy; treasurer, Jerry Bogutz. Recording secretary, John Tun nel; corresponding secretary, Ro- On 33 1 / 2 LONG PLAY CLASSICAL RECORDS Now you can buy the records you've wanted at NEW LOW PRICES, and still see and hear them before you buy. When you shop at a recognized Music Store, you're sure you'ili buying what you want. Stop hi and take your pick of our HUGE SELECTION of these quality records by famous labels. Prices quoted are in effect N 0 W I - EEG. $5.95 33 1/3 LONG PLAY CL.,;.:_SSICS S. FRAZIER ST. THE -DAILY - COLLEGIAN STATE - COLLEGE: PENNSYLVANIA 'True Story' Contest Offers 157 Prizes True Story magazine is offer ing $40,000 in cash prizes .for sub mitted true stories in their fifth a:_nual contest. One hundred and fifty-seven cash prizes, including a first prize of $5OOO, wiil be awarded to the best entrants. The only major re quirement is that the true story be v - ritten honestly and sincerely, the editors of True Story have an nounced. Full contest details are in the current issue of the magazine. bert Shreve; historian, Douglas Moorehead; and sergeant at arms, Orrin Barr. This Is Not A Sale! All New. Stock! All Reductions In Effect Until Further Notice! OPEN" EVERY EVENING UNTIL .9 P. M. a , •• 4 . •-*“-••• ,•• • • 4"•?; .. ;i . • • RCA-Victor • Columbia • London 4 ) Weslminisfer • Mercury AD 7-2130 Entrance tude for college work be ex - . . panded. • The ' group' propoSed the 'tests (Continued from vage two) because of the variation in eduda posed that the dean of admis- , tional standards among high sions announce that he will now !schools and of the possibility that acce :the student had not worked up to pt the results of College ;his ability though he may have-an Entrance Board Examinations as ;inherent ability to do college a substitute for the University's present entrance examinations. I work. In 5. The subcommittee also rec- i 6., the final proposal, the group recommended that a coro nations that aptitude exami mitts* be appointed to consider nations be given to all entering means to stimulate greater in data be collected and carefully freshmen. It suggested • that the terest in the University among qualified high school appraised against . high school the better rank and college performance, students of Pennsylvania. The group also asked that the program now in use for improv ing methods of measuring , apti- THESE LABELS INCLUDED REG. $4.95 33 1/3 LONG PLAY CLASSICS FRIDAY. JANUARY 7; 1955 FOR BEST RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS • • . '.., . . '''..l. , :'.';. . ~,-,:•..,,:/..',:,.',/ „ ..• 4 :A.:: ..•.':,.., .i , ' , ',: ..? . ..i •'.":::' :i .• .. 2 ; ..' i.-. , ,l ', .:.,.•;„ ' ,:.,,, ;',.".7... .1..:::,•;-.7,:i.•:,- , 4. ..M..., , , ,. , : -. , .. , ,..: ; : • ' STATE COtg,94, •.:1,.
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