SityrUpdrie, iNCAIEIVABER 1954 Rooters Lions Seek Undefeated Campaign By' ROY 'WILLIAMS Seven Lion booters will play their final game today when Penn State wraps up its 1954 soccer season against the Red and Blue Quakers of Penn.. Penn State 'will boast the same lineup spotted with ten lettermen who have been the pulverizing force behind its winning str e a k of seven games. Penn ; however, served notice to the Lions to beware—altliough,the Quakers show a 5-4-1 record—by clipping Rutgers, 13-2, yesterday. to' score, the biggest rout of the season for Penn's coach Charley Scott. On paper and in a pre-season forecast the Quakers were prob ably given the - nod as being one of the top potential squads in. the East with eight lettermen return ing from a team that posted an 8-3 record in 1953. Penn Vets Return Some famiilar faces that will greet the Lions when they meet the Quakers on River iField at 2 p.m. Penn will be paced by All- American lineman Gabor Czako along with Bob Hennesy, Henry Palm, and Bill Van Eestereem on the front line. In the backfield Coach Scott will have a similar array of veteran strength with Bruno Dairo, Fred Tucker, and Joe Morro pacing the defensive game. Last year Czako and Hennessy served as the Red and Blue's one two scoring punch. Against Rut gers the same team riddled the scarlet net for a total df seven goals with Czako collecting five. Of the seven soccermen who will don their blue and white uni fOrins •for' their final collegiate match for Penn State six of them will be members of the first team. 3 Senior Linesmen. _ Captain Jack Pinezich and Joe Mijares, both front-line wingmen, are the only seniors on the Lions' forward wall. Chuck Snyder, playing in the substitute role this season, is also a senior lineman. . In the - backfield, how,ever, Hos terinan will see four of his vet erans handle their final soccer chores. Halfback Gerry Gillispie and fullbacks Paul Dierks, Bob Little, and Galen Robbins are seniors. Penn State's undefeated squad has scored 42 goals in seven con tests this fall to write in aA new record for team scoring by sur passing the 1952 mark of 41 goals in nine games. The Lions have been. equally as rugged on, defense by posting three shutouts and allowing four other teams only five points. Syra cuse was the only team to get more than one goal on the Lions when they bowed to the Nittany team, 9-2. Tentative Starting Lineups PENN STATE. PENN Geczy ' G - Linkoff Robbins RFB . Dairo Dierks LFB Tucker Flamporis RHB -.. O'Neil Stelnyk CHB • "Morro Gillispie '•• LHI3 Rieger Mijares '" OR - Tyrrell Springer IR ' Hennessy Packer CF• • . .Yarnell Matacia • IL Czako Pinezich (Capt.) OL--.. Gutierrecz PRINTING Letterpress, - Offset Commercial 352 E. College Ave. , THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, - STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Meet Penn in Soccer Finale f.::~ w " .. ... ~~~.:..; w. .. .':4;;Af' •;,fsz.o;34F-7:74.: • , , , • - PICTURED ABOVE is Coach , ICen Hosterman (extreme left, front row) and his undefeated soccer squad which has steamrolled over seven opponents this -fall. Today the Lions will battle Penn in an effort to post the first undefeated Pigskin Coin Flips .. Out On a Limb Rip Engle, chief member of the Penn. State football coaching circle, makes his first showing this afternoon in the weekly grid prediction classic as the quartet of swamies make their ninth and final journey out on the proverbial branch to write finis to a sea son of pigskin coin flipping marred by the old nemesis of gridders and coaches—upsets. After bowing, to the Nittany Lion coaching staff in the initial outings, Daily Collegian sports writer Roy Williams surged into the lead and since has been nothing short of selfish with the number one position. At the present he owns a .691--.616 percentage-wise edge over Collegian sports editor and second-place Dick McDowell. Elghty three correct picks and only 37 wrong calls have accounted for Williams' top position. McDowell, who 'finished second in last year's predictions, came about his .616 pace on a 74-46 performance. Herm Weiskopf, assistant scribe, is currently third man in the picks, one position ahead of his final standing a year ago. Seventy three correct choices and 47 negative decisions have given him a .608 average to date. And last but (have to say it to keep up with the 'tradition) not least are the Lion mentors. Undoubtedly Engle is putting forth an eleventh hour _effort to get his cohorts out of the damp confines. Polish up your nickles and dimes boys. This is it! i McDowell Weiskopf Williams Coaches (.616) (.608) (.691 ) Baylor-SMU SMU SMU SMU SMU Calif. -Stanford , Calif. Calif. Calif. Calif. Columbia-Rutgers Rutgers Rutgers Columbia Rutgers Duke-So. Carol. Duke Duke Duke - Duke Fordharn-Syra.- Syracuse Syracuse Syracuse Syracuse Harvard-Yale Yale Harvard Harvard Yale Illinois -Northwest. Illinois Noithwest. Northwest. Illinois Indiana-Purdue Purdue Purdue Purdue Purdue lowa -Notre Dame lowa N. Dame lowa lowa Kansas-Missouri Missouri Missouri Missouri Missouri LSU-Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Michigan -Ohio St. Ohio St. Ohio St. Ohio St. Ohio St. Minnesota-Wisc. Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Rice-TCU UCLA-South Cal.. UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA Fastest Service at Regular Prices NITTANY Cleaners 23-Hr. Service in by 7:00 p.m. back by 6:00 p.m. "All Work Guaranteed" at your student dry cleaning agency f1.:7 1 51z , • grqbK '" PY'".WARN Eltd"'''''''' aggtaWn Bing Crosby Palmy Kaye Rosemary Clooney Vera-Ellen "WHITE CHRISTMAS" fs boors Open . , 1 p.m. 1 Marlon Brando "VIVA ZAPATA" with Jean Peters soccer season since it was done five years ago. This team set a new record in team scoring with 42 goals in only seven contests to sur pass a two-year record of 41 goals in nine games set, in 1952. .•rx:~n;:;:: a~..::z:.....~ "4 V '..• ~.-~:.~:.~.,r. i3` a' r .~~ t , ^. MEE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Successor, to THE FREE LANCE, est. IF Published Tuesday through Saturckfy mornings inclusive during the University year by the staff of The Daily Collegian of The Pennsylvania State University. Entered as second-class matter July 6, 1934, at the State College, Pa., Post Office under the act of March 3, 1879. Diehl AicKalip Frank Creasman Editor , Business Mgr. STAFF THIS ISSUE: Dick Mc- Dowell, Herm Weiskopf, Roy Williams, Ron Gatehouse, Fran Fanucci, Joe Cheddar. ANYTIME IS SPIJDNUT TIME! Spudnut Shop, AD 8-6184 Fraternity deliveries before 7 a.m. •, • Cinema Scope "BLACK WIDOW" Ginger Van • Gene Rogers Heflin Tierney Delicious HOT FUDGE Your favorite ice cream flavor topped with lus cious hot fudge, tasty whipped_ cream, and a cherry Rea & Derick The Store That Serves 'Old I ronsides' At Stake Today "Old Ironsides," the well-worn trophy symbolic of football su premacy between Penn State, Pitt and West Virginia, discovers its fate for another year today, when the Lions and Pitt meet at Pitt Stadium. Held . now by West Virginia, the trophy could switch to Pitt hands today, should the Panthers beat Penn State. West Virginia has beaten Penn State, but lost to Pitt in their meeting, so a win today for the Jungle Cats would give them the right to the trophy. The Lions could bring a three-way tie by beating the Panthers. OEM rot .• 1 • 4 w Beats the stuffing out of allow transportation! Storms can't can cel your trip. Traffic jams can't make you miss vacation dates, or get you back to the campus late. And it's more fun traveling by train with your crowd, enjoying swell dining car meals en route. • Save 25% or More And this is gravy I Travel home . and back with two or more friends on Group Coach Tickets. On most trips of 100 miles or more, you each save 25% of usual round-trip rate, Still better, gather 25 or more to travel long-distance to gether on the same homeward , train. Then return singly or to gether, and each save 28% of the regular coach round-trip fare_ Get the Full Facts trona Your Railroad Ticket Agent Well in Advance Eastern Railroads PAGE THREE
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