RAGE TWO Stu tents Involved in Three students escaped serious injury Thursday night when they were involved in an, automobile pileup on S. Atherton street, near the community athletic field. The three were treated •at the Uni versity Hospital and released yes terday. The accident occurred at 11:45 p.m. Tuesday. Robert Jackson, graduate student in dairy science, slowed down his vehicle to make a left turn into a S. Atherton street Orientation Program Heard By LA Council Liberal Arts Council Monday night heard three suggestions from Nancy Seiler, chairman -of the Liberal Arts freshmen orien tation committee, aimed at im proving the orientation program of the college. The suggestions included: a reading list explaining the sig nificance of ' Liberal Arts, to be distributed either during the sum mer or after students arrive on campus; a series of three lectures; and a compulsory one-credit orientation class. The council approved the idea of an orientation class and voted to incorporate the other two sug gestions into this class. Details must still be worked out, how ever. Council also approved a motion by Nancy Ward that the list of recommended readings be sent to freshmen before they arrive on campus so they will have an op portunity to read articles which may help them in their class work. Watson Lesse, council president, appointed George Buckhout and Elizabeth Jones as co-chairmen of the Liberal Arts open house committee. Rose Mazza was also appointed to replace Mary Lee Lauffer on the Liberal Arts college evalu ation committee. Accounting Club to Mee The Accounting Club will nomi nate officers for the coming year at 7 tonight in 418 Old Main. Fol lowing the meeting the club will tour the University's accounting offices. Students interested may attend. r O 4 wy:to ilk s • ,ii ''' . ••• — "• ( . 2 1- 6 ), ''' - VA = ' Rft , 73 1 9 °‘.1 •-•';',". i. .ti, V.4.:f0:. , :ii);;}.1!.... 44..,..,..:;*:t.., ''S ..46 - . : , . 1 .,C1i . ' , ':. 41:: . For the gift you'll give with pride. Let your jeweler be your guide. B. P. MOYER, Jeweler 218 E. College Ave. service station when a - car oper ated by Philip Stover, seventh semester mechanical engineering major, came up rapidly, striking the left rear of the Jackson car. Stover -told' borough police that he was attempting to pass Jack son when he suddenly saw an oncoming truck from the opposite direction. He said he then col lided with Jackson's car. For more than 60 feet the-two cars skidded. Jackson's car then rolled over and came to a stop Young GOP's To Go Hollywood The campus' young Republi cans will involve themselves in a purely non-political deal to night. The Penn State Young Repub lican Club is sponsoring two showings, of a film, "The Outlaw." It is not about Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.). The film will be shown at 7 and 9 p.m. in 119 Osmond. Even Democrats may attend, providing they have the 20 cent toll. This charge, however, has been termed a "donation" by the Young GOP's. That's politics for you. Outing Club to Hold 'Santa Shindig' Tonight A "Santa Shindig" for Outing Club members and friends will be held at 7 tonight in the Tempor ary Union Building. Members interested in taking a ski trip to New England be tween semesters may sign up at the party. The club will hold an ice skat ing party at Beaver Dam Sunday with supper at the forestry camp. Interested students may meet at 2 p.m. in back of Old Main. The wild game feed originally sched uled for Sunday has been post poned ,until January. Exam Conflict Deadline Students who have two final examinations scheduled for the same time or three on one day may file conflict cards for the last time tomorrow in the schedul ing office, 2 Willard. Mil Bail Weekend . - So make this weekend an outstanding one all the way around take your girl to Barnard Tea Room! Here you will be served an appetizing meal in a pleasant atmosphere by candlelight. You will have a choice of steaks, chops, and seafood with everything to go with them. Barnard Tea _Room 110 S. BARNARD, 1 block west of Atherton AD 8-831,1 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANTA Car Crash upside down. Jackson and Jasper Liotta, seventh semester ^om merce major, a passenger in the car, each made their way out of the car with minor injuries. At the University Hospital, Jackson was released after first receiving attention for two slight bruises of the leg. Liotta was treated for an ankle bruise. Stover suffered from a cut on the thumb. • Damage to Stover's car was es timated at $l5OO and the Jackson damage was estimated at $2OOO. Second Recital By Faculty To Be Sunday The second in a series of fac ulty recitals sponsored by the de partment of music will be pre sented at 4 p.m. Sunday in Schwab Auditorium. Barry Brinsmaid will accom pany Raymond Brown, baritone, on the piano. Both are assistant professors of music. Included in the first part of the program will be "My Heart Now Is Merry," Bach; "I Saw My Lady Weep," Dowland; "The Self-ban ished," Blow; "Beat° Chi Puo," Cavalli;..and "Danza, Danza, Fan ciulla Gentile," Durante. • The second part will open with "Andenken" an d "Sehnsucht," Beethoven, and conclude with "Litanei," "Fischerweise," an d "Gesange des Harfners" (No. 1), Schubert. Featured in part three will be "Don Quichotte A Duleinee," Ra vel. The final part will include "The Light That Is Felt," Ives; "Rain Has Fallen" 'and "The Queen's Face on the Summery Coin," Bar ber; "Silent Noon," Williams; and "The Eighth-note Lilt" (first per formance), Cowell. Grad Appointed Head . Of Illinois University Dr. David D. Henry, a 1926 graduate of the University, has been appointed president of the University of Illinois. • He succeeds Dr. George D. Stod dard, who was graduated from, the University in 1921. Dr. Henry wa s previously president of Wayne University.. Office To Six Six _students have been placed on office probation by the disciplinary subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Stu dent Affairs. Five of the six students had been recommended for dis ciplinary probation by the Association of Independent Men's Judicial Board of Review. The recoMmeridation for office probation for the sixth student was upheld, despite the student's appeal. Four of the five whose penalties were lessened had ap pealed. The four students who appealed the recommendation of disciplin ary probation were involved in a shaving cream and water battle in McKee Hall during the Pitt- Penn State weekend. During the subcommittee's re view of the AIM recommendations the men admitted having taken part in the battle but said they felt the recommended penalty was too severe. Placed on Transcript A notation of disciplinary pro bation is - placed on a student's permaent official transcript. It may not be removed until his eighth semester when he may pe tition the subcommittee to have it erased. There is no transcript notation when a student is placed on office probation. However, a record of the action is kept in the dean of men's office, and, according to As sistant Dean of Men Harold W. Perkins, is taken into considera tion if the student is involved in further disciplinary action. The second case resulted from a line cutting fist fight in the Pol lock dining hall lines the night of the dining hall Thanksgiving dinner. Both men involved were placed on office probation. Sentence Reduced The student who struck the student who had cut into line out of turn had been recommend ed for disciplinary probation. However, his sentence was re duced to one of office probation. According to Perkins, the . sub committee felt both students had an equal responsibility for the fight and both should be penal ized equally. The student who was struck ap pealed the recommendation of of fice probation, but the appeal was denied. One-inch Snowfall To Cover Campus Approximately an inch of snow will cover the campus by this evening following a snowfall that was scheduled to begin last night, the University weather station has reported. The snow will continue on an intermittent basis throughout the day before it ends tonight, a weather station spokesman said. Temperature-wise, the mercury, following a high of 35-38 degrees today, will dip to about 20 tonight. Last night's low was about 27. - 1E" NOW "PRINCESS OF THE NILE" Debra Jeff Paget Hunter keeee Alan Ladd "DRUM BEAT" Cinema Scope ;, ,i, , , • Doors • !... . " Open 6 p.m. Rita Hayworth Miss Sadie Thompson Jose Ferer - Aldo Ray THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1954 ProbtionGivert. : MO by .Seinate, Britishers To Debate ATBTonight Two University debaters and two debaters from England's Ox ford University will discuss the permanent exclusion of Commun ist China from the United Nations at 8 tonight in Schwab Auditor ium: Representing the University 'in the 20-year-old rivalry between Penn State and Oxford will be Benjamin Sinclair, seventh semes ter arts and letters major, and David Meckler, seventh semester pre-medical major. They will sup port the negative side of the topic, "Resolved: That the permanent exclusion of Communist China from the United Nations would be a negation of the purposes of that organization.", The British debaters, who will support the affirmative, are Derek Bloom and Peter Nannay Bailey Tapsell, both Conservatives. Both sides will present a 15 min ute constructive speech and a five to seven minute rebuttal. Richard C. Mahoney, assistant to ,the dean of the College of Lib eral Arts, will act as monitor in the non-decision meet. Bloom and Tapsell will be at the University as part .of a three month tour of forty colleges and universities. The tour' was ar ranged by the Institute of Inter national Education in' cooperation with the Speech Association of America. Wherry Is Named , To Insurance Group Ralph H. Wherry, head of the department of commerce, has been made an honorary member of the National Insurance Buyers As sociation for distinguished service to the insurance industry. Wherry was instrumental in bringing the first conference of industrial buyers to the Univer sity in October, 1953. KEEP ALERT FOR A - BETTER POINT AVERAGE! Don't let 'that "drowsy feel ing" cramp your style in class . or when you're "hitting the books". Take a NoDoz Awakener! In a fewininutes, you'll be your normal best... wide awake . . . alert! Your doctor will tell you—NoDoz Awakeners are safe as coffee.' Keep a pack handy! "Phi-Beta" pack 35 tablets in handy tin dioie rs_ 7 i
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