TUESDAY. APRIt. '6. =1954 WRA Announces Aqu.acade Cast Names of the participants of the ten divisions in the annual Wo men's Recreation Association Aquacades, "The - Aqua Daily," to be given at 8 p.m. April 9 and 10 at White Hall pool, have been an nounced by Patricia Colgan, president of the WRA Swimming Club There will be nearly 100 swimmers. The theme for the show is based on a newspaper, and each of- the ten sections will represent a part of the newspaper. Sandra Dahlinger 'and Jane La mont will direct Sue Conway, Jo- Ann Fulton, Alice Gorka, Ann Hafer; Elaine Harding, Fra:nciS Hoffman, Patricia Jones, Barbara Kabeakjian, Marcia Manley, and Mary Phillips in "Headlines" which will be the first 'number Following this, Nancy Fisher and Patricia Olkkonen will pre sent "Travel," the second- section of the newspaper. The number "Weather Forecast" will be directed by Barbara Sei fert With Margaret Beling, Mar that Fleming, Susan Pentz, Joan Perry, Margaret Porterfield, Gin ger Rife, Nancy Sauer, Carol Thompson, Sandra Weichel, and Anne Wenzel as the swimmers. Miss Olkonnen will direct "Sports" as well as swimming in one of the other numbers. The swimmers for this part are Mar jorie Blank, Elaine Bohus, Su zanne Mann, Alice Thornton, Peggy Davis, Patricia Essley; Ma rie-Louise Kean, and Nancy Seil er. Grant to Direct "Financial" will be dirvted by Judith Grant and induct% Betty Bemus, Sue Copper, Dolores Hep ler, Karin Peterson, Nancy Peter son, Joan Reitz, and Betty Wilton: - Sylvia Crum, Miss Lamont, Miss Seifert, and Constance Weitknecht will present "Comics." "Movie News," under the direc tion of Eleanor Gwynn, will have Betty Bell, Amber Hassinger, Alice Haviland, Ann Hutchison, Patricia McLauchlin, Shirley Mix, Phyllis Richards, and Martha Ro jahn as participants.' Society and Theater "Society and Theater" will -be presented by,. Miss Colgan and Miss - Gwynn. Miss Rojahn and Miss Richards will •direct "Fashions" in which Majorie Entwisle, Jean Eyerman, Ann 'Hades y, Shirley Kay, Barbara Knoebel, Jeanette Kohl, Shirley Martin, Janet Murdock, Nancy Ritter, Peggy Trevorrow, Nancy "Walter, JoAnne Watts, and Rebecca Zahm will participate. "New.s in Review," the final se lection, will be under the direction X 1995 ALL WHITE WHITE WITH NAVY ALL COLORS & SIZES Co-edit. Kappa Delta Rho • Kappa Delta Rho selected Mar jorie Miller, fifth semester home economics major, sweetheart of the fraternity at their Rose For mal Saturday. Fred Waring chose the three finalists for sweetheart from photographs submitted to him. Ellsworth Smith, newly elected president, received the, fraternity gavel from Thomas Pyle, outgo ing president, at the annual pledge banquet. Delia Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi recently pledg ed Roy Ellenberger, Gerald Uram, John Phillips, Robert . Gro v e, William Shawley, and Idris Jones. Phi Mu Delta Phi Mu Delta recently pledged Warren Davis, George Hankins, Bruce Kempf, Lawrence Lyford, Alfred Taylor, Carl Tilmont, and David Walker. Alpha Gamma Delta Recently pledged by Alpha Gamma Delta were Elizabeth George, Jeanne Maxwell, and Mir iam Palyzow. Alpha Gamma Rho Alpha Gamma Rho recently en tertained Delta Delta Delta at 'a square dance at the Chapter house. Refreshments followed the danc ing. Chi Omega Chi Omega recently honored its graduating seniors with a dinner at the Tavern. Chemistry Society Pledges 11 Women lota Sigma Pi, national honor ary women's chemical society, has pledged Irene Rondish, Lorelie Gaylord, Elizabeth Cooke, Nancy Eisley, Helen Donn, Judith Mur phy, Lois Benham, Carol Jones, Ann Parks, Marjorie Allison, and Jane Mertz. The society recen ITh — el - dits an nual banquet at the Autoport Restaurant. of Miss Colgan and will include Anna Mae Clauser, Eleanor , r, 1 _;uson, litical conventions. During the aizabeth George, Diane Haines, last 10 years she has been on the Mary Krause, and Joy Schiller. New York Times staff. .14 SOUTH ALLEN ST. STATE COU.EGE,PA THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE: PENNSYLVANIA WSGA Senate Asks For 'Clean-up' Hours The Senate of Women's Stu dent Government Association last week recommended that four or five women from each Spring Week Carnival group be granted 12 o'clock permis sions to work on clean-up. The recommendation must be ap proved by the Senate commit tee on student affairs before it becomes official. Previously coeds had been granted 11:15 pan. permissions for the two nights of the carni val, May 12 and 13. ewswo m n Will Speak At Dinner Bess Furman, member of the Washington bureau of the New York Times, will speak at the Matrix Table at 6:30 p.m. Monday in• the Nittany Lion Inn. Miss Furman will speak on "Washington Personalities" at the dinner sponsored annually by Theta Sigma Phi, national wo men's journalism fraternity. Mrs. Milton S. Eisenhower, Dean of Women, Pearl 0. Weston, and approximately 110 women stu dents have made reservations for the Matrix Table. Reservations cost $2.75 and may be made until 5 p.m. Wednesday at the Student Union desk in Old Main. Reserva tions may be made upon presen tation of a card enclosed with in vitations. Wrote History of White House Miss Furman is author of "White House Profile," a political social history of the executive mansion from its occupancy by John and Abigail Adams in 1800 through the Harry S. Truman ad ministration. She also wrote "Washington By- Line," an autobiographical ac count of 20 years as a Washing ton newspaperwoman from 1929, when she -joined the Washington bureau of the Associated Press, to 1949. Included in the book is the Truman great upset election. Rode on Campaign Trains Miss urman has cover- d` al first ladies since Lou Henry Hoo ver and has ridden on the Roose velt and Hoover campaign trains She has covered four national po Inquirin Re, orter 11.1 Approval Voiced On ‘Shorts'Regulation By NANCY WARD . Eleven women students ques tioned Thursday by the Inquiring Reporter expressed approval, and one disapproval, of the Bermuda short ruling passed Wednesday night by Senate of Women's. Stu dent Government Association. The women were asked, 'What is your opinion of the ruling passed Wednesday night by. WSGA. Senate that will allow co eds to wear Bermuda shorts on campus when going to and from recreational activities?" The students and their opinions are: Jeanette Turner, second semes ter arts and letters major: "I think it's a good idea: I can't see any thing wrong with it and don't see why they didn't have it before." Bonnie Brush, fourth semester medical technology major: "It's a very good idea• because they're comfortable for recreational ac tivities and women at most col leges are allowed to wear them." Marilyn Gourley, eighth semes ter chemistry .m a j or : "I don't think they look very nice on,cam pus and I don't like the shorts myself." Nancy Morgan, second semes ter arts and letters major: "I think girls -should be allowed to wear Bermuda shorts, but I agree with the ruling that they should not be permitted to wear them to class or in dining halls." Olivia Lauer, second semester home economics major: "I think it's pretty fair and a good idea that we're allowed to wear them to and, from recreational activi ties. However, • I believe coeds should be allowed to - wear Ber muda shorts in their dormitory lounges." Gertrude Kittelberger, sixth se mester medical technology ma jor: "I think it's all right. I think girls look chic in Bermuda shorts and they're comfortable for rec reation." Donna Lucas, fourth semester business administration major: "I think it's a good idea with one exception. I can't see how they can regulate what we wear in town." Mary Darbie, sixth semester home economics major: "I feel that it's perfectly all right to wear Bermuda shorts, and if you can wear them to recreational activi ties, you can wear they any place else that's suitable for Bermuda shorts." Betty Weston, sixth semester physical education major: I think it's a very good idea because it eliminates the necessity of hav ing to wear a long coat on warm days when you want to play ten nis or go on a picnic." Brenna Hartman, fourth semes ter home economics major: "I think it's a pretty good idea be cause most of the girls want to go up to the tennis courts in Ber muda shorts without a long coat that they have to throw on the ground. Besides, Bermuda shorts aren't very revealing." . Diane Lee, second semester ele mentary education major: "I think that since shorts are prohibited on campus, Berumuda shorts are a compromise suitable for recre ational activities. I think it's a good idea they passed the rule." Nancy King, fourth semester elementary education • major: "I think coeds should be allowed to wear Bermuda shorts on campus because they are allowed to at other colleges. I think the ruling is a step forward over the past." Senate Will Not Meet Senate of Women's Stu dent Government Association will not meet this week. -!'e;t«e c. PAGE' FIVE ...i .-L.' .., '", „c , • :;;;;`,..st • f •: Y r":".c^' , :.• • ; "•e*2.,'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers